GERMANY'S GUILT ESTABLISHED. (Krtrarta from Prior* Karl Llchaowafcy's "Mr Ls«i4aa KM«, 1912IU14," a ropy at which hil Just mrliwl this country. PHaca LUrhnowaky, who waa ttarman 4mhaaaador ta Hnf laad whaa tha war brnka oat, says that ba wrota tha itornaait for Ms hall; ■ 11 bfiaa but It was mafia public ta (laiiuauy and rraatad • fraat stir, t#a Kilaar1! gorarnmaat hsataolng ta rapodlata and luppnas It.) "On Aug. 1 (1914), whan I aaw Asqulth In ordar ta iaak« a taal attempt, ha waa romplataly broken, aad. although «alta cala, taara ran (Iowa bla fara." "Of caaraa It waold only have naariad a Mat (Ma Mill la aaba Count Bsrrfetatd (Aaauian Poralin Mlalatar Is Au«aat. 1914) satisfy bliuaaif with a diplomatic aucraaa and pat ap with tha Serbian frnftj." war la Ml flrramataaraa." Thai aad ad mj I andsa mission it waa siihsd aat If OM parflrty of tha British. hat by tha perfidy af asr peliay"* "I had ta sappart ta l-aafcn a policy which I kaaw la ha fallaataaa. I was paalshad ter It, far It waa a sla against tha HMy Qhaat." ro THOSE WHO FAIL TO GRASP WAR'S MEANING By ILIHU HOOT, ■anarary PrMid«nt vt Um Mallawal 3acuHty I Mfin. Thtrr arc dotlttliM win* who do not Mdaratand what rhla Kraut" really la ■ana who wara bom kara raaaal Is car trmrm with their comfort and pruo pwrlty and tha d» audi for ucrt Br*, vhlrb mm to than anoKnurr, intf thty (all to mm Chat tha tiro* baa earn* w h • a. If Anrrlrui ara to ko<>p tha Lnd»p»a.| aara u4 Itbarty which thalr fathara woe by anffortoc ■ad aarrtflra, thoj la tMr turn moat fight agala for tha prtitriiMao of fltkw HMt 1Ml ■ nil liberty. Thar* arc anaaa barn ibrntd wha tare rum* to thla land for a greater beedotn and broader opportnnlttaa and le»e »onrht and recelred rha prlrl rfr« of American cltlieouhlp wbo am wa>M by dlallkr for wmv ally or by ft* aympathlew of German klnablp and Ibll ta arr that lha time haa rome for ftan> to make good (ha ebllgatlooa of belr atom oatba of natnraltxatloa. Tbla li the oath that tha applicant kr rttlzenahlp uiakea: That he will aupport the Conatltn Iw of the United Atataa and that he ibaolntely and entirely resounrea all illegtanre and fidelity ta any foreign place potentate or aneerelgnty; that le will aupfxirt and defend tha Conetl ■tlon and lava of the United Stataa ■(alnat alt enemlea. foreign and da aeetlc. and bear true faith and allo wance to tbe aa me "Falae ta Thair Oatha" 411 theae naturalized rltlaena who ire taking part la obatractlon to ear torernment In the rondort of tha war ire falae to their oatha. are forfettlag tbalr rtghta of rttlaenaklp, ara repudl ktfig tholr honorable ofetlgatloaa, ara (exulting by evil tbe good that baa keen done them In tha generoua asd ■■tinted hoipltallty with wblcb the people of tba United Statea hare wel laaied thr.u to the liberty and the op peri unit Ira of thla free laad. We moat ktleva that In many raaaa thla la dona korauae of failure to aa4eratand what fcia war really la. Tbla la a war of defeaae. It la par Ikrtly deerrthed la tbe worda of the Doaatltutlon whlrb eatabllahod thla na toa. "To prorlde for tba rommoe do haai" and "To aemre tbe blaaalnga of feerty to ngraeleea aad oar posterity." Tba aatloaal defenae demanda not ■araty force. hat Inlotllgecif-e. It re (alraa forealgbt, coaaldecatloa of tbe pellriri and porpnaaa of other natlnna. Bderv-andlng of tba Inevitable Of probable ■caea«acace of the acta of Mher nations. )odgmeat aa ta tbe tlaaa Mas euccaaaful defeaae aaay be Blade, ■ad wbea It will ba taa lata, aad proapt artlaa before It la taa lata Br aatartag (Ma war tba Dal tad ■ataa a relied MaaU ef tha eery last —arlaplty la MM ItaaU. iff-' "PUTTSIURGS" FOR SCHOOL TEACHERS To Be H«M fey National Security Loague Throughout Country ( During Coming Summer. "Teacher* Plattafeurga," at which ■60,000 public KkMl teachera will he glean practical training la patriotic education. will be hold daring lh« rem lag y volua teer* from tha principal collegea and ualvera!ttea of tha <-oaatry. whoae aca demic datlea hare prevented them ' from taking active part In the patii otic education work ootalde their lm modinte Held, bat who will bo frie daring the aummer mon tha War Spirit The teachera will bo glean a aetiaa of vital Interpretation* of the war Iqr men and women who have given car*- | fal atudy ta tha altoatlan. la addition ta thla Inatllllng af tha war aplrlt la the teachera. tha tralalag campa wBI 1 alan afford them practical laatractlan j In the beat method* af Imparting to j the yaath of tbo land tha twa war prlnclplaa on which the Security ' Laague* Patrlotlam Through Kdaca tlon campaign la based—the mena n»w and aixty nuIkon Um tkaMa4 rwa of ethatai growth, ud >m> Um hareea. Him war muat iltrida whether Fore* or faith thai I inherit progroaa. Morally, Men tally, and eActally. (laimany ha> iter la red for ptftlim. The infamou* repudiation' of the «• pin, the unbridled navagery at illiw and man, the profanation of Christian altars, the abandonment of civilised usage, the elevation of prnatitotien to patriotism, the decoration of aaaaeeine the sterilisation of Armenia, the aach of Belgium proclaim that Berlin haa deliberately canceled the Decalogue. We are fighting God's enemy—fac ing the aupreme menace of earth. The Huna of nla, at worst, were simple raiders, with no ambitions be yond thane of loot and lust; their path was a thin, grim line acroae a page of history. But these modem vandal* would poison every well of truth, would trample apiritaallty in the mire they'd glut their *raeda and ha tea upon our aoula. Should their red will he done, the •calea of Juatice would be weighed with sheila alone; no national guaran tee would hold; expediency would ba the higheet law. How dare we plan and dream and hop* until our roads and homea and lihertiex are aafaT How may we operate the vaat involved machine of rommercc if any outlaw ran, at whim, invalidate traatie* and contract* and univeraal credit? Civilization i* too extanmve, too tqI narmhie to be policed except by eonfl dmn and honor. Whatever tha price we apend, ideali must ba made to pay. Because otherwise tomorrow* would ba lived in fear and degradation, we shall battle on until The Word la ia ir revocably mightier man tha Sword.— Herbert Kaufman in Tha Coemopoli tan. ITALIAN QUEENS! In the operation of my bee business I conduct a queen rearing yard and at this time I have a few more queens than I need in my own yards. These queens are bred from fine Ita lian stock and are the finest queens that can be had. Satis faction guaranteed. One queen $1.00; six for $5.00; twelve for $9.00. FRED L. JOHNSON Mount Airy, N. C. Wealth About Gone TW WWl T«M Wanted. To contract lor ring and Hawing th* timber on the new power plant of the town of Mount Airy. Work to begin July IS. For particulars tm» John Banner, Chairman, or I. W. Barber, Superintendent. 2t. FOR SALE OB BENT. My two story eight room house 192 Orchard street. Large basement. Good bam, large garden. Terms reasonable apply to W. E. Barnard of the Surry Mercantile Company, or writ* to me at 25 West buffalo street. Concord, N. C. R. M. Taylor. 2900 Lots and «."• Acrcs Sold in 1917 URING 1917 wt sold 2900 City DLots and 0.W Acres of Farm Lands, divided up, running 25 ' acres and up to the farm. We have a trained organization specializing in subdividing and selling land at Public Auction. By our method we quickly turn your property into cash and interest-bearing notes. We obtain satisfactory results where usual methods fail. If You Have City Property or Farms For Sale—Write Us We can get results for you. Full information will be mailed you FREE. Tells you what we have done for others—what we can do for you. WRITE FOR IT TODAY! Farm Sales Our Specialty. Territory Unlimited. ATLANTIC COAST REALTY COMPANY TMf MMff THAT TOU* COM^IOCMCff Offices: Petersburg, Va. and Greenville, N.G la Vkfhk m