j LAND WANTED! f you have Farm* or Lou tr> acil—wiile us. ■Ve will sell it to your advantage even if it tt ' -nted out for thi* year. The service we render ur clients is cqjnplete in crery detail. Wo lake neceskary/improveincnts on property— ih-divide and attend to tlie publicity details f each sale. view or oni or our pamm ialu Subdivide and Sri! City, Suburban and Farm Property at Auction V.jur bur.irjess. in our hands will get rcsulu. Wiitc 'js tut information <! c.r auction methods before you c..iuu.cr thf s+le of your property. Farm Su/es Our Specialty. Territory Unlimited. ATLANTIC COAST REALTY COMPANY Tut NAum that jUBTirica youh courto*net Ci TICKS. PETERSBURG, VIRCIN! A mnd CREENVILLE. N. CAROLINA References: Any Btnk io Petersburg, V*. or (irernville. N. C. V Dr.H.R.Heg6 Dentist Olltrr corn cr Main and Moore SU_ Oppunito Hawka-Rothrork Drag Co. OFFICE HOURS: S a. m. to 12 m. 1 p. m. to 5 p. n. Mount Airy Iron Works F-vmdry and Machiiw Shop Repair Work a Spocialtj A largo rariaty at aaatiaga a atoefc. othara maia to acdar. J. D. MI NICK. Mt. Airy. N. C, Aa«. M. im. $1,500.00 Pilot townabip boai\ To Bo Sold. Sealed bi«l* addreaaad to the under pinned will he received by th« High way Commiaaion of Pilot Townabip, Surry County, at Pilot Mountain, N. C., until 12 o'clock noon June 17, 1918, for the purchase of (1,600.00 bond a of Pilot Tnwnxhip, bearing intercut at 6 per cent. Bonda to b« $500.00 uai'h and run for IS year*. Interact payable Hemi-annually. Bonda auth orized by Acta l'J17, Chapter 279. All bula muKl ba for at leaat par and accompanied by caah or certified check for 2 per cent of amount of bonda bid for, payable to the under signed. The right to reject any and all bida ia reaervad. This May 4th, 1918. R. E. SMITH, Treaaurer, Highway Commiaaion of Pilot Townahtp. Mount Airy Realty & Auction Co. J. A. ATKINS, Manager MOUNT AIRY. — North Carolina. 11 you want to bay or sell apply to Wo handlo all kinds of Real Estate, public aad private. OFFICE OVER EARPS STORE. Chestnut Oak Bark Wanted! We are now issuing contracts for bark t* be de livered at our sheds during the seasonof 1918. We will pay 5 cents per 100 pounds more to those parties contracting their peel to us than to parties not hold ing contracts. We reserve the right to stop issuing contracts whenever we feel that we have sufficient bark contracted to meet our requirements. No contracts will be sent out by mail. Obtain contracts from Mr. A. Johnson, in charge of Mount Airy station. This February 28th, 1918. C. C. Snwot & Sons Co. Kid a# Wmmmm \m War Waafc Ur«ML Auatln. Tot.—Every mmi'i or raniaattoa aad every leeality in (Im Mala ot Toth are urged, In aa ad Ireee laeuod U the mm of th« luw, to aead nfiMwuUna to • »ar college far wwm which ia to be mI4 here, at the atoto univereity, 'rom J una 24 to 21. Tha eddreaa Ja ligned by tha atoto foed adminiatrs or, tka preaidenta of tha univaraity ind tha Agricultural and Mechanical College, tha atoto chairman of tha numtn'i c xnmittoa, Council of Na ^onal Pafanaa, and tha atoto chair-1 nan of tha Wmaan'i Liberty Loan' 'ommittee. Tha purpoaa of tha col a(a ia atotod briefly in tha worda of ha woman'i committee of tha Council if National Defenae: "It la to coordinate tha activitiaa ind tha reaourcea of tha organized ind unorganised women of the State, hat their power may he immediately itllixed in time of need, and to aupply I new and direct channel of cnmmu iication and cooperation between rumen and governmental depart - nenta." All war activitiaa for women en larged by the federal government will »e diacuaaed and plana for incraaaed ictivity conaidered. TRUTH TRIUMPHS. Mount Airy Citizens Twtify For tho Public B«Mtt A truthful atatement of a Mount Airy citizen, ifiven in his own works, •hould convince th« moat skeptical about the merita of Doan's Kidney fills. If you suffer from backache,) nervousness, sleeplessness, urinary disorder* or any form of kidney ilia, use a tested kidney medicine. A Mount Airy citizen tell* of Doan's Kidney Pills. Could you demand more convincing proof of merit? R. H. Newton 1&4 Lebanon St. day*: "I have alwaya found Doan's Kidney Pills all that ia claimed for them. I recommend them to anyone who ia in need of a good, reliable kidney me dicine. Whenever my kidneys have been out of order I have taken Doan's Kidney Pills and it require* only a few doses to make my kidneys act right-" Price HOc, at all dealer*. Don't ■imply aak for a kidney remedy—get Doen'i Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Newton had. Foster-Milbum Co., Mfgra., Buffalo, N. Y. NOTICE. Pursuant to an order of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Surry County in the Special proceedings entitled E. W. Scott, guardian of Leslie E. Scott, Lunatic therein appointing me commissioner for the purpose, I will ■tell at public auction to the highest bidder on the premises on the 6th day of July 191S, at 1 o'clock, p. the following real estate, lying and being in the town of Siloam, N. C. ad joining the lands of K. N. Marion and rtliers and known as Lot No. 21 as per plat of leid town. Beginning on a stake 30 feet west' jf the old Tine and in the line of lot >n the North side of the Alley and -uns South 77 degrees west 165 feet .o a stake, then North 13 degrees west >6 feet to a stake, then North 77 d«-| free* East 166 feet to a stake, then south 13 degrees East 66 feet to thei >eginning, containing one fourth of an icre more or loss. For further doacri-| >tion reference is hereby made to deed ■ecorded in the office of the Register >f Deeds of Surry County in book No. I 2. page 388. Terms of sale, one half cash remain ng one half in 12 months. Title re aincd until all the purchase money is laid in full. This the 31st day of May 1918. E. W. SCOTT, Com. iy Folger, Jackson A Folger, Attys for Commissioner. TKI STEE'S SALS. By virtue of the power conferred ipon me by a deed of trust executed >n the 21st day of March, 1916, by W. J. Roberts and wife Lily Roburts, and ecorded in BooL 61, peg* 293 of the lecord of Mortgages of Surry County, will sell to the highest bidder for ' a*h in front of the First National lank in Mount Airy on Tuesday the 8th day of June, 1918, at one oclock '. M.. the following described reel , f tate, towit: A piece or parcel of land lying in l fount Airy Township and bounded as ollows: 1 Commencing at a point on East I 'oplar Street in block 29 of T. B. M.\ argo's survey for the Granite City .oen and Trust Company of Mount | iiry. 260 feet from the corner to wards Main Street and on the corner . f a lot sold W. P. Shclton and runr rith the said Poplar str«et 200 feet ront going bark with Shelton's line ctwoen parallel lines 2j»» feet I eing a lot sold to W. B. Roberta by i B. Kessee on the 21st jf March, I 916. t R. M. SIMMONS, Trustee, i This May 10th, 1918. t Washington, D. C.—FulWwtnj mftrom with Prandmt Wilna. Mr. rtouvar Ku nuuia public a MMMI H which ha outliaaa hia oppoaitien to ha lUndall aaiandmaiit. Ha aaya: | "Aa to tha diacuaaton at Um .up praaaion of brawing, I wiak to aay smphatically that from a rtrWIjr faod ■nnnarvatlofi point of ri«w, I •huutd ika to aaa tha uaa of foadatuffa »up rn-aaaad in nil diinka, hard and aoft. rhi. la not, howavar, tha whola ■tory, Wa utoppad dlatilling a yaar ago. Hiara I a long auppty of whiakay, gin ind ot. «r 20 par cant ta 40 par cant ilatillaJ drink* in tha country. Wa lava radocad tha conanmption of Fnodiituffa in hrawii.g by 90 par cant imi radorad tha alcohol contant of, •>aar to 2% par cant. "If wa atop brawing tha aaloona of tha country will still ba opan hut con finad practically to a whiakay and gin '>aaia. Any trua adrorata of tampar »nca and of national efflciancy in thaaa timaa will ahrink from thin situation. for the national danger in it la (ruler i than the um of some 4,000,000 bushel* at (rain monthly in the breweries. If| the American paopla want prohibition it should prohibit by legislation to1 that end and not forra the Food Ad ministration to tha responsibility for an orgy of drunkenness. It ia mighty difficult to get drunk on 2% per cent j hear; it will be easy enough if we; forea a substitution of diatilled drinks j for it. "The Food Administration has gone an far aa it can toward temperance without precipitating a worse situn tion. If the American people or Con gress will ntop the sale of ditftiHed liquors, the Administration will And no difficulty in (topping brewing." Iu a letter to Senator Sheppard, leader of the prohibition faction in the Senate he referred to an exchange of rommunicationii between the Preai dent and the Senator, and indicated that the President held the name view* as himself. He wrote: "The wines produced in thin coun try. are froir grapes of which a very small proportion are available as table or rmiHin grapes, and therefore the stoppage of wine making would add no consequential amount of food to our national supplies. The conver sion of vineyj'.rtln to other production would not be likely so lon>? as there ia prospect of resumption of wine mak ing at a late date. The conversion of these grapes to grape juke instead of wine, as suggested, would add nothing to our national food supplies. n nn rrjfaru 10 orewinff, me alco holic content in b««r was reduced to 2% per cant, and th« amount of grain and other foodstuffs that could be used has been limited to 70 per cent of that used during the corresponding period of the previous year, the effect being to .stop any expansion of brew ing and to reduce the fodostuffs con sumed by 30 per cent. The actual amount of grain being used in the brewing of beers is at the present time approximately 4,500,000 bushels per month, of which approximately 30 per cent is recovered as cattle feed and the loss, therefore, into the beer is practically the equivalent of 3,150, LK>0 bushel* per month, the grains used being barley, corn, and broken rice. "Theie is, of course, a great deal of rontention that the beer itself con suls the remaining food values. But imitting this, the cessation of brew Jig would effect a saving in grain of ippruximately 3,150,000 bushels a nonth, from a nutritive point of view, it needs no comment from me, from i food point of view, thai 1 should 'avor the saving of thi.; amount of train. "It does appear to me that the | oases in food are entirely secondary i o the moral and physical danger*. Phe President's letter indicates his celing in this particular. " You are probably aware that 1 lave been a life long believer in na ional temperance; on the other hand, j I is n purely administrative officer of he government, I have felt strongly hut I should not enter into any cont entions matters." Stomach Troubles and Constipation. "1 will cheerfully say that Cham erlain's Tablet* are of the most sat ■factory remdy for stomach troubles nd constipation that I have sold in Kirtjr-four years' drug store service," rriUs 8. H. Murphy, dn*gtat. Walla ug, N. Y. Obtainable everywhere. LONG DROUGHT MOKZM.1 id ia «9»t Tkh far two or am rear*, cauiung llttlo lw than ilMulw » the cattle riuui| Induetry of Toil um boon partly if not wholly bruh—. rhroo good, Making rauw fail la that Ititrirt within tho ftrat 17 days iA May. Crass la now rowing not, we ar holoo have hoon partly filled and a ronoral aptrit of optimism prevail* with tho cattlemen, many of whoai itakod fortunes on tho effort to hold Mlt. Ranrhnton who had waitad froai north to month for tho rains shipped :h«u«ands of cettle out of thla dis trict to other rang**. All of Texas »e»t of a Una drawn north and south through Man Antonio constituted tho Irought district, practically all of *hirn U devoted to the cattla raining industry. Part of the district, how ever, contains some agricultural laod levotad moetly to truili farming. Lit tla cotton or corn it grown. The drought began in »ome sections lata in the rammer of 1014, and al moin aver since the cattlemen have, M a Mm « (Mr haads it mm A* at tkat um la 1»U tke . aiUtaUoa pw aw* iirlm aad tke ' rainfall *u far Uto* 11 n aial Early to l»l« a large part ef tke Mrat hag fair rataa, bat there war* au; toga araaa whwh had nana and otkere where tke rata fail aa rapidly that it ■ltd liltia gee*. Tkrougkout tka mub mer of 1916, all tkreagk lt!7 aad Mil into llll, coaditioaa grew steadily Pla>nri at weet Texas declare It waa tile worst dry »pell over that Me llon ia a century. Dust ntornta which •wept Ike aertion a few week* prior to tke rains were ike worst and moot severe experienced ia a (eneratiea. In Han Angelo tke duet storma were aa ■evere that all outside work had to be .•depended and tke iky waa ao dark that it waa nereaaary to uae elertric light* for indoor work. ' A general influx of cattle whirh had been ahipped out of weat Texas ia ex ported to begin aoon. Cattlemen however, point out that it will require years to stock tke ranckee aa before the drought hit the rangee.— Ex. WMOEYS Kccp WRIGLEYS in mind at the lonaesr lasting confection you can buy. Send it 1 the boys at tbe fron K|T/ War Time Economy P™ In Sweetmeats— t 5-cent parts— of will give you several days* enjoy ment: it's aa investment in benefit as weN as pleasure, for tt befpe TCCTn, PfWul, dPPCTlIC* QUECSTIOCL Cbew It After Every Meal The Flavor Lasts! w Teach Children to Beware of Flies KipUn to thou bow IHm are hatched in fUth. Hot/, after crawling arourvl in outhooaea. pHriaa, manare pilM and on) dnJ animal* and decayed matter, they coma into the borne and wipa their nasty feat on tha hmOy food. leeeing a trail of dia aaaa (tnoa naj«>ai. Fliet Com laiantile Paralpia, Typhoid and Other Fever* Tha ban doctor* In tba world will tan you that fliee ara tba caaaa of a jreat daal of aickmaa, eepeciatty aamJber complaint, Manilla paraly lia, dysentery, typhoid and other fever*. Don't let Biaa bring aicfc oaaa Into yoor horse, RED DEVIL LYE KILLS FLIES KMp a can Of HSU UB.V il. lie, in your ^1-ixuw WN •(iuhlw h an th« fttih trHljr. one* « Nrtct ■ w»t It trinwm tta thk. daniuja Ihi #y IQI and ptwrmmtm odon and ^i>m» FOR SALE AT ALL CJtOCSU Write far Fr.* iMkfat " PIEVENr* WE 8CHIKLD HIM CO. tT. UW MO.

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