Mount Airy News. THE WAIL On Thursday of Laat «wk the Ger ■hui irmin began the rrwlMt bat tle In ail the htetory of warn, on ths •Htrrn front of Europe, In that part of tha liae held by the British army. For a week now tha hattla haa raged, aight and day. between «uck larva forre* of man and over auch wide araaa, that it la hard to estimate what haa baon dona and what haa haen gained or lout. To talk about what • million man ran do or oppoaa la a big taxk, and it la eatimated that aa many aa a million German aoldier* have haan engngnd in this battle. In this isaue of The New* wo try to give tha readers tome idea of how the hattle hao progressed, hut by the time thw is read it may be that tha Victory will be won and the daatiniea at people yet unborn will be nettled. It ia tha general opinion that the Germans are loaing the flght, and yet it ia admitted that they are potting op tha greatest flght in all history. Aa we write, Wednesday, there ia nothing definite in tha results, further than the fact that the Engliah are not panic stricken and are holding their lines and falling back in good order giving ground daily in a way that show* they are hard pressed. The re ports have it that the losses inflicted on the Germans are so fearful that it ia hard to believe that men would stand nuch punishment. The Oman soldiers have advanced right into the face of rapid fire machine gun* in such numbers aa to take the line even at a leas of men that ataggerx one to com templets it. In tibia my thay ara gaining ground Bat mi English officer would answer that the gains by tha Cermana ara ao coatly that he ia none tha better by the gaina. All thia winter and spring the Ger mans have been saying that unless they were offered a satisfactory peace they were going to hammer it jnto the Allies. And now they are trying to do it. They made such brags about what they were going to do for as that not one took them seriously. Now it appears that they camouflaged by bragging. Just when thia contest will end or how ia a question that occupies the thoughts of men everywhere. Here in Mount Airy it is the only subject that is discussed from cirly morning until late at night. The interest ia tense, and the indications are that the whole nation is in the same tense spirit. The pntriosm of the nation is showing itself everywhere, and the feeling appears to be to now get busy and fight the German* in dead,earnest. Thi liattle has aroused the nation a< nothing before r.ince the Civil War. ARE YOU LOYAL? If you want to know whether or not you are loyrJ these trying hours of our nation examine your inner thought and see if you are rebelling against, or trying to follow, the sug gestion* of Jte men who are leading in this effort to win a great war for human freedom. If you are rebelling against the men who lead you will dis cover in your thought and conversa tion, possibly, a disposition to criti cise and find fault. If you are loy al you will And that you think much about how you can aid, rather than how you can find something with which you do not agree. Thl« in one week that the eitiiens •f thin town Imve "not found time ta katcn to the report* from the lortl tikermrn. A man who know* remarked one day Uiw wook that here are ai many aa 100 Ulle men In this town. If thin ta not an orerectimat* it ia hifh time the polka force ia fatting busy. A TUT OP LOYALTY. (Mas, eakaa and <>thar IImu erf food that ar» i win In thta itlm Tha mother who iww mora than 1H pnaad» at Hoar to tha individual in liar family aaah waafc from now an la playing tha part of • alackar, whathrr At two o'clock Sunday morning all the clock* of the country will he aat forward on* hour. It la pardgr a war aaaaura, ana which haa bean adoptad by Franca and England, and ia intend ad to maka all tha people go to bad earlier and anaa that all daylight may ba utilixed. Aa a nation wa have gntten in tha habit of ileeping till the aim ia a long way up In tha iky and then ateying up till after night to Aniah the day'* work. Thua we loaa tha beat part of tha day and uae up much artificial light baaidea. Now everything, traina, factoriae, school* and rhurchea will run an hour earlier. In thia way clerk*, office men and in duatrial worker* will have an oppor tunity to make garden* and help with the food supply. Every one ahould adopt tha plan at once and within a week'* time no one will notice it. We auggeat that the rhurchea go by the clock in all their aervicea except in the evening, and then it *eema to u*. that if they would go back to the old cuatom of having them at "early can dle light" it would meet the aituation in a aatlafactory way. The man who ia iiot loyal in theee time* needa information. The world haa not pasaed through auch a criaia before and ponsibly will never again. All rlocka and watche* muat be turned forward one hour at 2 A. M., March 31*t. Thia ia an act of Con graaa. It meana that you muat get up an hour sooner to catch the train or to ha at church on time. Let the Sunday Morning sleeper* take notice! —If you are lary, your children will be an hour late at Sunday School next Sunday morning. Geo. D. Herman. School Notice. The Board of Education met on Tuesday and ordered that the schools of Mount Airy observe the time coo* serration law and will hold all Ma rions at the name hours by the clock after thia week as are being observed now. W. F. CARTER, Chm. E. H. KOCHTITZKY, Sec. Central Methodiat Church'* Contribution to World-War. Central Methodist Church, Mount Airy has made a rich contribution to the world-war. This church is repre sented in the Army, Navy, Aviation. Red Cross, and Medical Corps. We have at least thirty five persons in aP branches of the National Service, and; some of these are now In France. Next Sunday morning at Central Mo-1 thodiat, in honor of this worthy com pany. will be unfurled our large and beautiful Service Flag. The names of those in the Service will be read, there will be extra good musk, and a suit able address or sermon. The families and friends of those in the service are invited to occupy the front pews, and the public generally is invited to he with us at this inter esting hour. Come and bring ycur friends. Let slackers stay at home - lest they get a black eye! The Pastor. Trading the Bunker Land*. The heirs of the Bunker estate have recently been trading and now Mr. A. L. Ranker own* the home place and four share*, all of which adjoin*, thut giving him a farm of about 250 acre* including the home place of the late Chang Bunker. Last week he bought the share of Mr*. Emma Bunker con stating of 66 acre* for which he paid Mr. Ed 1'stterion since selling hi* *har* ia the estata ha* bought the farm on Stewart* creek owned for year* by Mr*. Kmma Bunker, paying for it the nun of $8,260.00 oat erlw at kMtary. Tk* r»pa at tha Milking rf Ik* UaltMi*, over pour out Mood and IfaHura ta .ivmngm, ara jURail crimaa ramparad with lha crucifixion. Tha formar ara lha f» •ult of a damon-poaaaaaod Mil and hi* haUlsh hanrh-man who would as itlt him ahova tha thundarnua TTior, whom thalr fathara worrhtpad, whlla tha lattar waa tha raauit of eotd rmt rulatlon by laornad prtaata whoaa tranrradant aalflnhnaaa tha Aon of Man had axpoaad. in* pn««K mivicMi uio popularity in Jesuc. Ma punctured rollgious bob bin*, ridiculed rant and rant*, over turned homiletic conventions, and put to cnnfuaion £\a "moat pnr.c'palixt" p« npie of Uia land. Of couree "the common people her.rd him gladly" r.nd followed him cheerfully. He waa one >f their number. We had a lowly bir Ji and ihiiwnd no diapoaition to hobnob with h"*hhrow« or he numtiered with swelldom. Hia daily life proclaimed the dortnne of the brotherhood of man, and in hia aarmona he heapa acorn and coade-nnation on thoee who would deny it. To be aure the people w! oee pioua pretention* ware expoaed by him got mad, aa indeed they air/ays do, and they took up the only weapona with which fool* and knavea are acquainted —cnticiam and slander. After Envy had begotten Hatred, the two made an alliance with Avarice and Cowardice, and the reault waa murder. The prieata delivered him hecauae of envy, the record declares; ;Judaa betrayed him berause he wanted the money, and poor Pilate turned him over to the rabble becauae he wantod to pleaae them. Then the aenaele.ta, howling mob killed him. Whatever fears may have existed in the minda of the murderers were quickly dispelled when they beheld the limp form of him who claimed that death could not have dominion over him. They allowed hia friends to i-laim the body, and with anger aeme what appeased, they went their ways. They doubtless congratulated them selves that this dangerous fellow would no longer be able to stir up the common herd. They rejoiccd that he was dead, while grinning imps carried lighted torches up and down hell's dark corridors and touted in fiend ish glee because incarnate Truth was in the icy arms of Death. No won der the graves gaped and the sun re fused to shine. The powers of dark ness had apparently won, and the un clean hierarchy of hell could now rule unmolested while Truth lay limp in the tomb. «>v>. a * mm* i.«iiiiuv i-e who have been more highly favored, and in this coomopo-' litan spoliation they will learn to, know what u great rounlry in ours and of the lands beyond the seas to which they are bound. These great experience will trnnn form their liven and when they re-' turn to their hrmes after this awful war is over, seeing life from its many ■ides, they will have caught a new vision, their lives winched and puri fied by heroic sacrifice and patriotism then they can give »ur country a bet ter ritiicriship nr.I tlie influ«ire of all this will be felt for ages Id come. All honor and success t*> our sol dier boy*. I KOK SALE On* food lorM tbej bu({) and karntu. H. I Edwards Mount Airy, N. C. Route n Itpd.J «xt tew daya or it will be to* late. I Hav« had a tew calla to do name ' erraring aim* my notice at laet wieh. lut f am aura that there ara many ' 'tKom that ahould hava thia work ( lona before tha crop la plan tad. Why lot fat It dona right and fraa at feet? | '.all ma ovar tha phona or drop ma a ard. I am at your aervice any tima. Now la tho tima to prepare your •ad had. Remember that you hava four crop half made whan you g*t t in tha ground If you have your aeed tad propariy prepared. Aftar tha and ia broken it ahould be thoroughly larrowad and qulvarlrad. Mow 1* tha :ima to begin to ronaerve tha moiature n the ground, and you can do thia by ceeping the land harrowed aftar each, ■Bin and not let the land become bak a 101 ot u>« corn *«i win last run, ind it ia going to be hard to gat good laad corn thin yaar. If you hava *av m1 your need rom, I would adviaa you to run a germination laat on it to toa if it ia fertila. A little trouble now will ba notiiing compared to gat Ling a bad iitand laUir on. How many fanner* want to help the boy* who are going over the topj win the War? me offer you this plan. Every farmer who i* interested in helping to win the war loan the Government an acre of land this yaar. Crow an aera of corn, tobacco or pota toes and buy War Saving .Stamp* with the proceed*. We *re going to offer nome nice premium* to the farmer* •fit of hoga r*t. ml the ruu (• toak. ng to aa to 4* our pan I haw* to. atod wvtnl brand wn and gilta and rould ba glad to kafr from anyone hat ia intaraatad to buying anything if thla kind. I wtU alaa ba gtod to kelp any boy who la Intaraatad In «ining the pig club to located a pip. f ynu hava not got the monay to buy ha pi* I hava made arrangemente »ith thr hank* to loan you tha monay. ! hopa that thara will ha a targe num ier of boya in tha clob thu year a* ww teed tha meat and prirae will rntuinun ugh. Don't forget tha Head Corn Slow ■nd Pnrrnem Union Rally at Dob taw. he 2Vth of thu month. Everybody •ome and bring tome corn with you. Ewing H. MilUapi, County Agent. Oak Grove School CI——. The i-ommenrrment of the Oak rlrov« school via enjoyed by • largo •rowil on laat Saturday night, March l«. After the axerriaea by tha rhildran whx-h were of tha baat, Mr. B. A. Freeman made a ahort talk on tha war, urging tha paopla to aupport the government in every way poaaibla. The irhool haa been a pmnperoua on* in every way, under the auperviaton of Minn Nora Taylor. The *hool had a box "upper two week* ago and made twenty five dol lar* which waa invented in W. S. 9. A Friend. AUCTION SALE S. M. HALE FARM NEAR ROUND PEAK, WEDNES DAY, APRIL 3rd 1918, al2P.IL This farm contaming 120 acres on the Lowgap road, within 2H miles of the food road and to in a high state of cultivation. On it ia • nice new house and a nplendid feed ban. Thar* ia running water in the house which comati through a pipe from a spring on a hill. The place contains IS acre* of food bottom land and several acres in grass. The upland ia in good state of cultivation, and ia smoothe and has no wash outs on it, and ia all fresh land. There is also plenty of timber and woodland on the farm. The buildings are all new and in first class condition. It only takes about 40 minutes to go to this farm in a Ford from Mount Airy. The terms are so easy that it ia possible tjr any body to buy them a good farm and pay for it with tfce products of the place. / Terms: 1500 cash, J500 in 6 months, $500 in 12 pa^tth*, balance in 1, 2, S, 4, 6 and 8 years. / VALUABLE PRIZES GIVEN A^VAY. 92.00 for largest Irish Potato. SI.00 fcr second. 12.00 for largest ear of corn. Sl.OOf for second. Open to anybody. C. C. HUTCHENS LAND COMPANY. YOU SHOULD NAME THE SURRY COUNTY LOAN & TRUST CO. AS YOUR EXECUTOR FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: rhe business of tfau Company is to act aa Executor of Wills, to administer estates, to serve as guardian of minors and trustee of property under wills. A board of careful business men direct the affain of the Company. rhe Trust Company never dies and is always found at its place of business ever ready to give proper Attention to the affairs of your estate. Che Trust Company will see that your will is drawn cor rectly and, when named as Executor, makes no charge for properly drawing up the will or keeping it under seal in its vault DIRECTORS N. W. Burke, A. G. Bowman, W. F. Carter, EL H. Wrenn, F. S. Eldridge, W. A. York, G. D. Fawcett, W. W. Hampton, W. G. Sydnor, J. D. Smith. • OFFICERS N. F. CARTER. President. E. H. WRENN, Vice-President. GEO. D. FAWCETT, Sec. 4 Treat