Mount Airy News. Airy, 19. C, Jam* Mfc. Itlfc SHORT NEWS ITEMS Mm Kettle u4 LtiUa A11 red w4U apaad Friday wtlk rsiatWea Im Wia Mias Virginia Banner apart the past week ead la Galas, Va„ the (neat ef Miss Nail Carrieo. ''Mrs. John Sabotta and Hula n.phaw Harold Glsg^ have iron* to New York to visit Mra. Sabotta'a alstsr.^ Ha*. T. V. Crouas of Dnbson ia at* tending lha ram mar acbool at Trinity Coilan Durham. Dr. H. A. Mmr of Franrirco waa a visitor in thia rl'.y ,saterury were vciaitor* in thi* city Tuesday. The Deacon* of the White Plains Baptiat church desire that all mem bar* attend at the mrvicoa next Sat urday afternoon" at 3:30. Mra. Q. K. Nimocks and children of Fayetteville are guests of her par ents Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Hale on Pender avenue. '/ The children of the Juvenile Mis aionary Society of Central Methodist Churc h gave an ice-cream supper on the lawn of the church last night af the prayer meeting. Mrs. Carrie Galloway and little daughter, Virginia and Miss Joyce Nutt and little brother Johnnie Nutt leave this week to spend some time with Mr. and Mr*. R. T. Joyce in Stokes county. Two new wcrk rooms have been opened up for the Red Cross workers, one on north Main street in the build ing used for the primary school chil dren, theother in th« new high school building. Rev. T. C. Bales of the Presbyterian church conducted prayer meeting on the lawn of the church last night. It is his intention to continue these open air services every Wednesday night during the hot weather, provided the evenings are clear. Mr*. Allie Nutt who racently moved from this city to Washington, D. C. spent several days here, before going to Greensboro where she has accepted a position, Mrs. Nutt finds the high cost of living in Washington over balances the additional salary the workers receive. Major and Mrs. Charles S. Law rence spent Tuesday night in thia city the guests of Mrs. J. L. Harrison, they will visit relatives tn this section be fore returning to Camp Jackson, Columbia, S. C., where Major Law rence is stationed for present, in Government medical service. A distressing accident occurred yes terday evening when Mr. G. C. Stuart who lives on Pine street was working In his garden, and while driving s ■take, the hatchet he waa using levi off the handle and struck his liitlt daughter Georgia In the foreheac fracturing her skull. The child wai carried to Martin bos pits! for treat want and Is doing a* well as ran U expected. ■ttlrtrin'f in" 11 'mini Mr*. CI yd* MmHmi la mtug r*U Uvu la Waiaat Cow tMa Wit Mr. Jmm AIM ipmt yaatarday at b»f> MUt Ml bwlMM. Mr. f. A. Oxrp ntdi a bMMn trip t* WliHn Half lk« Ant at tfca -Mk. Mr. H. H. Lorry at Nawtwi rial tad Ilia fathar, Mr. T. J. Lowrr ta thu <-it» Tuaaday and Wadnaaday. Miu Klata Chilton of Anbury ta a vlaitor bar* today. Mr. Wayna Christian who rarantly want to camp writaa that ha lika* ramp lifa and i« ratting along Ana. Mr. G. C. Walrh ii •panding thi» WMk ia Knoxvilla TannaaaM on liuai IMM. Mr. W. Punman ha* arreptad a pMition in tha Hank of Mt. Airy. Mr. and Mr«. Will Mondi y laava thin WMk to vtait ralaUvm in Car-1 roll county Va. AI tor nay K. H. Wrann, of Raida vllla, N. C., xprnt Sunday in tha city with ralativwa. A «on wa* horn to Rev. and Mr*. T. ii. King last Kriday. Mr. K. S. I.unity of <*lax, Va., •pent the pant w«« end in the city the fuMt of Mr. and Mm. Will Mon day. Mrs. R. 3. Hine* and Mum Virginia Spear Moore have returned from a visit to frienda and relative* in Graen sboro. Mr. J. L. J one* and family, of Hoon ville, N. C. rame up Sunday and a pent the day with hia "inter Mrs. J. E. Juknaon. Mr. Wilbur Kochtitzky of Monroe spent the pant week end with hi* brother Mr. E. II. Kochtitzky in thia city. Married at the home of Eaq. S. W. Hutrhina, near thia city, on May 26, Mr. Brady Johnaon of Eldora town ship to Mini Christina Nichols, Esq. Hutchin* officiating. Mr. and Mra. Tom Gilliam of High! Point apent the paat week end with: Mra. Gilliam* mother, Mra. R. L. Gwyn at her home "Idte^erW* near! thia city. Mra. Thomas Haynea returned to thia city Saturday, very much improv ed in health after an extended stay at Hot Spring*, Ark. She visited relativea in Missouri enroute home. The funeral of the three year old\ grand child of Mr. and Mrs. Minnish urux held in the Haptist Church taut Sunday, the child'* mother was bur- j ied several months ago. Miss Elizabeth Merritt, daughter of Mr. W. E. Merritt, of this city, graduated at the Greensboro College ror Wimen this week and won t o high honor of standing at the head of her class. Back in the SOs her grand mother Elizabeth graduated from this ame college at the head of the class. The Prayer services in this city last Thursday were such as to attract un usual attention. Most of the stores in the city closed »ur the entire daj' and business appeared to be at a standstill as much as it usually is on Sunday. It is ektimated that more people attended services at the var ious churches during the day than do on the average Sabbath. ^ Announcements have been received in this city of the marrige of Mr. Benton Callaway Satterfleld to Miss Helen Elizabeth Halloran the marrige took place in Washington, D. C., Jane the first. Mr. Sattcrfield was a former resident of thia city. They will make their home in Washington Mrs. T. B. McCargo accompanied her daughter, Mias Elizabeth McCar go to Tarboro, who with Miss Alma Sparger of Greensboro were her week end guests, as fai as Raleigh last Monday. Miss McCargo will spend three weeks in Raleigh and Mrs. Mc Cargo will visit relatives in Greens boro before returning to this city. « Honors for Mount Airy Man. >t Mr. Joe Holltngsworth of this city son of *he late Dr. Joe Hollingsworth, last w< ek completed the course of Pharmacy at the University of Mary land, Ba. 4mor»v, An addition to com pleting tue course he won the college prise given for General Efficiency, which Is a honor that means Much to the man who win* it PARENTS OP SOLDIERS. U( o4 TImn WW Imm 9mm m iIm 9«riii« W Um Co—try ^7hm Nmi Is collecting Um mm •ad Mdraarea of all cltlMMa at Sarry county who have nh la Um traf. Proa una U Um Um lla* will be put> I is had and wa daatfa thai ail paraaU >aad la thair namai and Um full fiMia cf Um <» who la away. Jot tan, T. J., Mount Airy Route 4, two aena, and Poajr, Seel W. a.. Haunt Airy, Routa 3, two jtona, Luthei and Benton. Whitakar, Urn Lottie, Pinnae la, Rout«> 3. Robert Short W.>.laker. S. P. Grave.., Mount Airy, two tons William and Prank. W. P. Tartar, Mount Airy, Kdwln. f!. r. Welch, Mount Airy, Pdfar. E. H. Wrann, Mount Airy, Lucien. llaynea, lUv. J. II., Mouut Airy, Routa 1, Dewey. . Engagement Announced. *he anKuitament of Mian MarKarat VfcLucaa to Mr. I. W. llarher, »ujxtr intendent of tha • lac trie light and water powar of thia city wan ma.I* in Winaton Salem yentenlay, where Miaa Mtl.uia. had har hea«l<|uuruir* an Komyth county canning club scant and demonatrator. Miaa McLucaa haa reaigned har poaition, and tha mar riai(a will take placa at har former home in McCall, S. C., aof .etime thia month. Mia* Mcl.uca* will receive a hearty welcome her* where the in well known having been agent and ileraon •trator in Surry county before going to Porayth. Arm You Doing Your Fart ? When those of our boy » return horn* from France, Who mined death in the war's awful toll. Blind and maimed and crippled for life Hut ennobled in iipirit and iioul. And they (rather with friend* and the dear on« at home. By the tired, or on summer'* Ions day* And tell of the times they went "over the top" In the early morn'* twilight haze; Should they ask you, what you were doing the while In the world'* greatest war to help win it Be sure you can look them right square in the eye And truthfully aay "I wa* in it." j ■ The above poem ha* been clipped from some paper and handed to us and brings home the question very clearly "are we each one doing our part'" Twin-Born and Twin-Grown. The area* of tight-fisted religion and tight-fated citizenship have been accurated mapped up bjr the North Carolina Club at the University, and these maps art extremely significant. So, they show plainer than a pike-staff that the area* of tight fisted religion are also the areas of tight-fisted citizenship. They are areas of poor schools shab by school houses, high illiteracy rates, poor roads, and half-starved country editors. They are areas of opposition to taxation for any purpose whatso ever. They are areas of civic stagnation as well as church stagnation. Tight fisted religion and tight-fisted citizen ship go together. They are born twins and boon companions. The man that tightens his grip on his purse when his church appeals to him ia dead sure to oppose taxes for public schools, public roads, or any other public enterprise. The man who will not support his church liberally cannot be counted on to support any thing that costs him evea a few cents extra. And it's true the other way around. When people line up against taxes for better public schools they usually convince themselves that they are too poor to give anything for better schurch schools. The less willing people are to give to any good cause the less willing they are to give to every good cause. On the other hand, the more they give to any one good cause the more willing they are to give every good cause. Nothing looaetla the skin of hide bound souls like giving—giving for any unselfish purpose whatsoever. LOST—Near the bark shed in Mount Airy, draft registration card be longing to Rarly Jones. Finder please | return to this offlce. far W« 1 / A* lb* raault at Um WUmt la tha bwlmyin mm* in *1 MM day* a«a. Mr. I. r. HhMm W W..UUW townahip waa la Um rfcy laat Monday arr—«nd wMk fM L. Johnaoa to rondurt uwUm of (ha ■»■> nature far tfca farmsra la WaaUlold townahlp.^1 11m mmtiac will ba at tfca homo of Mr Shalt..n, una aula north of tha tehaal | ami post nfflca at WaatAald, Voluntoor road, on Saturday, Juno 16 at 2 p. m. Mr. Hhaiion ha> IS eolonlaa of boa* and thoaa i«taraatod In «ueh work aro mvitad to ba praaant aad aaa and laarn what thay raa by practical work that will bo done. Mr. Johnson will opan aarh of tha eatimWa and do . ith thorn what ha thlnba ahotild bo don* and axplain aa ha | work*. It will bo a «nod opportunity i to laam tha prartlral Ikinp ronnact rd with tha oparatioa of a boa Iniai naaa. Thara la no rharga for thiai wnrk and all psrwini intaraatad ara invilad to ba praaant. Nearly Hall the Folk* Red Cross Subscriber*. Washington June 2.—The American R«l C'ro** »« cinj merry fund now I total* IIM.430,291 with indication*' lhat when all report* from the drivr nf a week ago art tabulated a 170. 000,000 ov*r-*ub*cription of the 9100, 000,000 goal will be *hown. In announcing the*e figure* tonight Henry P, Davidion chairman of the Red Cro** war council Mid the return* shown that more than 47,000,000 American*—nearly half the total po pulation of the country - contributed. Thou giving to the Arst fund last year numbered only about 5,000,000. Not '>nly did every Red Cro** divi sion in the country ovcr-*ub*rrib* but or.* the gulf turned in more than three Umex the amount of it* quota, whiie I five other* the Atlantic, Mountain, North we*tem, Southern and South Western, more than doubled their al lotment*. Every *tate attained it*. if rial, Ave more than trippled it and 16 others and the District of Columbia more than doubled their allotment*. Potomac division ($3..100,000< sub scribed (6,821,060. Subscription* hy states included Virginia (1,000,000) 91.«3«.718; West Virginia {$£00,000) 91,209342. Southern division (92,960,000 ) 96 904,000. Subacription* by atate* in cluded: North Carolina ($760,000) 91,163,441; Sooth ( By virtaa at aa iriw of ra «aia hm kr Um Ja^gi at iha AtMRw lUurt ta Um fw at A 1mm (MMtir U»1*«r uun.1 |L 0. (iallaway aad uthora »i«W at Um Suaafior Court of l«n Coaalr I wtll mUU Um ki»fc aat bMar am falwfc; Um IMk at Jw !»1«. at m o'clock P. M., Um following da acribod prafartj, to-wit: Oim bouaa and lot on lower Main Straat, au rooau and known aa Um Mchafar bouaa and lot naar Um Ihk fullay; aiao ana bouaa and lot on Vim atraot known aa Um J. i. Bolton hotiaa and lot. Tama at aalo, ona-third caak; nno third la twalva month* and halanca In two yaara. Notaa raquirad for do forrod paymanta. Thia May 14th. UW W. E. MEKRITT. Com. Jfoin the Red Cross YOU SHOULD NAME THE SURRY COUNTY LOAN & TRUST CO. AS YOUR EXECUTOR FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: The business of this Company is to act u Executor of Wills, to administer estates, to serve as guardian of . minors sad trustee of property under wills. A board of careful business men direct the affairs of the Company. The Trust Company never dies and is always found at its place of business ever ready to give proper attention to the affairs of your estate. The Trust Company will see that your will is drawn cor rectly and, when named as Executor, makes no charge for properly drawing up the will or keeping it under seal in its vault. DIRECTORS W. W. Burke, A. G. Bowman, W. F. Carter, E. H. Wrenn, F S. Eldridge, W. A. York, G. D. Fawcett, W. W. Hampton, W. G. Sydnor, J. D. Smith. OFFICERS W. F. CARTER, President. E. H. WRENN, Vice-President GEO. D. FAWCETT, Sec. * Treas. Be Patriotic and Comfortable Save coal and wood by using ■ New Perfection Oil Cook Stove and kerosene ou—always available and inexpensive. Escape the work and dirt of coal, wood and ashes and soot Have • cool kitchen and do perfect cooking of all kinds—for the dean, intense I'ime of the New Perfection can be instantly and ac curately adjusted—like gas—and it stays put , 3,000,000 New Perfections are keeping kitchens com fortable and saving coal, money and labor for other American women. Why not for you ? Made in I -2-3-4 burner um, with or without cabinet top Aak your dealer about the New Perfection Kerosene Wi H Us* Aladdin Security Oil—Always available, inexpen«ve. STANDARD OIL CO. (NEW JERSEY) Baltimore, Md. c