OBIHZNUI OF FOOD IWWBTillM b snaan a north cmouh POOO UUT1IM MMCIPORTM WILL M MONK IMIKV M> POMCBD—mtflCTOM TO M PUT IMTO THI fULP iOM PLAIN ▼ACM WOm W«M MALIM AMD OOMMOMCIAL UHM-NIW METHOD OP OOIMO APTBH WW»IT»WI COWWIHIW ! AMD DCALSM AOMCO TO COOPKRATK. Halaigh—Plaaa tor Nm|«bnli| u4 wj greatly ■>■<*» Ito Nd Admlalatratloa orgaalsailoa la Nortk Carolina ara batag usSarlsbsa this ' »»i> by Stat* rood Admiaiatrator Hoary A. Page who kaa Jaet returned tro« • coaioroaco ot hall rood Administrators with Herbert Moo Tor and hie Ma# at WaaStagtoa Mr. Page brlnga bach from Waahlagtoa tho laproaaloa aad lafsrma iloa thai all (OTamaMBlal agenclea aro aettllag dowa lo hard work la aalirlpalloa of a war ot at laaal two or throo years' duraUoa All ageaciea an proCtlng by thotr put experience aad nmuotkar raantag aad mora effective operation may ba aailclpaCi>d from now on Ta Employ Inspectoxa Oi« Important feature of Mr I'air'i now plan callo Ibr tba appointment of a numbar of laapa< tort who will divide thalr entire lima lo Invest Igalioae of alleged violations sal lo tha examlnatloa of bakers. arroaata and involoeo and other records of wboleaale aad retail dealers, bottling wnrka. drug stores. Ira rream manufacturing planta ao<la fnunialna. flour mllla. cotton seed oil ■ilia, ati Wb«a tba new ayatein of inape< Uoa la effective tha elaborate re |artN wlrii It bava been required of ail ll« enaeU dealers or titanufscturera will b every giaatly alMitilfled Tha extnestua ot tk nrganlxation will Impoaa ao many additional administrative duties upon Mr I'sga and executive >aa» lary Lu>aa that an tuireaee la tba offha Maf? will alao ba nereasary. Sugar Regulation Rigid. In no Inatanca will thorn ba a greater "lightening up" nr mora rigid en forcement of regulation* than with tboao that apply to augar Mr Page's off I. r la alrwedy receiving frum refiners and shippers of sugar alai emeats ahowlng Id detail every shipment of augar Into Nortb Carolina. Tn the Imme diate future every dealer who handlea augar will ba required to keep an abeo lutn re urd of all salea of augar from one pound up. No atated rporta from these particular recorda will be required bul aurh alalod reports from Ihaaa pa tlrular racorda will ba required but aui h recorda will be aubja'ct to ezaml nation by Food Admlnlalratlon Inspectors at any and all llmee All i ommerclal ua> ra of augar who dlaragard tha rationing plea of augar Instituted May 16th will ba disciplined Certfllralaa are being Issuetf only for augar nupplles up In July flrat and many commercial uaera bare failed to apply for blanka upon whlcb to make their gworn atatementa and to apply for certlflcalao because il-ey bare already raarbed or excaadad tblr allot ment of augar Not only will aurh uaera hare their aupptlee equalised after July flrat but la the abeenco af tbelr aworn atatementa by June 15th. thay will ba penalised aa wall. Tba Pood Administration demaada of all commercial uaera of augar explanation of thalr statue not later thaa June 16th. aad ao car tttcates will bo Issued after Juao 16th except under sach circumetancne aa will satisfy the Pood Administration that tbe delay ta maklag sworn state ment and applytag for certificates was justified—and It is Indicated that eome tall ai pie In lag will bo aeeeeeaiT ta bring a boat this ooavtcUoa. Wholaaalars or Jobbers who sell sugar or a near syrup to commercial aosra without receiving la exchange certlflcatea lsaaed by tha Pood Admla tratlon will hare thalr llcoaoea revoked. Retailers who make auch sales wtll ba blacklleted aad ba pat oat of baslaasa by that procoao. Mini *iur FWWIt Tit* raise aad regulatioaa of the Food Administration with nprl t Mriini of prolt on foodstuff* wtU henceforth b« more rigdly enforced aad through the assistance of the Inspectors who will be pat la ths Said, profits wfll ba checked from tba aad aaaraat tha rouumar Where the ralail price ef a commodity saasas to ba unreaeonable tha ratallar will bo called upon M ■how his margia. If his margin la reasonable tha Inspector will go to tha wholesaler aad If his margin waa reasonable tha pursuit will eoatiaoe to tha asanufsrtnrer or miller or other producer ft baa not been practicable ta tallow this eearee ia tha past bacaaae af tha lach of force ta aake tha lave* To stimulate aad render affect J re tha new system, coasnmers are now ta Wftad to report apparently excesalra prices to their County or Toamehip Food AAainiatrator aad retailers who are charged apparently excessive prices by Wholesalers or Jobbers are Invited to bring such prices to the attention of tha game authorities Oae class of dealers and millers the rood Administration proposes ta ge after comprises millers and dealers In corn meal aad other cereal snbetitatee who hare taken advantage of the tour shortage and "tO-M" combination sale la extort unreasonable profits on corn meal and similar producta. Tha wheat conservation program baa bean hide back by profiteers la corn meal aad ether cereal substitutes and these gentlemen evtdntly have something com lag to them from ths Food Administration 100% Kflectlvenes* "The Food Administration in North Carolina aad throughout the United Itatee has determined to make Itself 100% effective," declared Mr. Page la discussing the situation -la every instance tha legitimate Interest of pre durer consumer aad dealer will bo conssrvsd, bat wilful violations of Food , Administration ralss and regulations, designed as war measures to as slat oar Oovernment In winning thle war, will not be tolerated and will be paalshed ta fha extent of tha law. Oar new system of Inspection, reiaforoed by tw authority ta require special reports of any dealer, claaa at dealers or iadV ▼Idusls at any time, aad tha authority of our inspectors te examine books, accounts, invoices and other records of all dealers will enable as to promptly spot violations aad punish offenders This greater effectlvenees will re dound to the benefit of patriotic and honest and unaelflah producere aad dealers aa well as consumers." f IMPORTATIONS OF FLOUR IS TABOO •TATE FOOD ADMINISTRATOR HENRY A. PAGE CALLS UPON DEALER# TO REFRAIN FROM ORDERING FURTHER FLOUR FROM OUTSIDE MILLS—"NORTH CAROLINA HAS HER SHARE." Ral*lgh.—Furth*r Importation* of floor Into North Carolina until the next harvest are la effect forbidden by State Pood Administrator Henry A. Pace. The practice of Soar coneervatloa la North Carollaa haa been ao general, aad the saving ao greaL that a large number of the (mail mlUa which hare bera te fti re been able only to supply the Immediate communities have acruaalated aoaslderabla quantities of flour which la available for shipping to other mar ksta It la the purpose of Mr. Pag* to divert this Soar to those marheta la North Carollaa which hare heretofore Imported Soar from the larger mills aatalde the State, which, almost without eiceptloa. ire la poeltlon to pack tomr lor aaport aad supply the demands of the Army aad Nary aad oar Alllee. The Peod AdBklnlftratlon wlU assist la biiagla^ together those mills wMeh hare Boar for sale aad th* Sealers la other sections of the Stat* who Aeslra to purchaae It. Mr. Pag*'* statemecU Inauguratlag the new plan Js as follows : "Baaed oa the total sappty In ths Ualted State* for boa* consumption, and considering the decreaaed consumption by our people, th*r* 1* within the borders of North Carollaa oar *har* and more of flour This belag true, I am telllag on th* wljoieeale and retail merrhaata of North Carollaa to refraia from a eel tag further order* for flour to mills outsld* of North Carollaa. Ths largsr mills which h**e been accustomed to ship tremendous quantities of •oar Into North Carolina are most of them close to export point* aad all of feeffl are la poeltlon to pack flour tor export. Where merchants In some »arts of North Carolina could secure Sour from oat aide mill* cheaper lhaa they can from North Carollaa mills which bare flour available, I am going to aak them to take the boras Boar even at a higher price. "I da not pretend to say that thera la aufflclant Hoar la North Carollaa t« •appty anything like the' aormal demand What I do mean to aay la that If we are to supply oar Allies with th* quaatlty they muat bar*, w* hay* as ■raeh Soar la North Carollaa as w* are entitled to aad as mach la proportlaa as th* people of aay other State or aarlloa aad w* bar* ao right to mars " Mr. Pag*"* request to Soar dealers to refraia from parahaslng Soar eat •Ida th* State I* not aa order but K I* rary clearly Indicate* la the office af the Feed Adataletratios lhat all dealers WIN ha eipertad to notapiy with tfca Mm r*gn*M aad that aay dlsra«ard of the raqseet will ha looked tfo* with ■Mm Mkw by the Pood Administrate*. That UM ha* baa« a decline at M par rant in the poultry iatetrj la tlx United 8tataa ataca MM That every farm «heald keep 1M la 200 hana to conigaw waita feed, ' bug a, and inaacta, and thua protect fruit, and crape, and produca awa That the poultry population of tha , Stata today ia approximately r> 572430, wbila our farm will main tain twica thia numbar. • That 'the war haa brought meatleaa daya which tha (rowing of mora poultry by farmer* ran help to overcome. That there ia produced in North Carolina annually 37,14ft ,90»"> dozen ciggn, vnlued at .10 rent- per dozen, * which would lie fIl,i4<4,ff7l. If thia quantity wu doubled, it would mean over $22.'»00,000. To double the output of broiler* wiould amount to a similar amount of increased wealth in the State. That one reason for the decline in the raising of fowls and turkey* , • in North ''aroliw i due to the worthies* roaming dogs. That the county demonstration agent* of thi* state, who are the spokes men for the farmer* in their county ■tats that one of the reason* why turkey* are not (rrown i* because of the uncontrolled dog. fhat we *hould pay tribute to an industry which could b« made to bring a return of $20,000,000 to North Carolina annually, and not to an industry which demoralize* this possibility. That poultry furnish the best and cheapest animal food, and valuable soil fertility. That worthless roaming dog* con tract and spread rabies, an a men ace to the poultry and turkey in dustries kill and maim sheep spread hof cholera, and are parasites to food conservation rhat the North Carolina Poultry As sociation needs your moral and fi nancial support to help foster the poultry industry and control the other ravages mentioned above. You can tret in touch with this or ganization at West Raleigh, N. C. J-Boat's Brutal Treatment of Crow. London, England.—The crew of a German submarine wan brutal in its reatment of the crew of the Glasgow teamer Ella*ton, sunk some days ago '.euter's Limited learns. The steam er was shelled for three and a half tours. The Britiah captain returned hf gunfire until hia ammunition was ■one and then ahRhdooed the vessel, A'hich the submarine crew boarded and aunk by bombs. The captain ta> taken priaoner on boarl the U-boat. The drinking waver in one ol the lifeboats was removed and I ho G-r •nans a'vi *ook the th". sails and all the oars, except two, leaving the I British to find land as be*t they were ible. The other lifeboat, vhith wa i not molested, was p;-K« J up by a -chooner near Lai Palmar, Canaiy Islands. The first lifeboat suffered great hardship and did not reach l.aj Palmas until nine days after the other boat. Plant for Profitable Crops^ Early Ramshorn Blackeye Peas •nd the Early Varieties of SOJA BEANS ITO UN, EARLY WILSON, BLACK AND THE EARLY QREEN VARIETIES. All of the** can be aafely planted In thle section In June and the In dication* are that theae will make a good profitable money crop fop aale ae market Roane and Peaa another aoaaon. Indications are that nothing Ilk* aa many Rlackeyo Peaa are being planted thl* year aa usual. Thl* should make for good prlooa another year. The early varieties of Soja Roan* alway* cell conelderably higher than other Soja Roan*. Write for "Wood'* Crop Special," giving price* and full Information •bout Soja Rean*, Oow Pees and all Seasonable Seeds. Mailed fro* upon requeet. T. W. Wood & Sons, SSSSSSMi, wehmend. Vs. I ' i ■ .i ■ i ty Britiah limft were pubUabad roatorday. It i* explained that the enfer hours of daylight enable see rfanif. tifhipt and kHt (miiloom to taaiat materially ia hunting down J-boata. Huanmer condition* favor he submarine hyntcrs whose inces sent searching of the seaa forre. •erman craft to seek deeper waters. An oheenrer in a British towing bal oon sighted certain things which, to lis trained eye, indicated the presence >f a U-boat at a great depth. Depth charge* were dropped and he oubmarine was obliged to shifi it* i Kwition. The halltoon continued on vatch and an hour later a submarine vas fihwrvwl to rmrrfr" a lor.g dir. ance away on the horimn ami start helling a sailing veaael. The balloon va« t»wed rapidly to the rpot and in he meantime the U-bort wa« forced 0 submerge by shcts from the t'v. njj v«*>«d. Under the direction of tin tullooon observer the towing vp.-el jot over the track of ti e U -boa t ami Iropped nine depth rha-irci. A large luantity of oil rnme to the ntrface, pnading gradually until it covered in area of a quare mile. A British dirigible sighted a U-boat (Harking a merchantman. The di-: -igible rearhed the spot just after tile .'-boat submerged and dropped a >omb three feet asiem. A quantity' >f oil came to the surface. The diri-1 rible dropped a second bomb, scoring 1 direct hit and lifting the submarine xi the surface momentarily after1 vhich it disappeared in a pool of oil. A seaplane sighted a U-boat sub nerging and dropped a bomb which | >rought a quantity of air bubbles to' J»e surface. The seaplane dropped I second bomb into the center of the :humed water and a great quantity of >il cam* to th* surfiace. The dis turbance continued for to long a time t was evident the submarine was mor ally wounded. (1 Tlurt la now • Mi(«dM flgfcting fa before i later of Matlotu! Iwilii ia mi ad-' draw today at Whitchurch "Tfco piwuaint an ww calling men froai agriculture, cual mines, and munition factories," aaid Sir A ark land, "and alao from all the other vital and aaaantial induatriea which they' have dona thoir boat to ronaarve and develop. THa daciaioa to do that wa< * coniiidarod vary gravely before it w» arrived at. "In the next few weak a everything depends upon our maintaining tha ar-1 miaa and, Heavy aa la tha call now hem( mada upon agriculture, I can not Nay that it will na the end of tl>» rall to ha made on that industry, he c%u*e there is no uaa of maintaining an induatrv, however vital, unless «tcp« are taken to secure victory in the Arid, becau-e victory we must have. "People "peak of impoosihilitiea hut . wa have done impossible thing* be fore, and we hava to gn on doing f hem. Although the m<*n are r>p:rif drawn' from civil life, the women will nave tin. as thev have done before." Somewhat Aasuring. Should wc take counsel of some of our pro-German alarmists we ^ would be disposed to believe that there was but little chance of our soldier boys ever returning to their native' heath. It in assuring to know that. the danger, however great, has been ' | much exaggerated. The Military Hospitals Commis sion of Quebec has kept an accurate account of the casualties of Cana dian troops and gives the following results of its observation: He has 29 chances of coming home | to one chance of being killed. He has 98 chances »f recovering from a wound to two chances of dying. | Ha has only one chance in 500 of loaing a limb. He will live five years longer be cause of his physical training. •i*. Umm n (Ml Kfc. la this war mm bu Mm frMB <U mmrm to wtrj ioti frMB bullets. Tlta war ia taaa wasteful than any uOmt in history. Only tan par cant of all Canadian* disabled far further sai-vlea have baa* physically unable ta mn(< ia thair former occupations. If your boy ia ona of .he ton (Mr rant tha r°«*nuMnt wt!l ra-alivata him in another voration at whi-h ha ran sarn a living. Much of tha tolh, m this regard, has been fftr tha specific purpose of 4iKoura(ln( ■nliatment. Of course •very-^one know* that death ta a part of the game of war,"»ml. at best, the aoldier'4 life is a hard and hazar dous on. The statistic* rlaarly «hoar 'hat' enlistment does not nerexjtarily mean wound, t or death.—Alabama Baptist. n • ' Cotil Defense Needs. W a "hingtmi, D. C— A llfi.WM), 400 appiop. i-'tion for e-Uibli.hing balloon and seaplane stations to guard the United. States against rub marines and air attack* was suited of Oongre'* yesterday by the War De partment. The department desires to establish lrt stations, 11 of them on the Atlantic coast and tiiree on the Gulf coast. Definite locations were not given. The coast defense plan as submitted by the department also calls for the establishment of mobile fortifications along the coa-Vj by which guns can be transferred on lailroads from one point to another to meet possible at tacks. ■Jl The House Appropriations Commit tee, to whom the request aent, was in formed that there were in operation sufficient Aircraft to defend the coasts adequately, but that the stations were needed. Operation of observation balloons would be largely for signal purposes. t/EI >QX ass United States Tires are Good Tires Now is the Time to Make Your Tire Buying a Business Proposition Now, in this time of war, it is more necessary than ever to buy tires for permanent economy Hundreds of thousands of motor ists have found that business judg ment in tire-buying leads straight to United States Tires. made them easily the most popular tires among owners of the biggest selling light cars. The same quality is built into all United States Tires—into the small sizes as well as the larger sizes for heavier cars. The phenomenal growth of United States Tire Sales is positive proof of this fact. The unusually high quality of United States tires has Select the United States Tire that fits your particular needs. Our Sales and Serv ice Depot dealer will gladly help you. Then stick to it. >> e know (Jotted states 1 ires are good tire*. 1 bat • why we tell tnem 0. N. Swanson, Pilot Mountain. • j" — F. L Smith Hdw. Co. Mount Airy. Pell-Mitchell, Pilot Mountain.

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