1.1 WEST DRUG CO. MAIN STREET MOUNT AIRY. N. C. REPORT OF THIC TRKAM'RY OF THE TOW* OF WT AIRY tt. C. FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH, Itm. KNKRAI. TOWN FL'NDN. T. II. Huti her, chief of polk* forfeit* .Vi.M T. I) Hatcher chief of polir*, cort 27.10 T. I> lln'rhcr, rhief of polte*, *p*cial tag** 70.00 J. I„ Hi-tmer, tax collector, . ,MJW Mmi Airy Graded school fund for tap Granit* City •icwer lin«' MM E. H. Wh»a talon*, atrect improvement, .TOOii $1,017.57 EXPENDITURE* F. M Poor*. Trea*, pay street hand* 52.12 T l>. Ilu .her, Chief of police, nalary, ... ; 75.00 J H. Carroll, police salary 112.50 J. K. Vocday, police salary 12.50 W II. Brannock, fireman .>'<.00 J. A. lack^on haulitiK Karbatre, . rtr. ih» A. (<. Webb chief of fire department 1.00 W. I,. .Steele, fireman 2.00 H. G.Garrell, fireman, . .. 2.00 Ora Roberta 2.00 E. T. Beasley, fireman 1-00 Sam Warren, fireman, ...; 2.00 W. E. Banner, fireman 2.00 D. G. Witt, fireman M. F. Pattenion, fireman, 2.00 Otis Mil »ic fin-mnn, 2.00 Joe Jones fireman '. 2.00 J. E. Monday, fireman, 2.00 J. 8. Belton, fireman. 2.00 Sanford Mayes, fireman 1 "0 Jnmes Barker, fireman 2.00 W. C. Moody, fireman, 2.00 L. P. Wrenn, fireman .1.00 Hnke Smith fireman l.Oo Arlys Quexinlierry fireman 2.00 J. I,. Banner .tax collector commission 1 »i5.00 Sanitary Plumbing Co., invoice .... 15 A. C. Phelton, smith account, 2JI5 F. M . Ponre, gasoline 1.72 Vestal Taylor, corn 121.27 I. W. West Drug Co 3.95 A. Goldsmith, rant on fir* houa* 25.00 W. K (.iibert ,smith account U5 B«a»le.- He Te«h Lumiwr fire house, 27.05 G. A. Sink 4 Co.. hoard of prisoner* 4.00 8u f' lii Mayes, special police • 1.00 F. M Poors, Trea*., pay itreet hands 4M.H2 F. M. Poore Trea*., pay street hands 54.93 F. M. Poire, Treas., pay street hand* 4/1.40 Crnnit< l ty Sewer Co.. for tap Hitch school building f>0.()0 F. * Poor* Trea*., pay street Hands 61.28 Bnl; nee cash in Bank 17.57 11,017.57 STATEMENT MOUNT AIRY GRADED SCHOOL KI ND M». -h I. Bnlunce rash and voucher* in bank 1,093.80 Rcc-ived 01 J. L. Banner, tax collector 964.64 E. H. Kocht.izky, *ecy tuition 09 17 E. H. K.icht'tzky, secy tuition fil.00 $2,179.21 Balance cash and Voucher* in Bank 2,179.21 STATEMENT WATER LIGHT AND POWER PLANT. March 1. Balance cash in Bank $2> 70.53 Received of \ V. West, secy on ; ale of land Buck A Shoals 400.00 A. V. Went, itecy J.ight and power rent' 1,278.18 A. V. Wist, secy water rent* 172.19 A. V. Went, secy, supplies mid, 2.70 A. V. Weit secy. House rent, 10.33 14,733.93 EXPENDITURES I. W. Barker, supt salary, .150.00 J. D. Sargent Granite Co 1.92 Standard Oid Co.. Caroline 9f>.78 Granite Mercantile Co., Gasoline Tank 4.00 F. L. Smith Hardware Co., supplies 19.48 C. A. Shelton, coal 14.35 Sides Mill & Ice Factory, coal, 12.25 T. J. Lowery, Jr., colei-tin# list 2.00 T. G. Samuel*, livery bill '.'.."i0 T. G. Samuels livery bill 4.00 Special lal>or and stamps 5.54 Regular Pay roll 280.00 W. H. Gilbert. Smith bill 80 C. A. ShelUin, mith account. . ..1.20 Special labur and stamps 105.35 Balance cash in liank 4.033.75 $4,733.93 STATKMKNT BONDED DEBT INTEREST FUNDS. Mureh I. Balance cash in banks to pny interest on Balance rash in banks to pay interest on Received of J. L. Banner,tax collector pay intercut on J. L. Banner, tax collector, pay interest on school, bonds 272.73 12,350.84 EXPENDITURES First National Rank for draft to pay interest and commission on school notes 4 .,. .600.00 First National Hank fur 3raft Harris Forbes & Co., pay interxt on improvement Bands mm-i-. . . . .#96.60 First National Bank for draft Guaranty Trust Co. to interest on improvement bonds '..187.60 Bank of Mount Airy for draft Harris Forties A Co. pay interest on improvement bonds 626.00 Bank of Mount Airy for draft Guaranty Turst Co., to pay interval on improvacaant bond*, 187.60 Balance cash in Banks to pay interest on improvement bonds .,. .12.97 Balance cash in bank to pay interest on school bonds. 212.87 '. M. Poor*, Treas. E. C. Bivens, Mayor. APPROVED: Finance Committee 8. M. Hale, A. O. Bowman. Charlotte Obeereer. CWrpd with in a doM mmit by photographing bin*-1 public highway* at Mecklenburg I county, Lm Mclntire, • young white man claiming to be a natlv* of Du plin county, «ai placad under a bond of $600 by Mariatrate J. W. Cohb yeeterday afternoon panning an ifr it «a ligation into tha raaaofi why ha haa a pent tha laat three waaha in a auapirmu* undertaking in thia « uaty. Mclntira waa arretted in Steal# Croak townahip yeaierday morning by Deputy Sheriff V. P. Feriperman upon ' a warrant aworn out againet him be fore Magiatratc Cobb by Chairman A. Morria MrD»nal<i, of the board of county i-ommiaaionera, to whom nu mcrnu- complaint! have >>een made1 by re*identa of the county aira'n^t | the actinna of Mclntire. Mclntire, it waa utatcd it the hear ing, haa lieen n the county for the | laat three or four week* and haa \ practically covered every -••cti«.n tak in'ir p< iturea of the p. mcipal high ••vaj h« h">i.««a of fnrmtrn, places of vntheiing, :i-d l.o ha* ai^o aur vrved'the rJwidit, without xhowing au-' Ihority, lie-haa i'» H».h f»oa •<«•* ion i it ic: oua mapi of pointa in the coun ty. i lli tr»lifir*l that he watt the repre-j rentntive of a Oiii'ago houiie and that hi- *ent them picture* urn! m.m« of th* 1-oiuld and ho<!-«»«. He ianl he hail a partner who in making hinj hev.il iiiarter* in Plneville. Step., prob alily will tie taken, it wo 'aid ve* ti rilay, to arrent th 1 partner. Mc Intirf had an automobile, and tone expensive -etM of NUiveyinK in-tru-, mpnl i. aw ai arid other equipment.; tie h.' outom Ttiili' a- a ■ ». it ha. g been placed in the custody of: the heriff. I urmtrri. of the county, .aid ounty official*, noticed Mrlntire making rounds from week to week and fir«t became auspicious of hi* action and then tired of them. Ho would take the picture of a farmer'* hou*e with the leaat concern, it was declared. | •So the farmer* went to t'huirman McDonald and told Turn of the affair. After looking into the matter he straightway had him brought before' Magistrate Cohb. Wants war to last IS Years. That there is a man in North Caro-I lina, a farmer, who wants the war to last fifteen years longer so that ha can make money is not merely hear say. We know his name and the county he hails from. But we be lieve he is in a class to himself. The farmers, alow hut sure, are steadily coming to the call of their Govern ment and are buying War-Savings Stamps. Two farmers in Johnson County, each of whom had laid by 91,000 with which to buy an automo bile, readily gave their names ss Limit Club members when the need of their Government was presented to them. Another farmei, in a western c< unty, had luul lij 1.' DO for a rainy day, he said. Hut when he understood that his country needed ms money ciore than he, he invested his 4.000 in War Savings Stamps, making hi.s family of four a Limit Family. Another far mer, we know, refused to lend his money at 8 per cent interest and Ixiught $1,000 worth of War-Savings Stamps, saying that was the only way ho could help win the war. Fifteen Hundred For a Kits. A Kinston dsipatch to The Greens boro News says that Dr. A. L. Hyatt, ■ young physician, has appealed from a judgement in Superior court requir ing him to pay Mil* Julia Moore, a comely young woman of East King ston, $1,500 for a kiss which it was proved Dr. Hyatt forcibly stole in his office at IIS 1-2 South Queen street. Dr. Hyatt's motion for a new trial or to set aside the verdlce was overruled. Judge T. H. Calvin of Raleigh was the presiding judge in the case. The plaintiff, daughter of Clifton Moore, was treated hy Dr. Hi.itt for tonsi litls. When she visited his office for the last examination the alleged act of embracing and kissing took plaei>. Miss Moore reported the matUr to her father, who demanded satisfac tion of the doctor. The suit follow ed. Mist Moore and her father testi fied In the case. The defense offend no testimony. tL"- v-'- - ■ . .. . to cmjoaoi • Thai every clunk steeple ta the land atuoM repreeent • deep dug u*nek of Thrift tad War Saving* is the ouuafe ef a bulletin that is be ing mm eat from Witlmtl Headquar ter* far War Saving* at Waehlngten, which bulletin* ha* the high «nd or la ment of Htate Headquarters at Wins tm-fJelw. The country U now agreed that the churches at America have a greet responsibility In winriag the war and that the Thrift aad War Sav ing* Movement i* in heaping with the churches' ideals of aarvlee and demo cracy. The rhurckn must pray of course, btfl .here M*di miut be action alio. »ayx the bulletin, thai the church rnimpion the cauae of Thrift and y.t ■ ai.my a* a feature of its war work i» a .suggestion which nut only come* fr»m the Hea<l of the Nation but win. h w rapidly being acted upon in ii.ai y North Carolina chuirhe < at thin time. The bulletin read*: "It is not enough for the churrhe* to preach saving* only, but each church congrej^ntion absuld form a mighty bulwark of .tavern. Thu: ma> !e l ine by every Sunday Svnnol and iiutcl. organization lirin^ converted1 into a War Saving?) Society. Arid it mu*t be borne in mind thr.t thiai* more i than children'* work. It i* welli enough for the Sunday School and, \ ounif People'* 3«k ictier to do it, but it Is c-'.entiul that men and women of i • he rhurcheit also have the cmncioUK nc » as well a* the privilege of per forming tain service. Therefore, I War Saving-! Societies should Imi or ganized an..> ig all the mcmlier* of tne • hurche* and the congregation ahould be aroused to "do < me'hing." There i> no room for elf mplarency in such tiaic.t a» these in the churches or ... Be-udes, savings in a good doctr ne that rr.nke* for happine-w and i or.tentmrnt in the year* to come, a* well a-s it help-, to win ihe war to day." Many Missionary Sjeitie* and other church organiiatiflfM hr.ve been re ported to State Hcadqu*r*.er» a* hav ing organized War Saving- Socictiiu, and many cliurcbe* are u.;ing their W.ir Savini-s Societies to provide fund for future need* of the church. One fi'.urch i* beginning now to lay by the m< icy ti< huild after five year* a needed Sunday School room. Churches are contributing in this way to their orphanages, and to other cau.ie*. By so doing they serve their coun'ry now and their church later on. Drive Motor Supply Train* During Night Now Washington, April 19.Night driving of motor truck supply trans from the middle west to the Atlantic seaboard has been started by the i|uartermas ter's department of the army to ac custom drivers to condition* under which they will have to work at the front. It was announced today that • train of 38 cargo and two tank trucks started eastward last night from Detroit. Its crow will camp in the countryside during the daytime, traveling only at ni?ht. HOW TO AVOID BACKACHE AND NERVOUSNESS Told by Mr*. Lynch From Own Experience. Provi.lenrr, R. wu all run down in heaJlh, fu nervous, had bead-1 a< net, coy Dtck ; at ie<J all the time. U raa timl and bad ixiamlition for any-1 th ng. • I bad taken a number of medi- i cin«* Wbieh did ma no gt>od. Od« day t I fold about Lydia E. Pinkham'i Ve(fe f*i we Com pound and wit it bad done for wftmen, *0 I triad , it My iwrvmianfaa and nackarh« and headache* JUappearad. I gained in weight and feel fine, ao I can baneetly recommend Lydla E. Pinkham'* Vege table Compound to aav woman who ia Buffering aa I waa.Mra. AnrtUil B. L rum, 100 Plain St, ProYkUneJT R-1. Backache and nanrooaneaa are »jrmp toma or nature'a warninga, which in dicate a functional disturbance or an unhealthy condition which often devel op* Into a more aariooa ailment. Before Tot ftriU If you are planning to build or repair, you owe it to youraalf to know more about the ments of American Twin Shindies. On all sloping roofs the se afcingld* give a dollar's worth of value for every dollar spent. AMERICAN TWIN SHINGLES are made of tough f It, thoroughly waterproofed with ever lasting asphalt; then coated with crushed si te. American Twin Shingles are made in beautiful red and gr-w c,i jra and will harmonize with any surroundings or arcri.tcnurjl plan. » Come see these <ihingl»s today. We Yv /e a »/: Je awaort.n-.Tit of b'-nldin- mater.-Is awa-ting your in»rwr<-1 ion. W. E. ME nr. ITT GO. Plain Clothes i Talk THE amount of wool needed to apparel the average soldier has been estimated at as high as seven teen times the amount the average civilian requires. Wool grows—it is a product of nature. Its quantity cannot be increased by increased manufacture. What more patriotic, every-day duty then con fronts us than that we "conserve wool"? ffer an opportunity to combine thrift with >af.riotism, in that one such suit is preferable to j. -:oor cr.es. At the same time, "High Art Clothes" arc- not expensive. J. W. Prather Clothing Co OFFICE OF Workmen's B. & L Association We Announce The Maturity of the 4th Series of Stock April 15th 1918, and all shareholder in tips series can get their cancelled mortgage* or cash on rftul after this date. OUR BOOKS ARE NOW OPEN FOR THE 17th SERIES dating from the first Saturday m May. Subscriptions for shares and applications for loans can be filed now; first payment to be made May 4th. W. G. SYDNOR, M. H. SPARGER. PrvaidmL Sw. A Trau.

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