STATE'S FARMERS if in i l u I nramuiu ON THEIR METAL ■m JJpm tm rfLn me mm ik mm Fartillmtlom Urgvd. ibatr an ladiridaai WW •Ma d*m»ud that Ike farmara at Monk Carolina plant darta« tka i Mwn ib* largaai aw lad Other food or food crape la tka klatorr of Iho fl'ata aad that tkay Mrk crope 'ha beat poeelble caJtlratlaa aad tka heariaet poaalbla farttlla* Uon declared State rood Adalolv trator Henry A. Page la an Interview with newepapar Man tnday. "Tka com In* whaat era* will eapply mat mora than hail (ha normal ueede at tha world, which mult continue to ha largely aappltad by tbla country ■Bill tha and of tba war and for a coa aMorable period beyond. Tbla meaae that tba demand for corn and otbar grain* for human consumption will fea mora than double during 1»1» Muat Ralaa Own Ra^ulraawnta "Tha transportation altaatloa la aarh that our farmer* bare no aaaur are of being able to secure any food • feed etuffa from aar otker aectloa ad the country next Fall aad there altar and If they do not produce suffl tdant food and feed cropa for tbla aaetloa our people la all probability will hare to do without. A larga pro taction of cotton la dealrabla and aaceaeary and no particular radaatlaa lb the acreage of tobacco la belag ar#' ad. bat any farmer will be foollak ta plant either tobacco or coltoa to tha aachialon of aafftclent food and faed ataffx to run hla own eetabllahment aad to provide hla part of tke aarplna «kat will be required by tba markata la our cltlea. towna and InduaUtal aaaainnlt lee. "Few people hare tha 1 magi eatloa la conceive of the actual waat and 1ng which waa prevented la aar by the Increaaead cultlvattoa of lana aad track patcbae and la production of ataple food aad cropa laat year. Wo are Import lav tbla flacal year a comparatlTely aaall proportion of tka thoaaaada of aarloada of can ted gooda aad other Mad aad feed prod arte that wa nor mally Imported during paat rear* If We bad not produced tka atulf at Aaaia wa would bo going without at Ma time We aba!! be able ta aacura ' a* en amallor Importa of food and feed ataffa during tba coming yaar "Every aero of whaat la Nortk Carolina which baa not already beea fcaavlly fertlllxod abould bo top draaa ad with atable mean re. wood maid aad leaves or with commercial far Mlaer Bvery aero of food aad rood ataffa abould be manured or fartlllaed More hoavlly than baa been caatoo ary In the paat Farmeca Upon Their Mettle. "Our farmer* are upon their metftaf More depend* upon thea than upoa aay other class of people with the e> Captlon of the aolillera In tbe ran ka ttemaelve*. I am sure tbat tbe patrW •tic farTi»r* of North r'arollna may be depended upoa to do their full WEED TO CONSERVE WHEAT MORE URGENT Consumption Mult Be Reduced 30 to SO Per Cent to Teed Allies and Pre vent Flour Fimlne at Home. Raleigh.—The Food Administration l» fearful lest I he recent announce ment that meatlesa meals and pork less Saturday need not be ohserred 4urlng the next few weeks should giro consumer* the Impression that there •leo might be a let up In the oonserra tlon of wheat Hoar 0» th# contrary : Food Administration officials ao r (Mdci that even more strenuous ef i forts for the coneorratlon of wheal Imr should be made If oar pooplo. to •or nothing of oar armies and oar 'Antes, are not to go through a period f «f flour famine boforo tko next bar There win bo bo Boar famine tf K suggestions of tho food Admtnlo-' loo are followed Bad tho cersamp ttaa at wheat flour la reduced by * to M for rent, but this redaction >g IkMlo'el; necessary file Food Ad arintatiotlna la not oaty a -ing tho _ Mkotltutlon of other ceroola and po I tatoes for bread hat la regae«;iaf p —ampler* to eat laaa bread •All OF •ROILCN* NOT INTIRFBRIO WITH Raleigh—Announcement has boon by tko Foo« Administrates that do la hrollere wolghlag up to two la not Md win aot be effr ,od the recent order of tko »Vd Ad lot rat* on prohibit lag tko klUlag aI Md pallets ogeapt tor otrlctly trade ky 1 BE HUNRED! 4* a cm* M i lUMrrlfti ta IN ■MrailwMlf 0C VtMl pradtu-ta waafctr par >imi. H*ar af Mr maawi w» dapand •at apoa bakara braa*. tack kr«t4 ■ant ba durakla and tkarafnra r« qatraa a largar proporttaa ot whaal proda< ta tran naraal kraad aa hakad ta tha bouaakold Oar Army and Nary r«qulra a fall ailowaaca. Tka wall to da la our papalatioa eaa maka graatar aartflraa ta tka ooaauaiptloa of wbaat pruaorca ioh (mm \mw p«>r ■■ wai tloo, oar roptliUea la the agricultural dtalrlrt*. wboro tba othar rirtaia ara atrandaat. ara mora akJIlad In tbo prop aratloa of braada fro« tbaaa otbor caraala Lhaa tba cra*M tlty «»d la daatrlal pnpalatloaa. Wltb laprovad tranaportaOoa wa now bora available a aarplua af |M» tooa. Wa alaa bara la Ua striae moat ha a aarplaa af aJIk and wa k»»a aapla «ora a ad aata for hoaaa <-oa •owllaa. Tte draia aa rra aad bar lar aa Mbatitataa baa already •raatly aabaueted tba aupply <* tbaaa gralaa. To effect tba aaadad aartng af wbaat wa ara wholly dopaadaot upaa tba »eV aatary aeelataaee at tba iaarlcta people aad wa aah that tba foUewlac rulaa ah all ba ebeerved' Flrat. Hoaaoheldera ta aaa not ta ' —aad a total af aaa aad oaa-half poaada par week af wbaat prodorte par paraea. Tbla aieaaa not mora tbaa aaa aad tbraa taai'ha poaada af Tie tory braad taatalalag tba repaired parraataca af eabetltatee aad aboat oao-batf pa aad af cooklac Soar, aa* araal. Cracbara. paotry. ptae. cakoa, wbaat bnibtoit aaraala. aJI coeabiaed ■aeead Pabba aatiac plaeaa aad , elabe ta obeenre twa wbaatlaaa day* par waab—Monday aad Wedaeeday— aa at praaaat; ta aldltlaa tbaraia aet ta aerra ta tba aurecate a total of nara braadataffa. aaoaroal. cra< kera, paatry. ptaa. rakaa. wbaat broabfaat earaala. coatalatac a total af Bora tbaa twa taana af wheat Soar ta aa* ino (aaat at aay aaa seal; aa wbaat product* ta bo aerred aalooa fperlally at do-ad; pabtle aatlas aatabllabiaonta not ta bay aora tbaa at* poaada of ; wa«w |km««b per am'n pw ibhu thus conforming with limitations r» | <imM ef tha kMMkoUtn. Third. Resailere ta Mil tM mars than oi»tl|kik of a tarnl of tear U I any towa cwlomr at aay oae tla* j ud Mt mere thaa eoequarter of a barrel to aay roaatry rnotomer at aay 1 oaa tiaia and la a* aaaa ta soil wheat products wlfhoat tha aala of an equal weight of other r or aala Foarth Wa aak tha bakers and grocers ta reduce tha volume of Tic- [ tor j bread sold by delivery of tha three-quartara poand loaf where nna pouad was aold before. and rorree pondlng proportion* la othar weights. Wa r'M aak bakere not to Inrrease 'ha amount of tkair wh*at flour pur rhasea beyoad 7® per oral of tha aver a*e monthly amount purchased la the four rnontba prior to March 1st. fifth Manufacturers using wheat products for non food purposes should cease such aaea entirely Sixth. There la no limit apon the una of other ceraal flours and meala— corn, barley, buckwheat, potato flour, ate. Maay theaaand families throughout the land are now using no wheat prod arts whatever, eicapt a vary small amonat for cooking pnrpoaee and ara doing so la perfect health and satle factlan. There la no reason why all of tha American people wbo ara able to rook la their owa hoaaeholds cannot sab-, slst perfectly wall with the use of less wheat products thaa oaa aad a half potiada a week, aad wa especially aak tha well tedo koaaebelds la the coaa try to follaw this addltloaal program la order that wa may provide the neo eesary marginal aappllaa for tkoea parts of tha commaaliy leaa able to adapt thea>eelvea to so large a pro port lea of substltataa la order that wa ahall be abla to mahe the wheat exports that ara ak aolately demanded of a* to maiatala tha civil population and soldiers of tha Allies and oar awn Army we pro pose In sapplemeat lha vnlaatary co •perstloa of tha public by a farther limitation of dlstrlbatloa which will be ad I ad from time to time to ee l-ore as nearly aqaltsbla dlatrlbatloa as possible With tha arrival of ha* veet we sboaM. be able to relax euofc nairtctlnas Ha til thaa wa ask tor 'be neceeaary pat lea re aacrtflre and -o-aperetloa of tha dtelribwttai t re dee. CHOWM PRINCE Aim A ■LOW AT THE FRENCH. Ik* i—podot left tho tn-mt, 4m vrii»«d today » g—srei battfo •lone tke rrwck lino trmm Morvuil u b*y*a4 Laaaigar. Hm mm erf tke in— prince's mum, aate von Ha ter wilt • »»nw of wmHh as saults tuwd it point* and •* Undiiif 26 mIIm. Hm Knack rMMTM ihbm kit action wttk the «r—t—t vigor, nffwinf the utUMfli tko wHkiK of attack which «u successful at Riga but tkte ttaao bo flnds himself confronted by troops who arc prepared to moot all hia ruaaa. Ho ta throwing division after division into tha battls with what sp- j pears to bo rocktosanosn, but this prin ciple of risking an sntirs fores in or- j dar to attain an object can only be sue- j csssfol whan tho adversaries srs in ferior in quality or overwhelmed b> number*. Tho French line is displaying splen did reti tancr, and while the Otrnant are expending an enormous part of their strength, the French troops re tain their virile power for making a -trong counter xtroke, in which they will be aided by their reserves which, up to the present have for the most part only been held in readiness tol -t*p into the arena when the enemy ■hows signs of weakening. The Germans appear to have found time to bring up large numbers of guns and trench mortars. Nothing <Ie finite yet ha-i been accomplished since today's onslaught began. The Fr<-nch troops are fighting con fidently and cheerfully. It is possi ble that Home small fluctuations in the jline will occur in the course of the day but only at the heaviest cost to the German*. who have again adopted the dense wave formation during the at tack, offering splendid targets to the fosnous French field guns and machine guns. A lage number of American trans port sections are taking an active part in bringing up supplies. Behind the lines, especially farther north, t.atad |vw an Mkj ,k | ,1 mm* a mA w"i*u "7 •" mcumii wnicn ociviin m»tly M a part of the front. Hm Canaan* vara L—ned taking up paaitiana aa a kill and • ■nil deteUkaMat of Canadian caval rymen who tta prertou* day faaod th—a«lv*e with the French amy carpe, received ordara to occupy dM ■unuait. Dismounting, tbay dan* barad up tha hillside, hut shortly af terwards wara driven off. Tha commanding general rapri ■anded tham far retiring and ordarad than to raturn immediately to tha hill top. Tha Canadian* mounted thair horses and rode to tha aummit under tha hcaviast Ara, and hald tha position until ordarad to Join In tha general ra ti reman t. Many small groups „{ British troops now ara temporarily acting with tha French. They had usad all thair ammunition when picked up, but rontinuad to right obstinately with the bayonet whan the Germans ap proached too closely. They mffered severely, but many of the men manag ed to get through to tha French line. People Muat Make Sacrifice*. Winston-Salem, N. C. March 26.— "Surely our people ara no longer apathetic or in doubt as to the serious ness of the War situation or as to the size of the tasks that are before them if America wins," said Col. F. H. Fries today. State Director of War Savings. Continuing he sa.d: "Be lieving that our people oo realize now as never before the seriousness of the war situation when at this mo ment the German drive is threatening our very existence as a nation. ! have wired the Cliairman of the War Sav ings Committee of every cjunty to call together in conference at once every member of the committee and every member of the Limit Club and to impress them at this strategic mo ment with the necessity of this work. I urged them to send forth every what w an to be mM am to aaeri *M li tto fiKar*. W. who have I—■< ■wry, not |lw« it, and that at ■ H|>«r rtu of intereet than oar banka wiO pay. hav« mad* no aaeri ftca. Vary faw pa»pU have ilmiad tkaanltti anything. Bat at Una atrategv moment. we arc beginning to aaa what will ba required of oa if wo ever haat down German Koltur arul dectroy Pruaeianiwa. "If we meat the demand* made by ua by the Government we mutt pledge oumelvo* to aave and give 'egularly, monthly and weakly and not «pa*mod ically or aa happen »o have it. We W all aaa i macwes THY WW iw JixL—Tha health ■« I 4o all rav hooaawork, l» cMh waabtng. Vinol » th« Imm — I a*tr used."-AUca P 437 So. nth 3c. N«w Cudti lad. W« guarantee thta imdcrM mI Bvar and iron tootc, Vinol. far 41 weak, run-down, nervosa cc L W. WEST DRUG CO. A Wartime Call There's a wartime call for economy. True paint - economy is found in Dutch Boy white-lead mixed- with linseed oil, a paint which spreads easily, covers so thor oughly that a clear saving of one coat IS often possible. Such paint withstand* rain, sun, snow, and wind. Our stock at points, oils, varnishes, sad accessories is complete and reliable We do not consider that we have made a sale until the customer has found his purchase Dutch Boy Lewis Brawl White-Lead W. E. Merntt Company Seasonable Clothes Talk O those who have once worn our special hot weather apparel, regular weight clothes in mid-summer would ap pear as reasonable as winter weight ulsters in spring. If you know the comfort of season able clothes when the hot weather arrives, you are now due to select your 1918 hot weather wardrobe. « If you have never worn our tropical weight summer garb, then let us play benefactor and introduce you to your first. At reasonable prices, that smatter of war time economy, HiohArjClothes kadi rr iTtouai * i&unuu he., kutimou. mo. offer the most presentable of stylish two-piece suits. They are tailored so well that they keep their shape just like regular weignt apparel. Our display is ready. , J. W. PRATHER CLOTHING COMPANY

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