NEGJIO ON T1UAL AT DOMON roil MURDEN Or MAN AND WIFE. A mil* oast of the city of Winxton Salcm there ia located what >■ known ma the Byorly Dairy. Mr. Harvey H oxter a young man hail charge of the Dairy and lived in n cottage nnuM of throe r'«emn with hi« wife ard two children aged one and throe yearn. The houae la not right near any other residence. On the ft rut day of March 1*14 Mr. Heater wa» working on a •pot of ground a hundred and flfty yarda from hia home lata In the af ternoon preparing the land for a gar den. Mra. Heater we* huay about her houae work and waa in her rook room preparing rapper, being alona in the houae with her two little children. In another month >dia would have be come the mother of a third child. About the hour of 5:30 in the after noon of tho above mentioned day Mr. Jumex Stanley, a xubxtuntial oiUen of that neighborhood, won delivering to Mr. Heater a load of poxta and waa ir the act of unloading them at a point 'J i) yarda from the rexidence, hut in plain view of the nam*. While un loading the pout* ha heard the repeal ed sound of 11 gun at the home of Mr. Heater. Looking up he saw Mr. He> ter running toward* the houxe from hia work and al»o heard arream* a* if aomeone were in terror. He taw Mr. Hester run to the houae and up on the little front porch. He aaw him run to the front door and then hexi tate and run to tho window at the end of the porrh. lie saw him fall at the window and henrd another *hot at the time of the fall. Mr. Stanly ijj«<rkly began to unhitch hi* team aniTwhile doing thin he saw a man drexxed in dark clothe* run from the rear of the house and dix appenr in the distance. Bv this time am ther neighbor, Mr. J. B. Robert*, came up and together they ruxhed to the home where they had ween Mr. Heater fall. In a minute they wera there and >uw Mr. Hexter lying on the porrh with a bullet in hix henii and yet breathing, hut unable to xpenk. They found the front door locked and burnt it open and ruxhed into the room. The.e they found Mrx. Hex lying in tile front room with two hullet wounds in her cheat and one in her head, the warm blood wax ozing from the wound* and the little yea old child hud crawled up on itx moth er'* broaxt r i<t it* little hand* were rt-,1 with tlv life blood of it* dead mother. The other little child wax xtinding by crying a* if it* heart w uld break. i*uch U 'he itory in brief of what took place in that home on the ftrxt day of March. Mr. Hexter wa* car r"«d to the hoxp tal and died in a few h'>urx without over regaining con fer i»m ..exx. Officer* were on the ground in a few minutes and a chain of circumstan t'-.l evidence developed that pointed t. Ihe guilt of a young negrr Napo le n 5poncer of that -eetion no strong ly that his guilt wax almoxt beyond q'.xtion. So xtrong wax public xen ti; 'nt against him that hi* attorney* v •« able to ge» the case tried in Sn-ry county. Thix ca*e i* now be ir!? hnird at Tobeon and the negro is r. rr 'ed by Ji nes and Clement and the Solicitor is being assisted by J. ti. Keller. The trial began at noon V/cdne-day and may take two or three day of the term. ->inp' i<*on .-ip.mcer win is <narsr»u with the crime is a younar man of ba<" r putrfion. He has an innocent look and one would not take him for the h-"dr' ed rriminnl that he get* rredit t< r being. He has served two terras ir. th reformat' ry and has been Vncv i police circles about his town f'.r y< -s. Once he stole a horse and ne ■ »nr raining it while just a boy. I'o hn) a had scar on the side of hn e at appears to a bum. This j<> prominent as to aid one ir .itifiyin* him. The jury that is hearing the case h maiie up of Me ssrs. R. A. Dons, N. L. Marion. J. A. Gentry, A. C. Chanev, J. R. Edmonds. W. T. Crissman, W M. 'Inrsh. W. f. Hall, J. S. Ifr.llincr - worth, Luth .-r (ockerham, J. M. Todd and James Brigf. There is no positive proof thit Snencer is the man who commuted this crime but there is a rtnnit of cirrum«tantial evidence 'hat U stronc and points to his guilt no positively that most people who know of the fa-M think the riprht * in bem;? 11 led. ine fcrlitor ft 1 ne News nearn ' ne evidence that had been before the court up to the noon hiur on Thurs day and yet not half the witnesses for the state had been examined. The state was developing a string of fact" something like this: On the after man pass h-me of Prof. Daniels a mile or more ne n- n of the murder a man passed the fr->m the He«ter home and fired his pistol at a do*. Prof. Daniels haled nim and asked why he shot at the dc- tv0 fallow at this time was some distance away, but drew his pis tol and flourished it in a threatening manner and went on up the hill. He was dressed in a dark roat and wort a cap. An old nejfro woman passed the home about this time and identi fied the man who shot at the dog a Nanoleon Spender. Th!« wa« about 2-"A in the afternoon of the cimc A little later several neighbors testified to »eein? a young man pa?« theii home* further along the road, each one telling about the dark suit ami the cap he wore. A little ne<r*a t M how Spencer had come by tH» Reformatory and fired off hii pistol several times and reloaded it in hi) rr» »nce. later a youn*» man Johr Ford saw Spencer as be crosaed th« path in fr'<nt of hint. At that tim< Snencer was rtinning and had hi* nU t»l in his hand going in the diractior «f the ll»-ter home, but yet some dis tnnee away. Further along he pass— whe-e Mra. McCantis* lives anil h«n •iff his pistol and frightened her Again he wore the dark «uit and rap He was not following the roads bu mmm4 ta bo going the paths am near rut* often going through thi Wv the noon hour and we in not able to ptva the tae luauny further ua thia lueua at The News i( U Um purpoee at the State to afcow that Hpifir wont cat la the lleiter homa and want tn tha back way and wu moat arobatoly bant oa robbery. Ha may nave been half drunk, for tha tesUmuny >huw» that ha lired off hia jtstal a number at tuaaa that aftatnoan and several umaa had it out la hia handa aa ha paeeed along whara other* law him. It appears that tha atata will be abla to ahow that hia tracka want to tha Heater homo from tha rear and that ha entered by Um way at tha hark door. There he found Mra. Heater in tha rook room and frightened Jier. .'.he grabbed an old piatoi that wan in tha rook room and fired .1 at him. the ■•all taking effort in the door faring. Then it waa that he shot her ui lite breast, for the blood was on the floor in the rook room. .She arreamed and retreated into the front room and aa aha retreated he ahot her twiea a<roin The wounda were of »urh a nature that nhe died instantly. Hear ing the screams Mr. Heeter ran to the house, und finding the front door lock ed, ran to the window and the murder er being yet in the room with the dead woman, shot him through tho window making a dead i hot as the little bullet hole in the glass shows. Then tho murderer ran from the bark way and I'Mapeil. Now the tracks that Spen cer is known to have m;;do at pointa where he wi.r seen a number of tiinos duniig thu afternoon corieiipond ex actly with tho trarka that go into and conic out of tho Heater home in the rna Later when Spencer was arrest - od he hail on him a pistol, blood was on his handkerchief ami on his clothes, hvcrything nointn to the fact that he entered that home and nhot that wom an being so nenr her that her blood spouted on his handx and clothe . Report has it that Spencer will try to provo an alibi and thus make hi , escape. Mr. and Mrn. Hester ware both hiirhly respectud young people and the ofllrinla of Forsyth county are doing all thoy can to bring the guilty man to justico. A number nf the FW iyth officials and Town o(!!cen are at tending court. The witne^es, twenty or more, aro people of good standing in their county, r.nd the defense is not able tn attack their character or to in iny way discount their testimony. '/ Red CroM Work. nne (from of bed shirts have been made by the Surry County chapter and were shipped on April the 18th. with four hundred many tail bandage* and twenty four triangular bandages. The work room i* open every after noon in the week and additional work ers will be welcome. A generou* citizen contributed one hundred d I 'ui a few day* ago and the chairman has ordered material to the value of that amount, two grr ■ i of bed have been ordered. .hone in cha ge >f the room are Mm. Cullen Merritt, Monday; Mr*. E. H. Wrenn, Tuesday; Mrs. Frank Baldridge, Wednesday; Mm. Mary Armtleld. Thursday; Mr*. W. E. Merritt, Friday: Mian Mar; Kranklin Grave* Saturday. . W hy Constipation In)arie*. The bowel* are the natural sewer age system of the body. When they become obitructed hy constipation a part of the poisonous matter which they should carry off is absorbed into the system, making you fee! dull ami stupid, and interfering with the di gestion and assimilation of food. This •ondition i* nuicWy relieved hy Cham berlain'* Tablets. Obtainable every where. BUSINESS BUILDERS APRIL 29. 30 anA May Ut we wil> have with us Xt lady corsetiere ta give apcciairftfting* without extra i-harpe in Maoame Grace Corset* "The boat coritt in the world". Don't fail to dome and have yourself fitted. W E. Jackson. HATCHING EGGS at reduced price. Balance of season, you can buy 15 pure bred hatching egg* for $1.00 f. o. h. Mount Airy. Whit® Wyandott*, Fluff Rock, White IAgftom. I keep only the best pure blood stock. Good layers, (food payer*. E. J. Mathews, 3 in 1 Poultry Yards. FOR SALE OR RENT. My two story eight room house 192 Orchard street. "frff# basement, Good barn, large jf<rd?n. Terms reasonable apply to W E. Barnard of the Surry Mercantile Company, or write to me at 25 West Buffalo street. Concord. N. C. R. M. Taylor. MEN WANTED—J2.5U per day. About twenty good mci are bow needed at our mine* near Round Peak poato/Bre in the northwestern part of the county. Apply^t 'mine or at t.ffice in First National Bank building. Mount Airy. Tar Heel Man(rane<e Company. tf. MADAME GRACE Corsets fittafl by graduate corsetiere April 29,10 and May l«t. No exrta chnrgclfoyiperiul fitting we want you to know tfte "beat corset tn the world." W. Ej/ack«on. POTATO PLANTS delivered In Mt. Airy at f2.21> per thousand, and 20 rent* per hundred. fihutpaid 12.50 per thousand and 2t>' » r hundred. I am booking order* lot May and June deliveries. Mr* MJE. V. Hines, Mt. Airy, N. C., Route .7T>ox 46. . 2t AI,L YOU ladiei who want perfect fitting corsets must net fail to attend I our special demonstration conducted by Miaa Sadie MrUtary, April 29, M and May lata Yorf will hare the great I advantage la Mn| fitted perfectly 1 with what rt>yahooM «w without extra chargeU yont ***** W. S - His Store Via Save Ybu Itooey On Your Shoe nils We have a store full of dependable Shoes to suit the needs of every member of the family. Hundreds of pairs of these shoes were bought at old prices and we guarantee to give you better quality and at lower prices than you will find else where. When You Buy Shoes Here You Get Complete Satisfaction "THE STORE THAI SWTS YOU MONEY" CALL AT Mounf^Airy Fm«1 Store for seed corn. V FOR RENT—nice ftv* room cottage on Wilson street with all modern conveniences. UI(o a five room cot | tage on Taylor'' street, near South street, nearly mw, water and lights. E. C. Foy. tf. A LARGE supplw of seed com at Mount Airy Fe« Store. LADIES COMK to nur store April 29, SO arul Mav 1st and have our tlemonRtraUp tO/flt you with a Mad ame Gr»f»/oor»l. No extra charge for this nrrvilfr and you will have per fect aatisMttinn in your corset or we will refuaQ your money. W. E. Jack son. NOTICE I will icll for cash to the highest bidder In front of The Motor Co., on Saturday, the 27th day of April 1918, at 2 P. M. the following personal pro perty to-wit: One Automobfe Truck belonging to J. H. East. Sal* mad* to satisfy debt of 188.10 and coat to b* added. This April 1*. 1918. Harrison Motor Co., By I. L. HwrtM. SPECIAL DEMOfifSTATION in Mad am Grace Goiftets (riven at our store April V> and May 1st by Misn Sadie M-Ck'/ n srrnduated Corse tier®. All' (Wings free and satisfac tion miaran#ed on your cornet*. W. E. Jarlyion. NOTICE By virtue of the power contained in a certain deed of trust given by Chnrlie Pott* to me M trustee, default; having been made in the payments of the notes thereby secured I will offer for sale on the premises on Saturday Ma) 25 1918 at one o'clock the following described land: Reginning on a stake in Dr. Joa., Hollingsworth lino and runs west to a J forked poplar; thence north to post <>ak in Worth Line; thence With said line West to a stake- South to a chest nut, Susan Shropshire* comer. South on <bim line to a stake and her croner South to Rctlie Stuarts line; thence East to James Eavens corner; thence of said Eveans line East to F. M. Corn well corner; thence North to said Cornell line to the beginning contain ing ISO acres more or less. For fur- , ther reference see deed to Q. H. Wright and Sallie T. Wright from R. L. E. Wright n id wife Mary J. Wright dated Feb. 16th 1K96. Rood 44 page 340. Alao deed from C. H. Haynes, sheriff of date Jane 17 1RI4 book 66 page 179. Alio see deed Sal lie T. Wright atal t* Charlie T. Potts Me Mia to sattaf* said note. C. E. Hutchena, Trustee To Our Customers For reasons, which really, there is no need to go into, but which we will tell you the main one, we are com pelled to ask every one ordering coal to arrange to leave cash at the house as we must positively insist upon the driver bringing back settlement for the bill in each case, when order is filled. We all know that when some deliveries are paid for and some are not that it leaves a loop hol^ff>r the driver to spend the money and tell us that yrfu did not pay. When it is cash every time he cannot do this without hav ing the amount of the bill charged *6 him. The main reason though that ^started to tell you ia the fact that the coal shippers as independent as can be and only ship coal nowadays on a bank's certified check of C. O. D. bill lading/ttached to draft, which the buyer has to take up and Ippy for before he can even pay the freight on the coal. , / If you do not wish to \My from us on cuah basis, w« are sorry, but Is something we cannot help and we tni«t that no one will ask us to extend credit as we can only any no to such requeata. C. A. SHELTON - Phone 272

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