s^nCTt-°-f the BANK OF MT. AIRY, Mt. Airy. N. C. At cJom of Uwih May lOtfc, 1918. RESOURCES United SUtas bonds, Total, $509,021.42 872.28 ... 8,712.93 70,773.01 5,977.50 $888^57.12 $50,000.00 604I0U.00 7.466.56 3,000.00 32,000.00 400,536.47 38,506.10 4,500.00 Total, 1 .. \ $685,357 12 ^ !uU; Sp>n»rv CmMm oi the aWr. aamed^k Swom «*wlbed to bef«ww m. W. th^Kth _ f „ do eolemnly «wear that the abwy*#*tatement !• true to ,U» of Mav 1918 WW CHRISTIAN Attort: W. J. Byerly, G. C. Welch, the beet of my knowledge and belief. day oi may, ijih. w. w. < HKlttI IAN, » p, «_:*». » v F. P. SPARGER, Caehier. Notary Public. SG^ce. Director*. n«ra/>f/\rc> J *>• Sargent, C. H, Haynes, A. V. Went, A. G. Bowman. C. B. Keenee, H. L. St -ne. I. W. Barber. G. C. Welch, R. L. Wolfe, S. G. Pace. W. H. Bowman S P Graves Ljirectors. A E. Smith> E. H. Kochtitxky. Dr. W. S. Taylor. T. J. Smithwick, W. G. Sydnor. H. N. Gate-. F. M. Poore. R. S. Scott. W. J. Byerly. ' BUSINESS BUILDERS LOST—A pocket haolt, containing ■mm* hill* of money. The following appears in the hack of the fc«nk: C. W. Robertson, in raiia of accident notify G. W. Roliertaon." Tha finder will please leave the sama at thia ofRce and gat reward. 2t pd. FOB RENT—My «tor« h*n»e between, P. M. Pot,re and Wi P. Calloway Co. Also Paul Allred garage. One year with privilege of three. 2tpd J. F. ALLRED. FOR SALE—Ona Gaiser thresher re built and good an new will wall a bargain in it. One second hand (#) I aix h. p. oil engina in a No. 1 shape One <1H) Corn mill an4 one (20) inch corn mill both new. Should you need aome repairs for your, thresher send in your order at once. D. E. Nelson, Ararat, N. C. FOR RENT - A Ave room Bungalow on Cherry street_^ll improvements,. Dr. C. A. Bnirrl. LOST—A H month bid male calf strayed from mv. pasture about May 15. Notify Inman, Mt. Airy, R. F. D. if you |piow where it ia. John Nelnon. tt PROTECT Your tohacco Arop against damage by hail, InsuraAfre written at reasonable rates in one of tlie largest and most reliable insurance company's in America. Prather Pal-f ton Insurance Agency. FOR SALE Two vaca.\t lota on Cherry street. HOx 100 fret. Now is the time buy one of th^tl Iota. J. F. Allred. it pd FOB SALE- Ford Rnadsteiy2ftr> Tay-j lor street. * 1 tpd. FOR SALE OB K*NT. My two story eight r<*>m house 192 Orchard street. 1^8r^ basement,; Good barn, large garden. Terms reasonable apply to W. E. Barnard of the Surry Mercantile Company, or write to me at 25 West Buffalo street, Concord, N. C. B. M. Taylor. HAIL! HAIL! HAIL! Now is the time to insure your crop against loss and damage by hail, s«e u* and get rates at once. Prat.her-J'ulton Insurance Agency. MEN WANTED—12.50 per rfay. j About twenty good men ar» now needed at our mines ne%r Bogrid Peak postoffica in the northw%«te^i part of the county. Apply at ^pne or at office in First National Bank building, j Mount Airy. Tar Heel Manganese Company. tf. | FOR SALE—Four k'kx! fresh you nit Jersey and Holstein Aows. Matt Mines. Mount Airy. N. C., y. F. D. 5. FOR RENT—nice five room cottage on Wilson street with all mxlero conveniences. Also a five room cot tage on Taylor street, near South street, nearly new, V#ter and lights. E. C. Foy. 1 tf. DO YOU realize that your entire to bacco crop mny I* lout. Can you af ford to lone it? Pr^ect your labor and money investey a ilail Policy in the old Frankl^Fire In-urance Co. Talk it over and get rate from Pro ther-Fulton Insurance Agency. Mount Airy Iron Works Foundry and Machina Shop Rtpiir Work • Specialty A large variety af castings a itoyk • tkert mad* to arte. J. D. MINICK. lit. Airy, N. C, Aag. M. 1911. Merchant* to Sail or«r $2,000,000 of Stamp* Winston-Salem. May tR. The mer chant* of North Carolina have taken upon them»<-lve* the ta*k of sailing $2,312,098 of War Savin** Stamp*, and they are going about thin husine** w.th the "HIM dear-cut, systematic mathiMl* that hava maile them ahla to •all gools. Mr. J. L. Gilmer, Direc tor of the State'* Merchant* Dfria ion, *aya that the merchant* of the state can ha counted on for what haa been asked of them. To accomplish thi* end, Mr. Gil mer ha* adopted a plan of organi zation that will reach every town of over MM) inhabitant* every merchant and every clerk in the State. Thi* plan of organization which he will; take to 190 towns make* the store the unit of organization. Every town will have a local merchant a* chair- j man. A* the State ha* it* allotment,! towns will have theirs, store* their*, and each employee in a retail »tnr* will he assigned definite sales to make. A merchant's allotment i* made according to the number of em ployee* in hia service. The plan worked nut by Mr. Gilmer for the State has been successfully adopted in Winston-Salem. At the first meeting 215 of Winston-Snlem's 24.1 mercahnt* signed the card, each agreeing to undertake to sell hia share of the merchant' 1 quota. In addition to thi* he agree to adverti*ing W. S. S. in hi* paid space and windows, and have War Savings Stamps on sale at all counter* anil by all employ ees until his quota is sold. This week Mr. Gilmer will meet the merchants of Fayetteville, Wil mington. New Bern, Elizabeth City, Weldon, and Asheville, for launching in these cities this feature of the Wai Saving* Campaign. Germany'! Peace Terms Stated 1 With the French Army in Franee.— Germany'* conditions of fwace are clearly stated in a document found in a German trench that was recently recaptured by Entente allied troop*. A re.-ume of the principal condition# as given in an official translation reads: "After the enormous sacrifice* we have made of our blood and property we exact as a minimum nece*sary to the presrvation and development of Germany the following: "Belgium, especially the Flanders coast with Antewerp, is to remain un der German military, economic and political dependence. "Liberty of the seas shall he prop erly established for all nations, the Central Power* being allowed a com mercial fleet totaling 17,v>0,00n ton*, while that of the Allies would amount to 10,900.000 tons. "Our rolonim shall be returned with ' augmentation. "We are to have m'.re numerous1 and stronger naval station*. "The Longwy and Briey mine fields I which furnished France it* weapon* for attack shall become German. "Readjustment of the frontiers, par ticularly in the Vosge.s, are to b« fixed according to the military xituation and the appreciation of the command ant. Our frontier* must be such that their defense ia mad* anaier. "The former German Raltic prov ince* shall lie incorporated, their richi soil furnishing new cereal fields for German peasant emigrants, thus pro tecting the empire against the dan gers of famine. "Courland, Lithuania, Livonia and Rathonia ara to ha roloniied. "Ona million eight hundred thou sand ton* of Rumanian patrol will h« at the diipoaition of Germany. "Those nation* who attacked peace ful Germany must pay all war charge* in rnw material, ship*, ready money and tarritorial ronranaiona, leafing German with only !>,000,000,000 na tional debt." Health . About Gone Maay Amanda of women (uttering from womanly trouble, have been benefited by the uaa of Cardui, the womao'a tonic, according to letter* we receive, similar to thia one from Mr*. Z.V. Spell, ofHayne, N.C. "Icould not stand on my teet, aad juat suffered terrtWy," the uys. "A* my md tering waa ao great, aad be had tried other reme dies, Dr. had •■£ get Cardui. . . I began Improving, aad It cured me. I know, and my doctor know*, what Car dui did tor me, tor my nerves aad health waa I about gone." The Woman's Tonic She writes further* *1 am In splendid health ... can do my work. I feel I owe it to Cardui, tori waa In dreadful condition." If you are nervous, run' down and weak, or suffer from headache, backache, etc., every month, try Cardul. Thousands oil women praise this medi cine for the good it baa done them, and a) any physicians who have used Cardui successfully with their women patients, lor year*, endorse this medi cine. Think what Itmeaaa to be la splendid health, like Mr*. SpeiL Give Cardui a trial. AD Druggists in READ The State Journal A ¥etkiy Mirtur o/ \jrth Carolina Life RALEIGH, N. C The Oreit North Cwo 11 a* Weeklf Pabllahetf at the State Capital. •2 00 a Ittr, 11.00 for 8U Mont ha. Torar, Vignrona. Or an, lutnctin, Fatin|, Inspiring. Made lor the llonif Citrlf and ala» for the Bu»j Man. It'a ahnot vr»nr on affaire and jonr awn fnlka. Yon n*rd It. If fflb not read it. yaa miaa •onwihiaj real If worth •kite la ike political, economic and edw aueaal Ufa af f»nr Stale. Three Read Thi» and Cheer Up. Oxford Public Ledger. If the Allien could kill G«rmanii »» fan an mum of the cartoonist* slay them, the war would be over by tha Fourth of July. i A New York picture architect itaya: "300,000 German* have been killed and 150,000 wounded iince the spring drive began." The picture architect ha* the cart ! lefore the hone. The casualty li*t in thi* war show* Ave wounded men i for every dead one. If 300,000 Ger man* h ive been killed," then 1,500,' 000 other* have been wounded. Only in the clo*e*t hand-to-hand fighting do the dead outnumber the woundad. Fatalities even in thi* great battle are not relatively very large. For the entire seven day* of la*t week,' the British lo**e* a* reported official ly by that country were only 12,000. That army i* far bigger than wa* Grant's when he *tart*d hi* mighty march to Richmond in lfWU. hut Grant lost 14.000 in two day* at the Wil deme**, lft.OOO at Spottaylvania, and 11,000 more at Cold Harbor. In oqf day at Chickamauga the Union Army suffered ca*ualtiea ex ceeding 11,000, of which 1,< all la*t week. Get tysburg alone taxed Meade's Army 3.11B killed and 14,529 wounded in tTfr^e day*. and Ln'i loaae* war* ntill heavier. Thin long-range frun warfare ia very noiay and spectacular, hut rela tive loaaaa don't corn parr with thoae •uiitained in a few hour* at Bunkar Hill. Tha Britiah and French have not loat man power naarly aa faat in tha paat year aa Grant loat it in 1864 whan ha wax haadad toward Appo mattox and hia supreme victory. It ia well to keep that fart in mind whan you rat extra gloomy. The preaent haavy artillery war ia far mora daatructive to property than waa any paat war. It ruin* the country, whereaa, Gettysburg'* aw ful fight left the field* hut little warred. Within a few week* hub; of the field* at Gettysburg upon which thouaanda had hied were plowed up the farmers and »o«red to cropa. Officer* who have seen Norther. France aay that on some battlefield* no crop could he grown for year*. The Great "Waate" Dmaha World-Herald. There ha* b.*c:i a great deal written concerning "waate" hut the prime rauae and source of waate ha* scarcely Seen mentioned. The naceaaity ha* in a large measure corrected it. and it ia to be hoped that at the cloae of the war meanures will be taken to pre vent it* recurrence for the "wutt" that desolated so many hundreds of thousands of homa in this land of plenty .should never appear again. That waste consisted of idlenesa at both extreme* of society—among the extremely poor and among the vary wealthy. The rharfty organizations all over the country estimates that there were about AGO,000 hoboes aa the road all the time, working vary little and living upon what they could pick up from charitably disponed per son*. The "waste" of that army at idleness wn* enormou*. On the other hand there were many of tha idW rich. , The waste there wa* immensely greater for each of these vary wealthy men and women kept a retinue of servant* who produced nothing and were employed but a small part of each day in performing personal serv ice which had no value to any on»— not even to ine person wrved. Oot of the waste there grew up an eco nomic autocrr.cy whirh raged in tha homes of thousands; an autocracy aa oppressive as any which ever exiatad under the doctrine of the divine right of kings. A large part of the energiaa of mankind went to "waste." Now that several states have provided lawa with heavy penalties to prevent that sort of "waste" among the rich and poor, there is improvement every where and the people sea to it that former conditions never occur again. United States Tires are Good Dres Tire-buying Economy Your car must give greater service this year than ever before. It speeds up your work—increases your working power. The highest car economy lies in utmost service. The most economical tires are those which will give you greatest use of your car. That's just what United States Tires will do for you. You can depend on them for continuous service, —most mileage at lowest mileage cost. Equip with United States Tires. Our nearest Soles and Service Depot dealer will be gkd to assist you in selection.