WOMAN NOW IN PEPiFECTHEALTH What Came From Reading a Pin khan Advw luemenL PaUnon, N. J. — " I that k you for tka I.ydia K. Plakham a* th*y baulthy. ^uom> lima ago I felt 90 run down, bat] peins in my back and aide, wa.< wry iirrfgulur, ttr*H, n«-rvou», had mieh b ad~dr«ama, did not lan uau eat ing and had uhort breath. I read your advertisement in liie ncw«pap«n and decfdul to try a Dome or i^yaja c..rm» ham's Vegetable Compound, it worked from the first bottle, to I took a second •nd a third, also a bottle of Lydia E. ■ Pink hem'» Blood Purifier, and now I am Just a* well u any other woman. I ad vise every w > .an, (ingle or married, who la trooL.^u with any of the afore Mid ailment*, to try your wm.de rful Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier and I tun cure they will help her to get rid of her troubles as they did me." - Mrs. Klsib J. Van dkr Sani.k, 2ti No. York Paterson, N. J. Write the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., (confidential > Lynn, Mius, if you *eed special advice. CONFESSED COMMITTING MURDER 25 YEARS AGO. Missisippi Farmer, on Death Bed, Admitted Part in Crime. Columbia. Miss., March 10.—The sheriff* office here t'xlay revealed that Joseph Beard, an aged u. mer who lived near here, and who died last Sunday, confessed on his death bed that -o years ago he and two other men murdered Wm. Buckley, in this suction, for which crime William Pur vis, who lives in Lamar county* Miss., escaped death l>y hanging only because the noo. e about his neck slipped after the trap had been sprung Buckley and a brother, according to the story revealed to the authorities, gave information concerning a secret band of "White Cappers" who oper ated in that section in 1SUJ and shortly afterv. aids Buckley wa.: shot from am bush. Purvis was convicted of the murder after a sensational trial and was sen tenced to be hanged. Hundreds gathered to witness the ex ution. But aiter t'le trap was sprung, the noose slipped and Purvis fell from the scaffold unharmed. Many* of the spectators. uperstitlou., over the thvvu led execution, induced the au th to i I. e rvis i.i jr:l and an apj t to governor r - ulted in cominL'tati'. i ' his death sentatfee to life imprisonment. Pur\'is was par dontd several years later. Beard, attaches of the sheriff's of fice said, first con hissed his part in Buckley's murder to members of a re-* ligiuus sect which he recently joined, in order to clea his conscience. Later when Beard was convinced he was dy ing, the authorities were ■ notified. Be.- id. it wa: .stated, gave the names of two other men who he said partici pated with him in the murder nnd the aut'ioi dies said they knew where to locate them, but declined to say whe'her any action against them was contemplated. Fresh Fish Stand! Will deliver at your homes. Phone me your want*. Dock Gwyn. PHONE 269 Wood's Special Grass Clover . Seed Mixtures Best for Permanent Hay and Pasturage Yields. Put up In proportion* n experi ence has shown best «ulleeen established in the city of Vic toria, capital of Tamaullpas. For the first time in a number of years the National Schoo, at Fine Arts has prepared a public exhibition of painting* and art works which is said to be extensive and interesting as well as instructive. The members of the school have *hown great enthu*ia*m in the revival of this feature. From various portions of the Re public is received information of the establishment of periodicals, both daily and weekly. The police of the city of Monterey report thut city to be unusually free 'rom all manner of violations of the law, and that no more than two or three arrest* are ».uet apart an "Arbor Day" by the Department f Fomento in certain portions of the Federal district, and many thousand. Iff tree, wire planted, al! being do ! nated by the Government,-which main tains extensive nurserios and gardens ! at Mexico. The Dep:>' tment of Archaeology has decided to «riter upon a comprehensive plan of i%<-earch throughout the Re ' public. , The authorities of the city of ''-im i eche have refused the application of a proiainen* citizen for permission to i pen a sal'on on tile principal thor oughfare of the place, on the ground that the building selected is needed for the establishment of a new school, which they declare in their refusal to grant the permission is of such para mount importance to the public wel fare as not to admit of discussion. The school established in Hermosillo some time ince for the education of the children of the Yaqui Indian tribes i t' the mountains of Sonora has proved a great success. Many pupils are in attendance and the number is con stantly increasing. Certain fertile lands made available by the drainage of the shores of Luke San Cristobal, in the Valley of Mexico, have been divided into tracts of ?V4 acres each, which are sold to small cultivators at the rate of $100 national specie per lot, 10 years' time being allowed for payment. Only one , lot is sold to each purchaser. A steamship company un>i«r the name of the "Passenger and Freight Company of the Pacific Coast" has begun operations on the West Coast, ! between California and Guatemala, | calling at all ports, including Magda lene Bay, Alazatlan, Sanlina Crui, San 'Jose de Guatemala, etc. An exten sive traffic is assure*.'. A women's total abstinence society lhas been organized in the State of Yucatan. Kn tntereftting prenistorie tempir I'M recently l>een discovered lit Mix coon, n >",:!uirb of the capital city, and ' • oavationj arc roveulinpr many ob ,•« of ][ <>nt arrhaeulbgical Intercut, The no ■ ion.il library is to be plan-I >«. rtuirga of »n experienced librarian, ••ho will artt!rc watched the long column* of recruit* in the early days of the war and saw the straight brave look in their eye* could fail to see that this wa* the kind of man ready to respond to such train ing, and though the later stage* of Derby recruit* and conscripts did not have that look of absolute certainty universal at first, a day or two with the army brought it out in those in whom it was lacking. E. D. HARBOUR, 0. D. Eye-Sight Specialist Mount Airy, N. C. 128 N. Main St. CHARGES REASONABLE ^ Hawks-Rcthrock Drue Co. Successor* to Hawks Drug Company NOW LOCATED Corner Franklin and Main Street in New Fulton Building Beasley 6 Tesh J. A. TESH, Man*|«r. Manufacturer* of all kind* of Lumlwr, Building Material, Kloor Ing. Aiding. Ceiling, Doom, Window Sanh, Window and Door .Screen*. MunteU, Moulding*. Porch Work, Stair Work, Kitchen Table* and Shingle*. Screen your hou*e before the fllaa come. MOUNT AIRY, N. C. PHONE 178 Large Apple and Pear Trees at » A Great Bargain! We have too many large apple and pear trees and are putting them at a price that will move them at once. A general line of all other kinds of Nursery stock at great bargains. GREENSBORO NURSERIES & STOCK FARMS. John A. Young & Sons, Greensboro, N. C. Zeppelin and His Invention. Charlotte Observer. Count Zeppelin's fame as an inven i tor waned with the waning of the fame of the Zeppelin airship. In the early days of the war certain performances , of the big balloon crave promise that ( ihe Zeppelin was d«' tined to play an important' part in destructive opera : tions, but about the best it did wa.i to ! . care people. It was a terror until the :ij/ship (runs devised to keep it at a life distance came into play, and after that, except for an occasional visit : above London and other British towns, nothing was heard of the dreaded ball oon from which such i-reat things were expected, t'o long .:s the Zep , pelin had the field tu t. 'f, it was , regarded as a ({rent engine of war. Hut it did not hold this field long, i- ollowing the airship guns dkmc a I tleet of swiftly-darting airplanes which could assail the lialloon from : above and from either side, and it was i these airplanes, pursuing the balloon i like so many bee martins would pursue a ciow, that finally made the opera tions of the Zepjielin practically use less, except for scaring purposes, and drove it from the field. The Zeppelin as an irritant was renuereti largely in effective by the invention of counter irritants. Sydnor & Sparger Insurance Agents MOUNT AIRY, N. C. Office in Merritt Tuildinj?. Several Aeroplanes Are Seen by Wayne Farmer*. Goldsboro, March 10.—Five larife areop.ar.es were seen nix mile* north cast of Gol(i.tboro yesterday afternoon by J. J. Kol -rt". a prominent farmer of Sty/iey C eek township, accor iinjf to a sjatem'-nt made by Mr. Roberts here this afternoon, «ho said that for more* than an hour . he and his son wntched the machines as they flew over his fa m and tircled over Neuse river several times, then as suddenly as they appeal ed they disappeared, flying in a northerly direction. Mr. Roberts says the appearance of the aeroplanes cau.-ed a sensation a?, -ns other farmeis in his section v > "believed t^ey were commanded by German -nies." itUfi OUT PAIN wu!i foci oil L'rim"nt. That's the mires' way to stop them. The best mbbini liniment is MUSTANG Li Cood for the Ailments of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. Qood for your own Aches, Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc. 25c. 50c. $1. At .11 DcJcn. It Always Helps. says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., in writing of her experience with Cardui, the woman's tonic. She says further: "Before 1 began to use Cardui, my back and head would hurt so bad, I thought the pain would kill me. 1 was hardly able to do any of my housework. After taking three bottles of Cardui, 1 began to feel like a new woman. I soon gained 35 pounds, Jind now, I do all my housework, as well as run a nig water milL 1 wish every suffering woman would give CARDUI The Woman's Tonic a trial. I still use Cardui when I feel a little bad, and it always docs me good." Headaclu\ backache, snle ache, nervousness, tired, worn t feelings, etc., are s,ire •'it'ns of woman ly trouble. Signs that you need Cardui, the woman's tonic. You c. nnot make a iriisiake hi trying Ccrdul for your trcu e. It has ! 1 i rtping wca,';, ailing women for more than fifty : eati v • Get a BottTe TArV yt im