iSow Wood's! Scedi. Cow Peas After Hanestiai Grain Crops — fc- -..■ j AagAM nnn r Pfiwwfw aratiaa t« m all um oow MM poeelbla after harvaatlnf grain crap* thie (Mr, m) ta ImntN the (»r Ulltr end prodiioUveneea •( their *_.i> for crape to fellow. The Sowing of Cow Peas at the Last Working of Corn •« I'M to be eirongl» recommended, farmers who have practiced thle claim that the cowing of Cow Peaa •rn mcreaoee the yield of corn, and at tha eame time It makaa a moet deelratle ec.l - Improving or forego crop. W/rlU for "IV OOO'S CROP «®r :iAL" giving pr'cae and Infor aia. .n abcul ail bcatonable Seeda. •V. Wood <4: Sons, 1. JoMCN, - R .Ttond, Va. Henry Ford Accept* Democratic Nomination Wa.-hinetmi. June 13.— Henry Kurd •leeided tonight to m-rept th* IVmo erntic nomination for wnator from Michigan a'vr l.flinjf U'jrftd to do »«»' l>y Pre ' Wil < Mr. Pbnl W n<*t ihi.i "At t'" idont Wilson'* r<-«|U"~t I * ti »" ;it t t mi na tion fm n nator from Mit hiica i if I !<■ " J mi tt*at there ! < 'jr nil '" for xtrviri* to .'iiir ■< ■ - !!v ;i- p .on" w 1 rorfjinir r"*>: . \ro«nt* > »tn r«i I • find v. ilUnjr ) tie. • I ; it.! »ft'i to t our piv»ide»t in th' :i! A.'-rk. Every mun rxpnet lv '..l.f " ■' >' i. I f> ,'S.r^i ! ■ >/ \ " .-ver <iv jfrwr. • c t ne»»i j Mount * iry Ira Worts ' Four.dtj and Machine Shop Rcp.iir Work u Specialty A ' uriety of mstinjcs h s ucfc c;:;<k lo order. • J. D. MIN1CK. r-i. A: r. N C.. Angi 20, r-15. II wen North CarvtUM, .Hurry rounty. Ii Reem ler? Cvurt, Mount Airy Tuwn Mm. Nutwe u( .Summon* and warrant of attachment. Hmm TVaui. PklMlff, v». I. J. Sul hia, Tm defendant above nuMd will taka notki tk t a iiinauiu in tha above entitled act lea waa iaaued uainat aaid defendant on tha 10 day <T June 191S, hy A. K. THtaf. Judre <rf tha Recorders Coo . of Mount Airy Townnhip, for the, Hum of Five Hun dred dollar* dua xaid plaintiff by rea »on of a wilf»l, malicioiia and vioiant ar.-inult and battery upon hia person on Sunday, tha J ilay of Juna 191H„ in which nariouH i!<ma|a waa dona plaintiff'a per.ion which ha- reaulted in irreat damage to hia health, which • ummona ia ratumabla on the 10th day of July I9IH before A. E- Tilley. .'ndffe of the Racordara Court of Mount Airy Townnhip. The defen dant will alao take notice that a war rant of attachment waa imued by aaid Jin lire of the KeroMiera court on the 10th day of June I :• 1H ajrain t the pro perty of said defendant, which war rant i- returnable befn:e ihe .aid .(udjfe of the Reorder* Court on the loth day of July 19111, when and where the defendant ia required to ap |M>ar and iniver or ilomur to the com plaint. or the rehvf demanded will be granted. Thia the 10th day of June 1918. A. fc. TIIJ.KY, J .iI.t of Recorders Court, Mt. Airy Township. \orirK. Put lant *•» ;>v '.!er of the- Clerk of t.):*• SufH»nor < »urt of Sm . > ('our t j'i th'4j »&! c-ntilled W. £•* " mhan of L# sie K. f.ui-aUi* appointing n f,.r purpose. 1 will - vT^" •■ .i tiu> hirln i i < • <•': l'i Oil) d&f i>( Ji*l> > '• r.l I o'clock, p. m. 5r f ' « ta1 . ■ ■ - r ; <••! Oi Sil'ia\ ''. Ji'i - ihc. en hh«1 . kr Lvr. . • Ut No. 21 as <f{« of the AHtv an r-, w-.', v ii!5 fet nit', ,r«u.- rii •? w fourth of an • •• pi m? • t« • < " ■•■• «• « ' i;-,» Rv.<*u t*.»r «, . . v • vol No. UiSt>■ Ma-' 191*. !», W« SCO T, <V>ro. Jw't *W«r. Atiyc "v!-> ivr,- offering Wa :■ Stamp*. n-vin/ iri *ioi srifi ulcmg. <mr * )a itFaiiy & AUiUui J. A. ATKINS, Manager MOUNT AIRY, — North Carolina. . — W» Kindle all >n 1 private. :r. • VER EA.^P'S STORE. 2800 Lots and 6'0M Acres ' Sold in 1917 .*»*.*** 1 "R1 \G 1917 '.re ?o11 29' 0 City I I )• t ■- and 62ftO Aef<"5 of I ;ir • f k , i ! l.- running acres and up to farm. | | T . . . . \ \\ ? ! vc a tr.i \c<\ :r nization 3 ;l -,p inH.-ing in subdividing and ' : !iin^ land ut Public Auction. By ( ur method we quickly turn your property into cash a:;d interest-hi-aring notes. Weobtain f it ^ factory r^: :ilts where u^ual methods fail. If You Have City Property or Farms For Sale—Write Us • < w e can pet results for you. Full information will lie mailed you FR1.K. Tells you what we 1 have done for others what we can do for you. WRITE FOR IT TODAY ! Fitrm Sa/rr Our Rfxc 'utlty. Territory I 'n/int '-ft/]. ATLANTIC COAST REALTY COMPANY THf NAK4K THAT JUMT1FIC9 YOUR CONFIDENCE Olflccs: Petersburg, Va. and Green ville, N. G REFERENCES: Anr Bark in Purrtbwrg, VTrjinia or Greeiwrille, North Carolina Worried Abmmt Cmur'i Ldiiii to Antricu ScUtiwi In eniafcinc oat tha of Gtrnunum w Um Unitad Slata* Um VoikuMtung, ■ newspaper oi Ctbfiw Gtrrun y seee b disaster in b MMiin btltnriiif the Teutonic military UWMHI. An aA rial dispatch from France commenting on paeuoiistlr dWoiimii in the Ger man pre** of event* in the UnitaH State*, quote* the Volluieitung a* fol lows : "Mr. Wilson hope* to aucreed in crushing the Herman element*. He will iuiymiI, The (ierman pre** ii already nearly uiuhed out of exist ence in America. The greater pnrt of the German school* are cloned. The German association* are required to strip themaelve* of all vestige* of Germany. It ii a complete debacle. "It is unnecessary to he pessimistic to realize that the consequence of our European victorias are in a meas ure. balanced by the ram total of the !o- ea we have suflered in Amcrica. All this could have bean a foreseen. "After th«? war Germans will no longer lie aide to enter Amcrica. The Hamburg-American and North (ier man I.lnyd lines are entering in the Mack, batik. Shipbuilding yards aii.l <4Reas have bi<-n weU v. ith the pr !. " • its- «•/ •< -.I'tng to t.t rmany after th<- v ut. The Air. <r if an prt -« tt peaks of forbidding G?J'mn;»». to buy bjj> i . .l.itif yards. It will ba the end of (Ik; man trnns-AUnntic commwe. "Bafcidcs these maj tUnic force.". fJrmim « t • rwpt* entice million at JftHai . r.uck* of copper, nitkfcl, ■"■tt'.r, !e»ther and chemical prodtn ' have 1-ti eiied a:,i] utiliXfcd to fabri 1#S!3r~A'r/.i- :> ."'i war rj .: • ' mi." German Papier* ar? Full c'f Eoailful U-Boat T;.!k. V, u .! ■ .. Jji.'je ■' arc; • c ' o i■■-an > ■ |)np«?. 01 the afvrxiaiiHMSi of irv,\'.:t<* off Ihn AiriCi>t:an coM . MmnHzail ill • . r»».-;nyiit IJ i ll t'l iay ).;j th« Ka'c department. Oris pk • i ir.i.TU \ , .!.• i';V ' pit-orU . !■ v ■ .0 tut thp . hejjrflmiftg untl ailili-.l: ■ will ■ iij I ,le t •.•>«;<• • » II ii::. the man<..w l: Wlkbn't horvea run cold," r * AnMber '"Tfcr Aitiericafc ure «!'*eatiy t:'uno ling in fear "of (isrrami a.i i.tUu:). , a«l tar -t-jfttp fas> inn be far ui>taat w Amiiiicfi." {X .. wtU burn . ■ :;ti\ . i -i: pi) ; . * ti4.iv lit A ;nv; - 0«r«.r • I'TplU ' f<s ciT^.t;■' C; ?"U.i iC-i**** tta*,- *k<1 everything tUw thai inan •i- ■ All 0.1 - t on} U- a >r • ..! to iif over with after lire war, our drearr * 1 caiizod. So the popu Vai r, ition. Our <!• !.-c to ! uvt it over with i« understandable. No nation i* nfi'.i:ally n!ir of p< ace. W»i Win thru-'. uj»on u* l.y ngirrca*ion nf an insane power. There waa noth ing to do but accept the ihallenife, i • tl.« re ij "!> rcjfrtt ft.' mv- im.w but peace in the natural estate of America and Will always be looked forward to even in the hfat of war. There i no danger that thi< (Veinn will result in peace before the time is ripe. All know now that the price of peace worthy of the name u the de-1 fent of Germany.- "Hie nation that went into the war with eyt.i open and | a full undentandinK of the ..aerifies demanded will not lie turned a ide, until the end in reailftd no matter how alluring: the prospect, "when the war, in over." Every time you buy anything poo-J pie Work for you. _ S»ve lalwr and ma- ^ teriaU for the uie of the Government. Serve abroad or nerve at home.) Buy War Saving's Stamp#. Home imI Community Drying of FrwiU and VtpUUu By C. D. Matthew*, AiiiitaiM H«rti rolturiiti. . The preservation of aurplua fruita, and vegetable* by dry in* *houid be- , cifflc an important part of our thrift! program. Drying U not a panaraa for tlx entire trait* evil, nor tkould it replac • the lUirini; or canning of fruita and vegetable* in the home, but ■hould k« u*ed to "Upplemant the** two agenriea nf (-"innervation. Whan canning ia not feavible or tin and glaaa container* ara not expensive or ara not obtainable, drying afford* a prac tical mean* o' miMiig iheaurplu* pro duct* that otherwine would b« wasted.. Thin year added emphana ia given to trying becau « of ine shortage and price of ran suitable for ranning. In normal limes, large quantititH of > esretables are wanted becau e of I the lack of markets, poor trannporta ■ lion facilities, or because of no mean -1 >f utilization. Thil waste could well: i* minimized by the une at drying. There in a greater need for food I thrift and con.tervatton thin <.i-on tii • tr before. Wo are . «.j', Vi* i.:■>•■! | I * h the urplu: peri 'hahle produce n lay.".! nuRilier of fr&t-■ I »t- '.:i- ! h ' <■ r tr i plant**!. In [m "t ti 'iond, pro }«**■'/. are **»■<•< ttfitt f >r*ft htrfctt fruit crop. With Ihe con* l uel iwFrtlwwiK JuiKKftg* of labor for | ,.»•• durtion ar.i! the pr^wtalf 4'm; nd ^ 'or '<w*i < it i- of the p.-cat* rt. :nJH~1' wit, und i ill fat" a jiat.r: !,<•■ [vltttjs t" Mctend evi-vy energy in tb»" (>.;>■ of the »«-•• t. jwi'W, i.-nt tuai.r f th f.. ! . i" . rtli/.n (-.roVrnt:; i; 8 I ■ 1 i th« universal dryim of fi-uit* and viK»aiab'««. With roid V-. ' ■<!. OKt >rh\ hi*-: -v<\mVrjperj', ' tbo f«sw yw»n fc/-w Ccv- i - •' r u*. i-' ' . a' tft 'f»vi h |i< - p!e in spilt of the UV<d;a hr ' .(•If 'if.'.,hr. Von ■' .■• t-,) the 1 pro-'?rv»! frtr! , - ai>graiu ftk Mir*'f hevfe !k<is ss*.*j - i'V 3ari»5»c-' in the eity «*;• "kafi (va'*e baftn fti-ced by tn« gcvoT'rf ■ 'tatal into Uirsre. mtjnkipa! dryiujj. nilaiyt!^. : Climaisuii'.y hjrft ' t-orp ■ - 1Tit : ' .■ ■ . . Oersjnay ha.i at ih« A^aowS < .. i-i p:.: .ta i • i- a tiud; -.'Av it i e.'iliji-aun! ih%t >"■>.* nujrbot has beta incjsw.'ed \o exit ■■ - • ■ . ist- :tm r ' . * . T' ! ' ' - ■ • , " of 'lie •:<- »ii "irV! versus'v- • I-.a. 1.-Ar\ U.'th \ke "t '•• » •' ££ ■ ?-+*-} Quality"flji/vr.r. «ft.iilfi. • »••. *: vii&e. Whci e tV»t' s-pe^wUd-n v. a> pv«.»-. h^y^efen-j rrmovot?. While heme ilrying: is not as fcoro mical and : ■ t. as when done on> a cr.rr.nv;;,y bt<ii, h ,'avM (mI iiiat would p"> to waste. ami should 1101 i>ej nejrlerted when a community drier la, not available. Where dryitip ran he done on the commitity (>Ian, it t« much more tujl-| viaabl# because the labor is less and the results I t- er than ulien dune at h■■me. Where p ■ ibW. special effort* should lie made to oriranec communi ties for the installation and operation of community drying plants. The Feonomy and Fflirienry of Drying The rel t: n in weight and hutlf is, one of the t advantage* of dry-! ing. The' Jreiv-ht may l>e reduced to; from one seventh to ore-ffttociith of that of thefrt h material, according to the amount of moisture extracted and Inedible wu -te removed. The buIV is reduced from f>0 per cent to 80 per rent. Plied products effect a great sav ing incontalner* as they require fewer jars, cans, or other containers than do canned fruit* and vegetable*. Con Hi— ii act »uttiWi far canning, awk aa fatlkMrd boxes and paper b*fi, may ba utilised. An extremely important feature of drying consists in the ability U utilise material that otherwise is not ready marketable. Undersized vegetables cannot he marketed directly and are often wasted. If, however, undermzed v«(«uUu are prope ly dried and pre pared, they are ju«t a* valuable as the larger ones, for they are put in such form that the difference in fixe is not of importance. The U. S. Department of Agricul ture uml the U. 8. Food Admimstra tion are the authorities f<>r the state mrr.t that dried products are equal to the tanned. Practically air fruits and vegetables may be driad, though with only ordi nary attention some vegetables fur ni-h a better product than others. The operation of drying: is very simple and the cost liprht. AI1 inquiries regarding the nere - •ar> equipment far dryit.a .and method-. empSoyd *ho\! ! f, :.1<I <xl to C. D. Matthews, A»«isUutt Hor ticulturist, N. C. Exten. • Sf ■ vice, :vrh. V. •' •>' Washington, J una 17.— la appraa iD( today —ntea c»a ranging from || ■aillii la SO ymtn' fprtu— «al impoaad by court martial upaa It |ri«al« who rafuaad aiiilary ■aroea at (ampa Upton. N. Y.. and Gorriaa, Oa.. Secretary Baker ma.te it plain that tha war department doas not ronaider thaaa man aa cuauif within tha rlmaa of conarientioua objertora. Tha man rafuaad service aolely ba> cause they were asked to light a rain it (iarmany ami Au.-tna. in whtrh coun triaa most of thaa claused to hava re lative*. Since thay ara not regardad aa conscientious objectors thay will n<4 hava tha right of a ravicw of thair cases by tha special I ward appointed to hear appeal* of »uch objectors. Dr.H.R. Hege Dentist Hffiff corner Main and Moore Ma., Oppu»iU' llaaka-Kothroct Drug la. OFFICE HOURS: 8 a. m. to 12 m. T p, nt. to ■» P- roj*v/o/ , M«"flh"~ — Kc?s> mtCLETS trj mind 2s %'rz !op2?sN h : :\T,i confection vc j cai tuy. Send ft to the toys at the front, f T' ne Economy - In Sv.-ciVnieists— a - : r- *2 Ct W-LEV'S will £ive ypq several days' enJoy rntffli i'"st - tr.\*r.f roust' Is hen" ci'^n'as pfsss-irc, for H fee&s ■ ^ * ' • v L 1 « in iSS'C- . Cr.:<y ft sr E"?ry »i.a k ..i, ■ ' i. Teach Children to Beware of Flies Explain to them how flies are hatched ir> ftith. Ho#, after cradling aruun.l in outhouse#, privies, manure piles and ovwr dud animals and decayed matter, they coma Into the borne and wipa their nasty feet on the faroi'y fcod, leaving a trail of die* ease germs everywhere. Flits Cause Infantile Paralysis, Typhoid ant! Other Fevers The best doctor# in the world will tell you that flies ere the cause of a greet deal of sickness, especially summer complaint. Infantile paraly sis, dysentery, typhoid and other freerr- Don't let Bias bring sick ness into your home. RED DEVIL LYE KILLS FLIES I K««p a can o4 HKD DEVIL LYB' In jrour out-hoaaa and aprinkl* It oct lha filth ftealy, one* or twic# • w*»lt It ronmnn tba flhh. dNtmn the mggn and pravanta odora and alrbnaaa FOR SALE AT ALL GROCERS Writ, far Fm hokkt "ftEVEHT" WH SCHIKLD MFQ. CO, 8T. LOUIS. MO.

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