Stop the Wail*. R.ilt srh, Mkjr IS.— K apart* of th« Department of Agriculture at Wash irvtoa hava nlimtKil thft if juat nna runta ft edible meal or fat ia wa«U*i by < a< h of thr JO.OOO.Ogct ramilie* in th* United State* earh ,O00 xteer* or .1,000,000 hoc*. If one ounce of lireo> loaves of bread. Stated in term* of wheat it i* 7,000, W>0 liusheln. Secretary I.ucas of the North Caro lina Food Conservation Commission hniV estates, amounting in all to around $l(j,W)0. This lax goes entirely to the State. It ranges from 1 per cent on amounts up to $25,000 above exemptions, 2 per cen from $25,000 to $100,000, 3 per cent frem $100,000 to $250,000, 4 per c-iot from $250,000 to $500,00 and 5 per tent in excess of $500,000. The exemptions are $10,000 for a widow, $5,000 for each child under 21; $2,000 for each lineal ancestor, hunbaml or adopted child; grandchildren to have exemption for the child they repre sent. No exemption to brotherg, sis ters Or to wives. The tax rates are higher in case of estates going to heirs not entitled to exemption or to non-relatives, ranging from 3 to U jier cent. The tax money gathered in j this way from all the counties of the State will amount to a considerable sum, and the State i.eeds the money. The amount of tax fixed in each case is turned over to the clerk, who notifies the parties interested. If it i. not paid it is tun.ed over to the sheriff, who will collect it as other taxes. fisnm rtown School Library. | A libiary consisting of fiO volumes •ixl m*ny interesting magazines have be«n Riven the Banncrtown School thr'myrh the effort* of Mrs. Mary Fawcett Armfield. The children appreciate and are (really pleaded also interested in this addition to their school building. Roy C. Mitchell, Principal. v V To Eaforco th« Dog Law. The ronfuiion thmt ilnaa»ad dog* are rtuiiiif in thi* part of the atate. Iioth here in town and ia the country around, makea it nwtuwry that the taw* be enforced that require all dogn to ha kept ronfinad tha name aa other domeatir animala. A ai l« tween forty and fifty special trains to Washington in addition to extra equ'p ment ar^l extra .section* 011 the regular passenger trains. For tne reunion a special organization will lie formed I by the Southern at Washington to as- ^ sist the veterans and their friends in making arrangements for return j trips. A large number of expert ; passenger men will tie assigned for this purpose. Special operating and mechanical forces will be detailed to assure the prompt movement of train , and special police protection will be : provided for. That this reunion, which is the first to be held at the national capital, will , attract larger crowds than have as cmbleil at any pre\iou* reunion, ari thjt the war activities will not in any i way interfere with the program al- j re ady arranged, was the view ex- ; pre -ed by I'as.-enger Traffic Manager , W. II. Tiiyloe. The ivpcaiance jf the j old veterans at Wasnfngton is ex pccU'd to stimulate patriotism una j thus help' the present cause. The state having the largest per centage of improve^ lands in pro portion to its size is Town, with more than SO per cent. Arizona, with less , than one per cent, has the least. Get Kid of Your Kheumatism. Now is tha time to get rid of your, rheumatism. You will find Cham-1 betiain'a Liniment a great help. The 1 relief which it afford* It alone worth i many time* ita coat. FOOTWEAR BARGAINS! Here you will find a store full of high grade Shoes bought before the high prices. You can buy Shoes here for less than wholesale factory prices. You will find in our stock all the newest styles in Pumps, Strop Slippers and Oxfords in all leathers and white canvass. These shoes were contracted for several months ago but are just now coming in. You can buy these high grade Shoes at very reasonable prices. A01526 Wc carry a large line of children's solid leather Shoes and Slippers of dependable quality; also full stock of Play Shoes and Sandals, the kind that WEAR WELL. We offer our entire stock of men's and boys' Shoes and Oxfords at much less than present wholesale price. This sale includes "Walk-Over", Stetson and other standard lines of high grade Shoes. 200 Pair Ladies high grade Pumps and Oxfords at Less than Whole sale Cost. x z1 hools Close June 8th. schools of this city will close on the/' 8th of next month. . This year there will be no literary address and no annual senium a- has !>een the custom in past yeai s. The children will (rive entertainments on Friday night, June 1st, and on Thursday night Jure 7th. Oil Friday night the graduating chi;s will nave full charge of the entertainment, the class this year containing 17 members. the First Baptist church next Sunday rporning special services will lie held. The occasion is Mothers day and Children will render a special program for the occasion. Will Folger attended the Nor mal College commencement, his sister Miss Annie Folger of Dot;..on being n graduate in Ou department of music. ^interesting Meeting. Rev. J. H. Haynes assisted by Rev. G. W. Sebr.stian recently closed a revival meeting at Calvary Baptist church which ret-tilted in 31 additions to the church. ^ This organization was perfected some three years ago by Rev Mr. Ilaynes, and since that time the com munity has erected a new house of worship and they now have a live membership of 126 members. Special Services. I Pithy Sayings. Justice delayed is justice denied Kvery receipted bill is a trouble buried. Warmed over resolution? are bet ter than none nt all. If you can't have what you like, like what you have. Time goes, you say? Ah, no. Alas, time stays, we go. The worst hypocrite Is he who makes a boast of his sincerity. He who builds no castles in the air, builds no castles anywhere. It is what people don't know about religion that causes all the argument. Tie your talk with the tape of truth and you'll never have any "loose end*." The fellow who tak*s p ide in his' work, usually has plenty of work to do. Mnko the most of your joys; your troubles will mnke ^he most of them selves. The trouble with some folks who think they are big guns is that they never know when they've been si lenced. "Behind every successful business there exists the personality of an earnest man, and behind every push ing city is found some group of men with personalities and courage." Buy a Liberty Loan Bgnd to-day, and by so doing be a contributor to the great cause of Universal Pear*. Inquire at yoar bank for particulars. Buy a Liberty Loan Bond today, and by bo doing be a contributor to the (Treat cause of Universal Peace. In quire at your bank for particulars. Buy a Liberty Loan Bond to-day, and by so doing tie a contributor to the great cause of Universal Peace. Inquire at your bank for particulars. Snug-tucked in many a shiny, black shoe trunk are several pairs of La France Shoes. It is significant that tliey deserve so I well of the newest addition to \ Milady's luggage. Tlicir style-lure is as potent to the unstinting as it is S to the discerning woman who must take counsel from lici purse. No 917 Sea Id.nd Gnvaa. Steele Shoe Store