1. V. WEST DRUG CO. I MAIN STREET I MOUNT AIRY. N. C. ® TAD CARDUI Hie Woman's Took WOOD'S Poultry Foods r To pt Ego daring the Winter months, when they are worth about twice M much a* Egg* '* Summer, H is necessary that the hens get the proper food. Our HOLLY BROOK LAYING POOD, a specially prepared food containing all the elements neces sary for Egg production, wilt give moat aatlsfactory results. This is ■ ma&h food, properly balanced aid ready for tne morning mash. HOLLYBBOOK SCRATCHING FOOD, which is a grain mixture containing a large assortment of cracked and small graiaa, to be used as i«n exercise fco-.l, scattered In the pens to make the hens work for what they get, will alas help to increase Egg production. Write for prices aad CATALOG, giving information about our POULTRY FOODS aad SUP PLIES. 1. ailed free on request. T. W. WOOD & SONS, SEEDSMEN, Bichm-*, Vs. READ The State Journal A VttUf Mirror •/ HartK CmMtm Lift BALEIOH, M. a Tk« Otm* Worth OmUil Weekly PabUabed * tke Stats Capital. •8.00 ft Taw. ^ •LOO for HU Moatha. » a 9 ii Teraa, Vlgnraaa, CVan, hstroctita, EaMrtatairf. tnapirfa*. Mails fa* the Konf Circle aad aleo for the Hu«y Man. Il*» a bunt yaar una affair* and juai own folk*. Yo» Med it. U yoa do not read h. )rod bum *ume«Kiii| really worth while la ike political, enooomlc and achku >■**] life of jvor Stale. Throe atenthe trial mbecrlpiin*. 15 cent*. Talk* About T—|i. N«w York. Oar. If.—Artllur Pollen, tha British naval n^trt, who haa sail ed for Europe after spending m months in the United State*, gave Ui the As*oriat*d Pros* a statement in { which ha Mud that the campaign of tha allied navie* against tha aubmar | ina haa at laat reaultad in keeping tha I world'* ahip tonnagr from showing a ' monthly dacraaaa or will noon do ao. I Mr. Pollan gives cradit for thia lucces* to tha chanie in tha chief commandar carried out by tha Britiah admiraJi tj laat ipring and tha participation of tha Amarican navy. Mr. Pollan pointed out that aU month* ago tha German submarine* were causing a nat attrition in tha world'* tonnage at tha rata of nearly 25 par cant annually. While the pres ant rata of attrition la difficult to anti mate it appeared that laat month Great Britain launched aa much ton nage aa aha lost; tha flrat ahip laid down by the Unitad Statea sine* tha war haa bean launched, and. within tha nest 12 montha, a aubataatial por tion of the 6,000,000 tons provided for in tiha country will undoubtedly be afloat. Great Britain'a shipbuilding program will similarly increase month by month and moreover the campaign of the allied naviea against tha aub marine will grow tn value week by week, he aaid. "The aigniftcance of thia to the for tune* of war doe* not have to be point ed out," Mr. Pollen continued. "It mean* that Germany'* flank attack on ' fkiluui roma»naia**'« • v - * " ' ] there la no reason why ultimately the full military power of Great Britain, France and Italy, and moat impor tant of all of the Unitad Statea ahould not be felt in the western theater of war. Thia ia a tremendoua result." Speaking of the change in the chief command in the Britiah admiral ty, Mr. Pollen aaid: "In bringing about thia new order of thinga at Whitehall, the refonaera were undoubtedly assisted first, by the fact that an extremely effective, well equipped and briliantly commanded contingent of American deatroyers waa already at work In a very impor tant area of the theater of war, and next by the British government wak ing up to the truth that the belliger ency of America meant not only the ■o-op* ration of a very gallant and en terprising ally, but the domestica tion. so to speak, of a new and ex tremely intelligent critic." WEAK, WEARY WOMEN Learn the Uiiim of Daily Woea and End them. When the back aches and throbs. When housework U torture. When night brings no rest nor sleep. When bladder disorder* set in. Women's lot ia a weary one. Doan's Kidney Pills are for weak kidneys. Have proved their worth in Mount Airy. This ia one Mount Airy woman's testimony. Mr*. F. C. Taylor, N. Main 8tr«et, Mount Airy, says: "I waa bothered a treat deal by inflammation of the bladder. My kAneyt ware disordered and my back felt ao waak that I could hardly cat about. My head ached and at times, I rot ao disxy that I seemed to be falling. I waa nervous, run down and was getting worae every day Doan's Kidney Pills stopped the pain in my back and made my kidneys net as they should." Price 80c, at all dealers. Don't aim ply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan's Kidney Pills— the same that I Mm. Taylor had. Foster-Milbarn Co, , Huffalo, N. Y. FOOD SURVEY ON LAMCM LAUNCHED. 11—The mat try W foed tw in tha United States mr lh« war HMrfmry food ■urrey for by Cimgrn—will ha within the naat few days, whan tha flrst batrh a# tha mora than 7S3.000.008 sehadulaa or queationatraa te ha aant out will ha piaead in tha mail*. Tha buraau af markate has haan commissioned by tha secretary of agriculture ta carry aul tha bic stock-taking enterprise with tha ea of other bru^a> af the da Thia sur.ey will toach avary daalar in food and fowl mater ials, every food manufarturar, and avary holder of substantial quan' ities j of food in tha country except tha fami-j ly, requiring tham to raport stocks which they hava on hand December 31 1917. A separate srheduls will ba »ent te a representative numbar of • par tal ly salaried homea throughout tha country and upon returni from theaa an estimate will be made for all humaa Tha approaching survey follows a preliminary inventory for a limited number of food itema made August SI last, raaulta of whiaa hava been ly all the aim « til* itaajor nurvey to be begun shortly U to give the govern want, producers, dnltri Md contum tra exact information of th* quantities >f th* various iraportant food ma tar als on hand. It ia only with truat worthy figures of existing food iitocka is a baaia, an waa pointed out whan -hat safe plant ran ha mad* for con terving and distributing food already m hand, and for producing the fooda leeded next season. The aurvey will be made by meana if schedules of queationaire* con Lain ng question* anil blanks for answer* n regard to (M items, covering more han 100 different foods. These ilems ire divided into 10 general group*: neat and meat products, fish, animal ind vegetables, dairy and related pro lucts, canned goods, fresh fruits and 'egetablea, dried fruits, nuts and pea luts; and sugar, starches, «tc. An iwers are to show the quantities of sach item on hand and an estimate of ]uantitiea, if any, in transit outward by freight or exprvaa, on December II, 1917, and the qualitiea that w*r* on hand Decaabcr SI, 1911. Th* ra turns also will show the nature, or ganization and aiz* of th* buain*as of each dealer. They must be signed by the owner or an sucfiorixad official. Schedules will b* sent to all deaWra in food materials, all manufacturers of food producLa, and all holders of such commodities in lota substantially greater than family supplies. Re ports, therefore, will b* exported from wholesale and retail grocers, bakers, confectioners and all other dealers in commodities containing food mater ials ; from warehouaemen and cold storage concerns; from commissiariea of institutions and commercial and in dustrial establishments; from export ers; from maunfacturars employing any food product in thfir operations; and from representative of foreign governments who buy supplies in this country. The government desires re ports even from concerns using food stuffs as ingredients in products not ordinarily considered food; from bot tlers of soda water and similar bever ages, and from chewing gum manu facturers, for example, because of the sugar employed. The act of Congress providing for th* war emergency food survey fixed a fine not exceeding $1,000 or impris onment not exceeding one year, or both, as punishment for any individual or concern who wilfully fails to make report when requested, or wilfully re ports incorrectly. The bureau of markets, however, counts on the full co-operation of the affected trades and induatries, and hopes that there would be very few caaes in which It will be neceasary to enforce compliance through prosecution. 4 | In a child that In aubjart to attacka . of croup, tha first indication of tha di .'<«M la hoaj MMM. Qit« Cha.i.tiar I lain'a Cough Rrtnody aa aoon aa the M'hild bacoterx beam* and the attack . may ba aaiJed u(T ami all tlingor and J anaiat/ avo.d<*i. MAY CLOSE M1CM POINT SCHOOLS TWO MOMTH3 TfcfrfaW iIiiUm Wafr Mmmw m hl.n.l «| Pwl High Point, Dm. 17—That tha Hig Point achooia rioM durum Jmmttmr and February M lk*t thq coal ra quired to heat thea audit go th datwa at CHy Managar Murphy awn* daring a apacial eat tad meeting at th city council at noon today. The mart ing of the city fatkara waa caflaH b< Mr. Murphy who, uHy thta momini realiaed that achool muni ahortly nil poad hacauaa of tha feel ahertage. In view of tha fart that thara li about auAcient coat in tha achoeia bini to continue tha xaaMm far an nth* two weeka, tha councilman decided t< increase tha Chnataiae holiday!; ii other words to grant tha child ran fron tha 2nd to tha 16th of January, aa ai additional period a* that fual might I* obtained. At preaent, aa a reauit of tha meeting today, achool ta alatoc to raauma on January, It, but if tha fual aituation ha«n't improved by thai tuna, tha raaumption wiii not aceui until later and tha daily aaaaiona will continua through J una aa that th< prescribed work may bo accooipliahed Tha atond that tha fual aituation would continua tha aamc for mm tima to eama waa taken by Mr. Mur phy after ha had bean in communica tion with fual aalling agenta for tha paat faw daya. Tha coal received by Eke city laat Thursday kaa all baaa •old and a ahortaga of tranaportation faciUtiea at tha minaa in Waat Vir rinia hai mada it practically certain that no mora will he received for daya to cone. The fual concaraa have lothing to aell, and the city manager law no chance of Ailing the bina in Jie achool buildinga, hence hia recom mendation to the council. Absolutely no way of aacuring coal ■o heat the achool buildinga could ba irrived at Tjy Mr. Murphy, who haa ipent more than a few houra on the luhject. School ia to cloaa for the hriatmaa holidaya during thia week 'the rooms comfortable until he Oiriatmaa vacation arrivaa. Ur linarily achool enda in May and Mr. Murphy'a idea waa to auapend during lanuary and February and have achool :ontinue through June, which will per mit the completion of tha preacribed :ourae of atudiaa. No fuel would be needed during the »cm period. It waa ■ La tad, and the prolonged Chriatmai vacation wiould reault in aohring on« phaae of the coal situation. Campaign Upon Nostrum* Begin New Orleans, La. — Dr. Oacai Dow! in ft pmidtnt of Um Louitiani Department of Health, has launches "I ha»a ta km up tha mutter with AttanMgr-CMnI ef the Ktata." wU Dr. Dawting, "mU Im agree« with km that under the law the nwiptpa thai puliiixh^s AilvtrtlNMnti of noAtrumi which are wnrthleaa I* equally (mil) with the man who aanulMturM thaai and tha nan who aella theai la the "I addreaaed a letter la tha attwM|i general l»«t anmmer in which I a»k»1 ilia opinion in rmgmrd la tha I lam I It y of newipapera in publishing uiehonea* ami misleading «tat«maat» of m*r. hand ma, aaruritiea or anything aiaa for aaia. Tha attorney-general re pliad to tha a (Tart that, in hia opinion, I »ny newapaper or publication whwh i ,'Uhliahai »u.-h an - ivertisetnent or givea it rirrulatioa, knowing tha nam* ta l>a unt. ue for tha purpoeea of aacnr in( the aala or iliapoaitiou tharaof, will Ua equally guilty aa the person or per son* at whoae instance the publication to made." Ckamhartaia'a Comfit Rrmr^y Thia is not only ona of lh« b«»t and most WBriant macltrin* for rouffba, mM* and rrmip, but ia alao plaaaant and aafa to taka, which ia important when madkcina nut ba given to ehil rtran. Many motham ha»a fivan it thtir uiMjuiliiUd tnilni ■•iihiH Churches idwil Humm and mhm ■■lilii ran ha » ail Ngfctari *( vrry Unto m) hy DELCO-UGHT TkU wurvWrful ala< trie K^hiing pLint hring* rlac Mr lifht M-t |»i»« r ta ymt vary • t-». Nua^i*. • •* t, acnw.mir<l and prat firstly foat-pmnf Uvar tS.OOQ aowtauaa. M«k« it a pi .at lo iaa ih« Drlru-Lif ht pUnt in opera riot. HOME LIGHT A WD IH»WE« CO. < fcinstu^N. C. Chestnut Wood Wanted! We are now ready to make contract* for Chest nut wood. Our price is higher to contractor tlyin right to reject any wood that is not up to the specifi cations or accept the same at a reduced price. We also reserve the right to stop issuing contracts at any time. THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford is an honest car in the fullest sense of the term—built on an honest design with honest materials, sold at an honest price with the assurance of honest performance and an equally honest, efficient after-aervice. Besides, it has been proved beyond question that tha Ford is most economical, both to operate and maintain. It is one of the utilities of daily life. Your order solicited. Efficient after-service is behind every Ford car. Run-about, $345; Touring Car, $360; Coupelet, $505; Town Car, $595; Sedan, $645; One-Ton Truck Chasais, $600. All f. o. b. Detroit. GRANITE CITY MOTOR COMPANY MOUNT AIRY, N. C

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