Airy News. is>ta SHORT NEWS ITEMS fcjsan A alt by «W -William* spent the past with nhtKH harm. Pntsy fiwra who has b* to hiltimn' "pent the holidays artth »lativ*s in thin city. -Mrs. H. C Sprinkle and chil«sw> risiteH -elet**-* in MoorssvHl* durny the holiday*. ■r. and Mrs. H. W. Doub at Abet dee* are fiwM of Mr. and Mm W. A. iavknon on tin* litreet. Mr*. J. M. Dis #nd daughter Miss Ma T«rtt left lait week to (pend the winter la Florid*. Fred Kingsbury trft Friday for Camp Sevier after vmiting relative* in thin eo<m»f. Mian EM* Crjumpler has returned to Oprmnnto* after visiting fnenda in Weatfield. Mr. R. V. Mar4»ll and eon «(f Waat f eld were visitors here thu msefiing. Dr. and Mra. K. W. R**c* left Sat urday to upend some twe ta florid*. Nell Clark will leave Satur day for South Carotins where ah* teaches school after visiting Mra. Will Hayecu in this county. ^ Mis* Marjorie Sparger who teaches in Rocky Mount spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mra. J. B. Sparger ia this city. Joe HollingsWorth and Eugene Flip pin left this morning to resume their »to'lie« of pharmac) and medicine in the University of Maryland at Balti more. ^ Frank Graves who has been in school in Baltimore, Md., ta visiting his parenta Mr, and Mrs. S. P. Craves is this city. Lieut. Edwin Carter ha* returned to Camp Jackeon after visiting hi* parents Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Carter in this city. Osier Wolt\, Scctt Hr!e and Hugh Hoicomb have returned to Trinity col lege to resume their studies after ■pending the holidays with relatives in this city. // Bernard Smith has returned to Camp Sevier, S. C. after visiting his parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Smith at West field. The Missionary society of the First Baptist church will hold an all day prayer service in the church tomor row. Joe Clark of Camp Sevier, J. R. Clark of Winston-Salem visited their aunt Mrs. W. D. Hayncs duri.ig the holiday*. Misses Pearl Hatcher, Rachel ahd Mary Haynes and Margaret Fulton have returned to the State Normal college at Greensboro after visiting relatives here. // Miss Bertie Dix, Matron of Guil ford College has returned to her du ties at that institution after spending the holidays with I Natives in Weat fleld, she was acompanied by Miss Una Seals. . / J Among the holiday marriages were Mr. Loraine Smith to Miss Mollie Cook both of Westfleld Dr. J. T. Smith officiating, and Miaa Pearl Hollinga worth of Woodville to Mr. Campbell of Flat Rock. Mr. Wolf ha* resigned the posi tion of agent at the Southern depot and his family will do light housekeep ing in Mrs. Wolfe brother's home In Greensboro until Mr. Wolfe decide* on another location. '// Will Hollingsworth, Raymond Sar gent, Roacoe Calloway, Ralph Monroe and Byron Gwyn of the coast artillery department located at Fort Caawell visited relative* here during the holi day*. Miaa Mary 8pa ugh entertained a few frienj* Tuesday afternoon at a knitting party In honor ef Mi** Hel en Warren of Ilurlington. A deli aioua salad course waa served duiing /•J Mr. CfcM. IklHM at Winston fete* fmrn the MI4k;> with Mrs VkltM* mmt mm Im Mm city. Ralph • ■NWbar of Um "Guilford Orryt" atalated at Fori Cm*iII, If. C. is visiting This ptrtnU Dr. and Mm W. S. Taylor le't Wad noaday far a taw we-k* ikgr in Jack lonvilla, FU. Mia Carrie P&ee of I (anvil la visit ad her brother. Cmpt. Saml 41. Pa« bar* dwiif the hoifciays. Mr*. Sarah Spaa**) haa returned rfom a visit to bar daughter, Mr* Reeves at Saaford. Miaa Murj Speugh ttudent of th< A thavilla Normal is vUfcin< her moOi r<-r in this city. Miaa Eva CkrMMJi haa seturoad W<>m a visit to frianrt-i in JUickory. Miaa Nettie Alfred who teacnei new Mt. Olive visited har father, Mr Jsaae Allrad during the h«4Wtays. Mis" Virginia Stemple of Winston Sales is the guest or r-Iisa Mary Han nah oa Main street. There will hp no meeting ef the BettermeaJ. asaociation this weak ow ing to the fact that there is no Are ia the aahapl building, the time of meeting will ha announced later. Miaa Mary L#wi« .eturned to her home in New Yerk to spend the holi days aft»r spending seveial rr.i.nlh with her brother Mr. W. M. Lewal on Cherry street. M)s* Lena Hatcher spent Monday with her sister Mrs. P.ex TUley re turning to South Carolina to resume her duties aa teacher after visiting her parents near Brim. Lieut. Randall Sparger haa return ed to Columbia after a short visit to his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sparger on Rockford street. Miss Lucy Hariley of the faculty of Salem College, Winston-Salem, .-■pent Christmas with her mother, Mr. J. A. liadley on Pine street. John Ap.hby who workes in Greens boro spent the holidays with hib mother, Mrs. J. L. A:hby on Main street. Mr. William Merritt and Bruce Yokely have returned to the Universi ty st Chapel Hill after visiting rela tives here. Mess re Law son Trotter of Pllet Mountain and Graham Trotter of Charlotte spent a portion of the holir days with relatives in this city. Miss Florence Smith student at St. Mary's college Raleigh and little Misa Helen Smith of Greensboro spent the Holidays with their father, Mr. A. K. Smith on Franklin street. /Adrian Robinson has returr <1 to his studies at the George Tech school in Atlanta to await a call from the government for training in the avia tion service in which he has enlisted./ Sergeant Ernest Herman left this Morning for Camp l-ee at Peters burg, Va.. after visiting his parents, Rev. and Mr*. George D. Herman on Franklin street. Raymond Smith spent a few ('ays with his father, Mr. A. E. Smith on Franklin street before going to Lake Charles, Louisiana where he has been transferred from Charleston, S. C. Lieut. Mortime.- Cosby and Lieut. Wilson Coaby left for Camp Jaciuor. Christmas day after a short visit to thair mother, Mrs. W. M Lewis on Cherry street. Misses Grace Foy who teaches in Winston-Salem and Louise Foy, stu dent of Greensboro College for Wom en spent the Christmas vacation with Mr. and Mr*. E. C. Foy on Main street Waif •(Milt t*e hoh<fcy» in Qwtor. B. C. Wmm af Burlington ia of Mia ElluMk Iptrpr Mkea <j*yi>«!i Crlloway who laarhea ■t ML OBaari *pawt tha holidays with har pa rant* in tbta city. Mm* Apn Abaher who taarha* in Wayne rarnty *|Mfit tha holiday* with har moCtkav in thi* city. Miaa Lot* Wolf who teaches music in Matthews *jwrrt Chrt«tma* with har pa rant* ia thi* city. Mia* Anna Mu [harin and Mint Ho-, ■lay apenl tha holidays with Mi*« Mulherin's mothar in Greensboro. Miaaaa Nellie and Katie Pag* of Raleigh apent tha h'4kJay* with their sister Mra. William* oa Charry atraat Prof. C. M. Stalay h«* returned .from a visit to rrlathrea hi Randolph county. Mr. and Mr*. Kd. Wren* of Reid". vlfb spent tha holidays with relatives in (kia city. Tha Miaaion study class of Ceiftral M. E. Church .'neat* with Mra. C. C. Crave ling on Rockford fitreet Thtir* day afteraoon at 2:30 o'clock. biases Etkel and Kata Hpaugh who teach in Wmiton-SaVm and Annie Spaugh who teaches <lome*tic neirrre ia Walnut wara guests of their moth ar, Mlaf Sarah Spanfrh during the hoi Maya. ^ Mr*. J. H. Carter and baby retui ned juat before the holidk/s from a visit to her parent* in Washington. N. C. *he wa* accompanied by her sister, Miss Blight who spent the holidays here. p/ltfiss Mildred Hill entertained at a six o'clock dinner at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hill on Willow street laiit Thursday, those present were Mi**ei Agnes Absher, Elizabeth Sparger. Kachel and I.ucile Haynes, Mary Thompson and Ruth Chapman. Mrs. R. A. Georu* was hostess to the yoting married ladies book club last Friday at her home on Franklin street; a delirious salad course «ai served after propressive rook was played. >0 Union services of the rhurches wax held at Central Methodist church Sun day evening with Eev. T. H. King of the Baptist church the speaker for the evening. Rev. King preached a splendid sermon on "The Second Com ing of Christ" he w.i heard by a fine audience for a cold night. ^ Mr. S. N. Allred of the U. S. aecret service department, who spent several weeks in a hospital in Augusta, Ga.t suffering from a pistol shot wound in the leg caused by the accidental dis charge of his pistol when the weapon propped from his pocket in his office in that city, has sufficiently recovered to make the trip here to spend the 1 holidays with hU family. Several groups of singers went out /about five o'clock Christmas morning and Hang Christmas hymns on the streets. It was a beautiful thought and all who took part have the grati tude of many who awakened to hear "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" or "Holy Night" and returned V> their slumber to dream of that first Christ 1 mas morning when the angels sang; or arose to the duties of the day with ( their hearts filled with the peace I which the music inspired. It is a most fitting way to celebrate the birth 1 of Christ and we commend it to sing ers every where for all Christmas | mornings to con-.e. Frank Woodroffe Violin Teacher. Studio 24> North Mala Street J 1UKJ !—~9t— -XJ.lJ—MKgSBgg—1T i» Harrison Motor Co. * Automobile Accessories and Repair Work. AT YOUR SERVICE Mount Airy, N. C. Franklin Street Phone 227 - Wishing You A Happy New Yew 1917 Has Been the Best Year of Our Business Career in Mount Airy *» lakr this nrtM of thanking lh» many frlnd* and ru«U>m<ra for tkrir patronage daring Ihr Unt year and iMUrr you that "r appreciate your h.mineaa and wink far ■ contin uance of Ihr *ame. Our stock la mnplrlt in «»frj r» ■pert and yoo can alwarn depend on getting the brat there ia in ( locking and Furniahinga at our atore. *> handle nothing but th«4eat. Tall and a** an—l.undy or Jim Barker arc al ways ready to wait on you. »> aell for raah. Fay Caafc. CMk Pay*. 7Vi&scrfi(%rxxJ ^ ^xSHDvi»/i !! Next Door to First National Bank A NEW HOME —For— W. II. Marion's Music Douse Second door from First National Bank, Main St. Handles the World's Best Pianos We Handle the Following Makes of Pianos: Checkering Bros. Decker A Son Hallet A Deris Francis Becon Conway Milton Shipman Organs Columbia Grafonolas and the Aeolian Vocation. EVERYTHING MUSICAL W.H.

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