LEGAL LAND ADVERTISEMENTS mncm By nrtai ti • iM W UM mmt art to ma by J. H. ManAall Mjl «tta tmi MarakalL to mm a debt «f ea. hundred aj ftfty III MOO) iloi hn, due ami payable to Am. J. By «r %, naiNfteW Mt hweieeter da aanhetl. «57h dead rf trust ' regis tered in lfce «Oce of the Ko iter of CV..I. of Hw» County, Book »T, peg* Ml. defaaM lifini been aaar'a in the payment of aeid debt at maturity and ■ application of tka holder m tile ante, i will aatl for caah to the buknt Mddvr In freat of the McCnrfo Build tag in Mount Airy North Carolina, on the 27th 4my of April 1*11 at >*• eVIock P. M . tha following raal aatata tewit: lying and twin* In Surry Coun ty, North Carolina and bounded aa foi lews: Adjolniac tha landa of Hardan Laf feon, S. B. Marshall and othera, and beginning at a stake on tha Want side af the Mount Airy and Dobaoa road aad S. B. Marshall'* garden eornar an<i run* with hi* Una peaking *ever al corner* to Hardan laffom'i Una aad corner; than with Laffoon'a line aa*».ing several corner* to Mra. W. D. Rigg's line; than with naid Rigg'* lint' passing a corner to S. E. Mar •hull s line; then S. E. Marshall'* line to corner of lot formerly owned by J. S. A S. E. Mar-hull and known ait the iihop lot on which i* iitunted the vngun >hop», saw mill and ate., ther. witn the line of said shop lot to the Mount Airy and Dobaon road; then with aid road to the beginning, con fining ihirty-Ave acres, mora or leaa, an which ia iiituated Haid J. S. Mar ih:.H'» dwelling, out house* and *ta hles. .Sale made to satisfy .said debt, in terest and coat. This March 25, 101*. J. H. FOLOEB, Trustee. | NOTir«? By virtue of an order made by the Clerk of the Superior Court in the ea. e entitled "In Re: Mra. M. B. Beard and othera, ex parte," 1 will offer for •ale on the premises on the 27th day of April 19IH. at3:00 o'clock P. M., the following real estate, to wit: A'l the land* lying on the North went side of the Old Hollow road nea Barirer Tawn owned by Mr*. L. K. Banner, including the home place, and also all the laml lying on the South tide of said road formerly owned by John Banner adjoining U. G. Belton and othera. 'Ihe naid land will be offered in lot* and then aa a whole, the Commi**ion ar reporting the higheat bid. Term of Bale: One-third caah, one-thud in twelve month* and one-third in two year*. Bond with approved security for the deferred payment* will he re quired. The sale will be made sub ject to confirmation by the Court. This March 27th, 1918. J. H. KOLGBR. Com. . NOT Hi; The undersigned, convicted Febru ary term 19U* of Surry Superior Court of unlawful manufacture of li quor anil sentenced to a term of I & months imprisonment, will on the 20th day of April 1918, apply to hi* Excellency, the Governor of North Carolina for Commutation of sen tence or for pardon. All persons de diiing to oppose the granting of par don or commutation are notified to tie their protest* in writing with the Governor at Raleigh N. C. on or be fore said date. This March SO, 1918. J. P. JONES. NOTICE North Carolina. Surry County. In the Superior Court. April Term 1918 Elsie Davis Vs. T. E. Davis. The defendant above named will taken notice that an action entitled •a above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Surry County by the plaintiff and against the defendant for the purpose of obtaining an ab solute divorse from the bond* of ma trimony; 'he said defendant will fur ther take notice that he is required to appear at the next term of the Superoir Court to be held on the 7th Monday after the Frst Monday in March 1918 at the Court House in Dobron in said county and state and answer ftr demur to the complaint in ■•id action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanaed in said complaint. This the 18 day of March 1918. J. A. JACKSON. Clerk of the Superior Court.; Cow Peas Wood'. Seed*. — AND Velvet Beans Save Fertilizer Bill*, in crease crop productive ness, and make the best of Summer ioragc crops. "<A >l| improve land v-onderfully, iv,„ tfUtf <••>■■ ..op ior forage or grazing purpose v Can be in'u to excellent advantage in you.* Com crop, increasing yield of t orn and makinit a wonderful improvement to the soil. Write for prices and "WOOD'S CROP SPECIAL," giving informa tion shout all Reasonable Heeds. Mailed free on request. T. W. WOOD & SONS, " " " Va 32 Lots Sold " Fir (78,66100 « taction! i . At Out Sab w* mU foe Mr. Fnak L Fuller, Couneel Liggett k Myeri Tobac co Co., at Durham, N. C., at Auction, 12 Cky Lou (or f7l,6M.M Wi SiMiMi Mi tdl Cty, htwfcM mi fm frcptrtr * lUw At Sale* conducted bruin writ* all d*«d* and other paper*, roiled the cadi pay menu on puirhaaw, obtaia apod not**, ate., faraiahiag a complete Mataiacot. Before you even consider th« aala oI your property, writ# ua for information at our Auction method*. It will convince you that you need u*. Farm Sales Our Specialty. Territory Unlimited. ATLANTIC COAST REALTY CO. THM NAM THAT JU»TIFIBm YOUm CONnOfNCI omccst Pimtauts, va., mm* crcenvillx, n. cakouna Re{erencc*i Any Bank in Prtmburj, Va. or Greenville, N. C Home Defense Paint defends your heme against time and weather. Dutch Bey white-lead, mixed with pure linseed oil, for your house, your barn, or your garage, is a covering which defies rain, snow, wind, and sun. For interior use, Dutch Boy white-lead, mixed with flatting oil or turpentine, gives •oft, restful tones, and a surface which will not crack or scale. We carry the best paint materials, and guarantee their worth. Dutch Boy Lev/is Bnnd White-Lead W. E. Merritt Company Chestnut Oak Bark Wanted! We are now issuing contracts for bark to be de livered at our sheds during the seasonof 1918. We will pay 5 cents per 100 pounds more to those parties contracting their peel to us than to parties not hold ing contracts. We reserve the right to stop issuing contracts whenever we feel that we have sufficient bark contracted to meet our requirements. No contracts will be sent out by mail. Obtain contracts from Mr. A. Johnson, in charge of Mount Airy station. This February 28th, 1918. C. C. Smoot & Sons Co. j So Say* iponalbiltty for the war la now world known, a letter which Dr. Moohlon wrote an May 7, 1#17, to Dr. *«i BethmannHoJI wag In tfcia latter Dr. MoohJon aald that h >wov«r front the numbor and weight of Gunin mia takaa nine* the war began, ho poraia tod In believing that belated foreaight would at laat illuminate the mind* of (•ermany's loadora. Thia, he adda, explains hia help in th« negotiation* with the Rumanian'* intervention, and hia offer to help in Switzerland toward a reapprorhment with the enemy. "That I was and remain hoatile to any activity other than raconcilia-1 lion and restoration" he adda, "I prov ed noon after the opening of hoatili tie* hy the definite reaignatlon of my directorship of Kruppa. Since the | first ilay* of 1917, however. I have' abandoned all hope of Germany'* pre sent director*. "Our offer of peace without an indi cation of our war aim*. Intensification of the aubmarine war, deportation of Belgian* the ay*tematic destruction in Prance and torpedoing of English hos pital ship* have so degraded the gov ernor* of Germany that I am perfectly convinced they are disqualified for the elaboration and conclusion of. a win cere and just agreement. "The German people will not he able to repair the grievous crime* committed against its own present and future and against that of Europe and the whole human race until rep resented by different men. with differ ent mentality. To tell the truth, it is mere justice that it* reputation throughout the whole world is a.i bad I a* it in. The triumph of its methods by whuh it ha* hitherto conducted war, both militarily and politically, will constitute defeat for the ideas and supreme hopes of mankind. One ' has only to imagine that a people exhausted, demoralized, or hating 1 violence should consent to peace with the Government which has conducted xuch n war to understand how the general level and chances of life of !>eople* would remain dark and deccp | tive. Asa man and a* a German who desires nothing but the welfare of the i deceived and tortured German peo ple I turn away definitely from the present representatives of the Ger men regime. And I have only one wish, that all independent men may do the iime, and that many Germans may understand tbe act. "It is impossible for me, mean time, to make any manifestation be fore German public opinion I have though it to be my absolute duty to inform Your Excellency of my point of view." Insessnis Indigestion nearly always disturb* the sleep more or less, and is often the cause of insomnia. Eat a light supper with little if any meat, and no milk; also take one of Chamberlain's ! Tablets immediately after supper, I and see if you do not rest much bet [ ter. Obtainable everywhere. Notice of Summon and Warrant of Attachment. .Ia Superior Court. North Carolina, Surry Cowitv. Nannie Jenkins (Formerly Nannie Dot son) against .Tonn Evans. The defendant above named will take notice that a summons in the above-entitled action was issued against said defendant on the 7th day of March 1918 by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Surry County, North Carolina which summons is re turnable to the April Term of the . Superior Court of Surry County on 1 the 22nd day of April, 1918. The de fendant will also taken notice that a warrant of attachment was issued by said clerk on the 7th day of March 1918 against the property of said de fendant which warrant is returnable at the time and place above named for the return of tne summons. The defendant will further take no tice that the above-entitled action ia brough for the purpose of recovering a judgement against the defendant for the rum of $600.00 with interest due therm due by notes executed to the plaintiff which are now due and un paid. being the balance of purchase money due on real estate. And the defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the next term of tne Superior Court of Surry county to be held on the 7th. Monday after the First Monday in March, ft being the 22nd day of April 1918 at the Courthouse In said county In Dobson, N. C. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said com ptaTst. This the It day of March 1111. J. A. JACKSON, dark of the Superior Gewt. I Tike universal military service A Soldier's offering to Ms sweet heart is naturally the sweetmeat tbat gave him most refreshment and greatest enjoyment when on duty. The Flavor Lasts Mount Airy Realty & Auction Co. J. A. ATKINS, Manager MOUNT AIRY, — North Carolina. If you want to buy or mII apply to u*. — We handle all kind* of Real Estate, public and private. OFFICE OVER EARP*S STORE. Notice to Timber Men We have orders for 20,000 No. 1. cross ties from White Oak, Post, and Chestnut oak, standard specifica tions of 7"X8"X8 feet and 6 inches long, when sawed and 7"X7" hewed, same length as sawed. We also have order for 5,000 No. 2 cross ties, to be any size under the above sizes, down to 6"X7" and length to be the same as for No. ones, also to be from above kinds of oak timber. Almost all timber haulers already know the speci fication and we mention this for those who will be getting out timber this year who have not made ties before. Also all this timber must be sound, all knots smoothed off with the tie and all bark peeled off when either sawed or hewed. A great many haulers lose their grade by measuring with their axe handles and we would ask that you cut a pole exactly eight and one half feet long and make all ties according to thia length, and notch it for 7 inches to get face and thickness. At this time we also wish to thank the hundreds of people who sold their timber to us last year and beg to assure them of the same fair and courteous treatment for the coming season. The price, effective February 1st is 60 cents each for No. 1 ties and 50 cents for second class. For Red Oak, Spanish Oak, and all other kinds of I oak (except the above mentioned kinds,) also Hickory | and Ash we will pay 60 cents for No. l'a, and 40 cents for I No. 2's, same specifications as above. Your Friends, Shelton 6 Miller At the same old stand near the depot

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