Hi fifcrw.. hi aU •»>*« rab. Baal bupU J. U Ham GOOD mil I h—d fart r—d *rfa«l>. T- 1. taff* light* ami i^l^, so Taylor raat naar Smith itML Saa E. C. Foy. 21. KM SALE—Cktvrald taurine car at a bargain. Eaeallant eLu^tien. Gall or writ* W. H. Di* Ml aU 2t»d AUTOMOBILE TIRES—Wa *dl tho GUlatta. McCraw and Pall* *uar aataad tram Vm to MOO nsjaa. Moth m* better on tho market Car tho mon •j Com* ami «•« u» wlan in naad of a Urc. Alao have a gpad utoek of in um" and other *Upplie*. P. L. Smith Hardware Co. EEMKMBEP. we ar. headquarter fZ all kind*- rma^to-wear gmr ■enW. J. L. Marrntoif IF YOU want a nice milk cam w K. H. Hennis, be has -5 fre«h row* and an piea*e you. I'fuje reasonable. FINE MILK COWS—I have on nan.l mow 25 nice milk <-»w» that I rwently brought from Gilford county. Price nahle. C. H. Honnia. FOR ALL kind* Indies dren« good* (otoi. L Harntftms. M< LALLVN'S 5 k. 10 cant Store now umler new management u> offering you un'old ^fue*. Our door* are •pen from T:M a. m. until 6:30 p. m. we are here to serve you. FOR SALE. a good orr-h'irWwafxt, cheap. Dray bed almnfcAww. A largain. Apply at Th» >■»* Office. FOR RENT—Two f^mmhed room* for light houselndping. Mrs. Rhoten Hine*, Lebanon SWert. FOR RENT—Four room Jtouae with one acre garden m» fO minutes ■\ P •r walk of factories, R J.jjonea, Mount Airy. r ALWAYS remember ye are head quarters for miriinely and all kind* Mies ready-to-weV/ garments J. L. Bam* on. BGGS FOR hatching—the world fam ous Ancona*. Begt winter layers. Eggs *1.00 amMlie for 15. E. C. Bar ner, Vount wy, N. C. tf. M1SC HARROWS for sale at aU*r jrair >t F. L. Smith Hardware £o. WANTED—S. A. I^nms £ Co. Tur keys, roosters, dpcks. gee^e. and •kkkens und*rta» ,*>unds, also Will pay the very highest mi^a frice for same. TAPE GARPFN SEED Jtf sale at F. L. Smith HardwaroVo. FOR SALE—Su^ Maples, (food size. The most Satisfactory -hade trees for this section. E ll Wrenn. 4t ARSENIC OF LEAD/1 10 and 25 pound pu'-kajpes fa# sale at F. I.. Smith Hardware tt got ■special lifftlt trench mortar dctach , ments. known as infantry artillery, 1 equipped with two light trench mor tars of a new model mocntcd on spe cial high speed wheels, supposed to be capable of firing 30 rounds a mniute against tanks or other obstacles. The I personnel of each detachment com prises two officers and 40 men. "It is apparent from the foregoing that the whole appartus for destroy ing our renters or resistance has been relegated to the second line, the cele brated storm troops, sappers with ex plosive* ami light trench mortars in Ktead of being first to follow aft*, the waves of infantry have swept over the position. The mission of these specialists remains the same. They clear the trenches, reduce strong point*, bomb recalcitrants from dug outs, but while they are doing this the battle I* sweeping miles further at aay rate, ia anticipation." itfUil i H inM— • minimum "One* mora M kin mm to the thia vMk Um pMtim, and suffering of our I-ord and rh« shame Ha bora for the people and the daath Ha M to purrhaae salvation far all. It ia sin gular that our bays ara railed to leave on Good Friday the r rucirt xion • lay of oar Lord. It ia aa it shauld be whan tha nawa crimes from tha trench es that tha man ara finding that juat a few thing* count, namely, tha Bible, God, Christ, and Etamity. And moat of thea* 4ubjarta have not eacaped tha man in training. .Soma of you young man ara wall trainad from an aduca tional stand-point and you ara official timbar so to speak. But listen at what ' a commanding officer laid to tha men in hia ramp. "No man. need expect to : ba an officer out of thin ramp if he j ia known to drink. No man need eg j pact to ba an officer out of thia train i ing camp if ha ia known to frequent a house of proatitutfon. Further, no man need expect to win a commission here if ha is known to ba a pandervr in dirty storiea." Thin of course rounds good to ma. I am glad to bring this message to you boys, for y~i are w b«y«; be 1 fore taking your leave from your na ! tive homes, your mothers and fathers, your loved ones and friends, there fore the message that I brine 10 you tonight before leaving is, endura hard ness as a good soldier. First, as a good soldier of Jeaus Christ, second as ' a good soldier of the nation which ha* called you and will now train you and will send you forth to fight its bot tles and defend its honor. This is a time of strictest religious fervor, and the highest national patriotism. Jus tice has not always been meted out Co us as a race nor a people. Many things that have been done to a. have I been very offensive unto us, but we have borne it all with a patience un paraleted on the part of any people. There is too much love in our hearts for our native country where we have | been bom and where we are native to the (oil, and too much loyalty in our htarts to and for our Governmant, [ for or to think of the wrongs that have been done to aa. I want Co inspire the hearts of jroa j hoys with the thought of the found | ing of this Republic. When the col I oni'ts were in a death struggle, and ' under the yoke of oppression by the mother country, and yonder on the Commons of Bon ton when the first guns were tired, and the first man that , fell was a Negro, who shed the first | Mood in the American Revolution. This is the one thing that should make all of our hearts heave with pride, to know that the blood of Crispus Attucks first reddened the soil upon which the foundation of this great government stands. And in every war since that time the Negro has played his part loyally. The war of 1812, the Civil war, the Spanish American war and even at Carrinial in Mexico a short while sine*, the ^ Negro has shed his blood freely for his country and nation. We bid yoa God's speed on leaving us for the samp«. God help you to be faithful; obey and respect your superiors, be trained for the highest efficiency and if the time will come for you to show your prowess you will hold up the tra ditions of the race and give a good ac count of yourselves. And when the time shall come for you to jm across the waters, trust in Gotland keep your powder dry to face conditions over there. The terrors of the submarine arc being lessened more and mora every day. Mr. Edison the wizard of Um laboratory, with others has made it almost impossible far the to 4a Vs tf —j da our bit patrMtinlly. •md you forth to |1»« ] naed ba to wlm the •ad aa Aaron and Hur bald up tha arma of Moses while tarsal fought a victorious battle, a* wa will hold up tka ansa of our fovanuMnt according to our ability in tha purrhaae of war < tamps and tha Libarty Loana and Thrift of every kind. Thu vary prea ant moment la ona of crucial intareat, and American patriotism should show itaalf in every way. Wa ara American citizens and whan tha honor of tha nation ia at staka, our honor ia at stake. Tha nation'* right ia out fight. If tha nation goes down wa go down and if tha nation goati up wa go up. Quit ya like man and ba strong. Wa ara haraby lot ting tha nation know that it haa nothing to faar aa regards to tha Negro* . loyalty; and wa haraby serve notira on tha kaiaar Iwa do not avan spell his nama with a capital letter > and all of hia propagandists, that wa have heard tha call of tha nation and it navar sounds ratraat. I hava but to «ay to you boys, b« loyal, ba brava, ba steady, ba calm, and undar tha guidance of the Supreme hand and with a determination on your part to do and die, you will help to bring the victory that ia perched upon the Allien Banner." Indigestion nearly always disturbs the sleeo more or laiw, ar,i is often the cause of insomnia. Ear a light supper with little if any meat, and no milvt also take one of Chamberlain's Tablets immediately after tupper, and see if you do not rest much net *er. Obtainanie everywhere. MOUNT AIRY FEED STORE We have moved our place of buai nesr. across the street from wle:e we have been for years into thap Sch&fer Block where we are prepared to fur nish you with all kinds of ^ectl. We carry a full lina of auch Bed u you need and buy grain »t {he highest market price. We ke<^> Ln hand stock of meal and every effort to please. age solicited. B. N. Saaitk, Proprietor. According I* prisoners, tha 200 G«r mmm Mmm otaca the beginning at far rant. The 2ftth diTuion lost BO par cant. Tha Mth ittniwn loot W par east, tha Ant day and 40 par cant hi an attach on Moaieioo, Maich W. In tha flrat diviaien tha average itrength of tha companies wa» re duced ta 40 am by March Ok. Tha guard triati rtivmion Buffered 2ft par rant loao between Starch 21 and 28. Tha fifth dtviainn had M par rant, casualties at Ham and additional hea vy loo no* in crooning tha Soamr, In an attack north of the Scarpa river ono regiment of th« 2(1 division loot 24 nflcerit. POR RENT Si* room dwelling and lot on Franklin utreet large gsrden. water, light* and hath. Sea mc or F. M. Bunker. Mm. 8. W. A»hby. dsn! drastically with dialoyal pitkmi of tha Amna disloyalty waa h»»»»ing and that a wava at bittar fa might ha ixpartad ta follow r«porta wt raaualtira umh| tha Amancan «ai diara now hainf aaat to tha front ■* Franca. Hatching Eggs! and Buff Laj homa, for 1& FOSTER UH^BACK, Airy, N. C. Route 1 STATEMENT OF CONDITIO!* THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Mount Airy, N. C. Made to CMptniWr of the Currency Washington. D. C„ March 4. 1918. Loans and Investments $563,826.95 Banking house 20.000.00 United States Bonds 69.650.00 Cash Reserve. . 103,733.29 Total 757,210.24 Capital and Surplus 100.000.00 Undivided Profits 16,093.89 Circulation 50,000.00 Deposits 591.116.35 ToUl .. 757,210.24 TV Roumw of this hank ia conducted under the »aper»!sinn of the I'm ted States Government. ibis bank ia a member of the Federal Re aeffe system aad ia a United States Depaaitory far Poatal Sa»in*s Funds. We base three quarters of a million dollars 4 per cent, net paid aa time depoaita. Your business ia Respectfully Solicited. GEO. D. rAWCETT. President. c. L. hanks, vicfmadnt T. G. FAWCETT, Cashier. THE UNIVERSAL'CAR NEW PRICE LIST OF FORD CARS. Touring $450.00 Runabout 1. $435.00 CImmu $400.00 F. 0. B. Factory —:— Other ^nodels at the old price Place your order now in order to obtain Spring delivery. We can make immediate'^eliv^y of Sedan or Chassis. GRANITE CITY MOTOR COMPANY Bring us your Ford and let us put it in first class shape forsummer