CHATTING CL^[oUHG lit** TW Surry Bays who mrm Call •4. A Bli-dfoldad Man Coatiawlly Stirrod tho Cap iuIm WhiU Another Did tho Drtwing. Washington, July 20.-^oday the nation selected from among ito mm thoM who will All up Um ranks at the armies of democracy. Um drawing of Um IoU wa» tha climax of Um nation'• effort to build up a great military force. Tha teaks of examination and ademption, mobili sation and training now remain. Kor this work long established rules can be followed but in the step taken to day the government has been forced to sat a precedent. Already President Wilson has for mally ordered to the colors 687,000 of the men for whom lots were drawn to day and moat of them will be trained by midSeptember. The drawing for tha army began at 9:49 o'clock this morning in the pres ence of Secretary Baker, the senate and house military committee, a group -of high officials of the government and representatives at the press and pho tographers. In the drawing itself there were nine actors, the principals being a • blindfolded man who constantly stir red the 10,600 black capsuls, which contained the numbers, in the great glass bowl in which they had been placed; another blindfolded man who <lr«w the capsolesfrom the bowl one at a time and two announcers—one standing at each side of the bowl and to whom the capsules were hande-l in turn as they strere drawn. The announcers broke the capsules Vs flft.y received them, extracted the' L tiny slip of paper on which thj number was stamped, an J called the number to three tally clerks. The slip wis then handed to an official in front of the VmjwI who verified the announcer's re port and on his verit'eation another men, stationed at a great blachboard wrote the numeer in ite orJer on the board. The board held 1,000 numbers. When it was filled it was taken out of the room, photographed, cleaned off and returned, the drawing continued meanwhile with a second board in use. Every number on the whole regis tration lis>t was drawn. The numbers show, not who are called to the colors, but the order of liability for service. For instance the m«n who was first drawn, (No. 268) will be called be fore the exemption boards in the 4, 567 exemption districts first, and so on. The numbers apply alike to every one of the 4,557 districts in the United M States. The first of the 687,000 men to be actually called into service—those standing at the very top of the liabili ty list—probably will go to All the ranks of the regular army to war strength. Something like 40,000 will be called before September. Then a large number, next in order, probably will be assigned to fill the national guard to war strength and the re mainder, or about 500,000 assembled as the national army. Below is the list of numbers (and the names of those whom they draft ed) as applied to Surry county. Of court*, the number of every regis trant was drawn, but it is believed that the quota for the county can be secured from the list of names and numbers her* given. 1— 258 Daniel Y. Marion, Dobson. 2.— 458 Alva J. Badgett. Ml. Airy. 3—1430 R. Death*rage, Mt Airy. 4— 854 Geo. H. Snow, Rockford. 5—IBM Payton Hodges, Mt. Airy. «— 1*1H Geo. E. Johnson, Mt. Airy. 7—10W Boss IMeheigh, Ararat. 6— 80M J. r. Jenkins, Crutchfield. 9—1455 V. C. Marshall, Mt. Airy. 10—1683 Foley M. Norman, ElUn. 11— 78J Ernest L. Wood, Brim. 15—IBIS Richard G. Smith, Elkin. 1I-1M W. P. Goina. Round Peak 14—176S J mm W. Frailer, El kin. 16—1117 Waiter Johnson, Mt. Airy. 16— 1673 W. 8. Wolf*, Mt. Airy. 17—1741 Newton M. StMle, Elkin. 15—SIM y rand la Needham, Mt.Alry 10— 837 P. W. StMle, Rockford. 20—2036 B. H. Poindexter, Cr.fteld. SI— 337 A. L. Poora, Mt. Airy. 22— 676 David Smith, Jr„ Pilot Mtn 28— 276 John Butcher, Round Peak. 24— 60S W. R Daatharaga, Mt-Airy • 36—1186 M. P. Jonea, Ararat. 86— 664 G. C. Wright, Mt. Airy.' 27—2166 Enunat C. Kirby, Lowgap. 28— 046 Ernaat Scott, Shoala. Tfr—1913 Cornelius Edwardi,Mt.Alry 30— 606 Albert U Jonea, Mt. Airy. 31—1267 W. G. Norman, Mt. Airy. 32—2148 Sam Ramey, Lowgap. 33— 636 C. W. Robemon, Mt. Airy. 34—1406 Rufua Goina, Mt. Airy. 36— 648 Edwin C. Foy, Mt. Airy. 36— 126 Sam W. Johnson, Mt. Airy. 37—1679 Zeno Couch, Elkin. 38—1237 Wm. E. Hardy. Siloam. 39— 784 Willie Rogers, Brim. 40—1732 Duncan Jenkins, Elkin. 41— 766 C. W. Jackson, Mt. Airy. 42— 107 G. W. Donathan, Pilot Mtn. 43—1663 J. H. Mahone, Mt. Airy. 44—2099 W. T. Holyfteld, Lowgap. 46—1369 V. M. Lamb, Mt. Airy. w— did i nus. u. nunHr, rum bui. 47— 373 Kirby L. Nugent, Mt. Airy. 48—1676 Rufua C. Felts, Elkin. 49—1266 James Callaway, Mt. Airy. 80—1891 W. M. Edward*, Mt. Airy. 51— 775 0. L. Moorefield, Pilot Mtn. 52— 486 C. Vance Haynei, Mt. Airy. 53— 692 Albert L. Wilson, Brim. 54— 600 V. L. Simmons, Mt. Airy. 55—1986 Joe B. Snow, Round Peak., 56— 810 H. T. Edmonds, Rockford. 57—1539 Dallas Blizzard, Mt. Airy. 58—1682 Ernest E. Campbell, Elkin. 507 Bryan 1. Wall, ML Airy. 61— 487 Thackson Tucker, Mt. Airy. 62—1324 Troy C. Creasy. Mt. Airy. 63— 604 D. O. Leadfsrd, Mt. Airy. 64— 43 C. L. Needham, Pilot Mtn. 65—2181 Wayne Stephens, ML Airy. 66—1763 E. M. Eldriffe, Elkin. 67—154K P. R. Allred, Mt. Airy. 68—1264 V. L. Thompson, Siloam. 69—1066 Clyde C. Miller, Thurmond. 70— 924 Ernest S. Aycrs, Shoals. 71— 420 Cabel Spencer, Mt. Airy. 72—1014 Huston Wilmoth,Thurmond 7S—1178 C. W. Atkins. Mt. Airy. 74— 514 Marshall Mabe, Mt. Airy. 75— 433 Geo. C. Criti, Mt. Airy 76—1329 C. D. Prather, Mt. Airy. 77— 10 M. O. Stone, Pilot Mtn. 78—1.U45 J. A. Blackburn, StuteKoud 79—1031 Claud Harris, Thurmond. 80—1705 1. H. McCoin, Elkin. 81—1331 Edw. M. Linville, Mt. Airy. 82—1685 C. W. Roy, Elkin. 83— 487 Hasten Collins, Mt. Airy. 84—1282 Wm. S. Taylor, Mt. Airy. 86—1323 Isaac V. Hutchens, Mt.Airy 86—1847 Levter C. Couch, Elkin. i 87— 797 Chas. G. Cook, Pilot Mtn. 88— 140 Albert G. Snow Crutchfield. 89—1536 Howard Clement, Mt. Airy. 90—1922 J.W. E. Brown, RoundPeak ! 91—1728 C. M. Holcomb, Elkin. 1 92—1779 E. B. Lawrence, Elkin. 1 93—1233 A. E. Flinchum, Siloam. j 94—1234 Stephen R. Blevins, Siloam 95—1247 Emroy Boss, Siloam. 96—2011 Roy D. Cook, Rusk. 1 97—432 Sam Mathii, Mt. Airy. I 98— 18 Ben C. Bowles, Pinnacle. 99— 652 Bozzie Jessup, Brim. 100— 927 Doctor Amburn, Pinnacle. 101—1484 W. Blair Hines, Mt. Airy. 102— 789 Fred Lawson, Brim. 1103—1751 Rnbt. P. Edison, Elkin. 1104— 601 Wm. A. Fox, Mt. Airy. 106—1322 Fred Phillips, Mt. Airy. {106—1146 Alex F. Jones, Ararat. 107—1103 Ernest C. Ilriiffs, Rockford. 108—1896 Wulter Cox, Mt. Airy. 109— 60C Frank J. Short, Mt. Airy. 110— 182 Samuel Chamblin, Rusk. 111—-1771 Claud V. Long, Elkin. 113— 611 Will. A. Bumgardner, Mt. Airy. lit— 46 C. F. Dooathan, Pilot Mtn. 114—1020 C. N. G. McCann, Thurmon 115—1961 Wm. D. Johnion, Mt. Airy. 119—1099 Wm. J. Uaynei, Mt. Airy. iHKBMBMHBMMBBaiBHBwi'H'iii ii 'I wKMwiimfi 117—1*46 Wm H. Johneoo, »t Airy. 118—1686 U«. B. Smith, lit. Airy. 119— 228 John 8. Haynoa, Kuril. 120—20M Rufus Dodsen. Rusk. ltl—1441 Lowia 8. Burton. Mt Airy. ISS-t 117 H. C. UwraiM, B'nd Pwk 1»— AOS Willi# Fruit*, Mt. Airy. 114— 390 Bdw. C. A ah by, Mt. Airy. 118— 76 J. A. Matt, Pilot Mtn. 120—1818 Ossie B. Yarboro, Elkln. 117— 771 M. A. CMHoo. Brim. 128—1466 B. 8. Gun»q)l, Mt. Airy, lit— 711 John F. Tllloy, Brim. 130—1419 W. H. Marion, Mt. Airy. 181— 786 John A. TJlley, Mt. Airy. 1<X—1648 J. H. Burgess, Mt. Airy. 138—1476 Jo*. R. 8. Johnson, Mt.Airy 184— 280 John B. Fowler, Dob son. 18th—1292 L. E. Moeley, Mt. Airy. 186— 972 Wm. W. Edwards, Pinnacle 187— 988 Phola Swift, Busk. 188— 767 B. T. Oravitt. Pilot Mtn. 139— 966 Orgie L. Bivols, Shells. 140— 868 Ernost M. Coo. Rockford. 141— 332 Grady H. Fulton. Mt. Airy. 142—2090 E. B. Stanley, CrutchAeld. J43— 379 Coy Short, Mt. Airy. 144—1660 Goo. P. Marshall, Mt. Airy. 146— 642 Ploasa Valentino, Mt. Airy. 146—2107 C. L. Hodges, Low gap. 147— 194 Claud Wolts, Dobson. 148— 874 James B. Peep, Siloam. 149— 662 Swanson Surrat, Mt. Airy. 160—1900 Davis G. Smith. Mt. Airy. 161—2124 Burlie Lowe, Lowgap. 162—1673 J. W. Hamby, SUte Road. 151—1887 Ben Cockerhaa, Mt. Airy. 164— 298 U. L. Johnson, WhitcPlains 166— 676 R. P. Clarka, prim. 166—2132 Hilary S. Hawks, Lowgap. 157—1769 Lonnie F. Walter, Elkin. 158—1294 Hoke Smith, Mt .Airy. 159—1148 Ernest L. Martin, Siloam. 160—1647 Wm. C. Leitch, Mt. Airy. 161— 1364 Wm, Eldridge, Mt. Airy. 162—1906 John H. Fulks, Mt. Airy. 168—2017 Henry A. Carter, Rusk. 164— 343 A. E. Steele, Mt. Airy. 'Iw- i*3 w^s^Am^d^f^Srr1 167—2100 Andy C. Lowe, Lowgap. 168— 982 Pleaxant Snow, Kapps Mill. 169— 726 Sam R. Shelton, Mt. Airy. 170— lf> A. J. Booth. Pilot Mtn. 171— 905 Sidney Wall Pinnacle. 172— 933 G. C. Hauser, Shoals. 173—1531 Roy Nichols, Mt. Airy. 174—2209 Ephriam Hiatt, Mt. Airy. 175—1288 Luther Ashburn, Mt. Airy. 176— 452 Robt. L. Huymore, Mt.Airy. 177— 355 Wm. H. Griffiths, Mt. Airy 178—1843 Thos. R. Sneed, State Road 179— 530 Jesse M. Banner, Mt. Airy, | 180— K09 John W. Whitt. Rockford. 181—11 '4 Chan. E. Simpson, Ararat. 182—1470 Zeb B. Vaughn, Mt. Airy 183— 445 D. Sidney Hodge, Mt. Airy, 184—2135 Lem Cockerham, Lowgap. 185— 218 John E. White, Dobson. 186— 620 Geo. A. Tuclur, Pilot Mtn 187—1334 John L. Verion, Mt. Airy 188— 550 Willie Riggs. Mt. Airy. 189—16*11 John A. Hiatt, Mt. Airy. 190— 574 John R. v'ombs, Mt. Airy 191— 31 Dock M. Denny, Pinnacle. 192—1432 Wm. M. Potts, WhitePlains 193—1727 Emry L. Roy, State Road. 194—2047 Gutherie B. Wall, Ruak. 196— 981 Major B. Harris, Thurmorxj 196—1848 Thos. L. Collins, Elkin. I 197—1570 Wm. H. Money, Mt. Airy. 198—1817 Richard P. Carter, Elkin. 199— 770 A. M. Gordon, Pilot Mtn. .'00— 882 Vance W. Coe, Rockford. 201—2078 Julius Marion, Ruak. 202— 677 Thos. W. Gilbert. Brim. 203—2119 Claud H. Lowe. Lowgap. 204— 749 Isaac C. Norman, Mt. Airy. 206—1868 Walter Marshall. R'ndPeak 206—1509 Andrew Taylor, Mt. Airy. 207—1211 Wm. E. Stone, Sitoam. >08— 525 Willie Bowman, Mt. Airy. ' 209—1417 Burt Easter, Mt. Airy. | 210—1574 John T. Johnson, Mt. Airy '211—2034 Wm. H. Bates, Crutohfleld 219— 760 Edgar Cook,.Pilot Mtn. 215— 183 Jas. II. Freeman, Dobaon. 214— 56 A. W. Taylor, Pilot Mtn. 216—1276 Ned W. Bolt, Mt. Airy. 216—1791 H. Southerd, Stat* Road. 217-r-19G6—W. H. Blackburn, Mt.Airy tit— 792 Nathaniel Cook, Pilot Mtn 219—2128 Jos. C. Hodges, Lowgap. 220— 6 Jas. M. Owens, Pilot Mtn. 221— 360 Grover C. Smith. Mt. Airy 223—1680 Ralph Beewn, Mt. Airy OS— 54 8. M. Han-all. PUct Mta. 224— tm Wm. L. Rumley, Bockford. 226—1714 B. B. Da Board., Elktn. m— 549 R. A. Murray. Mt. Airy. 227—11S2 Honry A. Coin., Ml Airy. 22ft— 440 McKhUoy Dm>, Mt. Airy. 22»— 14M John I. Bilft. Mt. Airy. 250—1674 Ernaat HimImmi, Elkin. 251— 741 Bobt. D. Jackaon. Mt Airy. 281—1064 0. P. ShafTnor, State Boat 285--I275 M. S. Nichols, Mt. Airy. 2S4— 711 Looter Coo, Briai. 21ft—1022 0. K. Cockarhaia. B. MID*. 286— Ml Joo. 0. Dud ton, Rock ford. 227- AM B. L. Klrkman, Mt. Airy. 23ft—1012 J. B. Cockarham, B. Mills. 29*— 628 Goo. W. Arlington, Bri». 240— 200 Wm. B. Morton, Mb on. 241— 6ft6 B. W. Taylor, Mt. Airy. 242—1141 John B. Mayoa. Mt. Airy. 241—1314 Joo. H. Carter, Mt Airy. 244—1016 A. M. Privott, Kappa Mills. 246—1688 Marshall Barkor, Blkin. "46— 386 John Holton, Mt. Airy. l'4'T—1430 Morris Samot, Mt. Airy. 242- -2006 Wm. H. Chandlor, Crutchfield. 249— 493 Hurloy C. Bolton, Mt. Airy. 260—2106 Walter Blovins, Dobson. 261—1868 C. B. Sisk, White Plains. 262— 928 Bonjamine Forost, Shoals. 263—1306 Paul Allrad, Mt. Airy. 264— 341 H. F. Riddle. Mt. Airy. 266—1007 A. W. Tllley. Thurmond. 266—1764 Chas. G. Arm field, Blkin. !267— 391 Q. K. Nimocks, Mt. Airy. 268—1366 W. M. Bobonaon, Mt. Airy. 269— 863 Will Collins, Mt. Airy. 260— 790 Luther Inman, Westfleld. 261— 637 Virgil Joaaup, Pilot Mtn. 262—1676 R. Campbell, Elkin. 263—2024 John W. Martin, Ru«k. 264— 300 Joa. W. Peele, Mt. Airy. 266—1667 Joase Potts, Mt. Airy. 266—2067 G. H. Childress, Crutchfield 267—1217 Meriand Wall, Siloom. 268— 671 John H. Hull, Mt. Airy. 269—1873 G. A. Blackburn, Mt. Airy. 272—2102 John L. Muncos, Dobson, 273— 704 Dewit N. Tilley. Mt. Airy. 274—1567 Wm. S. Moore, Mt. Airy. 275— 72 Goo. W. Hiatt, Pilot Mtn. 276—1063 Dan J. Melton, Rusk. 277—1896 Chan. C. l*o, Mt. Airy. >78—1709 Tho*. S. Lawrence. Elkin. 279— .156 Wiley O. Taylor, Mt. Airy. 280— 112 C. S. Hall, Crutchfield. 281—1067 C.C. Thompnon, Kappa Mill 282— '2082 J. W. Stanley, Crutchfield .283—2116 W. T. Fowler, Round Ptak 1284— 128 J. R. Slaydon, Dobson. 285—2012 L. P. Hall. Crutchfield. 286— «7'J Curnell Moore, Mt. Airy. 287— 805 Ben Shinall, Rock ford. 288— U Cha*. Beasley, Pilot Mtn. 289— 151 D. C. Blue, White Plain*. 290— 900 E. B. Bpainhour, Shoals. 291—1981 John H. Key, Mt. Airy. 292—1640 R. S.ChjWres*. Mt. Airy. 293—1617 Louie Patterson, Mt. Airy 2a4— 363 S. H. Woodle, Mt. Airy. •295—1287 Robt. Hick*, Mt. Airy. 296—1142 J. H. Watson, Ararat. 297—1564 H. C. Paine», Mt. Airy. 298—1765 Ransom Wood, •299— 6 W. W. Redman. Pilot Mtn. 300—2167 Sehastine Barker, Lowfap. 301— 827 J. E. Wood. Dobson. 1 302— 664 M. D. Dearman, Brim. 303— 93 Dallas Jester, Pilot Mtn. >304—1443 A. T. Gillespie, Mt. Airy. 306—1722 M. M. Adams, State Road. 306— 957 W. T. Hunt. Pinnacle. •107—1567 C. W. Coleman, Mt. Airy, 308—1744 Wm. A. Darnell. Elkin. 309—1112 Lester E. More, Mt. Airy. 310— 345 Robert Eaton, Mt. Airy. 311—1596 Chas. M. Rom, Mt. Airy. 312—2184 Luther Welch, Pilot Mtn. 31S—1365 Ernest Belton, Mt. Airy. 314— 103 C. C. Chandler, Pilot Mtn. 315—2196 Cebron Chilton, Mt. Airy. 314—1586 Fred Reynolds. Mt. Airy. 317—1912 JJ. C. Stewart, Round Peak. 318—1221 Chat. G. Hardy, Siloam. 319—1102 Wm. Crews, Rnckford. 320— 16*25 Prod H. Poore, Mt. Aity. 321— 656 Robt. C. Thatkar, Mt. Airy. 822—1565 J. O. Gravely, Mt. Airy. 828—2109 L. J.'Thompson, Ldwgap. 824—1281 John Mitchell, ML Airy. S26— 61 Chat. E. Hiatt. Pilot Mtn 326— 717 Gwyn P. Wood. Klkta. 827—1067 Barnst Norman, StateRoad S28-1Z64 Y. W. MattWws, Mm. SM—1071 E. L HoiyAald, Raak. MO— ao W. E. MattWws, PUot Mtn. Ml— 1M W. a Cava, Mm. MI— Mt P. H. Hinw, Mt. Airy. MS—1423 Floyd Hal] Jit. Airy. 884—1714 Jacob E. Hhaffnar. Elkm. SM— 7TS Ales M. Goinm, Brim. M*— MS 1W W. Wataon, Brua. MT— 4M L. 0. Willard, Mt. Airy. Mt— 618 Roy L. Mldkiff, Mt. Airy. Mt—17M CI iff aril Marriaon, Elkia. *44— M Wm. L. Mickey, PUot Mtn. Ml- SM David 8. Jonas, Pinnacle. MS—2H1 Millard B. Staaloy, Rusk. Mt— MB Lester Swift, Pinnacle. M4— SM 8. W. Schumaker, Mt. Airy. SO—11M TW P. TUlay, Ararat. 844—1T12 C. A. Shumate, SUU Road MT—21M Em matt Needham, Mt.Airy M*— 6M Julius E. Jackaoo, Mt. Airy 848— SM Alax Hutaon, Rockford. 360— 706 Jaaaa Stevens, Brim. Ml—20M Joa 8. Greenwood, Rn.k. 362—2061 J. R. PUaon, Crutehfleld. •163—1967 Logan Craod, Mt. Atry. 364—2023 Wm. T. Hardy, Ruak. 366— M4 Poay L- Ashburn, Pinnacle. 366—1844 J. B. McCraw, Round Paak. M7—1808 Bannar Greenwood, Elkia. MS—1943 C. W. McCraw, Round Paak 360—1677 Wm. W. (iuyar, Elkin. 340— 122 Jaaaa Lawrence, R od Paak Ml—1783 Joa. E. Blvaiu, Elkin. 342— 442 W. L. Lambert, Pilot Mtn. 343— 939 Wm. C. Harvey, Shoals. 344—1639 John R. Sargent, Mt. Airy. 346— 222 J. S. Johnaon, White Plains 344—1716 John C. Davit, Elkin. 347— 904 Eugene Morefleld, Pinnacle. 368—1337 J. B. Arrington, Mt. Airy. 349— 700 Luther Jessup, Brim. 370—1260 Drew B. Ashburn, Siloam. 371—1196 F. G. Wallace, Siloam. 372— 29T Geo. W. Davis, Crutehfleld. 3T3— 321 Chas. W. Kowler, Dobson. 3T4— 7M Edw. F. Snoddy, Mt. Airy. 376—1628 Grady M. Nichols, Mt.Airy. 37ti— 707 W. Moorafield, Pilot Mtn. 378—1002 Early L. SuwlTllusIc^^ 379—11 SI Elmer C. slaughter, Ararat 380— 1101 Arthur M. Wall, Ararat. 381— 368Geo. R. Beasley, Mt. Airy. 382— 974 Zeb B.Thompson, Devotion. 383—1698 R. H. Roger*, Elkin. 384— 320 Robt. H. Riggs, Dobson. 185— 950 John W. Kiger, Shoals. :m— 926 Will L Kiger. Shoals. 387—1010 E. J. Golding, State Road. 388—1857 G. K. Moore, Mt. Airy. 389— 913 S. E. Hauler, Shoals. 390— 666 Chester A. Noah, Brim. 391—1919 Willis B. Hall, Mt. Airy. 392—1339 Thos. S. Ashburn. Mt. Airy 393— 814 John M. Hardy, Siloam. 394—1176 S. L. Cunter, Ararat. 395—1070 D. P. McCann, Kapp* Mills . 396— 738 Mayes Coins, Brim. 397—1167 John W. White, Ararat. 398—1097 W. A. Potts. White Plains. 399—1191 David Bennett, Siloam. 400—1234 Jas. F Hardy. Siloam. Mining Operations on Big Scale in Daridton. Lexington, July 14.—Mining opera tion* of mora than passing importance are getting under way in the southern • part of Davidsae county, with several of the old mines being reopened, new shafts contemplated and ilag piles be ing prepared for resmelting. It is said that at one place a medium nixed smelter will be put into operation at an early date. During the past six months scattering mining men have been attracted to Davidson on account of the unusual prices of certain metals and minerals, but in recant weeks they have rome in companies and batta lions. Investigation, it ia said by sev eral mining experts, has divulged the fact that there are very important de posits of silver, sine, copper_am^j number of other metals and mlherals in the lowlying ridges of eastern Davidson. Many of the**) properties have been abandoned for years, be cause the old methods and diflcult in transporting the output to railroads made it unprofitable. New mining methods and good roads have changed the face of things and Important an nouncement* are expected to be made before many day*. r—4 Far Dwtck Hmnm ia Di*cult to F'md 1W H*fM, Netherlands. June TIm Dutch htrii hu IiIIm mi bad timea. Bo diAcult is Holland findin« the provision of food on account at Um practical stoppage of fodder la porta fan racont akontka. that trane port flrma ara oUIim U> raotrfct the work of their animal* to enable theaa to Sold oat undar the curtailod ratioaa. Moreover, ¥ C. Poethuma, miniatar for agriculture, told Um first chamber that tha number of bora** trill Kava to ba reduced aa speedily a* poaaibta. whila awine, cattla and othar farm storks ara likely to be even more draa t M-ally cat down. Ministor Poathunm ! anticipates that next autumn and win ter there will be virtually no imported rattle fooda and that if the position doea not improve the number of cat tle will have to be reduced 26 per rent. This would necessarily mean the ax port of cattle and meat on an abnor mally large scale, presumable moatly to the central poweri, as they ara large buyers of live cattle. More thaa 36,000 head of cattle were exported last year principally to Germany, nearly all these being milch and bread ing cattle. The swine stocks are already declin ing fast owing to lack of foediag staffs, while fowl are being slaugh tered. This will mean high pricee for eggs next winter. • . ■ - J? Red Cross Work at Horn*. Washington, July 12.—As port of its program for looking after the man in the Army Training Camps, the Red Cross War Council has voted to build houses for convalescent sol diers in the camps at Fort Ogle thorpe and Fort McPherson, near quarry which U to be converted into a bathing pool large enough to ac commodate 600. The buildings for the ronvalcscenta will be used for men able to leave the hospitals but still unfit for duty. Here amusement and recreation will he provided, not only to break the monotony and irksomeness of the recuperation period, but to aid in speedy recovery. Large lounging rooms, writing rooms and wide porch es will be features of these houses which will supplement the recreation rooms maintained by the Y. M. C. A. Mrs. Leonard Wood, wife of Major (ieneral Wood, of the Southeaster* I Military District, is stimulating Red Cross activities in the camps under General Wood's charge. At her sug guestion, estimates were prepared for converting the quarry into the bath ing pool. The pool is to be ready for use, \ugust 27th, when the second Officer*' Training Camp opens. Colonel Her bert Sloe urn will be in charge of ita construction. [ Washington, D. C.. July 13, 1917.— The Red Cross War Council today announced a gift of $250,000 to the American Red Cross from the Wes tern Union Telegraph Company, through its president, Newcomb Cart ton. Mr. Carlton is a member of the ex ecutive committee of the New York County Chapter of the American Sad Cross and has taken a very active part in the work of the Society, es pecially in cqpaeetien with the reeeat • paign for $100,000,000. We cannot do God a greater wrong than te despair of forgiveness. It ta a double injury to God, first, that we offend His Jvstice by pinning; then, that we wrong His mercy by despair ing.—Bishop HaU. A CINCH. "How does Gladys serve her complexion se well ?* "Easily. She keep* it In jara."—Balttaare American.

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