Mount Airy News. Airy, April lftfc, 1*1* TO K£KP OUT OF THE ARMY. Thar* ara not many ra«n who want toptlntlM army. Moat of ua envy the nun who goea and livaa through it, but not many ara wanting to taka tha iKancaa. Wa all admire tha man who la wlllini to riak hia Ufa for hia country. Ha ia a haro, and wa all honor him. Now if a young man want* to kaap out of tha army tha way ia simple. I,at him ahow that ha ia worth more to tha rountry hare at bom* than ha would ha worth to tha rountry in tha service and ha will ha laft at home. There ara many young men who are trying to avoid tha draft, and lhay ara railing thotr friend* to •id them. In many of theae cases tha circumxtanrea are *uU< U him. It ku bean *atd of hn that ha rarely foreeloeed • mortgage ud jrat ha waa • large lender at money. Ha waa • mm of greet natural abil ity and would often give expraeaion to word* that would batum* tha wtaaat of man. H* had a way at *»prw*l*| himaalf that waa peculiar and ha a**m»d to havs an unusual InaigtM la ta affair* at man aloag buaineea linaa. Oaa remark ha mada that impreaaed ua on on* orcaaion waa something Ilka thi*. "Tha way to make monay la to taka hold at aomething that thar* ia monay In and than puij it." On another occaaion, in hia pres ence aome una r a mark ad about hav ing financial troubla*. At that timaMr. Greenwood waa in had health him aalf. HI* rommant on tha troublea of the man who waa financially wrong waa aomething like thi*: "Financial troublea are nothing, a man ran work out of that." Mr. Greenwood would rarely talk for half hour and not aay aomething that a thoughtful man would remem ber and ponder over in after daya. Several yaara before hia (loath he united with the Methodiat church in hia town and lived a consecrated mem ber until hia death. He leavea a wife and aeveral children. The Next Soldier*. The following man have been called to appear here at the office of tha local board on tha 25th of thin month to en ter camp for training. White* Thoa. J. Hatcher, Mt. Airy Weaiey F. Jackaon, White Ptaina. William C. Tjiwaon. Mt. Airy. John P. Linnville, Ruak. Oliver Comer. Mt. Airy. R. Arnold Davia, Mt. Airy. David K. Bray, Mt. Airy. John E. Dodaon, Pilot Mtn. William C. M"*er, Rock ford. Roby Barntu, Dobaon. Alexander A. Brook*. Hiurtnond. RufuK F. Hay more, Rockford. Joaeph D. Dobaon. Rockford. John Dee Jeiisup, Brim. Chaa. G. Robertson, White Plain*. Negroes Fred D. Davis, Mi. Airy. Hubert Lea Pilson, Rockford. William P. Dalton. Elkin. Tom G. Satterf'eld, Mt. Airy. Henry .Scales, Mt. Airy. Fred Reynold*. Mt. Airy. Bud Martin, Mt. Airy. Harry 0. Walker. Mt. Airy. Clint C. Mittman, Mt. Airy. John Payne, Mt. Airy. Special Service* at First Baptist Church. Honor to whom honor is due. Where? At the First Baptist church. When? Sunday April 21ft, 10:4S, A. M. What? Presentation of honor roll and aervice flag. For who? Our boys who hare re sponded to our country'* call and de fense. How many? Twenty-five from the Church and Sunday School. Why this service? Because we lore them and want to do them honor. Everybody is invited to come and let us mingle together in loyalty pa triotism and appreciation. The sermon will follow this ser vice. Subject Sharing equally the burdens and rewards of Christian service. 1st Sam. 30-24. To Dedicate Court House. Program of exercises for the Dedi cation of the New Court House held at Dobson on the 22nd of April, 1918. Exercises will begin at 1:80 P. M. Invocation. Presiding: The Judge holding the Court of the 11th Judi cial DUtrict, Hon. Thos. J. Shaw. America, Dobson High School. 1. Turning over the building by the Board of Commissioners to the citi zens, E. M. Linville Atty. for the Com missioners. 2. Accepting the building for the people, W. F. Carter, Atty. 2. Accepting the building for the officials of the Court. A. H. Wolfe. 4. Accepting theb uilding for the County Seat, R. C. Freeman. R. Accepting the building for the schools of County, Prof. J. H. Allen. A. Accepting the building for th* Bar of Surry County, J. H. Folger, Attorney. 7. Accepting the building ss the Temple of Justice, W. L. Reece, Atty. 8. Patriotic address, S. P. Graves, Solicitor. 9. Infurmal remarks by other at torneys and citiiens. 10. Old North State, Dobson High School. ^..^4 . „.. L Every Inch Of An Up-to Dat>e Store SHOES. Your spring shoes can be chosen here with the assurance that the style is absolute ly correct; that the quality is of the highest type and the prices are very reasonable. This last is an important part when every one is trying to economize. It means satis faction in style, fit and service both now and until your shoes are entirely worn out MEN S NEW STYLES IN OXFORDS. Comfort is probably the most logical reason why men wear low shoes in the warm weather. We have an excellent selection in both black and tan that are bound to please the fancy of well dressed men. For comfort, fit, style, wear and moderate prices LADIES FOOT-WEAR. In Indies fbot-wear our models for dress, street and general wear are models of the moment. Every woman will be inter ested in seeing this collection of oxfords, pumps, white kid, and canvass shoes. Our . prices in comparison to others elsewhere are more moderate by degree in some instances. We have all the new designs in childrens footwear. So you may be assured that the kiddies feet will be perfectly fitted at mod erate prices if you bring the children here. SPRING MERCHANDISE. We cordially invite the public to call and see our spring line of merchandise. Every material desired is found and the best shades of the season. There is a cer tain distinction about the woman whose attire is appropriate to the occasion. For this reason we feel that for beauty and style our stock of merchandise makes a strong appeal to the women. We are show ing beautiful new silks including the new shades and styles, wonderfully pretty com bination effects and coloring. New figured Voiles, a beautiful range of patterns await ing transformation into spring and sum mer frocks. All those bright spring ginghams at on ly 25c, which is 5 to 7 cento per yard cheaper than we can'buy them. All Devonshires at 30 cents. You'll want lots of these for your spring sewing. Make your selection today. Ask to see our line of shirt waist in georgette crepe, Crepe de Chine and voiles in white and colors. We also have a nice line of ladies muslin underwear. Remember you will find here, every thing to be found in an up-to-date store. JACKSON BROS. Mt. Airy Dutrict Conference. The district conference for Mount j Airy District, M. E. Church, South, will convene at Madison next Wed nesday and will last through Friday. It will be composed of all the pastors of the district, the local preachers, lay leader* recording stewards and the delegates elected by the several pas toral charges. Presiding Elder H. C. Sprinkle of this city will be in the chair. He is preparing an interesting program, and the conference will be of much significance to the Methodists of this section. Something like two hundred preachers and delegates will be in attendance. A large delegation will go from Surry. Central church. Mount Airy will be represented by the pastor. Rev. Geo. D. Herman, Messrs. Geo. O. Graves, B. F. Sparger, G. W. Hucheson and others, while Mount Airy circuit will be represented by Rev. Tom P. Jimison, Rev. W. M. Wall J. M. Parker. E. L. Brown. J. D. Wall. J. C. Richards and J. M. Hines. Statement of The Ownership, Management, Circulation, etc., of The Mount Airy News. Published weekly st Mount Airy, N. C.t for April 1st, 1918. Publishers, J. E. Johnson & Son, Mount Airy, N. C. Editor, J. E. Ji>hn*<>n, Mount Airy, N. C. Business Manager, W. M. Johnson, Mount Airy, N. C. Owners: J. E. Johnson and W. M. Johnson, Mount Airy, N. C. Known bondholders, mortgages, and other security holders: Mergenthalcr Linotype Co., New York, N. Y. W. M. Johnson, Business Mgr. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 14 day of April, 191R. T. G. Fawcett, Notary Puble. DARK AND WHITE CORNISH INDIAN GAME Silver Pencil Plymouth Rock, Co lumbia Plymouth Rock, Light llrahme Rose Comb Khode Island Reds, White Orpingtons, Blue Andolu«iant. Set tings of 16 eggs from sny of shove vsrieties $1.50. WILL BEAMER, Moaat Airy, N. C. Route I sanngs stamp* Up to April lat, 1918. Mount Airy 13,908.94 Pilot Mountain 3,161.60 Eikin .. .2,670.82 Shoals 827.88 We.tft.ld 688.77 Round Piak 528.84 Dobson 210.22 Siloam 209.64 Rusk 165.40 Whit. Plains 143.78 Low Gap 103.36 State Road 92.44 Thurmond 82.80 Cnitchfleld 66.24 Brim 67 M Kappa Mills 41.40 Rockford 39.74 Ararat 20.64 Total $22,660.08 MUUNI A1KT hLtU MUKL We have moved our place of busi neu across the street from where we have been for year* into the Schafor Block where we are prepared to fur nish you with all kinds~df feed. W« carry a full line of such feed as you need and buy r**in at the highest market price. We 'keep on hand a stock of meal and flour and make •very effort to please. Your patron age solicited. R. M. Smith, Proprietor. YOU SHOULD NAME THE SURRY COUNTY LOAN & TRUST CO. AS YOUR EXECUTOR FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: The business of thU Company is to act as Executor of Wills, to administer estates, to serve as guardian of minors and trustee of property under wills. A board of careful business men direct the affairs of the Company. The Trust Company never dies and is always found at its place of business ever ready to give proper attention to the affairs of your estate. The Trust Company will see that your will is drawn cor rectly and, when named as Executor, makes no charge for properly drawing up the will or keeping it under seal in ita vault DIRECTORS W. W. Burke, A. G. Bowman, W. F. Carter, E. H. Wrenn, F. S. Eldridge, W. A. York, G. D. Fawcett, W. W. Hampton, W. G. Sydnor, J. D. Smith. \ OFFICERS W. F. CARTER, President. E. H. WRENN. Vice-Preaident GEO. D. FAWCETT. Sec. 4 Treat. Health About Gone Muy kyftaat to I om from Mts.Z.V. Spa*, of Hayae, N.C. "Iiotoj "A» my i Sa-STJCiT rnm. Dr. ha* m ptCarduL . » I tap* r_. • • U improving, im u oiw doctor kaow*,'what Car tful did for ma, lor my TAKE Hie Woman's Took CM do mr wort. I (eel I owe Kto Cardui, tor I «M It yoa are aarvooa, run «n—< Cardul aucceaMy Tfclak what M a hbtlivM Wk» Mr*. SpaO. Ohra AIDnnMa It