VALOROUS EXPLOITS OF SOLDIER OF CHATHAM. Brief Stay Hot*. Danville. Va.. April «^-TW roua ty aaat at PiU.yivaoia m Urtlled a* perhaps it hi. never been before eiace the war started whan it came home to the recidenta of the little town what una of their '— hae accomplished at the war freat. Quite unknown to hu parents, Uagkoma Barbour, a ■tripling not fat IS, announced hu arrival ia New York with M other ha roaa at the freat Mat home for a brief vacation by General Perishing because of work wall dona, and to help boeet the third liberty loan ia the laet stage* at the campaign. New York papers detailing young Barbour1* fighting at the front were raad eagerly and proudly by hia mother and father and three older aona, and other Chatham people could hardly believe that the miachievoua schoolboy at yesterday had been in the thick of thinga on the Lorrr.ine front, shooting "square head*" and withntanding German box he Tagea and other evil ingenuities born of the war. Langhorna's adventure* read like a page of Hrtion and embrace incident* ranging from running away from home at the age of 16 to carrying through a trench the headless corpus of hi* "buddv" to save him from 'ail ing into the hnnd* of tile German*. In April, noon after having left school he was apprenticed by hi* fath er. Ennis Bai'nir who i* a house paint er in Chatham. Hi* yearning for the a my wan sternly discountenanced by hi* father who pointed out that at the tender age of IB he could not do much for the country. However. Langhorne slipped away from home one fine day and came to Danville. How he came to be accepted by a recruiting officer ix a mystery for the lad looked hi* age and wan plainly immature. Still he gained hi* point and wan accepted for •service. The first thing hi* father knew about it was a postcard from a mi it hern camp where Langhorne wa.; drilling. The youth was included in one of the fir it drafts andw as, after training in France, put in the Lor raine sector where the American* took over a portion of the front. The y ;»h has a healing shrapnel w 'ind as a result of hin last engage rr >nt \vh«n 300 Broches trie<l to rush h,! trench. He was gassed earlier, bat in reported as being very well and ec nr to get hack at the Hun*. Hi* mother and fattier were surpris ed to ri-ad in the papers that Lang home had reached America. They la t. heard from him April 2, when he said be was in a hospital in France. He failed to say whether or not he was wounded or if he was being treated f nme ailment. They were wor ried about him 3USIMESS BUILDERS S' FIDS! SfcEDS! We have a limn«*»> quantity of choica seed bean* from th*» b*~>t need hou.+e. Varieties of f F -messee Green Pod, Liphtninjf v : r. >, Burpee* StrfciKlesf Greene i «?. (' ant Stringiest* U rean Po<A, -f Stnnolens Green I.*i re UK'"'. Pole Beans, NaniV Davi*, a, ! K K' lrky Wonder. All Our -eed are fresh and true to name. I. W. West Drug Co. HATCHING EGGS at reduced price* Balance of season, you can ^uy 1ST pure bred hatching eggs fa' V-M f- <* h. Mount Airy. White 'Wjyandottet Buff Rock, White Leghora.' I keep only the best pure blood «tWk. Good, layers, good payers. E. J. Wathew*. 3 in 1 Poultry Yards."-^ \ FOR SALE OR RENT?— My two story eight room house 19? Orchard street. Large ba^emenfr Good bam, large gariten .1 Term.* reasonable apply to W. E. ftajnard of the Surry Mercantile Company, or write to me at 25 West Buffalo\trcct> Concord, N. C. R. M. Tayhw. MEN WANTED -$2.<>0 per <ia> About twenty good men are now needed at our mines near Round Pealf postoffice in the northwestern part of the county. Apply at mine or at office in First National Bank buildinr. Mount Airy. Tar Heel Manganese Company. tf, POTATO PI.ANT8 delivered in Mt. Airy at $2.2f> per thousand, and 25 cents per hundred. Postpaid 12.50 per thousand and 2*c per hundred. I am hooking orders for May and June deliveries. Mrs. M. E. V. Hines, Mt. Airy, N. C.. Route 5 box 4fl. 2t TOMATO PLANTS for sale. Early Anna variety. Ready iw delivery. Price 10c per doten. B. By,Edwards, Mount Airy, N. C. s Edwards, « pd. KOR RENT—nice five room cottage on Wilson street with all modern convenience*. Also a Ave room cot tage oa Taylor etraet, near South street, nearly new, water and lighta. E. C. roy. tf. GERMANY MAKES VAST AEfUAL FIGHTING FLAN Anticipating Crtaia la Air Air WKm Araarica Mar.hal* R«nl Sir— grtl. Teutons Ex pand Aviatim 3ar»i' *■ branch Print, Marc.i 16.—Omt preparation* ar* Maf mad* In Gar many to mwl th* anticipated criai* in fighting in th* air whan Um United State* ia ready to put forth it* raal ■trmfth ia that branch of tho war. Evidence* observed hara indicate that Oaimany la planning to foraatall tho Aaorican effort la thia direction. Many pilot* ar* undergoing inatruc tion ia tho (iinun aviation contara and tho consti uction of airptanaa i* procaorfing at a paca hith*rto un known. Many student aviator* have boon pa*»*<i from the infantry and ar tilary into th* air nervica. Until a few month* ago German aviator* wrra rrrruling almost ex clusively from th* ranka of th* officer* Now woulil-l>a-aviator* are accepted from the lower ran** al*o. Still th* proportion of ofllrer* remain* almost overwhelming. many having trans ferred from cavalry regiment* with the deHire of living employed In a branch of the service in which acti vity ia constant instead of remaining with the mounted troops whore sphere of usefulness ha< lieen very restricted nine the early day* of the war. The increased pay and allowances accord ed to flying men have Mmi attracted many infantry officer* from the ordin ary line regimenta, while "till others sec in aviation greater chances of twing decorated than in the lot of officers employed in other lira riches of llie army. .tifiM hi i irr mi i riiv iioii i nui|n art? in the interior of Germany, some of hem government organizations and other run by airplane con: t ruction companies. After the preliminary training the pupil pilots have to pa a aeries of examinations winch be come* increasingly difficult as the training p* ^rer «•>. The entire per iod of instruction in about nx month for a pilot. th»e who intend to become ol server are put through a spet al course, which comprises artillery spot ting, fhoUigraphy, meterology, map reading and the drafting reports. All observers are army officer*, those for the artillery spotting being chosen from artillery batteries, while for re connaissance work they are selected from any other branch of the service. Bombing aviators form a special class by themselves and go through a thorough training a calculating heighth and distance. They practice the dropping of missels while seated on an elevated airplane framework, heaneafh which is stretched an end less leather belt running at varying speed. On this-belt is painted a land scape. The pupils are equipped with steel arrow* and directed to drop them upon certain objects in the land • ape. Manned by Dead Men Aero Sails on High. Britinh headquarters in France. April 28.—An extraordinary incident occurred to one of our airplanes a short time ago. It was a two-seater and gave battle to an enemy machine which was shot down and crushed. After the battle, which took place over the lines near Arras, our airplane vas seen going off southwards, apparent ly only partially under control, and disappeared. Where it went thereaf ter will never known, but more than two hours later the same machine crashed to earth 20 miles behind our lines. The petrol tank was empty and both occupants had been dead some time, killed by the same bullet. The opin ion of experts is that the machine had flown by itself for at least two hours with two dead men in it until the "*etro^ was exhausted, having swung >ff in a great, circle over unknown lands ba< k to behind its starting place as b'>ats have been known to sail with the sheets made fast and a dead man's hand on the tiller. Short-Marion. A wedding wi:ich was a surprise to a great many of their friends was that of Mr. C. C. Matron of Camp Sevier Greenville, S. C„ and Miss Lottie Short of Meant Airy Route 1. Mr. Marion came up on the noon train last Thursday April IS and shortly after noon hour he with bride to be with a few special friends motor id over to the city of Dobson and were made man and wife by the Hon. Mr. Beamer. From there they went U> the brides aunts Mrs. W. C. Jackson cf Route 1 Promptly at the hour of 7 o'clock they were ushered into the dining room where a sumptou* supper was served which was very much enjoyed by all present. Mr. Marion will return to (amp Sevier, Thursday April 25 leaving hia bride in Mount Airy. She will make her home with her father and mother Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Short until Mr. Marion returns from France. Tfcey Kara a host of friends who wish them a long and happy married life Contributed. , HOW PARCELS CAM CO TO THE WAR PRISONERS Rad Croee lUliaf Work Dm ImparKMul—Gifta Is Indi vidual* Co bf Otb*r KwHw. New York. I*. T.—A dispatch re cently rlrrultUd throughout the coun try, dwltriac that the Atlantic divi sion of tkt American ltd Creee had announced that tt had been granted by tha (ianaan War Trade Board an ex rluaiva blanket authorization far land ing food, lattara and money to tha A mar Iran Rod Crooa for tha A mar it an and allied no Id la ra in German prieon rampa, haa boon investigated by thu bureau and found to havo boon nil stated in aarorml particular*. Tha iliapatrh laft tha impraaaion that peraon* in America could sand parrel* to priaonera in Germany through the Red Croaa. Thia ia not the ca*e. The fact* are thtt the Red Croaa, through ita agent in Berne, Switzerland, i» lending weekly to every American prisoner in the tier man prison camps two 10-pound par cels containing aaaorted food, cloth ing, and other article*, such as pena, writing paper, etc. a* requested by the prisoner*. The license for this work was granted by the American War Trmlp Hoard, anil the Germans hail nothing to do with it. I nc iM'ii < tmpiw urs inai it r« Wi-H thin work u an organization, mill that families and friends, a< tinr a* individuals. cannot send parrels tn tli** individual prisoners. through Rcl (!ro- channels. The America.! peo ple a whole, through suh cription •o the Rod I'rw arc helpinir that ori'" Won to nccompl'^h thin iwrv-; ire for the pr" nnori. Hut individuals arc advised that the cannot expect to reach tnlii .dual priMMTH through the Red Cr* The only exception is in case where the famil: hii nut heard from the prisoner, anil ilw> not know where he is. In pitch cases tile Bureau of Communication-of the Red Cros* find the man and send hi uddrers to hi friend*. Families and friend? of the prison— or-, however, hould not forget that.' according to Frnn'.im Abbott, director of the Bureau of Prisoners Relief of the American Red Crotn at Washing ton, the ''an, a individuals, rend to the prisoners one monthly parcel, but this and all leU< I ttiuj t be .-cnt direct1 to the prisoners, and not through the. Red Crop*. ■) The Red Cross point out that it, would be obviously impossible for them to take rare of each individual: case, by receiving and forwarding par rels, for individual)); and that it i»! necessary, therefore, for them to do' their work an an organization, send-1 ing the same amount of goods to all the prisoners. It is also pointed out that the arti cles which individuals can send direct are re-tricted to a great extent b> t-hc American War Trutin Board. Fach letter to an American prisoner in Germany should be addressed with i the full name of the man, his rank, if any, regiment and company, and thei name of the German camp in which he is held. In the upper right hand corner should be WTitten the words "American Prisoner of War Mail—Post Free." The lower left- j hand corner should bear the words: "Via New York." The letters should be mailed in the usual w:iy. In New York they will, be fore being sent to Get many, be handed over to the National Censorship Board, which will examine them under license from the War Trade Board. These letters should be written on one side of the paper only, and should contain not more than two sheets of paper. Another Flour Mill is Closed. Raleigh, April 24.—Albemarle Mill ing Co.. a flour mill located in Albe marle, Stanly coutv, has be»n cloned by the Food Administration* rules and regulations governing mills. The Al bemarle mill was using more than 2»>4 pounds of wheat in the manufacture of 196 pounds of flour and was also disregarding the Kood Administra tion's schedule of mill feed prices. The Kood Administration is right behind the flour milling industry and every mill which is found to be violating the Kood Administration's rules and re gulations hereafter may look for noth ing except drastic action. A -umber of other mill* are unde* investigation and no doubt other licer will Je re vnk«d in the immediate future Conservation, concentration, and conservation—for the sake of those at the front. A Symbol of Health. The Pythagorians of ancient Greece ate simple food, practiced tempmance and purity. As a badge they used the Ave pointed star which they regarded as a symbol of health. A red Ave pointed star appears on each package of Chamberlain'* Tablets, an I still fulfills Its ancient mission as a sym bol of health. If you are troubled with indigestion, biliousness or con stipation. get • package of these tab lets from your druggist Too will be surprised at the iiutrk relief which ithey afford. Obtainable imjiikws BUY A BOND BUY IT NOV/ The Safest and Surest Investment on Earth "LIBERTY BONDS" This great Nation and all its people stand behind them. When you buy Liberty Bonds you are not giving your money; you are Lending it and the government will pay you Four and One Quarter Per Cent interest Do you believe in your Country ? Have you faith in your Government ? Are you proud to be an American ? BUY BONDS It doesn't matter who started this war, t'ncle Sam will finish it. We must meet sacrifice at th« front with sacrifice at home. , Dr.H.R. Hege Dentist OSrr corner Main and Moore Sl«„ Opposite lli»ka-Kothn V '>rujf Co OFFICE HOURS: 8 a. n . to It m. 1 p. m to 5 p, m. State of Ohio City of To! oo, Lucae County, m Frank J. Ch«n*y mal- * oath that he la senior partner of ll flrn of F. J Chen«r A Co. doing; bu n< sa lr the Cite of Toledo. County i J aft *e aald. and that aatd Ann will pay .je aura of ONB Hl'NL)H fc. ! OLUAH8 for each and er*ry ca»«- <.f Cit.irrh t^ *t cannot b* cured by «ne i of ll \I.i'fr' CATARRH CTRK FRANK J CHF.NTY •worn to before me a«ut aobscrtl ed In my prea»n««* this tth i- <y cf f>r a* her A. D. lUl A W ULRA0ON. (ImI) Notary Fuhtle. ■all'* Clatarrh Cur» !> Iikta intern ally aM acta throuch lh» t .<>o4 an tha ~1ucou» Murfacra of th« ,«t«ro trad Mwiaa lariMi of Ik tar tMUMttk rt» r i cinir * i CO T»l(4a ft ■old by all 4ruar •(«. ?!c Hall a faallr Pill* («< cua>ti(>Atl oa BUY LIBERTY BONDS AND KEEP THE HUN AWAY. — . ... ... . - OFFICE OF Itataws B. & I teodatai We Announce The Maturity of the 4th Series of Stock April 15th 1918. and all shareholder* in this series can get their cancelled mortgages or cash on and after this dat«. OUR BOOKS ARE NOW OPEN FOR THE 17th SERIES dating from the first Saturday in May. Subscriptions for shares and applications for loans can be filed now; first payment to be made May 4th. W. G. SYDNOR, M H. SPARGER, Sac. A Tv

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