m lanb mmiMNTy, By virtue af ■ deed of truat « ad by W. I. Norman and wtfe to xnn • Mil diw J. M. Patterson dated Aug. 17th. 1*17 Dm mma being M due Mi unpaid M the riimt a}| *e bo.dor e< Um note *ecured by dead of treat, I will Mil at public I (tea for wk at the Courtaouae i k Dob*on « the SCk day of Jm. 1»1» •t 1 o'clock, P. M.. Um following reel t««K: Certain tract* or lot* I etf tend frkw ta ■■*** County, N. C. awl daarribad aa follows: Lota num kar* 15, It, 17. 1*. It. 90, 21, 22, 22, 24, 25, 2* and 27, each at which ia 60 foot front and 160 foot deep, aa by flat made by J. H. Philpot ^ ' of Dooda No. 71 ■age MO of Sorry County rocorda. All of wMek aaid lota lying and being oa tka road from Dokaon to Sandy jMeheTa. Iko aaaaa ia a part of tha Idea A Wwian property. gale mada to satiafy Hid dabt with TVia tha 4th day of Doc. 1217. A. D. FOLGER, Trustee. COMMISSIONER'S SALE. By virte at Um power conferred up as bm by a judgement of tha Super ior Court of Surry County rendered at October term, 1917. in trie cane en titled Aliaae Callaway Lavendar again at H. G. Callaway and othera, 1 will Ball at public auction on Tkamday the 17th ef Jaaaary 1»U, St one o'clock, P. M. the following de acribed real eataU, towit: lat lot: One tract of land below Min ■fck'a bark yard in the town of Mount Airy and known aa the Tan Yard lot, amtaimng about five or aix acre*. 2nd lot: One lot iuat below the Kailroad Bridge on Junction Street aa which are four two room houaea. 3rd lot: One brick houae and lot aa Central Main Street near the Opera Houae four room* and known a* the J. P. Harriaon house and lot. This lot will be subdivided into three knaiae*» lata and aold separately and •en aa a whole. 4th lot: One lot on Elm Street ad fcining the land* of Mrs. Wolfe, Tboma* Pawcett and others ana known as the J. I. Bel ton lot. 6th lot: One houae and lot in lower •art of Mount Airy on Hamburg Street with a five room hou*e on It, adjoining the" land* of A. L. Sparger, ■, Schaffer and other*. 6th tot: One houae and lot in low er Main Street, Mount Airy, with a aix room house on it, known as the ■arris lot. The term* of the aale are, one-third caah, one-third in twelve month*, balance in two year*. Title retained until the purchase money ia paid in Ml with Interest. The aale will be gin promptly at one o'clock at the Dry ■ridge in Mount Airy. Dec. 8. 1917. W, E. MERRITT, Com ! NOTICE. By virtue of the power of sale con tained in the last will and testament of Martin Draughn. Dec'd, I, J. A, Blue, Bar. of Mkid will, will call at public auction to the highest bidder on the Saturday fee l»th day af Jan. 1»1« at 1 o'clock, P. M. The following real aetata, lying and being in Dobaon township, Sarry county, North Caro ■na, adjoining the lands of J. S. Urif Ath Jamee Hardy, W. T. Martin, the kairs of Jaaai Draughn, Dacaaaad, and other*. The aaraa ia known as fte Martin Draughn home place con taining about 100 acres. This tract af land is aituated naar the Mt. Airy and Dobsoa Sand Clay road and naar E. V. Johnson's store and on Fisher's Eiver, and has valuable improvements feareon, consisting of one good dwell ing house cantaing five good rooms i and other buildings connected there with. one goad tenant house three good tobacco bams, and said land is waU adapted to the growth of fine toftarco and other1 products. This thact of land will be subdivided htn two or more lots and sold separ ately and than as a whole. This land will be accurately surveyed and plat ted before the day of sale, so that the Knot, corners, courses and distances ean be readily understood on the day af sale. Terms of sale: One third cash, one fcird in twelve months and the other ene third in two years. At the same time and place, I will aell Uie following personal property, towit: All of the nousehold and kitch en furniture belonging to the estate j af Martin Draughn, Dec'd and of his1 wife Hulda Draughn, Dec'd also about | <0 bushels of good corn. This house property to he sold is raeeptionally rood property, many ft Tags therein being new. Terms of sale cash for the personal' property. This Dec. 17th, 1917. J. A. BLUE. Executor of Martin Draughn, Dee. Folder Jackson & Kolger, Attorneys. »v r*. By virtu* of authority vested in ■te hm administratrix of Mrs. L. E. Banner, dec'd, I will sell for cash to the highest bidder at the home place fci Banner Town, near Mount Airy, N. C. on Saturday January 12th, 1917 at 2 o'c'ook, P. M. the following per aonal property towit: A lot of ct rn, about 15 bu»h*l», a lot of household nnd kitchen furnitur« and other nerRo-al property. Term* af sale cash. Mra. M. B. Beard, A4miv. of Mr*. L. E. Banner dec'd. NOTICJE. North Carolina. Surry county. Tfli* is to nolii'v all p«r*«n» that my wUm Mary J < ampbell haa left my tome witJi out my content and her wfcrrsebouti an not d*Anit*ly known > ■*, and that I «rill not b* r**pon*l ■ for any dobt« contracted or ob Wn2n*bwbfltJ?*'m7. j J. cxunau*. NOTICE. By «Mm of ■ deed of trust exerut •d to me my A. D. Wagoner ud wife Barak L Wagoner to secure a debt of one hundred (1100.00) dollars, due E. C. Bivena. Trustee er Ashbv Grocery Company Raving been made n th pay ment of the notes secured thereby, I ■rill sail far cask to the highest bil ler In front of First National Bank, in Mount Airy, N. C-, an laaaary 9th. 1917, at 1 o'clock, P. M. the following real estate, towit: A certain Tot er parcel at land lying ind being in Moaat Airy Township, idjoiniag the lands of S. 0. Marshall, McKnight and others, and being the ands described in deed from E. C. Foy and wife to Sarah L Wagoner, -egistorad in the oAce of the register >f Deeds of Surry county. Terms of sale cash. This December 7th, 1*17. J. H. FOLGER, Trustee. TBL'STEB-S BALK. By virtue of the power conferred ipon me by a daad of treat executed >n the 5th day of November 1*16, >y R. H. Hiatt and wife, and record Hi in Book 66, page 219, I will aril to he highest bidder on the premises on rhursday the 10th day of January, 1918, at two o'clock P. M. the follow, ng described real estate towit: A lot of land containing some 47 md 6-19 acres, known aa the Davis jlace adjoining the lands of John Ban ler, Frank Cook and others. South of Jie Hay Stack Road in Stuarts Creek rownship. For particular description, sea deed From J. H. Folger, Trustee, to George D. Fawcett, dated August 16th, 1916, ind recorded in Book 67, pare 326. This sale is made to satisfy a debt yf $330.00 with intent and coat to be uided. This the 10th day of December, 1917 W. F. CARTER, Trustee. 11Ua ivb By virtue of a deed of tro*t execut ed to me by J. W. Stanley end wife on the 14th day of November 1918, to secure a debt of (712.20, due twelve month* from November 14, 1918, de fault having been made in the pay ment of Mid debt due C. M. Sheet*, end on application of the holder of the note, I will eell for cash to the j hiirheat bidder in front of the Bank of Mount Airy, in Mount Airy, N. C. j on the 19th day of January 1918, at 12:00 o'clock M., the folowing real estate, towit: Lying and being in Surry County, North Carolina and more particularly described and de fined aa follow*: Adjoining the land* of Mr*. Kate Snow. Oliver Stanley and other* and hounded a* follow*: Beginning on a rock on the weet side of the Dobaon and Kockford road and run* west 11 chain* to a white oak; then south 12 chain* and 55 link* to a white oak in a hollow; then eaiit 14 chain* and 25 link* to a mulberry on the west *ide of said Dobson and Kockford road; then north with naid road 10 chains and 75 link* to the beginning, containing twenty-eight and 8-4 acre*, more or lex*. For further description see deed from Oliver Stanley and wife Lidda Stanley to John W. Stanler. under date of January 8, 1907, and re corded in Surry county records at Dobson, N. C. In beok 60, page 25. Second tract: Adjoining the lands of C. H. Holyfield, E. V. Stanley and others and bounded as follow*: be ginning at a hickory near the west bank of Fish Hirer, C. O. Holyfield'* corner, and runs with his line north 3 degrees east 21 chain* and 67 link* to a ock, formerly a pine; then north 87 degrees west 4 chains and 64 link* to a rock; then south 8 degree* west 21 chains and 67 links to a rock in Jordans Snow's line; then east 4 chains and 64 link* to the beginning, containing ten and 14-100 acres, more or less. For further description see ileed from J. E. Stanley and wife C. E. Stanley to J. W. Stanley under date of November 12th 1913, and recorded in Surry county record* at Dobaon, N. C. Book 62 page 538. Sale made to satisfy said debt, in terest and cost. This December 10th 1917. J. H. FOLGER, Tru.tee. NOTICE. By virtue of a deed of trust execut ed to be my E. S. Smith and wife, to lecure a debt of one thousand two lundred and fifty ($1250.00) dollars, payable $200.00 January 1st, 1916: >200.00 January 17,1917, the deed of trust providing that a failure to pay either of the two notes mentioned ihall cause the entire debt to become lue, default having been made in the payment of said notes, on application af the holder thereof, I will sell for -ash to the highest bidder, in front of the McCorgo Building, in Mount Airy North Carolina, on January 18th, 1918. It 12:00 M., the following real estate, towit: An undivided interot in and to a tract of land in Eldorn Township, Sur ry county, described and defined a« follows: Lying <>n llutchen's mill' mill creek und adjoins the lands of; J. M. Venab'< i,n uesouth and, W. Simpson on the enst an<l S. H. Venablc 1 >n the north and J. W. Venable and :>thers on the wist, and being all -the ' land that C. C. Hut bought of J. I [.. Hutchins, J. M. Venable and S. H. Venable, and the pli • where anid L".' C. llutchens formerly lived. For a I more definite desciiption reference is iieieoy made to deed made to C (J. llutc&n* bv J. I . I'-itcheni, J. M V»nnbl« and S. II. Venable, all of »iiicb are asked to m takn as a |*».t of this irntnim»rt, a1"> a deed made t'lla day to C. C. HuUrhena and wife . Km ma llutchens, conveying an un divided one-half interest in the said lands. Sale made to saUafy anid debt, in termit and ««t of tale. TW" n,cTrl,{fl'VchEN8,' Tnutoo. | t. B. VOLQKH, Atty. ' LABOR WAR AIMS REPORT ADOPTED. London, England ( Saturday ) - - Practically unanimously, tha (lel«gat«i at yesterday's labor meetings, rspra Mntinf 3,250 wothais, adopted tha war aims memorandum draftad by tha executive committee of tha Labor Party and tba parliamentary commit tee of tha Trade Union Congress. Tha reading of • latter from tha Prima Minister vaa reteived in sil ence, axcapt for an occasional. Hear! Hear! The Prime Minister'! letter stated that a declaration of the Alliea' war aims can, at coarse, only be made in agreement with the other allied *a tiona. The queetion of issuing a fur ther declaration on thia subject is one which is constantly kept in view by the allied governments, but it ia not one about which it is poeaibla for the Britiah Government to speak by iteelf. He had looked forward to an inter change of views on this subject with the delegates appointed by the Rua ■ian Government to attend the confer ence in Paris last month, but the ab sence of any representatives from Russia made such a consultation im possible. i w»s never mo.e convincea uian I am today," wrote Mr. Lloyd George, "not only that the purpoees for which the allies are fighting are not imper ialistic, or vindictive, but are essen tial for the future freedom and peace of mankind. The ideals for which we are fighting today are the same as those for which the British Empire entered the war." The memorandum adopted largely agrees with the draft issued Aug. 10 the most important change being that instead of • demand for the return of Alsace-Lorraine to France it is pro posed this should ue left to the in habitants of these provinces to de cide upon. This change was made to bring British Socialists into the line with the French Socialists. The original document was drawn up by sub-committe«. of the executive committee of the Labor Party, in cluding Mr. Henderson, Mr. J. J. Wardle, new parliamentary secretary to the Board of Trade, Mr. Ramsay Mjcdonald, Mr. F. W. Jowett, Mr. J. H. Roberts, Labor Minister, and Mr. Sidney Webb. The next important step followed the Trade Union Congress in Black pool, in September, when a sub-com mittee of six representatives each of the Labor Party executive committee and the parliamentary committee of the congress, with their respective secretaries, was appointed to consid er the possibility of securing an agree ment as to the peace and war aims, between the warking classes of the allied nations. The Labor Party was represented on this sub-committee by Messrs. Werdle, Ramsay Mecdonald, Sidney Webb, Purdie, McGurk, and Hutchinson, with Mr. Henderson as secretary, while the congress parlia mentary committee comprised Messrs. Will Thome, W. H. Thomas, Harry Gosling J. Hill, J. W. Ogden, F. Bram ley, and C. W. Bowerman. It is this body which revised the original docu ment on war aims to the form in which it has been adopted. Mr. Arthur Henderson, who moved the adoption of the memorandum, ripened by defining the Labor peace policy under three heads: 1. Essen tial importance of securing a settle ment ai speedily as possible, founded on democracy and security. 2. That territorial adjustments must .not b« dictated by annexationist or imperial ml designs, or for political reasons, but in the ir.teresU of progressive civilisation and world peace. 3. That | the trade policy ufter the war must not be founded on the economic op pression or the commercial isolation of the German people. Mr. llsodersea said that the war, whatever Ita origin, was now a strug ft* tha old ami tho now ajra- 1 lm< of fontDMat Is Europe. It w tha inorttabla of taring of autocracy tod Ua iaaua, uncomrollad militanam, ind agf raoiion, Ttportaliaai working through U.0 ittUmlMU chanaaia of | ■writ diplomacy. faith and ronfldonca | in bnrta faraa aa an idaal inatnamawt for attaining national ambitiona, whether right or wrong, muat bo do- ^ iliujad. Hoc rot diplomacy, compulsory mili tary ■■ t ha. profit from tha manu 'acturo of war ukrial, muat bo ran- ' la rod unnaroaaary in a aocioty of frao satiora, Mr. Handcon laid. Tha tat ion'a bond moat bo given to a aot- 1 :1ament by tba poopio. for thia ia the mij way ia which future civilisation can ha provided with adequate and lifactiva aafaguarda and guarantaaa. FrMimi WmOMT halta Water Traffic Mn.ameata Baltimore, Dae. 29.—Tha eoldeat ireather in Maryland for soma years ia rapidly cloaing op navigation on the rmn and portion* at the Chaaapaaka bay. Sailing* of all sidewheel steam n of the Baltimora, Chaaapaaka and Atlantic and Deleware and Virginia railway com panic* ware a hand on ad to lay and only pro pallor (team em were permitted to leave on their regular routee. Order* were alao iaaued by Jie officials to maaters of steamers at lown-the-bay point* to ha*ten to thia port in order to eacape a general freeze. A fleet of oyiter boat* ia frozen in on tha dredging bars and nearly all sailing craft* are tied up. The ice breaking boata will begin to morrow to claar the chanels for ocean going ships. In • child that ia subject to attacka of croup, tha flrat indication of tha di sease ia hoaraeneaa: Give Chamber - lain's Cough Remedy aa soon aa the Child becomes hoarse and tha attack may be warded off and all dinger and anxiety avoided. wtnnovM ror .mm or Kent. At a meeting of the director* of the Surry County Rry Prixe Co., held on December 10, 1917, it «u decided to ■ell the Farmer* Warehouse, if a sat isfactory price can ue secured in the next SO days. If not sold during this time it will be for rent again for the t sale of leaf tebacco exclusively for the next season. Any one wishing to purchase should confer with the Pres ident or one of the following directors, W. L. Chilton, F. M. Dobson, or J. Luther Wood, or with the full board at their office on January 10, 1918. Dec. 10, 1917. J. M. Brinkley, Pres. mu juat bato laauad bp tto trojrar flotilla* o «n waters. It mil: •pinion that it would to rary inadifr thle for any oActr or mm rf tto mm rai forte in European wta ■ to eaaaa heir vim to tik« paaaaca for l» ■ope." Two Amarican naval offictii nir eeded in getting their wives to join ham boforo tto order was iinwi loth war* marrud in April. Tto noxt nonth their h'ubanda ratalvad ordora o aail for Europe. One wife ram 'ram Philadelphia and tto other from Soaton. NOTICE or STOCK HOLD BBS' MEETING. n« i miltr annual meeting at tk* shareholders of The First National Bank of Mount Airy win be heid to the Banking tiouee Tuesday aftenia— January 8th, 1918, at 4 o'clock. t. G. Faweett, Cashier. Hpu SHOULD NAME THE SURRY COUNTY LOAN & TRUST CO. AS YOUR EXECUTOR FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: The business of this Company is to act as Executor of Wills, to administer estates, to serve as guardian of minors aad trustee of property under wills. A board of careful business men direct the affairs of tha Company. The Trust Company never dies and is always found at its place of business ever ready to give proper attention to the affairs of your estate. The Trust Company will see that your will Is drawn cor rectly aad, when named as Executor, makes no charge for properly drawing up the will or keeping it under seal in its vault DIRECTORS W. W. Burke, A. G. Bowman, W. F. Carter, E. H. Wrenn, F. S. Eldridge, W. A. York, G. D. Fawcett, W. W. Hampton, W. G. Sydnor, J. D. Smith. OFFICERS W. F. CARTER, President. E. H. WRENN, Vice-President GEO. D. FAWCETT, Sm. A Treaa. Like Father, Like Son They both like the Perfection Oil Heater. It makes them forget in a jiffy how cold it is outside. In five minutes the Perfection makes the chilliest room comfortable. It's easily carried upstairs or down, wherever extra warmth is needed. Economical to buy and to use; durable and trouble-proof Now used in over 8,000,000 homes.

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