Ill tha company, many bains added (a the Hat. Far tha man have baan fa miliar Agures hara in iMr olive drab and thay will ba distinctly now that thay ara away. Tha iy wia largely mada up from In our lawn, though aav aral of tha bay* war* from tha country of tham living Vrnia "* Bafora tha company laft tha cttl aana showed tham avary courtesy, and tha ladies of tha Had Creaa Society aaw that thay want away with wall fltlad lunch bosaa to supply tha naada of tha body whila on tha train to camp. On tha night bafora thay want away thay wara invitad to attand a patrio tic meeting at Cantral Methodist Church where muaic by tha band and ahort patriotic apeechea wara mada. Tha four minuta addroaa by Rev. Goo. D. Herman wa» an appropriate and ao wall -raited to the occaaion that we have been aaked to publiah it in full and the aame ia a part of thia article. | On Wedneaday the ft rat 5 per centi «f the quota furniabed by thia county | by tha national draft went away to Camp at Columbia, S. C. The men1 who mada up thia advance guard were:' Claud V. Long! Elkin. Fraudie Needham, Mt. Airy. Vender L. Simmona, Mt. Airy. Louis S. Burton, Mt. Airy. Chaa. B. Sink, White Plains. Blair Hinea, Mt. Airy. Mr. Long waa made leader of the j band and put in charge of the paper*, etc., while on the way to camp. These' men go before to make up skeleton companies to which the other men will ba added when they are called > later in the month. below follows the address of Mr. Herman: Fellow Citizens: The presence of this (Treat audience indicate* an important fact—the fact that this is no ordinary occasion. After doing all that could be done consistent with self-respect and right- 1 ousness to avoid it, our nation has been drawn into the most terrible war in all history—a war in which our bloody enemy has transgressed every fundamental law of earth and Heaven. This consciousless enemy has not only destroyed, wantonly, untold billions of wealth, but has killed the aged and the defenseless, and butchered women and children. The godless, atheistic, heartless creed of our enemy ii, that might makes right and that the weak must satiate the lust of the strong. This means that the liberty, free dom, and happiness of the world are at stake; and we are in this w»r, not for hate, revenge, and greed, but to; make secure the ideas and hopes for j which heroes have died, and for which this great nation was organized. We are here tonight to do honor to our brave young men who have offered their life-blood, if need be, and to make sure and secure the future peace of the world. And in honoring these young men, the people of Mount Airy and Surry county are also honoring themselves. Young men of Company I, First North Carolina Regiment, ana those other* called and chosen under the Selective Draft, 1 esteem it a pleas ure to convey to you on behalf of every patriotic citisen of Mount Airy and Surry county our profound re spect and w*rm regards. You have nhown yourselves free from the "Yel low Streak" which U the mark of the coward and the "•lackers." We honor you because we believe you will truly represent our country in courage, pur ity, and all the noble attributes of genuine American manhood. At we honor the heroes of 1776 who made our liberty possible so will we honor the heroes of 1917 who made our lib arty secure. The man who repudiates his rela tion and obligations to his parents it n moral degenerate, and deserve! ihe burning acorn at all good men. The 1MB who repudiates the relatione and obligation* which he owes to his wife and children la a heartiett scrub and of • MM. Ami the ma, who Is IndMfareait to, or who trim hn right*, U Benedict A r out that thl* thl* la not • healthy piece for a lacker*, rnpparhaada and Benedict Arnold*.) And tha gum ahoad demagogue who triaa to make political aunahlne out of tho preaent altuatlon la a acoundral who de.tervea to ha ilrlren from tho Htata and Na tion. If a man la not going to halp In this hour af parll.than lot him go to lha Junglea of Africa,—or Ilka old Juda* lot him hang htmaalf. Young man, wa honor you becau*e you hava tramp!ad undar foot that chaap a ham that • nation muat not flght for Ita rlghta. You hava found out that thare ara thing* worth fight ing for and dying for. Surely it la hsttar to flght for rightaoua fraadnm than llva a alava undar tha Ironhaal of Uerman autocracy. And flnatly young man, wa ara try ing to honor you bacsuae you are not "anollygoators." A "anollygoater" haa baan daflnod a* a man who want* aomathing for nothing and than noma mora. Tha "anollygoater" haa too lit tle conacioua to fight for hi* country— he wanta liberty and peace, but he want* aome other man'* life to pay the price of liberty, which haa alwayi been human blood. If a man haaen't enough conacienea to fight for hi* country, then let him have enough aelf-re*pect to get out of it. Truly, the "*nollygoatar" 1* the aelfiah acrub who wanta the blanaing* of a free country, but he wanta aome other man'* *on* to do the fighting and pay the price. You men we are glad you are not "anolly gofier*!" Destroyed Submarine With Bomb Saved by s British cruiser after his .- hip had been sunk by a German nub- j marine, a Britiah merchant ship cap tain' who arrived at an Atlantic port tells of seeing the ll-boat destroyed by a bomb placed by the cruised. The submarine diaappered when the cruiser hove in night to save the crew of the torpedoed steamer. After the cruiser picked up the Captain and the crew she continued on her way. A short time later the lookout sighted the periscope of the undersea craft, which was hanging in the wake of the cruiser. The cruiser slowed down and allowed the submarine to catch up. Dusk was coming on and a specially prepared bomb was let over the crui ser's side. She then put on all steam and ran straight ahead. The sub mersible followed. By this time it was growing dark. About 10 minute.-* later there was an explosion, a black hulk convulsively raised itself from the water and flounced back, a shape less mass. The cruiser came about and went back to the scene. Two Ger mans were swiming about in the water They were taken on board the cruiser.: The remainder of the German crew perished with their'ship. CRISIS OF WOMAN'S UFE Change Safely Passed by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Wagoner, Okla.—"1 never Bet tired of prwains Lydia E. Pinkham • Vet»e table I >al|arka before the eyea, irregu laritiea, eonatination. rariaWeap]»-tn. , wenkneaa and cl< eaa ahould be heed. I by middla-agad women. I.ydia B. Pink bam'a VageUhle Compon i I haa Carrie. 1 •Mir WMBW aafaiy through tba aria*. CtfUla Cyrua W. Craaka, auur of tha AmtDm barb Chriatiane. which m Mink by l Gwain anb marine Auguct 7, mm the Awl. »h entertained an a guaet oh board th« U-boat, and e*ar • giaaa of wina via told by tba Ganui Commander that ha "featad to aink American abipa." Captain Crooha relate! tba incident cm arrival at an American port on board aa Italian Ilnor. Tha Amarlran raptain aald Ha waa hound homo from Landau whan hia ahip waa aunk. Not beir.r a nr. ad, ha aurrandarad to tba U-boat, "fi loft tba Cbriatiana in two Ufa boota." Cap tain Crooha aald, "and I waa invited by tba U-boat raptain In eaeollent Cn gliah to bring tbroa of my mon and come aboard. Wa wora takon Into tba iiArora' eabin, and aftar giving mo a receipt atating that my ahip had baan aunk, tha commandar ordered lunehaon nerved, including wina. "Ha kapt up an intonating ton varaatian whilo wa wara eating, and mora than once daclarod ha ha tad to •Ink American vaaaala and only did so boeauaa wa wara at war with hia country. "Another thing that appaarod to worry him waa ftoriea ha had haard of ainking of lifeboata by aubmarinaa. 'I really can't haliava thoao atoriaa,' he aaid, 'and ao far aa I am concerned no lifeboata will ever meet auch a fata from my ahip." "Wa apent two hour* on the aub marina while the Germane removed from the Chriatiane all the auppliea and aunk her with bom ha. The rap tain then eacorted ua to our lifeboata, and gave ua the direction of nearest land and hid ua a courteous goodbye. The auhmarine waa about 400 feet long and carried two aix-inch guna. The name bgned to the receipt I have ia Capt. J. Ertinger, German navy. We landed safely at Ponta Delgada." , Wooden Ship Program Likely bo Abandoned.1 Washington Sept. 1,—Abandonment, of further wooden ship construction ia now contemplated ny the United States shipping board. Contract* for three plant* to build structural steel hips were awarded today and in them it ia believed the government will be ible to turn out the remainder of it* j merchant marine in the form of xteel vessel* a* rapidly as money is appro priated. The plant* will be constructed for he Submarine Boat company, the ' American International corporation, and the Mercantile Shipping company.: They will cast $35,000,000. Contract* for the ships themselves have not been t signed, but it ia understood the gov ernment contemplated immediate con struction of 200 steel vessels in the.ic plant*, with more to come. The plant j of the Submarine Boat corporation I will be located on Newart Bay, N. J., and is designated to turn out one high . •peed vessel of 5,000 tons gross ton- { nafe every two days. The plant of J the American International corpora- I tion will be built on Hog Island, near! Philadelphia, and that for the Mer cantile Shipbuilding company at Ches ter, Pa. Each will have a similar ca pacity. A Million an Hour Being Spent by U. S. Washington, Aug. 27.—War ex penditure* of the United States, in cluding allied loan*, have amounted I during August to more than 24,000, 000 every twenty-four hours. The: figures, minus 1100,000,000 just lent to Kussia, are contained in a Treas- • nry statement which has been i/tsued I today. Two-thirds of the great sum is representd by advance* to the allies. The United States has been spend ing daily during August for its own; needs an average of >8,088,625. The' allies have been receiving an average > daily allowance of 116,375,000, Since war was declared 140 days i ago the Treasury has paid out a total of $2,A87,4!MMMUi. of which $1,630,500,-, 000' has been advanced the Entente | government*. Sydnor & Sparger Insurance Agents MOUNT AIRY, N. C Office in Merritt Building. Brwwa mmd C* Milton NMdhu. M lb. at SBc, 144 'at SOr 14* at *4«. J. B . iiuntle. 100 at Mr. 200 at 22a. C. H. CkiUfiM, in at 20c, 1M at 21a, 1M at 10c. W. t Ualkm, 170 at ZSc, 200 at tfkf, Robt Camaiona. 112 at 20c, 160 at T. L. Taylor, 72 at Ot, 1M at 2b, 114 at l«Sc. J. I. Coillna, 40 at 27e, 24 at SOe. 62 at 2*. Jim Parkar, M at S0«, M at th, 110 at 22«fcc. Jao. Doaa, M at 21c, 02 at 29c, 54 at 20*. J. A. John.on, M at Ik, 2M at 24*. Robt. Slaydan, Ml at 20c, 140 at 22c. Johnson A Gardner, 44 at 30c, 20 At 84c. H. C. Uvtmn, 1M at 20c, 172 at 27c. John H lay don, 272 at 22a, 122 at 20c. Smith and Kllppin, 24 at 20^c, 20 at 21c, 22 at 24c. L. Smith, 112 at 20c, 12« at 22c. I. B. Smith, 120 at tic, 222 at 2»c. Ruff Samuel., 400 at 22r, M at 22c. J. W. (,aorge 120 at 20c, 24 at 20c. S. H. Simmon*, 140 at 20c, 124 at 28c, 154 at 22c. W. P. Maba, 122 at 22c, 120 at 20c. J. H. Brlndla, 240 at 22c, 172 at 21c. Chaa. Ihdntt 202 at 20c, 414 at 24c Badffett and Hick*, 04 at 22c, 212 at 30c. J. W. Jarrall, 74 at 24c, 122 at 20c. W. E. Jarrall. 120 at 20c, 22 at 24c. WaUipr and King, 50 at 32c, 134 at 27c. /-> Nlchol* and Haynas' 92 at 24c, 20 at 33c, 120 at 22c, 114 at 29c. Kl A. Atkinson, Z54 at 30c, 122 at 30e,D04 at 27c. f Wt ara glad, to Inform you that Haynea Warehobae hai opened up th« bast it haa in/year*. All rrade* ara .ailing good., If you nave any priming* ww would ad Vina you to *afl tham *V rann aa poaaibla. Wa ark-Kattar aituatad thi* yaar to handle your tobacco for a larger prira than wa have avar baan. Now the moat Important part I* whara to rat th* baat prlca. Cot. J. S. Ball and Tom Haynea will do the work for you. Why? Because Col. Kail la one of the beat auctioneera in the world, and you know Tom Haynea ia one of the beat judge* of tobacco in the United Stat**, and ia not afraid to stand upand bid on your tobacco. HAYNEM. BROWN A CO. SALE DAYS: Flrat Sale—Monday* and Thuradaya. Second Sale—Thurdaya and Prldaya. Notice. The School Committee of diatrict No. 5 known a* Franklin achool will meet at the *chool house Saturday niirht, Sept. I.Vh for the purpoae of selecting; a teacher. Anyone wishing to teach will make application to any one of the following committee. E. L. Patteraon, B. G. Gardner. ( C. R. Boyle*. A Good Plan. Judge 0. H. Allen, wlio wait holding court in an eartern county, sentenced several defendants to the road* a few days ago, the said sentences to be dis charged if the men would work during the period of sentence for farmers in the locality who were greatly in need of farm labor. Recently in the Municipal court at Charlotte quite a number of men ar rested for vagrancy were turned over to Mecklenburg farmers who needed additional labor. The emU of justice! were met and the production of food was facilitated. The plan is one that might well !>• followed in every city of the United States which has to deal with the problem of idli men. Va grancy should not be tolerated, cer tainly when there ii such a scarcity of farm labor as at present. LEMONS WHITEN AND BEAUTIFY THE SKIN Make this beauty lotion cheaply for your face, neck, armi and hands. At the coet of a noiall jar of ordinary cold cream one can prepare a full quar 1 ter pint of the moat wonderful h-mon skin softener and oonplcxiopbeautifler, by squeezing the juice of t*b freeh lem- ' ons into a bottle containing three ounces , of orchard white. C'are stfmld lie taken t<> PtrAin the juic«' through a fine cloth so no l«mon pulp Arts i/i, then this lo tion will keep fresM for/months. Every woman knows that ll»'iw>n juice la used to M«-ach and remo* inch bl«»mishe* as freckles, sallowne**! And tan and is the ideal skin softUfcer, whitener and beaut iflcr. * Just try itt Oct three ounces of orchard white at any drug store and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant lemon lotion and massacre it daily into the face, neck, arm* and hands. It is marvelous to smoothen rough, r«*d hands. Catarrhal Deafnes Cannot Be Cured mr local appiu&tions. as tu-y cannot r«ach tb» diicuiii portion of the ear. Ther« !• only <>n« vrijf to euro catarrhal dmfn.aa, and that le by » constitutional rnnidy. Catarrhal !>*• fnvao is causHI by an la flamed condition ot tbo mucous llnine o." tho Kustarhlaa Tub* Wh-n this tub,- ir fnAam*4 you havo a rumbling sound ar imporfrrt lo-ariuf, and wh**n li le »ntlr«;> cIr*#»d. lwnrn«M is tbo result \ nl*as tba Inflammation ma ba reduced and this tub r*etor*d to Ite notmal condition, loarltl will b« d«struy» fraaldant Wll mmi himaalf. The nam a organa al lac ad in propriety la tha fact that publi cation of tha Preaident'i anawar waa pa rm it tad bafora tha tout waa deliver ad to tha popa, arharaaa tha papal noto waa aant to England on Auguat 0 for dallvery to America and waa not pub Itahad in Soma until Auguat 16.* Objection ia alao mada that tba ra ply waa telegraphed which ia pointed to aa not in accord with diplomatic ua age for auch important document!, which are invariably dia patched by courier. Finally the newapapera And in tha text of tha preaidential reply contra dictiona of utatementa contained in the Preadenta'a former meaaagea on the •ubject of peace. Haa a High Opinioa of Chambvrlala'a Table ta. "I have a high opinion of Chamber lain'a Tableta for biliouaneaa and aa a laxative," writoa Mra. C. A. Barnea. Charleston, 111. T have never found anything ao mild and pleaaant to uae. My brother haa alao uaed theaa tableta with mtinfartury reiulta." Rertor "How «!" fiTKMf-"Why, rNwlM Ca« llah, my wife's Irtah, tha nurse to Scotch ami the haky walla." NOTICE. By virtue of • M of trvet nant> ad U> ma on the 17th day of Dii — bar, lt!6, by Ana McAnally, convey ing tha laiwfi harainaftar ihirriM ta serure ■ debt of MaM. dua D. T. Mar tin. payable six Manilla aflar data, default having been made in the pay ment of aaid debt. I will aeil for caah to the h {cheat bidder ta front of the Town Hall, In Mooat Airy, North Carolina, on September Itth, HIT at 1 oVIorh, P. M.. UM following real eetata, to-wit: 1st Tract: Beginning at a point to the W. H. Holhngsworth line at tha '••org* Hrooks corner and runs North with said George Brooks' line to the ('reaav line and George Brooks' ear ner; tnenco Cast with tha Creasy line to the old line of T. W Prather; thence Mouth with the Prather line ta tha late W. R. Hollingsworth liaa; thenre West with the said Hollinga worth line to the beginning, contain ing one acre, mora or leas. 2nd Tract: Beginning at a stake in the W. R. Hollingsworth line and running with said line 14 feet East ta a stake; thenre North 3 chains to a stake, to John McAnally line; thenee W«*t with said McAnally's line 14 feet to a stake; thenre .South to the beginning. The first tract being de scribed in a deed from E. M. Hollinga worth and wife to Anna McAnally, Book SI, page 36. The second tract being described in deed from T. W. Prather to Ann McAnally, Book SI Eigi .196, Register's office of Surry ounty. Sale made to satisfy said debt, in* tereHt and cost. This August 23, 1917. J. H. FOLGER, Trustee. Washington, Sept. 2.— President Wilson has invested 110,000 in farm loan bonds. The President recently took (10,000 of the first issue of lib erty bonds. Analysis of Brewer's Springs Chalybeate Water. Analytic No. B.'jO9 of B rower's Chalybeate Springs Water in ISiW. One U. 8. gallon contains on evaporation so!Js 9 IK graim mowing the following in solution: Chloride of S>mIii, Carbonate rf Iron, Car bonate of Lime, Silicia, Sulphate of I'otanh. II. ti. I'altle, director. Tn the analsis of Brower's Chalybeate Sp.inx* Water, made i.V the State Chemist I find a combination of m»*li> .nt-« n -.olut ion which are calculated to tie of the greatest value as a general systematic Alter ative tonic, especially adapted to tho><" ili-cn-*»s bro ighr at out by in activity of the digestive and secretory organs. All stomach, liver, kidney, itkin diseases and diseases of a scrofulous n:ti irj should be greatly relieved, if not entirely cured, by these waters. THOSj. B. ASHBY, M. D. Brower's Springs "Bulding Lots Around Brower'a Chalybeate Springs a number of building lot* are offered for sale. A perpetual right tf use the water goes with every lot. Buy a lot, build a bungalo for your wife and little me*, put them in it this summer and in-ure their good health. If you live in town, and want the water delivered to you, get up two jug* and make application in time. Price 10 cents a gallon. Phone 2S8 BROWER'S SPRINGS R. F. D. 2. Let The News JOB OFFICE have your next job printing the satisfied customed W'r are alwav* XixWi« 10 nave money for our customer* by thowiiiR ihdr. lio>si» grt more )rar» ol wetr tram their paint jott. Th*t\wtay wt recommend II contain* no wfcilin*. • ilka, china rtay or Kher *e* atnff It i» made of the name pore irfrfotienti mat the old-time painter u«ed: Par* \Vhite Um*, IVire White Zinc. Port Unwed Oil, end Mfcaj eltt. I>EVOE la mixed by machinery, 500 gallon* at a tin*. That mate k absolutely uniform in atrentth, color and ccrverm capacity—always. Let aa u.0 jpov Hula t» will coat to Mini DEVOK,