■SAVE 38 CENT OF WHEAT Sola Krary Dftj—ltli] Card to B« BmuIj fey •1710th. blillt K ara ta faum ihatr daty m tho hum by auyplylnf tb« artalaa alafta. and thatr Mr to Mftni tha Htm af mm tcbiii and cUMmi to artpplad (hipping fadlltlaa will ■tit. th»y must radura chair UN of wbaat at laaat 10 par eaat from today until tba Bait harraat, radaca Ulair couunpiloii af pork to tha aama dapraa aad aooaomlio rtfldlr to Ikt MM of boat toto aad i lntona«tad Food To moat tba itoiaaada of parata condition that aetata to Buropa with ragard to tha food attuatlaa. tba Waod Admlntatratloo aa lalanilflad 0>ib. Tha 1>1I bona laatracttoa aard which will ba araUabla for ovary fcauaabold la tho Stoto wtthla tha nast two waaba cat la tor: Two whoatlaaa day* la and oaa wbaatlaaa day. Tho wbaatlaaa dayo will ha Maaday Oaa ■ aatto— day <1 aad oaa porhlaaa day (Batarday), aad a aaatlaaa aaal to af tha waab Oa ilMtJtw daya u4 hi rtwtlm ■—It no whaat bread. arackara. paa Cry, macaroni or breakfast food oaa Maine wb«! ahoald bo aood bay—* tta amount mcwut to thicken mpo or (nrloo or Mad together eora maal " or other oabotltato c create Oa moat loot day* no pork or boof product! at aay Undo or mutton or laab should bo oorrod tab. poultry aad iaao bolag aabotltotea Oa porklaoo day aad oa 1 days mutton aad laab ehaald bo la proferaoco to boat ■»ory day ehoaM to tatearlng day aad e"*ar-aarlag day. aad ttaal fratta, regetableo. 4y ao poaolbto la tko placo of , boof. pork, lata and augar which « adapt ad to export. Naw Homo Card Coming, ■rory haoaowlfo aad orory kotal aad tab la tba State ahoald hero a 1111 homo card Jaat ao eoaa aa tooy aro leaned from tha praoa which win to aot lator than Pebrwary It. Thoy oaa bo aocurad after that dato oaaaty food administrator* or tho rood Adatnlatratloa at Raleigh aad aay ladlrtdaalo who aro aloaad to tha taaoral dlauibatloa ahoald write tor a card WIAT AND CONN It NOW Af HIOMttT. Raleigh - North Carollaa farnere «ko aro holding laat aeaeon'a wbaat tad corn for prlooa aboro thoao that aro ruling at proaont aro warnod by ■tato Pood Administrator Hoary A. Fata that tbay aro taking an excooA lagly long rbaaco. Mr Pago baa made two trips to Washington la tho later oat of North Carollaa whaat growara aad roller mills and aa a recall of hla efforts tba whaat growar la getting a consldarabla advance orar tha plica that ha would bars gottaa otherwlee. ban's, Mr Page'a good faith la hla present warning to tho farmers raanot bo discounted Tne ■ituuuon with regard to wdmi and corn la tbla: Through the artlvltlea of the T7. S. Oratn Corporation, the price of wheat baa beeu stabilised at 12 20 par buHhol. Chicago baa I a Milla ara unable to aacure anr except local wheat except through the drain Corporation; and elevators. and dealera and farmers baring no market at a higher figure are aelllng almost altogether to or Ihroufh the Oratn Corporation. Bo. re ganjleea of any ahortage or other con dition wblrb ordinarily might lead to kl|h prices. the price of wheat la no ■ore likely to advance than tba price •f angar In faet. a maximum of 111 M per barrel haa been fixed wpoo Hoar aad this doean't allow a higher prlca lor wheat than that which la rullag at present In North Carolina. As for cor*: The pries of oora ra ti as at different points la North Oaro lls* and ths Unltsd Rlatss from II U to IIH psr bushsl This variation Is dan entirely to the congested condi tion of ths railroads Corn for March deliver? In New York snd Chicago Is sailing at II 14 par busbal. notwith standing the faet thai cash corn is •ailing around |1 77. As ths railroad oaadltlons ars ol eared the r*rlatloa la prises will disappear and corn will probably be steadied tnr the teaaoa at eomawhera around |1 to psr bashsl Ths Government snd ths Focd Ad Maletrstlon feel that the farnt wba makes his crops by ths sweat of bin braw Is satltlad ta every consideration Insofar m ths Marketing af his crops la ooarsraad. Absolutely no reatiia ttans have bees placed upon hla aa to MM «* at which ha shall aatt. mmm li to* of ttM factors bam* oakad lata. hnH Qurml Crowdar It nit li (toad ta gw atow* with tha *»-nnd fraft until r-inrrr« hw pa'actad ipportianmant and ta authariaa lla irmldant ta call lata tha military Mr tea m«n *killad In industry aad a*ii ultura ragardlaaa at nwtow cUuli mmm of half • aiilMa will to latar. Plana far tto Maond dr^t aa now 100,000 a a^ath until tto mcoiH qtM» t* to nwpl»li, la that way igilili j pact la avaid tuurh ..f tto T.af»*io* which aacaoipaniad tto Ant caM. Tto •ua will raport ia a Mmdy Mma and ha aaauaulatad inta tto artlttary machine tto nest let » re it Hm bitn dtftnittly Mttl#d thftt tto ftrat contingents will ba ueed to All rmn«t— la national guard dtvia taaa rawed by A* withdrawal of man it hara today la • o4 mtiaul iirrlci of tha Sacurtty laa*u«. It w— in with hia ilw lai alfawi that tian and a ^durational pro ■uat ba adoptad in ordar to win ■ v I VMOL B nt JS Good News For Tobacco Growers! U) IE are now abh to offer the trade in unlimited quantities the old, reliable and popular brands, Bonanza Tobacco Guano 8-3-3 Orinoco Tobacco Guano 8-22-3 Farmers Bone 8-2-2 No crop is more dependent upon POTASH than tobacco, and those who have been reducing or cutting out POTASH will find it to their interest to return to their old standards. NEBRASKA POTASH has been thoroughly tested by State Agricultural Department and other experts and pronounced equal to, or, if any thing, superior to the German Potash. We have an ample supply of this Potash to give any desired analy sis to users of him i lam a>i TNAOI HAWK. ROYSTER'S -PS.H' FERTILIZERS (MOISTS mo. Please remember! WE HAVE THE POTASH, but it will do you no good if you wait so late that the over worked, congested railroads cannot haul it to you. A ton of fertilizer on your farm is worth two in our fac tory. Order now. F. S. ROYSTER GUANO COMPANY, NORFOLK, VA. , Read the following interesting letter* from Royater utert: W* COLUMBUS COUNTY. H. r D No. 1. labor. N. C-. »*pi. •. Ml. W. B Royaler Ouano Co., Norfolk, Va U«nU«m«n. I UNd no other sooda but R«rit«r'» I get the beet reeulta .ro«n It. I h id ttvrM »cr#» wC tofcacoo which I got 9T1A U | hit v a sis acrea of cotton, which 1 wiii «li btlM or l.SSt lbs. of cotton My corn la aa good as I tiptfl I want Royat«r a neat y«er Yours »ery truly, w. rippf VANCE COUNTY. Henderson, N. C. R F D No. . Sept. IT. 1917. F. S Royaler Guano Co.. Norfolk. Va Gentlemen 1 u*ed nix tone of Royaler 1-3-1 to ban fertiliser 1 am proud to Bay 1 got twelve burn «»ff twelve acroe I will a* er.iKf a thousand pound* to the barn. 1 am expe«ling 11.000 around for ray whole crop I don t want anything but Royoter 1-2-1. Vour friend. W K WELDON. FORSYTH COUNTY. K. 8 Roy* tar Guano Co.. Norfolk. Va Deai Sir* I uaed X00 pounda of ROY8TER8 HIGH GRADE fertiliser thla year, and Snd it to be the be«t 1 have ever uaed. 1 never fail In my crop of tobacco or wheat when 1 uae Royatera 1 have not •old my tobacoo /ot. but It la the beat 1 have aver -nlaed. and expect a food price for It. I can't peak too highly of the F 8 It fertiliser Your atruly. W. P. 8TRUPK ROCKINOHAM COUNTY. Reldsvillo, N. C.( R r. D. No I .Sept. M. Itl7. F. I. Royater Guano Co.. Norfolk. Va •entlemen: 1 wlah to tell you Uut I uaed your 1-1-1 fertiliser for tobacoo this year and hare the baet wop for aomo years. both fn color and body, and a ha 11 continue It* uee if 1 caa get It. MR W J JARRBLl* SURRY OOUNTY. Rock ford. N. C.. Sept tT. 1117 F. S Royater Guaae Co.. Norfolk. Va Dear 8Ira 1 have boon uelng roar fertilisers for H or 10 years, and hlnk It Is the best there la 1 hare need other guanos In the same flelda under my tobacoo. and the part where F. 8 R. was used was hotter from tbe Srst. 1 could get hotter euree on It than I could on the tebaooo where I uaed other brands, and whoa I aold. the tobacco grown on F. H R. r.P •raged me more In the hundred. I raised ten ham* myaelf ihla year and I have good curea on al lof It Vfy tenanta used It this year, and they aay tl* to UN F. S R again ; ind they aay th«y are gofne e r. m K again -*ext year xpect to uae your brand as tang as i got it I s spool „ T can got It. E DOICOMII COUNTY. WhltUtn, N. C.. 8ept~ I. lilt. F. 8 Roys tar Guano Co.. Norfolk. Va 1 have iM»«r using your fertilisers for a nuiubar m >mti and belteve that we gsl belter result* from It than any other brand Uut wo have «»«r used. It seems tu i>e »e< uliarly adapted to o«r ooU, and especially for tobacco. We laho fraal pltMiurt In recommending •amo to farmers of iuotcrn Carolina. Yours ve truly, T KICKS CASWELL COUNTY. Pelham. N. C , Sept. 1, 1917 P. 8. Royaler Guano Co., Norfolk. Va. Gentlemen. 1 imd two tons and a half of Farm •rs* B""«. and 1 received better results from this brand than any 1 have over used. 1 think my crop will turn out about 9.000 ibo. Will use the same brand neat year 1 remain. Tours rsapectfully, THOMAS BLAt'KWELL PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY. P. 8. Royster Guano Co., Norfolk. Va. Gentlemen. _ 1 Sought DfcLTA TOBACCO OUANo from Mr. J. J. Patterson, your represen tee here, last spring for my tobacco crop. It made rne a splendid crop; a» eaure sales so far have averaged .rum 114 to |«o per hundred. I ha\ sold some grades as high no 971 per he dred. This was the highest price paid t % the Danville martet up to this sale. 1 have eotne on hand that will br'ng 9«o to 9«& per hundred if the prlc • re main the same. I trust you will aeep Delta up to tbe preeent standard. Yours very truly. W H. OWE; . PITT COUNTY. Greenville. N. C., Sept. U, 1917. P. 8. Royster Guano Co., Norfolk. Va. QmOomea: For the past four year* 1 have wed your tobaoco fertiliser, and this year uoed it iciuaively. My tobacco has b . shout the boot la my neighborhood, a I this year with onfavocable seasons. I sold my too I a the rough, ungraded for 99,000. which is at the rate of »9oo per acre. I oaatder Royvur's abso lutely the bos* J. U. BRKWCR OREINK COUNTY. Hookerton, N. 0. Sept. 19, 1917. P. 8. Royster Guano Co.. Norfolk. Va. O^iUomiii of -our ruano this rw (rum Mmv. Edw.rd. A *ud uMd it una.r my lotacw Mj to S.MW (ci rw .Iff btuir froM tk. Mart ' Nam any crop 1 kin mr M Mon. Id k qa.HI/ k-u w tf tb. eras w»» '. mr ws i d that I mU uk for I "*ll M. rour f*rtlll««r* aval*. WMftUl, W jt irwr • " FRANKLIN COUNTY. Itaplevtlie N C .. Sept n. ltlT #. S Kovster Ouano Go . Norf jU. Va. OMttenm: 1 luvt the best crop of tobteco I ever ffr«w Cnlees price* w. line I mull get «»v«r 1200 pe ruci *» I UMd HOYKTKR S •cueno ann will again. Tour stru'y. J. J DR1VKR PITT COUNTY. Greenville. N. C . Auc 25. 1»17 V 8. Kov*ter Guano Co.. Norfolk. Va. l>esr Sir* You will doubtless be Interested I: knowing how we are getting on with our Mill Brook farm, and our opinion oi your fertiliser*, which we have used ex cluelvely on this farm for all crop* lot two years. With an average application of l.00« •oundn per acre *<*re for tobacco of youx 4-1-2. we produced la*t year S&o poun«J per acre: thi« year our crop will «usll; f ield i.liK) •ound.t per acre, Consider ng that the two seasons have been th« wor.it ever known In thin section, on ac count of excessive rains and that th» sol Ion this farm U In a very ,»oor stat. of fertility .owing to neglect of former owner*, we are more than pleased witt. the results obtained. With kindnat personal regard* at hot . : he* for the <-ontlnjed uccosm « your valuable fer sers. we are. V , ♦rul*- yours, GORMAN * JEN KINS. Prop* MICKLENBU * COUNTY, ino Va f. ft. Koriter Guano Co . Norfolk. "* ■ lentlemen: As I hare used your guano for two years. I take pleasure la writing you In regard to your bram 1 tried last year to get picture of a »t of tobacco I had «a some re J *or horse graae land 1 had turned out for cow pasture, but ooulu ♦ get a man to ta fee one large enough I f >t one at last to take one thle • jek. T have fS.000 hills In this lot with 200 pounu of 2-1-2 on It. and It I* ai fln- as I hare rrer soon, as yot wil agree hen you see the picture. I thlnV roysters Is the only guano to use 1. J ELLU WAKE COUNTY. %ebukm. N. C.. Oot, ft. 1911 T. ft. Horstor Ouano Co.. Norfolk. Va Dear Bin Tour gooda gave entire satlsfaetIsn this year I made the best obacco 1 hare over made with your goods I shai recommend Royttefs goods hereaftsr Tours truly. . C W. HOCUTT FftANKL'N COUNTY. Hsnderson. K. Cm E r. D . ftept. 4. nh. Itorster Ouano Co., Norfolk. Va. Gentlemen: rre had b roo4s than better success using your roots than any fertlliae-v frs seer "*d, did sot ha e aay ilsssss Is my H««ees tills yur. **o«rs sincere!*. w if a co v EDQSCOMtC COUNTY. Rocky Mount. N. C-. Sept 4. ItlT. r b Kovater .umac Co., Nurfoi* Vi l»eaT S.r* U fives me pleasure to m/ a word of pralae fur K»>y»itr'« (crtUlMn. I have noticed very carefully thm year wbert different feiiLis . » v« been u*ed. and e*peclall> tobacco. i l teem* to mo » e b«». t-Aurco ? have seen ui whtra Roy star fertilisers ware used. Kxcept foe tha darr *e » the July raina I have never a -»wn a batter crop and 1 osed I toy eter'a fertiliser* 11. D. bAKklH. LUNENBURQ COUNTY. Fort Mitchell. Va . Se|>t 21, 1*17. H Huvttcr <Juauo Co. Norfolk Va •ear Sir* W ill #a> a .u\e n u»ln* your goods .'or the pant Ufleen years and it la a • er. eauy matter far me to Mky that it it better .especially the Boriansa. which 1 have not een able to And for tha past two years, Hhich \cela .y th t 1 have •var cultivated .t frrw tobacco faster, nd 1 had better e-<ui'i frotn tfcat than y I have ever u ;<.«». J. A- YOUNG. PITT COUNTY. 4 UJOo.'^V.° 1 ' # for "hLJUS obirl?«i '.»»»kDa« **■^5 v*y •' ftiS 1 *teo ^ and »*»n ?4tLnV HLf? ° 1& » tfVrrroN. MECKLINBURQ COUNTY. rinaoywood, Va., L M. IT, HIT. 8 Royaler Qua o Co , Norfolk. Vs. • en tie men I have been uamg your fuano for tt* eru year* and 1 can say (hat It fta all O. K. for all crop*. 1 as poet t ouae »t a#aln. 1 uaad It beside soma other -rada. and And hat my tobacco was mvea better .»nd rip ' I mp taa. 4ay. rarllar from your *jA.no than II a\4 from . ha other jrr.tda v.n •ry truly. J. a BL'HNB ■ NUNtWICK COUNTY. Itawllaca. Tn_. Avm M. KIT. /. >. Roy.i.r Owm Oa Norfolk. Va OiallMM,: 1 u»ad rmr sua no thl« rar for tha Hit m* nd compared li with othar n>M oa m iilf.r.nt placaa of load, :iat >ura la f aSaad. 1 taaod ' 1(4-1 I nan htutlll raoommand (hi. brand t< anrona ' V i. tobacco on i^^if jrg r"

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