CASUALTIES REACH 7,315. Contrary la Report*, tha F:g urn of Lmim Hot* not Won Withhold From PuWic. Waahington, June 9.—Casualties among tha Amerlran expenditionary forra» thus far reported by General Parahlni including today'* Hat, total 7JIS, I ha war department announced today In making public tha flrst of ra gular waakly summaries of casualties. Deaths In action, disease, accidents and all othar causes number 2,927, while 4.044 man liava boon wounded and #42 are mlining In action includ inf men held prisoners in Germany. The deportment ! recapitulation fol lows: Killed in act on (including 291 at eaa) 1,0*3. Died of wound*. 310. Died of disease, 1,19-2. Diad of accidents and ot* <r cauaea, 392 Wounded in action, 4,046. Miasm# in action (including prison ers), 342. Total 7416. While no official explanation was given for tha decision of the depart ment to advise the country weekly of the exact total casualties since the landing of the first American forces in France last Jane, it is understood that it result* largely from wide spread reports that casualties had been very heavy and that total figures were Iwing withheld from the public. It has been explained at the depart ment that the daily lists sent by Gen eral Pershing ara iasued with as lit tle delay a* possible. The casualties ore so scattered in the lists that they will not give information of valua to the enemy but thia doea not mean that, uy numh«r ftir# iMkt j After heavy actions, such as that at k Cantigny, it requires several days to ch*ck up the casualties and cable them to the department. L American troops have been in the trenches several month* and now hold - —— sectors at several points along the western front. In addition many American unit* are brigaded with French and British and have been in heavy fighting since the German drive began in March. General Pershing's men first went into the front line last November for training and soon af terward they took over a trench sec tor permanently. Other units went in to the trenches for final training with the French later and finally took over sectors so that the total frontage now held by the Americana rank second to that the British and French armies. Marine corps' casualties are issued se parately from those of the army and no reports have yet come on the killed and wounded among the marines who have been engaged in heavy fighting near Chateau Thierry. Up to that fighting the marine corps casualties had been very low, as they were only recently moved up to the front line, having previously been engaged in police work along the American lines of communication. Considering the number of Ameri cans actually in the front lines and the length of time they have been "carry ing on" officers do noT regard the to tal of casualties as large. The num ber of men actually killed in action ho far reported to the department is 742, while of the more than 4,000 wounded only 310 have died from their wounds. The list of missing includ ing prisoners, also is comparatively small. The 291 %en listed ns having been lost at sea went down with the tor pedoed British troop ship Tuteania and the torpedoed American trans port Antilles. The latter wa# : unk while returning to America, but the Tuscaniu was sent down whllo parry ing nearly 3,000 men to Fngland. More American soldier* have died •broad from disease than have fallen in battle, while those who have died from accident* and other causes out numbered those who have *urrumt>ed to wounds. Many of the deaths from acc Monti wort among tnen training far the air service. A FINANCIAL NEEDS OF UNITED STATES. Secretary of Treaeery Gieaa Figure* Showtag Growth mi E«p—dituro Call* far Much Additional Revenue. Washington, D. r..—Secretary He Adoo ha* Mnt to chairman Kitchen of the Houm Waya and Mean* Commit Ih a latter explaining tha financial requirement* of tha coming year. Tha fcrratiry «ays that if tha preaent rata of increase in expenditure should continue for its month*, tha Trasaury will actually Have to di*bur*e during tha flieal yaar ending June 10, 1919, approximately 124,000.000,000. Ha »ay« thia estimate ia not based merely upon appropriation* noi mere ly upon estimates made by other de partment* a* to their pronahle ex penditure* although they have been ohtained and considered, it ia ha»ed upon th.i ar-tual exper.rnce of the Treasury during he pant year, winch ha; >hcurn that actual "C wt-'liturer, rv.Iu*i> e of transactions in the rria "i(.ul rf (he f u.ilir debt, ha/s IM.'I—I ed at the average rate of yiiK),J»iO.OOO per month* since March, 1J17, In March. 1017, the expenditure* were in round flgjrei |1'hi,(>0i>, KA). In May, 1018, they wer> It,WU.'.V)M». If there should he no further increase during the coming flacal year the caah expenditare* upon the May ba*i* would he more than $18,000,000,000. If, a* seems inevitable, the inrrea*e in expenditure* should continue at the rate of $100,000,000 per month for the next six montha or until Decem ber, 191B, and if thereafter the month ly expenditure* should remain station ary until June 30, 1919, the Treasury aggregating $24,000,000,000 during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1919, or. to put in another way, if the aver age monthly enpenditure should ex ceed that for th» month of May, 1918 by 33 1-3 per cent we shall spend $24, 000,000,000 in the fiscal year of 1919. In the fiscal year ending June 30 ■mount to between- 112.500,000, and 1918, tha cash disbursements will (13,000,000,000. Of thia amount, about one-third will have been raised by taxes and two-thirda by loans, all of which will b« represented by long time obligation*! tKat ia. bonds of th« first, second and third Liberty lo«iu and war savings certificate*. The country will thus have completed tif teen months of the war with a finan cial record une<|ualed by that of arj other nation. Mr. McAdoo says: "We cann-ri wisely contemplate nearly doubling our cash disbursement* in th; fiscal year 1919 without providing addition al revenue. We cannot afford to rely upon $4,000,000,000 only from taxa tion, because we shall then have tn re ly on raising $20,000,000,000 by loans This would be a surrender to the poli cy of high interest rates and inflation, with all the evil consequences which would flow inevitable therefrom, am! which would, I firmly believe, bring ultimate disaster to the country. W« cannot afford to bane our future finan cing upon the quicksands of inflatior or unhealthy credit expansion. If w< are to preserve the financial strengtl of the nation, we must do ound am safe things, no mutter whether thej hurt our pockets or involve sacrifice) —sacrifices of a relatively insignifi cant sort as compared with the sacri flees our sold'.frs and sailors arc mak ing to save the life of the nation." Have you twen one to grumble -*• v retly to yourself or to others abou | so many war Campaigns? Have yoi I helped as much as you could in time tervices, and money w honever yoi i have been culled on? This Ujwhu war demands of the citizens of ever] nation engaged in it, and not on* tim< but as often as the country need i till th* war I* won. That country wil win whose men and woman work to get her uncomplainingly with no othei purpoae but to win th* war. A SOLDIER'S LETTEJL Mr. Cm. Taylor Write* o4 Cm WW* in Vrmmmm." The following latter ia from Gao. t. Taylor, aon of Rev R. M. Taylor, paa tor of Funal Hill MttMlil Church, Concord, N. C. I will explain why I Kara written Mother'* Mail" un tho envelope. By l order if General Perahing thia (flun <lay) ia designated aa mothar'a day in honor of tha aoldiera' mothara. Every aoldier under hia command ia *o write to hia mothar and tha letter la to bo aand by aperial dalivary. Thia latter will therefore reach you a food deal aooner than ordinary mail. Our letter* all fo without coat to ua but thia one will virtually, if not really, have a apeeial delivery (tamp worth ten rente. So, of eourae, 1 will not fail to take advantage of it. rir.t, I would call your attention to two thinga which you ahould keep in mind throughout the war, regard lean of what may happen. No. 1. I can not aay all and everything that I would like to aay. No. 2. Clrcum utancea will not permit of my writing at any time I might wiah to write. Ev> en though you might have to wait two montha for a letter from me, don't worry; no newa ia good new*. Bad new* would reach you very quickly. I win navf b ^rrai many mvcmimK things to tall when I get hack. Though we have to *uffer »orr« in- i conveniences. I am wall and getting on well. One i* surprised to learn I what one can endure. In the army we are trained to H by degree*. Now I ran •leap anywhere, eat any time without any great deal of inconvenience. village somewhere in France. It ia very intereating indeed to aee the quaint old houaaa and people. I don't believe there ha* been the ■malleat change in the village for hun dred* of year* to judge from the looks of it. Nothing is built and nothing is destroyed. The houses are all built of stone and covered with tile. This description might refer to a mansion in America but not so here, by any mean*, for theie are no wotden houses at all here. The tile roofs are mostly covered with Hoes and it ia a common sight to see patches of weed* two or three feet high growing oa the roof. A crook or a sway in the roof amount ing to several feet would not attract any attention. "Hie inside appearance of the house correspond* to that of the outside ancient cobwebs and floors made of planks which hav* been hewn out with an ax, old piles of rub msn, tuns anil barrels piled up in tne corners. Thi* description applies to rooms which are not actually occupied by a family. The rooms in which they live are fitted up very coxily. We have occupied any kind of places in which we could find room to lie. The first room 1 was in for the first few days had a chicken house in one corner. The lice were so had here we had to j move. We went next to an old still house. I got myself established on on old wine press and was just begin ning to boaut about my comfortable quarters when something went wrong and we had to move again. The old woman who owned the place, lived in ; part of it herself made regular inspcc (lions about twice a day. She knew | the exact place of every stick and | stone in ami nbout the place. Some . one had moved something and she did ! not like it. We are now living in the j loft of a stable, whi<4> is a fairly good place fur we gave it a good cleaning before we went in. • Altogether I shall never regret hav ing had the i-x'perience. We have lot* of fun und a jolly good hunch of fel lows. We all know /ach other, being totislantVy together and there tire al ways a few i vmi'dians around to keep ' things lively. There Is no reasoti why any of you should worry about me in the least and if the other boys have to coma tall them to dismiss all idea of fear or worry and get tho most they can out ■ - of the trip. That U the boat way. I have hi—d tha trail w far h oar family l« conearnad. Ha I can aand back tha good ward that everything la all right and tha biggeat part of tha worrying ic dona by tha lav ad onaa back Hoaaa la ground Ian* and unnaeaa aary. Tharo are hardahip* of course and rathor aovora hardahipa. Thia haa alwaya boon rharartariatie of war. W« can't ax pact tha government to provide Pullman rara and atatarooma and hotal accommodation* for aovaral million man. But I ran aay thia, which may not aounifc trua hut it U: "After hacoming a«cuat«mrd to din romforta, wo don't faal tham. We can take a hath In tha cold crack water and alaap on the hare door or ground, got a reatful and rafreahing night'i raat and faal good tha next day. Baaidaa thia, you can't get aick if you want to." I know that many prayara have g'ine op for me ainea I loft and I have good reaaon to believe (aa I will tall you latar) that they have been and will be anawered and that 1 will go back aoma time whan I will be frae to talk and tail you all about it. With much love to you and all, I am • Your aon, GEORGE. Hobaon'a Daring Exploit RecalUd. Washington, Jure 3.—In United •State* Navy cirri#* today was recalled a* the twentieth anniversary of our own little "Zeebrugge affair," when an attempt wan made by the American naval force# to bottle up the Spanish fleet in Santiago da Cuba by unking the collier Merrimac in the harbor an ever be remembered aa one of the moat daring exploit* ef the Bpaniali American war. Santiago waa one of the principal Spaniah atrongholda on the taland of Cuba and it became a more important objective to the Americana when it waa learned that th* Spaniah fleet un der Admiaal Cerveran wma riding at anchor in the harbor, protected by the gun* of the fort*. It waa de termined to attack the city by both land and water. The American fleet had arrived in the vicinity but Admir al Sampson decided to delay action pending the arrival of a huge landing force to attack the etty in the rear. Meanwhile, however, it became nece* aary to keep the Spaniah veaaela tight ly bottled up. With thia object in view it was determined to aink the collier Merrimac in the harbor chan nel. Richmond P. Hobaon, a young naval constructor hailing from Ala bama. wax entrusted with the daring task and was given the assistance of half a dozen young volunteers from the vavy. The Merrimac was char (ted with mines and, after a first abortive at tempt was finally steered into the mouth of the harbor under cover of darkness. The ship was sunk, but tlobtton and his men were picked up by Admiral Cervera when daylight came and were held prisoners in the Spanish fortress for more than a monUi. Though one of the most brillian and daring episode* of the war, the sink ing of the Marrimac. as already stat ed, failed to accomplish the purpose for which it was intended. The wreck of the vessel did not effectually close up the mouth of the harbor. As if to prove this to the Americans, the Spaniards several days after Hob son's capture sent out cruiser Reina Mer cedcs- The cruiser did not get be yond the mouth of the harbor before she was sunk by the concentrated Are of the American fleet. Fore thought. People are learning that a little fo<-ethough eft en naves them a big ex pense. Her* it an instance: if W. Archer, Caldwell, Ohio, writes: "J do not believe that our family has been without Chamberlain'a Colic, Cholera and Dirrhoca Remedy since we com menced keeping house rears ago. Whan we go on an extended visit we take it with us." Obtainable every where. mini THE FIGHTING MAJUNE3. TIm MaiaiEcral Ad»a The moat important rhange on the hattlefroat laat >Mk waa made by the I American Marines in one of ttia moat important aartora of Picardy. At ! tarhlnf nn a front of about two and one-half milaa in a tight that began i Thursday with tha hraak of dawn, tha Marina* in four hours drove hark tha rnemy nvar a distance of virtually two and one-quarter milaa and oeru ' pied all tha important high ground 1 nnrthwaat of Chateau Thiarry, which ' village In a pravioua light tha Ameri 1 ran machine gunner* had turnad into ' shamble* by tha accuracy of thair aim 1 aa tha Oarmam triad to wraat a i bridge from tham. Aftar a breathing spare in Thura-. Hay's battle the Americana lata in the afternoon returned to tha fray. Bat-, tling shoulder to shoulder over a front of aix mile* from Vinly, whirh Ilea | juat to tha northwest of Veuilly-Le Potarie, to Bouraache, tha Americana and French rcptured the towns of Veuilly-Le Poierie and Boureache and also made progreaa all along the front. . Previoualy Torcy hail fallen into the I hands of the Americana. nownerf on ww nut hit jiuc were the Germans able to stay the efforti of the allied troop*, although they I have fought with great tenacity. The | Marines everywhere declined to take a backward step, going forward against the enemy, even when he had , superiority in numbers. Clone press ed, the Marines gave the Germans a I taste of cold steel, even in the face of I machine gvatem. Surrounded they I coated lines w'th their bayonets. From all accounts there has been no part of the game of modern warfare in which the men from overseas have not ex celled the enemy. The losses to the enemy are declared to have been extremely heavy and the terrain they have lost is considered of high strategic value, inaamuch as it is on that pert of the attlefront through which the German i id hope< to crush their way forward and attain an open road to Paris. The casual ties were particularly severe during' the street fighting in Bouresches, where the Americans pushed him back step by step. in« piaun ui inc nmcriiBii low mand did not includc the capture of Tocy, but when the Marines reached the objective aaigned to them their ardor for battle could not be restrain ed and they kept on until the village wa.t in their hand*. Writing of the magnificent fighting of the American Marine*, in an ad vance of approximately two miles on a three-mile front, the war corres pondents says: A notable development was the low morale of the prisoners, all of whom are Prussians. They expressed them selves as tired of the war and glad to get out of the fighting. This was despite the fact, they say, that they are furnished with food, although the Saxons, the Wurtemberg troops and others may go without. It must not be imagined, however that they did not put up a fight, for their officers were among them urg ign them yelling like Indians and plying bayonet and rifle. One Marine who was taking back a prisoner, ran into two German officers and ten men. He tackled them single-handed with his rifle and bayonet killing both the officers and wounded seven of the men. Another sergeant was about to take a prisoner when the German threw, himrelf on the ground and discharged! hi* revolver at the American after i culling "Kamerad." That settled the German, for the sergeant shot him,! as he did four others who also had! surrendered but refund to put up' their hand*. The Marine*, advancing in the Bel leau wood region, went forward in four ware* in open forma Urn. The! m#n in the Arat wivi were for the ■Mat part arm ad with rifUa and, while tha raar wavaa war* equipped with automatu- riflaa. With them ama aquada u1 machine luuxn luninf thair roilopaiMa (una They rroaaed tiia open «pare and tutted uip tha alnpa hent uver lika gnomaa. Tha tranchea tha Marinaa paaaad over wara clearly viithla from below but thay hardly derarved tha nana, for thay wara 'imply line* of littla hole*, each big «n ifh to hold a man, white barbed wira waa larking. There wan v>ma, howaver, interlaced among tha traaa of Relleau wood but tha Marinaa pushed thair way through it. Out in the opan field artillery offl rem with gluaaaa wara directing tha supporting fire, white on tha roof of a naarby house a signal man wig wagged with hi* red and whit* flag*. On all *><te* the gun* were Aaahing. tome of them stationed right in the Aeld, white other* ware hidden in the wood*. Looking down into the vallay only a mile away the village of Bua sairea rould be aaan on Are. Aa the correspondent watched tha -tcene the clouds of white ahrapnel «mofce over the village of Torcy alao Inrama browni.ih'and flame* appeared in that town. The artillery Are that prereeded the attack lasted an hour and waa of es pecial intensity for five minutes pre reding the time when the Marina* went over the top. French and Amer ican batterier. took part in the firing, putting down a rolling barrage and then uhifting to the roadM behind the German lines. It appears that the Marines in go JAf III ICfftUtUld Ml lUftfil GfT mane had planned It to hare been carried oat by Prussian* who had been put into the line for that pur pose. Then* men had relieved the Prussian guard division which wa> badly chewed up in the fighting of the last day or two. They in turn had relieved the Saxons just after the Marines took over the sector, so the Marines are proud of the fact that hey have used up three German di isions in less than a week and are till very much aliye themselves. The morale of the men is wonder ful. They are willing to attempt any thing and are talking with pride of the heavy losses they inflicted upon the German* in their attack this morning while all the early report* indicated that the afternoon attack had been even more coetly to the en emy. Captured Two Tewas—Saperb Caw age of the Men. The fighting Thursday night north went of Chateau Thierry raged with great fierceness for five hours, says a dispatch from the front. The Ameri cans captured Bouresches and enter el Torcy. Twenty-five Americans in Torcy engaged and drove out 200 German.-' and then withdrew to the main line on the outskirts of the town. • A remarkable story is told of a com pany of Marines, all of the officers of which, including the sergeants were put out of the fighting. A corporal the assumed command and the men pushed on and obtained their objec tive. Hundreds of French children lined the main road to Paris, over which American and French ambulance* were carrying American wounded. The children waved their hands and cheered the Americans. As the result of th* two attacks by the Americans against the enemy in the second battle northwest of Cha teau Thierry, 300 prisoners were cap tured and the Americans n tended their lines over a front of about six miles to a depth of nearly two and one-half miles. While the losses of the Amerkwaa necessarily have been heavy, owing to the nature of the Afchting, the Ger man dead was piled three deep in

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