Ouui BATTLES RACING IM ntANCK. ■ritiaJi IM Oily Stop Mm ir in tk« Initial fridmy. V. x trarael y hard fighting with the Oarmana using ir<*l to n-aa at mfma try in maaa formation, to taking place •lone tha «r>uthweatarn and aouthaaat «rn wrtioni of the Gamhrai aaliant. In tha rtritm at Gonnalieu. la Vac and aoutKward to Vendhuile and i irthward toward Maaniareraa, battle* wa"«l with eraat Aarrenaaa thr<ro*hont Mondny. iiut with tha Ger man«, nowhere «nrraefiil in breaking tha Brtti«h front. At fa Va>'|narto thfv again aurcaeded in penetrating tha village fm" whirh they were •Jartad previoualy, but a "trnntr roun tar-attack again tumad tha acalea in favor of General Byng'a forra^. who thraw oat tha enemy, inflicting heavy can *a I tie* an him. Aa in prarioua attack*. tha Garmana uaad graat maaaa of artillery, hot tha Brittoh forraa everywhere mat thair onalaaght* stoically and at toot arrounta wars firmly holding thair lina at all point*. Although tha Garmana in thair of fanaiva hava hacn uaing man reckoned at 20 divuiona, tha Britiah hava baan abla at aavarsl pointa to regain noma «f the ground they lout in tha initial attack which waa delivered with a auddannaaa aimilar to that ofByng'a big driva toward f'amhrai. Sunday night thay had gained the aaatarn «<!*■ of the vill*(r« of Villers Guislain and driven out the Germans from L* Vtrquir*. They bald thin latter po lo the enemy, only to take K **»•" '* tor in the day. Southwest of Bourlon village, at the want of Cambrai, the British also have recovered lost ter rain. The German war office asserts that 6,000 British have been made pris oner during their drive and that 100 film have tx-en tak<>.i from them. A larg<- number of the (runs, already have been recaptured. The four days battle is described as the most san guinary one that has taken place since the days of Vedrun and tha first bat tle of Vpres. Artillery duels are in progress be tween the French and the Germans north of the rhemin des-Dames and in the Vardun sector. An attack by the Germans north of Flirey, in the lat ter region, was entirely driven balk by the French suffering heavy casual ties and leaving prisoners behind them Likewise on the Italian front the! fighting is mostly by means of bis;; runs, the duels being intense on the northern line in the hilly region be tween the Brent* and Piave rivers. No details have yet been received •oncerning the negotiations between the German* and the Russians for an I armistice, although the On man grand headquarter* announces that an nrm-i )*tice already is in Torre on sections of1 the Rusno-Oermnn front. In addition1 to Austria-Hungary acepting the pro posals of the Russians for * relation of hosilities, Bulgaria also ia to open negotiation* with Russia with the name object in view. Meanwhile the international xitua ■taf* headquarter* at the front, where refu-nl met the Bolshevik! regime'* demand that proper arangement* he made by the commander-in-chief with the German* for an armistice. The intcr-allied conference In Pari* fca« er.ded. r<i|nnel 'lou.se, head of the address, declared that there had l>eea eo-ordinalion and unity of purpose rwrhsd which proi.iUed greater re sult* for the future and It wa« hi* deep concentrated effort we shall be able to arrive at th« goal which w* have eel out to reoea." !n t° e i i *'ng DESTERATELY GERMANS ARE SEEKING DECISION. PImi, 9my BaW. | Waakingtoat. Pee. I.—A a affort ky ' dw Germane to ka«w an a daeietea engaageaaent am Um aiaetom tramt Ia m||ia»< in the war department'* » ▼taw of military operation* far the week cmting IWniiMr I, leaped to night by Merratary baker. "The mat'landing feature of the general military nituaUaa today," <ay> til* review, "la u> ha found in th* ever-inereaaing mobility of action of tha force* cniraged. "It naam* that a ilaritMi la being nought by tha enemy, who rralltee thai h« cannot endure for a much longar period the "train of trench war fare impoeed by tha allien in tha weat. "Thui explain* the effort of the cen tral power* in making ron*id*raMe forcea in ordar to invade Italy—m con centration of troop* made poaaibla by tha international situation in Ruaaia. Thi« offenaive »t» undertaken to. croak the Italian* and compel them to warn for peace. Tire weak* of aeaperate fighting haui brought them no nearer their real objective. "The Italian armie* auffered *rr loua raverae* in tha early atagea of tke battle. They were compellad to give way and for a time UM military aitoa tion along tke Italian front wan aar toua. But the enemy had underesti mated the rani-ting power of the MUtMM. Tha hop*<t for ravoluion in Italy, which had bean wduloualy fommUd IYf Garttan progamMata and wtiich wmai "Tha Italian*, by a magnificent ef fort, reorganiie thair broken force*,, rapidly reformed thair radraa. and barked by tha alliaa. wara able, *in-' (le handed, to check tha Aoatro-Ger »mn invasion. "It would b« futile to underaatimate lha great lo*fe* both of men and ma terial, suffered by the Italian*. Than* losses should aarva to Mt forth in lioldar relief the heroic effort" of thaae I element* of the armie* which were abia to thwart the plan* of tha cen tral empire. "Tha dosing of tM Swi*a frontier for two week'* may indicate that the enemy i* transporting large force*, Ixith men and guns, to tha wa*t. "The enemy i* constantly detach ing large contingent* from the east ern theater. All good troop* which can poxibly be spared are bainr dee - patched to other lone* of operation*. -bo mat, though the *aa*on U not propitious for enlarging1 in military enterprise* on a large Male, yet ow ing to the imperative necessity for a continuance of thia mol.iltty, farther offensive* are to lie anticipated. "On the other hand, the allies will give the enemy no respite and any of fcnaive undertaken by the (iertnans will be prrmptly *»et by a counter -rr<ike of greater severity." After •lucussfng the situation on the various fronts the review conclude*: "In the Tale^tlne theater of opera tii.n%<he raj.id advawe of the British on Jerusaleum after the fall of Jaffa has been temporarily retarded. The residence of the Turkish forcea ha* considerably incronied, and the neces *ity of bringing up further reinforce ment* a«<l material ha* caused delay in the offensive operation*."' American* kill Twelve Mexican* who Attacked Indio. Te*.. Dee. 8.— Mexican out law* openr l Are on on* of the Ame»; ran cavalry (wUvii flva rriles fi m here late today Private Kest In th* lee The American troo,Mi stationed her* Immediately crosed the rWer Into Meiiro, oprne.l Are on th« 1 • llement of tjtack* and kiH«-l 12 ■ ( the bandits, including Kelipe Romero i and Rafael Venaslado. AMERICAN ENGINEERS DOING A GREAT WORK. rUy»iI Largt Fmrt im Making Fwltiiif R*ilw«r*. itfttlah Army Haftdquartnrv In Fmiw. Monday Mo*. Ik—By tin An ■aclatad Pr»«« ) AlMrlnui <m)nnr», tha Am«r1ran trmp« h ba mprwl In military oparatlona on ihr Rritlah front took a promlnant part la hraaklnff of tha Hlndanburg Una hy Ganaral Byng teat waak. It la a«w pnaalhla to Inform tha paapla of the Unltad fttataa that anfftnaara of tha Amariran array had a larfa part In puahinf up tlia vital railway bahtnd tha advinrlnf Bntiah aoldiara. TV Amancan anginaara hava baan labor inr on tha rnada fhrourb tha davaat ad hattlaflalda "f tha Somiw dtatrict for naarly four atontha and two of thair man, who wara woundad wara tha flrat American eaaoaJtia* announ cad from Wuhtngton. Tha apaad with which tha linaa hava baan laid up through tha hrokan Hindanhur* da fan aaa daring tha paat waak haa rallad forth tha highaat praiaa from tha Britlah anthoritiaa. Tha Antarlma hava baan working in' ahifta 24 hour* a day and no aoch1 amount of track haa baan laid In thia I rairion In ao »hort a time bafora. Tha mannar in which thair baig dubbad tha "Amarican athdataa." For thaaa un tiring aoldieri ara today aa fit and aa aniline aa thay wara bafora tha bat tie began. Naturally the Americana have for l long time been work in* under the rang* of enemy artillery and mora than once they have com* under heary ■hall lira. Ona of the Mat striking alaag the front has been that *t\ nr 100 yard* away. At ona time the German* est loose with their gun* on a lecttaa of the truck* tore up three mile* «nf rail*. !>ut they scarcely had flnfe^ed thi* bombardment when Sgfertn lire* of ■tee) began to creep forwa rd once more After the enginer* had reached a point where they were aapoaed on the *k> line it vat oecasaary to work at night or on foggy day*. There hare l>een three force* of American" empl<> ad in thi* region *ince about August 4. Two of them have bean occupied with the operation and maintenance of light railway* and die other ha* been ranatroetiag nar row guaga line*. Yhe correspondent ha* rinited maty of their engineer* since their arrival and ha* found them fit and eager for work. The correapowleat was talking w*h th rtr officers today am) tkt only ansie tjr thc-y expresfed about the future the fear that they might later be com pelled to work far bark of the liner out of the fighting zone. The engin eer* love to hear the gun* and to get an clone to the ((ring line a* military orders permit. Some of them had an unusual ex perience much to their liking, on the first day al the offensive. The Brit ish called for volunteer iitretcher hear er* to go forward to the battle4eld am' brine wounded British ami German* A large numlier of the engineer, of fered their service* which were ac cept"*!. They Ju*t had flnfiihed a hard day'* work on the railway, hut they gladly undertook the new. ar duous and dangerous task and labored through the night getting Injured soldi*, s back to th* dressing stations. They were highly complimented by the British for their efficiency In thi* line. Stomach Trouble aad ( enatipation. Thoee wh< are afflicted with t i" vh trot Isle and conatipatkm s' read the following. "I have never found anything so good for stomach thouIdes and constipation a* Chamber lain's Tel.lot*. I have used them oil arid on now for the past two years ~Vi?y *-♦ it'vt <re«U»t ' i»»rt Ihcv >. • ■.!•'• St- the «'»♦».s .» ; and keep.; oov's ln>u> in a healthy t«i I litK-n." writes Mrs. Benjamin Hooper, Auburn, N. Y. Torlu HmmIt miCmrmmmOww Bo» "v. X" T^e ?... ari fc .»« kiw !»f (iorimn mi# Ml ■ "ItrMlM ef ««r ky the United ■ MMm agatnet Turkey now would ha playlnt 1st* tha handa ft Bartm (WR | rlala, M tha opinion ef Dr. William E. •Hfnaf, atltnrml aerretary of tha America* Board of t'ommiaatenen for i Forttfn Miaaiona. "Why tha United Statea ahould de • lara war upon aithar Turkey of Bul garia ta irnmprehenpitble to thr.ee who know anything of tha internal aitua tionnf thnaa two ronntr!**," aaid tha <i«f< mant iaaued by Dr. fttrong to night. "Both of tha rnmtrln ara aa much nndar tha control of Garmany aa ara Rolirium and Poland. "Who would atiggeat," ha continued, "that wa ahould declare war againat Belgium berauae Belgian aubjecta ara working for German r and Belgium >• supplying Garmany with foodstuff* and othar war equipment? Thnaa who hava coma out of Turkay during the lat few month* give only one testi mony and that ie to the affect that Tur key ia heart] y tired of the domination of German?\ Even the leader* recog nixe that the^ want into thia war not for any poeaihle gain to Turkey. but with every opportunity of toeing every thing. "If war ahould be declared on Tur key and Bulgaria, what could the United States do- It would ha cruel in tha extreme to make an attack upon a people who hata tha alliance with j Germany with a perfect hatred and who would gladly break that alliance if they had the power to do *o." Put Children Bafora Advancing Army. No*. tO*—Ait tfca op-1 of th« acta of barbarian whjrh revolt i «d the civilized world, *emi-official di«-1 pate ha* from Rom* today »ay, are now1 '.•in* practiced by the Au*tro-Ger-' nan invader* of Italy. Near Zenaon the dispatch** lay, the nvadar* placed Italian women and hildren before their troops a* they dvanred and the Italian soldiers were .mpelled to nacrifict their innocent countrymen. In the Friuli region. war taxes re quiattiona and conscription of labor ia being practiced a* it *>i in Belgium tnd northern France, A u* t ro-fierman priaoner* tell of Italian noncorabat int* masaacred by the invading troops and loot from Italian homes and ahop* ha* been found on the bodiaa of dead troop*. Soldier* on the Piave declare ihey bear the acraam* of women and rhildran from the opposite aide of the river. The invading armies have taken away cattle and other property burned household furniture »r their biviuac fires, Bosnian troops, the dUpatche* ay. have committed jnnameable atro cities. TAKE IT IN TIME. Juat at Scorea of Mount Airy People Have. Wniting doesn't pay. If you neglect kidney backache. More serious trouble!! often follow, Doen's Kidney Pill* are for kidney backache, and for other kidney iHs. Mount Airy citixens endorse them Mrs. J. C. Harris. 814 8. Main St.. Mount Airy, my*: "I couldn't stoop over or straighten up without having sha»p pain* in my kidneys. At times mv back ached tn badly that I ccnld hardly get about to do my housework. I felt tired and languid and the least exertion seemed to play me out. Af ter I had taken a few doses of Doan'* Kidney Pills, procured at the West Drug Co.. my hack felt much het'er. 1 ' ' • bent v f lawk was aa strong as ever and I b a vent had any trouble from It sine*." Price (Or at all dealer*. Don't sim ' r'y aik for a kidney remedy -get— Ki.h ry Pi'.l* the same thai ■ Mr*. Harris had. Foster-MiUmra Co. | Prop*., Buffalo, N. Y. MEN ATTACK AMERICAN MORALE COULD BE SHOT Jndp l>|< P»Hwr» Palilalia I AdJrwaa From lh~ Bmmk, Whmm Charging IIm Crtad Jury of lit* Dcear -«f Term a4 the Fudaril Di« H«t Court —Bar Pror.ad. W th Uwni. •nova IwdoT'timn' «f Hi* Sentiment. i "In the regular courne if nature, I have only a few man- ,nri to live," laid Judge Jama* E. H d yaatarday when ha thanked the ha for it* ap proval of an ad ! ->«» h<- tul ma«te on pat rioti*m, "but 1 wait* to nee peace raxiored with th« inatitutinna of n> c.untry intact." Ttlvre dim such depth of ulncerity tn the atutement that the rrowilad court Tocm at silent for a moment, anil Ulere waa no out burnt of feeling, aa hail marked pre vloua tiprmioni from the bench dur ing the morning. Judge Boyd hail cloned hie addreaa and Thomaa J. Gold of High Point, roaa to hia feat and moved a ruling vote of thank*. When Diatriet Attorney Hammen put the motion, every paraon tn the court room »tood up. "If you dont agree exactly with thr plan of the preparationa being made by the country now, put aaule personal views. Don't quibble. The people in authority are doing the bait they can, and the man who would *ay now that we ought to be unaueeeasful in Una war ia guilty of treaaon. Any auch person could be triad and con victed aa a traitor and "hot," »aiH' Juujre Boy<j. further along he &aid ami<l applause that "thin country i* to eme/ge triumphant in ihe ■n.l from J tkia war, aad WUHmm Hofeen^llerni bverwlefmeS^amT fif™a33SE<nHafttej conclusion of pear* will leave thnee who failed th« country in iu hour of peril "marked men" and that mark ing will be scored against them fore ver. There is no time now for fine aca demic discussion* of whether the Unit ed State* is righteously at war. no; time for criticism of the Country, but it is a crisis in which all "Americans must stand together as one man" against a foe which started the war in the deaire to "dominate the world" and has conducted it on a plane of sav agery and brutality difficult for civil ized men to stand up in this country now and say he sympathize* with Ger many," Judge Boyd said. "That time is past." When Great Britain, France and Germany first went to war, it is to be understood that there was a na tural sympathy for Germany in this country where so many of the peo ple are of German descent, "b^t there U no longer justification of the nenti ment. Germany ha* forfeited all right to sympathy by ber violation of sacred international obligations, and her disregard of the fundamental, de rent demands of humanity. • "The man who Nyreaks a sympathy for Germany in this country now," said the judge, "is as much a traitor as is the man who discredits the cause of the United States." The judge paid recognition to the German poier. That nation is like a giant bulldog with many of the ani mal's qualities, as it displays its na lure in shaking smaller dogs—bat sur rounding it are three great, coura geous antagonist*. France, Great Brit ain and the United .States, and the "Just the greatest sf them n"," Ju '^e Boyd said and they will not stop nor hesitate until the harbarianii pay the penalty for their c> imes. until such I restoration as is possible is made of the ravaged countries wt'.(+ ha c felt | th« h«*l of the inv* fer until tH» empire tetters and falls, and the Ger man people are made to realise the essential error of their aaault on civil ization and Christianity. The duty of Americans in thia rrisii is to flew everything they have, il need be, to farther the eaoae of Um ! MNmtrjr. Duly la aa mar* ihaa tfcta. for irirTtkiH torhulM Ufa whan eatt «d far, and it ti Ml a wfH laaa. Tfca I mmf mi!H»ry sImvM jjo WiHW naadad, ra*ltnn| that Ufa ttaaK In j ** ta ba '»l|liri M th» baianaa I right. "What would ha a*r •••mdiuon nam," Judga IM »ikai "htH Mir IMMtAPI fMlKMiTBli tfn4i livaa inntaad of thatr rmtntry »h— I ha taot rama?" Profltaaring should not ha tnlar]*a4 now, and tha man who «f»ya at homa whila Hi* fallow* light tha Italian** rtlfht in tha tranehM, ani* turn? Via h.mdn to ratting rkh thrrnirh <paro I lation "on tha naaila of" tha po- pla am* <-!a* «d u a traitor '« y .''Mr* f!oy l. »Ha put him alonr«if »hc maa •vho failt* down tha Inif i i entiaa ikI « **na tha mora!* of tha na i .p. irmned th»>m ill. At tha »nd, Jrnlgr Boyd in vi tart ary.na in tha audianre who fait a »ym partly for f'.armany to rina. No on« a<r»ptart 'ha invitation. Inauranca of Soldiar* and Sailors. Washington. D. C.—Th« art 'vhirh provide* for fiove:ntn<..'.l llXc in.ur anra for soldier* and nailor* ha* now bean in operation a littla ,nr • than a month. Tha Sarratary of tha Traaa> dry announced on November 17th that op to that data 44,1118 applirationa undar tha naw law had haan received, representing insurance in tha nam of I662.IW3.00A. From four to «l* thou sand applirationa ara r» aivad narh day at tha Treasury Dap* rt men , tha amount of insurance applied for aoma time* reading a total of fifty million dollar* in a single day. The law providaa that soldiers, Mil ers,< marina* and nurses in Kttn mrrie* May obtain from the Govarn exceeding $10,000 at premium rata* ranging from *15 cents a mmth at the age of 21 yearn to $1.20 a month at tha a ST* of 51 yean, for each 11,000 of innuranre. # One of the primary object* of this law i* to fe-en the tremendoo* bur den of per<K>n* which ha* followed aa a conHequenre of all American wars. (t is evident that the a»!"-..iM*t'ation of thin new b-anch of Ct < •rnment work is big business in itself. But thin is only one of manv governmen tal activities incident to the war which a. r adding gTcat nunhi .i of clerks, V.wnograpHers, and and otner servants to Uncle Sam'* payro". I.ite ally t)u>u»andi of rtenographe and type writer* have been appointed in Wash ington during the pa»t few months and thousand.-! more »re to be appoint ed as soon as they sr» available. The United State* Civil fiervice Commis <ir>n is holding examination* for these positions weekly throughout the coun try. Secretaries of local boards of rivil service examiners at the post (.Alien in all cities are furnishing de tailed information. Slight Improvement Shown In th« Health of Soldiers. Waohinirton Nov. 29.—Slight im provement in health conditions in the national guard and national army camp* for the week endir? November 23, is shown hy the weekly heal h re port of the division of fl«.M san: at ion made public today by Sargewi Gen eral Gorjras. Seven national guard divisions show a lower rate during the preceding week and seven show an Increase prin c(im!!y in pneumonia arfl rr.ca ,ks. In the national army eight divisions show's decrease, one sh >ws the »■■> rate and seven a higher rata. CORN AND CHOP MILL. T hav uta't >d a mill on IV»p» TliB near Mount Airy M grind eefi and chop. I have a special mill that will grind corn and eoh together, thus making fine feed far itwk. I aba bay and sell wood. m. t. Mcknight. -««m4

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