THE UNIVERSAL CAR Owner* of Ford cars arc advised to b« cautious of "counterfeit" or parts not made by the Ford Motor Company. Jf your car needs adustment, or repairing, take it to the authorized Ford dealer in your locality, where you will find a reliable service station, with the cmoplete mechanical equipment and the neceaaary tools to |ivs the highest quality Ford service obtainable—for the standard Ford price*. All the Ford parts used by Ford dealers are manufactured and supplied by the Ford Motor Co. m If your car requires the replacement of any part or parts, is in need of repairs— don't experiment; don't waste time and money trying to "do it yourself." It is one thing to understand and operate a car; it is another thing to make reliable repairs to a car. When anything is wrong with your Ford make a "bee line" or telephone the authorized Ford dealer. We are ready to give you prompt atten tion. So take your Ford car where satisfaction and economy are sure. GRANITE CITY MOTOR COMPANY MOUNT AIRY, N. WAR SAVING STAMPS. Surry County's Part of the Two I Billion Dollar War Saving* ' Fund. North Carolina $48,538,2 14.00 , urry County 653,510.00 Sryan Township, 41344.00' "> >hnon Township, 70,796.00. Sldora Township 33,000.00 fclkin Township, 46,618.00 Vranklin Township 25,190,00! Long Hill Township 11,198.001 &Iar»h Township. . 26,620.00 Mt. Airy Townmip lH4.690.00j Pilot Township 34,166.00. Kockford Township 31,372.00 Shoals Township, 23,342.00) Siloain Township, 23,782.00; Stewarts Creek Township 46,684.00; Westfieid Township, 54.208.00 The above figure* are based on $20. |» r capita for every man woman and, child in the various townships. Some of our people are unable fi nancially to take their quota, some i perhaps dominated by theslarker spir ' It, well able to buy their quota and more, may perhaps refuse to buy any! War Savings Stamps at ail. No ope person can own in his or her own j name more than $1,000 worth of War Savings Stamps maturity value. But the head of the famiiy can buy to the limit for himself, for his wife and nhildren, even minor children if he so desire-. We have about 30 limit subscriliers to the War Savings fund in Surry. Canvassers for War Savings in the special drive during War Savings week June 23 to 28tn, *ii! emphasize the importance of liberal subscriptions and if the Townships are to reach their quota it will be necessary to have a number of limit subscriptions if each Township. The quota for each Township is ma turity value and not cost value. The subscription of the entire citi zenship in Surry will be solicited and the matter will lie vigorously present ed during the special drive. No one will be intentionally over! looked. If the people of our County will rally to the support of this work, and practice such economy as we have ant done heretofore, take our savings and some of our surplus, and all of (he idle money now in the tin box in the various homes in our county, and invest in War Saving* we will "go ever the top." — - - .isu. ..... State Must Succeed in The War Saving* Drive Winston-Salem, June 7,—There is 1 no alternative for North Carolina in j the matter of putting over her War Saving* Campaign by June 28, at-] cording to Mr. C. J. Thorson of Wash ington and Mr. Harry Palmer of Me-' hraska. representative* of the Nation-1 al War Savings Committ who recently, visited North Carolina State Head-; quarter* here for the purpose of aid- \ ing and advising in relation to the ^ar Saving* Drive of June 23-28.1 After a clone study of North Carolina I condition* and affairs at State Head quarter*, only one thing can happen j a* a result of the drive, they say, and that is that North Carolina will not only go "over the top" on that day, but will go over overwhelmingly. The visitors who are sent out by the National War Savings Committee at Washington express themselves a. being highly pleased with the pros perity of the South, particularly that of North Carolina and with the evi iltmt signs that the South will have no trouble in raising her full quota of pledge-, by June 28, and likewise, her sale* by December 31. Mr. Palmer is the man who has put Nebraska on the map as the first State to go "over the top" in War Sav ings. This it did a* eaily as March 23 by over $4,000,000 in pledge". Mr. Palmer explains not only Nebraska was able to do this but how she has been able to report the rale of a mil lion dollars of War Savings Stamp* every week since that time. Today she has gold several thousand dollars of Stamps over her quota. And he «aya, the people are not satisfied to slop buying Stamps. The Indication* I ure now that she will double her quota. It is the plan by which Nebraska has worked to *uch effective results that North Carolina and all other states of the Union has adopted in their War Savings drive this month. The plan has met th* approval not only of the President of the United State*, but also of the Governor of North Carolina. Both of these exe cutive officers have isvued proclama tion* calling on all people to observe War Savings Week by pledging to buy ax many War Savings Sump* a* he will be able to pay for the remain der of the year. Mr. Thorson nay* that he ha* found no State with a better organized and ond more keenly alive to the needs of j the drive than North Carolina. He emphasizes the fact that the Govern ment ha* issued its order* and no state ha* any other alternative but to comply. Administrator Page After Profiteers. Raleigh, June 8.—Miller* and deal-' er* who have been taking advantage < of the scarcity of flour and the "com bination *ale" order of the Food Ad ministration are likely to have a "run- ■ in" with State Food Administrator Henry A. Page, according to a state-! ment issued to the trade in the ofli- j cial Bulletin of the Food Administra tion which was issued today. Accord ing to this statement the conservation of wheat has been held back and dis couraged to a considerable degree by profiteering in corn meal and other | cereal substitutes and the Food Ad ministration is determined to call a halt on such business. State Food Administrator Henry A Page, after an investigation of corn price* in North Carolina and with knowledge of the cost-of the com im ported into the State, and with due regard to the legitimate margin* that may be charged by millers and re tailers, announced definately that her* after any price for corn meal to the consumer above Ave cents a pound will 1 invite investigation, and dealers found : to be chargin;: an unreasonable mar gin will be disciplined. The only ' justification for a price higher than | live cents a pound will be high freight rates or unusual cost of handling due i to some extraordinary circumstance*. I Th Is procedure Is in line with the new policy of the Foot! Administra tion to hepin investigators at the con sumers' and retailer*' end Instead of ' with the manufacturer* and jobber?. If there is any profiteering on any product anywhere along the Una of distribution it will be indicated in the I>rice t«> the eonsumer and with a nura-| ser of competent inspectors in the I field it will bo easier and decidedly I mure effective to begin investigations | it apparent profiteering with the re tailer. In some market.** in North Carolina corn meal is selling for approximate-, ly as much as wheat flour. The food Administration holds that there thoul.i t>* at least a difference of 20 per cent between the two products. Kaiser's 'Gold' Cup Wat Made of Pewter., New York. June 10 —German proof df the saying that all is not gold that i (flitters was forthcoming here today { with the disclosure Uiat the "magnifi-, cen|" cup which Emperor William awarded to the American winner of his ocean yacht racu In 1905 was not1 gold and way not worth $5,000 as was announced at that time It was made of pewter with a thin veneer of gold and was worth scarce!) M0. The deception reeoiled against the emperor during the recent Red Cross drive, it was revealed today, as it was auctioned and reauctioned until it added 1125,000 to the nation's mercy fund. President Wilson was in the audi ence when "the gold" trophy bearing the emperor's likeness engraved on the side was offered for auction a lew weeks ago. II« probably was desi ruus of determining the real value of1 the cup as well as witnessing the auc tioneer's efforts.. Wilson Marshall's yacht Atlantic, won the race for which the cup was given as a prize. IF INTERESTED in a course in! stenography, see mc and talk it | over. I have room for a limited num ber. only, in the class beginning now.| Call and see me n« Mrs. Spaugh's! residence, 837 Oak street, or telephone! No. 30 for special low rata offereJ during June. Mr*, ( has. 11. Comptan. ARE YOU interested in Shorthand and typewriting T Gat my special summer rate and enter at ooce. Mr*. Coaspton <t_: • i#y I I i toi 1 Greatest Commercial Fleet in all History. South fond, Ind. June 10.—America in 1920 will have a merchant marine of 25,000,000 deadweight tons. Chair man Hurley of the shipping board de clared here tonight in an address giv ing the most complete statement of the nation's shipbuilding profraa which has not yet been made public. He was speaking to the graduates of Notre Rame university. This commerce fleet, Mr. Hurley said, is largest ever assembled in the history of the world and involving the expenditure of more than Ave billions of dollars will link the United States to South and Central America by weekly steamer service which will en able the Latin-American countries to utilize their unlimited natural resour ces in the freest competition with oth r nations. It also will bridge the Pa cil " for the transportation of the pro ruct of Japan. Russia, China, Austra lia an. the Orient, and will continue to promote America's trade with Eu rope. NOTICE. North Carolina, Surry county. In Recorder* Court, Mount Airy Town ship. Notice of Summons and warrant of attachment. Hoon Thomas, Plaintiff, vs. S. J. Sutphin, Defendant. Tne defendant above named will take notice that a summons in the above entitled action was issued against said defendant on the 10 day or June 1918, by A. E. Tilley, Judge of the Recorders Court of Mount Airy Township, for the sum of Five Hun dred dollars due said plaintiff by rea son of a wilful, malicious and violent a sault and battery upon his person on Sunday, the 2 day of June 191ft.. in which serious damage was done plaintiffs person which ha* resulted in great damage to his health, which s'imntons is returnable on the 10th day of July 1918 before A. E. Tilley, Judge of the Recorders Court of Mount Airy Township. The defen dant will also take notice that a war rant of attachment was issued by said Judge of the Recorders court on the '0th day of June 181# against the pro perty of said defendant, which war rant is returnable before the said Judge of the Recorders Court on the 10th day of July 1918, when ami where the defendant is required to ap pear and answer or demur to the com plaint, or the relief demanded will be frtnUd. This the 10th day of June I91S. A. t TILLEY, Judge of Recorders Court. Mt. Airy Township. A.VNOINCEMENT At the solicitation of many of my friend*, both democrat* and republi cans, I have decided to become an in dependent candidate for the Senate from this Diatriet comprising Stokes and Surry Counties. Many voter* in thia diatriet be here that the present nominee haa had the honor long enough. If I am so for tunate as to receive your vote in the coming election, it will please me to have enacted such laws aa are neces sary for our countie* regardless of politics. Yours truly, C. C. HUTCHES. t OK SALE OB BENT. My two story eight room house 192 Orchard street. Large basement. Good barn, large garden. Terms reasonable apply to W. E. Barnard of the Surry Mercantile Company, or writ* to me at 26 West Buffalo street. Concord, N. C. B. M. Taylor. THIS WEAK, NERVOUS MOTHER TeDs How Lydia E. Pinkh&m'* Vegetable Compound Restored Her HoaJth. Philadelphia. Pa.—"I was very weak, always tired, my back ached, and I felt B.cmij IDUil 01 UN time. 1 want to • doctor tad he mm! I bad oarvoua lodi Kration, which ad dad to my wnk condition kept ma . worrying moat of the time — and ha aaid if I eoofal not •top that, I could not cat wall, I heard ao mochaboat LrdiaE. Pinkham '• V abatable Coin prMino my noibana wanleo nruiurii. I took it (uritwk and felt a Bttle twt t<-r I kept it op for three month, and 1 feel floe and can eat anything now without di«Uv»* or nei-you*i>**>. — lira. J. Wouthum*. 2842 North Taylor St.. I'hiladelplu* Pa The majority of mother* nowaday* <"• Mo. there *r* *o many demand* upon their time and «tr*n*lh, the remit I* invariably a weakeiw.1. run-down, oervou* ron ' with brad*' Irritability an ■KMT* ItTIOUl ailment* <V»tlop. IP* M sach yriwfa Ja Mft^Utat Lyitta^Hl tn£n»\hTw«rt5^ ""V' **

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