MUCH HERALDED OFFENSIVE OPENS. CffMi Attack Dtlivartd a* Espactmd — Practically Na Pcnatratioa mf li»*--Fra»ck Traopa Drira German* Back Fndajr March it.—Presumably tho gnat attack; horsMml for months, ha* begun, and what may powihtjr prort to b* on* of tha graataat bat tl«a of ail tima to taki.ig place in Franca. At Rv« o'clock on Thurnday morn ing the r.vnmnni |un« optiwl fire along • fifty-mil* front, roughly speaking from Arm# to La For*, whore • network of rotdi croaa the river Sensee, to the hanks of the River Oiae to point above Croiaellea Otaa in the neighborhood of La Fere. The distance, H the crow (lien, ia hetwae.i forty and fifty mil**. Crois allae itself livss four and a half milea aouthweat of the direct road from Arra* to Cambrai, on a line cutting that road Just eight milea from Arraa, whilat the river Oiae turn* a rough right angle from north .o weat a* it paaaes through! La Fere. The line on which the attark waa made ia held by the Britiah, and Mir Douglaa Haig's diapatch explaina that after three houra of bomber.iment, with gaa and high explosive ahella, the enemy'a first attack waa launched upon the Britiah defenaea. The Ger man formation* were in cloae order,' and were puahed forward with per aixtence and determination. Aa a re ault, however. Sir Douglaa' din patch declarea, all that waa gai::ed waa the driving in of the British outposts, and a alight penetration of the battle posi tions at certain points on the front. Owing, however U the formations adopted, the enemy's losses have nec essarily been peculiarly heavy. The main attack centered on the northern flank of the salient driven into the German lines immediately mouth of Croiselles, and having Mar coing for iU apex. Here from the river Sensee to Flesquiercj, the care fully trained Hhock-troopn were sent to the attack, with the cole effort, so far, that in accordance with the ar rangements already come to by the| Versailles Council, the outposts were withdrawn. Flesquirex, itself, is a vil-j lage south of the direct road from Bapaume to Camprai, and lies Ave and a half miles southwest of Cambrai, two and a quarter miles northwest of Marcoing, and the same distance due south of the Cambrai-Bapaume road. The immediate object of the Germans is clearly to drive in this side of the aalient, and for this purpose his fierc est attacks were deliveded round Croi selles, Bullecourt and I.agnkourt. If these were successful he would then start a vast turning movement through the gap, for which purpose enormous numbers of troops with-1 drawn from the eastern front, have been massed. The allied information is, however, ko perfect that the Versailles Con gress was informed of exactly where the attacks was to be delivered whilst the maps on the raptured officers prove that the initial assault in no case reached its objectives. As a mat ter of fact, Mr. Bonar Law, explain ing the situation to the House of Com mons, pointod out, that the British staff and the Versailles Council had considered every phase of a possible attack, and were fully prepared to meet this particular attack, which had been launched against the very sec tion of the lower line which three days ago, they had received information would be attacked. Penucola, FU. March 20.—En miirn* Delephany and Draper, aviator* attached to the naval air section here, were in»tantl][ killed late yanterday when their machine fell about 500 feet into water, it became known to day. Th cauce of the accident i« unknown. Draper'• body wsa recov • ered, but the body of Ensign Delehan ty «u not located. ' ■" ... A mm SLAUGHTER IS APPALLING m it Adrwua :n CIom For WIUi the Britiah Army in fruM,i Marrh 24.—Tha Britiah Mid Krvnch, who co-op* rate at Um junction of |Im two araiw, war* vi«winf tha trend of tha German offenaive with optlmla tic ajraa thia morning. Hard A(ktiii| waa in prograaa, hut tha lataat raporta •howad littia or no change in tha atte ntion in favor of tha an amy whila on tha othar band tha defendant had puahad tha attacking foreaa back af tar a bittar truggl* and wara holding •trongly along tha whola naw front to which thay had withdrawn. Fi|ktinf of a moat daaparata na ture Ka« haan continuous aince tha ini tial attack, but no far tha Britmh hava uaad few troop* othar than those which ware holding tha front linev Thane hock troop* have bean making aa valiant a defense a* waa ever re corded in tha annalx of tha Britiah army, and aa a reault they have en abled tha main body of the foreaa to fall back deliberately and without con fun ton and occupy poaitiona which had bean prepared long before tha Ger man offensive began. The German* on the other hand op erating under the eye* of the emperor and the rrown prince, have twen hurl ing vast horda into the fray with utter | disregard for the life and have follow ed into the abandoned portion* get ling farther and farther away from, their supplies and finding their com munication* increasingly difficult. More than 60 German divixoina al-| ready have been identified by actual^ contact, and many of these men were limply given two days' iron ration* and lent over the top into the fright ful maslstrom made by the allied ar tillery, machine gun* and rifle*. The *laughter of the enemy infantry a* it advanced in close formation over the | open ha* been appalling. The British losses have Keen within, the hound* expected, due to the tac tic* of the commander*. The allie* have lost a considerable number of men in prisoner* and a certain her of gun*. But very few piece* of artillery have been taken by the Ger man* since the first day. In fact, the whole withdrawal ha* been executed { in a ma«terly manner, showing how' thoroughly the British had planned for the very event* which have occur- j ed. ii ix pennuuKi 10 say now mac me British never intended to try to hold the forward position if the German! attacked in the force expected. There ii every reason to believe that harder fighting than has yet taken place will develop shortly. The Ger mans, in the British view, cannot now hesitate in carrying on their attack, and it is a case of break through or admit defeat. In this circumstance it is interesting to note a statement made yesterday by o German officer, a prisoner, who declared that the Ger man offensive was an act of despera tion brought on by the fact that the fatherland must have peace. The hardest fighting yesterday oc curred east of Perunne and in the Rois de Genlis. This most important phase of the battle occurred in the latter neighborhood. During the mo ning the Germans had pushed southward toward Ham and had succeeded in get ting a foothold at some points in the defenses to which the Britirh had fal len back. ■ utr i.iivinii uijjnillim a i UUIUOI HI* tack and hurled themselves against the Ge. inans with ruch ferocity that the enemy was fo>ced to give way, ami the situation was restored. This was i.c of tho very few counter at tack! a* yet attempted by the Rritiah. I.ust nitfht was fairly quiet along the bat'lefront, buAhis morring the British again surged forward against the Ger nana to the southeast of Ham, while, the enemy continued his as saults in the neighborhood of Mory, southeast of Croisellos. ioi Ut^uakuaihetI, t i'rtMK., ,; iti, Afrfji BRITISH LINE HOLDS IN FACT Or ATTACKS. r C«*Mt Otwiln *1 TwwJan C—t — Claim Capture «f Engii.h f kM TrwclM* rfiMMTi a^ iwi Saturday Marrh A—After a loll 'luring Thursday nifkl the German* attacked Sir Dnaglaa Haifi Una again hi imaaenae fore* on Frhh; morning. TKa battle waa continued all day ard late Into the evening, with the raault that tha Germane rlalm to have rap tnrad tha ZafHah bit Una tranche*. tome 14.000 prisoner* end 200 guns. Tha first Una trenches of course, amount to neat ta nothing. they ara thoaa advance work* from which one Una keeps ni touch with tha Hna opo aite, bat which ara never meant to be held nor provided with mean* of being held in the fnce of a grand assault. In the English ra»e, wa know, from Sir Douglas Haig's dlapatch, that much of this first line waa necessarily evacuated without re«iatance whan tha German masses were cent forward. With reapect to tha guns, it » tha German habit to count aa gun* every trench mortar the tiny guns whirl) ara uaad to do the utmost damage to tha enemy, and ara abandoned aa the de fender retire. With ropect to the prisoners, it la impnaaible to *peak, but If the German* have multiplied the prisoners aa they did the Italian prisoners In their advance on the Piave, the number may be safely dis counted. i nt great imc\ remains, nowcver, that so far the British line bold*, and has held at tremendous Iom to the Carman*. When forty divisions, num bering something perilously near \r #00,000 mrn) pet in motion in clow - ■ *' I - m mm » - .. . t nrMf;-acaimc ■ *viv} rjciiiucu posi tion, it U unnecessary to exaggerate what inevitably take* place. The German*, however, alway* fight with a prodigality of life hokiinr that when you attack it ia your business never to consider your loeaes, but the gaining of your objective. Sir Douglas Hair'* dispatch merely states that the Brit ish loiuie* have heen heavy, but all considered, not excesaive. He claims, however, that the Ger man losses, in the very nature of thing* have been enormous. I ne effort.* or trie (>ermans in oft vintisly to break through the British tin* ao a* to reach Pari*. It they suc ceeded they would take Amiens, with its famous cathedral, in some ways the most famous of all French cathe drals, on their way, and there miirht be another case of Rheims. Their other object in unquestionably to reach the sea at Calais, and with this end in view Sir Douglas thinks that the at tack may yet be extended further north in the direction of Lille. What the Germans have done is what they were expected to do, when Russia deserted her allies. They have broken their sham treaty with the Bol.ihevike. as the Bolsheviki must have known they would, and have transferred men and guns from the eastern to the western front. They have also drawn on the Austrian and Bulgarian forces for assistance, with the result that in one section of the line their massed guns have been plac ed at distances of only 12 yards apart. This vast mass of men and gun* has been brought to bear on what is once more the "thin line," along a distance of 50 miles, with the result that dur ing the first two days the ftghtir.g line has l>ent somewhat, as was practically inevitable, but has absolutely held. Mr. Lloyd George dwlared recently that the French had given great honor to the British by leaving to them the defense of Paris in the north, and it is the defense of Paris for which, a* has lieen stated, the pa?t of the British line now attacked is fighting. "Tie Germane are huilaig all their forces into the present Llow and the eewt and loss will be MfnntJv'rg tremendous iI thev fail Hm greatest force 1 ilia attack wa J. jlj ' . ■ ^ : -1.. J. •r frtm VaoJx-Vrauconrt m tho north in a aouthoaatorly ilinctiw hy way t Morrhwa U Boaamotz, boing l«rtinikrly imo*. Hara nut* <& viaiona war* thrown la mi in It.(M» yard front, ao that mm 200,000 Gor man woro hoinc ponrod forward in a rvmoraolooa affort to brook thrnugh nvtrr a diatanro of aoaa at* milaa. To moot til 1a Sir Douglaa Hai« had only throo rlivlainna, ao that tho add* no* morirally woro overwhelming. Tot in npito of thia tho lino hold. Kvon worao waa tho proaouro furthor al»*( tho lino whoro oirht Gorman divjaiona •ndoavorad to *mn«h their way wtr two Britiah. ynmnm at the hattl* in .however, the fart chut not one of the wonderful German tie viceji. which for months hav* h««n heralded through th« allied and neu tral pre**, ha* y*t appeared. Ab*o lutaly no n*w engine of war ha* *o far h««n introduced. Th*ra la gaa, but th*r* ha* always been gas. Thar* ar* hie ffun*. firing tnornou* dis tance* to the roar, hot thi* ta not now either. So far not a single tank ha* been nmn, whilut th* German* are ■till absolutely outnumbered in aero plane*. the British flier* being able to descend over the itorm troop*, and rake them with their quirk Brer*, and also bomb the masses concentrated in reserve. Whr.t the German* are re lying on I* manifestly an overwhelm ing number of men *nd batteries. It is, in short, '' rdun over again, but on a far more terriflc scale. Germans Reveal Nothing New. London, r-yi—^ (S*tarday>—The 0*immm km nmM tMkftf new in offensive method*, trying to over whelm by gunfire and number*, 40 division* being already identified. The barrage was like a rain torrn all day on the British defensive positions, with a German (fun to every 12 yards or *o of front. No German .tanlu appeared but any surprises would not be forthcoming at the start. The gas caused no ex cessive casualties the British troops having trained in wearing gas masks for long stretches and in some in stances fought in them over six hours. The odds were overwhelming, eight division* hurling themselves on two British and nine against three. As to gunfire the Germans used heavy probably naval guns to bombard vil lages and the open country 20 to 30 miles behind the British lines. The losses were considerable but not out of proportion *o the battle's magnitude. Sir Douglas Haig reports. A total of 16,000 prisoners and 200 guns, Berlin reports. Sometimes the Germans failed completely, elsewhere they gained ground, the battle being fiercest at Beaumetz. Morchie* Vaulx Vraucourt, north of the Bapaume Cambrai road. int» area in cancu tuc univic-iuiic and the Germans hoped for a break through here. They threw in nine di vision- on «i 11,000 ya-d front and apparently made the biftrest advance here, St. Ix-ror More hies, Vnulx-Vrau court and Bcnumeti being the line to which the Germans penetrated. The German lot-Res were everywhere enor mous, the field sruns repeatedly firing into solid ranks at closj range with open sights. The massed attack re called Mons and Verdun. AH perM.n* or firms engaged in im porting. manufacturing, storing, or distributing fertilisers or fertiliter in gredients must secure licenses on or before March 20. Application mu3t tie made to the Law Dcpa tment. Li cense Division, United States Food Administration, Washington, D. C. Only the 12-cylinder tvpe of Liber ty motor for airplanes i« now being bu'tt. It having been th'-uirht best In view of developments abroad to con c**t~*U on the high-powered engine iiuiMKl of the eight-cylinder. -- - —mi iiiii iiinifciiiiiiif. I Pirn, March 24.—The f i«nfitn "mowUr cannon" which Km hun bombarding Parts baa heart located In the forest of M. (Main, weat of I-ann, and approximately 7« mile* from the Pan* rity hall. The (run bomhardod Pari* during the grantor part of Sun day The day ou ushered by load ex ploit ion* from the 10-inch shell*. and immediately the alarm to take n-ver wa« sounded. Thin ncmrred at *:Srt o'clock and many parson* nought * hal ter, bat greater number) of them ap peared in the street* on their way to the churches, which ware almost as well filled as uaual. The women who sail palm leave* on Palm Sunday* did their u*ual business. At first shell* began arriving at in tervals of 20 minutes, and the detona tions *eem«rf loader than on Saturday. Their power to disturb the equanimity of the populace, however, seemed less the people refusing to be distracted from their Sunday habits. Ule bombardment of the capital ended around 1 o'clock. Although during the earlier hour* of the bombardment* the shells arriv ed on 20-minute interval* later in the day they arriving every 15 minutes, and some of them even fell 12 minu tes apart. In military circles ftelief was ex pressed that the Germans were using two long distance guns. The Matin ' est, which would place it farther sooth than had been believed. This position would be about 70 miles from Paris. During the early hours traffic in the streets of Paris was curtailed, but be fore noon both the subways and tram 1 ways began running. In the afternoon streets of the city showed great ani mation. During the day large num jbers of persons unable to secure means of transport walked. As is ' usual when air-craft warnings are sounded, large numbers of the popu lace sought shelter in subways and besements. * Julie* Verne Foreseen Gun. Let Petie Journal nays that Jules Verne had foreseen this gun, and de clares, moreover, that it ia a French invention. "More than a year ago," it adds, "we discovered the secret of firing cannon more than 100 kilome ters. The secret lies in the greater suppression of the atmospheric resis tance." The Echo de Paris declare!- the bom | bardment is designed to give the im pression that Paris is within range of German guns. "It is a political | cannon," the newspaper says. Premier ( lemenceau's newspaper. L'Hommen Libbc, asserts that the password of the hour is "Confidence." "Germany," it declares "has wish ed to make it a complete offensive on all fronts, the land, water and air fronts, as well as the front of the rear.' We are facing an enemy who wishes to end it as soon as possible. That suits us. Every shell that falls into Paris drives deeper into us con fidence in an ultimate victory." Gun of Austrian Manufacture. Le Journal in ita article, says the (run is of 9V» inch caliber and of Aus trian manufacture. It is a very de licate piece of machinery, which must be handled by expert mathematicians and gunners, the newspaper adds, as the loading and pointing is a difficult task. It declares each shot coats about $4,000. "This is a new con ception of oar enemies." the newspa per comments. Ordnance erperta were not ready le commit themselves as is whether the shell was a sort of aerial torpedo driven by propellers; ihathar an in j ner projectile contained la the original ahall to ral—aiit by an axploaiva tr* ktaalf raarhaa *a piapalUd parhapa by an a>fl<>ato* af fovea IMkarta wIumv*. •hota hi «Q aura flrad fra« 7 20 a. m. to S o'clock p. m., and praaantad all j Ik* rharartariatica of a bombardM** by haavy artiltory. Thara van ra lutor intamUa halwaan tha ahota ami tha ahalla fail within a raatrvtad i Enamy aviator* who flaw high tha city ragutotod tha firing. LINE OF DEFENSE WAS NOT BROKEN. Only BmI Says Um Military at tach* to British Embassy. Washington March 28.— Major Cen "ral McLaughlin, military attache ta the British tmhatiy, ma*t« tlw follow in* statement today to the A»*nciate4 pmi: This morning's new* show* that ear lines of defense srs not broken bat only bent. The battle it appear* In fact, ia what was to have been expect ed from the trenieiufcms weight of the attack. So far aa ran be gathered the Carman baa concentrated against a* about half the total force* which he had on the western front; hi* con centration of artillery la on the mum unprecedented scale. Even no oar ad vanced linea were actually penetrat ed in a few places only. "On by far the greater part of the rector attacked oar retirement baa been voluntary and tn accordance with previous plana to stronger positions. Had our ftrst line baen nowhere peas- » txated (Ma miniwl weald In sB weald hare mssnt unnecessary teas of life. A* it la oar losses hare been considerable bat not excessive. The enemy on the other hand most hare lent very heavily. He has stracked consistently in dense masses relying to break down oar defenses by sheer weight of numbers. "After gaining s few miles of war swept territory "he ia new approaching the ftrst of our main defenses with many of hi* best divisions already oat of commiasion. It may well be that he will mske a further sdvaaes if he pur suss the reckless tactics of the last few days. The alliss. however, can afford to w*jt with equanimity. Ger many has made no secret that she Is 'taking everything on this blow. She has promised her people and her allies thst if lucre*» will produce victory and peace they shall have it. "As the battle ends, aa every pros pect suggests it will end, with oar army and those of the allies in posi tions strongly occupied, however. Car many will have failed and failed decis ively. The opening of the fighting sea son of 1918 will And her with the flow er of her array gone. and with her peo ple disheartened by the moat spectac ular and coatly failure of the war* "Finally it must be remembered that the battle is still only in its first stage. Behind our armies engaged is the grest French army and also oar stratgetic reserves which have not been used." That farmers are today receiving for their wheat 40 per cent of the money paid for the rash loaf whereas la it year they received Uu than SO per cent of the price of the loaf U a recent announcement of the U. 8. Food Administration. Elimination of hoarding and speculation together with stahiliiation of price* are re sponsible for the doubled share of the retail price fanners are now receiving* In spite of unsettled conditions, th* total American trad* with lluad* amounted to $4»fiM,POO to 1*17, a decrease of only W.OM^M as otm~ pared with ltli TMa dmtoM wu la the trad* with AslaOt ktoti awl li