GOV. BICKETT TALKS TO ASH COUNTY PEOPLE Blame* Action of draft »wd«n t oh Ignoranca and Fait* In formation. Jefferson, June In opening speech here today Governor Hickctt ■•id: "Men of the mountain: I <**m* '• y»o t«tntt| rtyhti y*tr (hi Amtnew lUuMwi m>rtw of CI*tern. Thierry h. he' last 24 hear*. One Carman machine wan »hot down by »ur anti-aircraft gun*. The American artillery ha* heavily shelled many vital and active spot* within the enemy line*, once obtain ing a direct hit in a detachment of marching German*. American* Are rRady. Kor day* the American* have been expecting thnt the enemy. *fung by the defeat administered to him re cently on this front wnuld make a vig orous asPBuIt'upon the American for ces, and it was partly for this reason that the American operation* in the Belleau section were carried out. With these operations completed, the Americans now hav« the country for several miles in front of them under their eyes and guns and can see what is developing. In consequence, when the expected blow corner they will be much better prepared to meet it. The American troops have made all preparation* and the Germans will get an exceedingly warm reception if they try what the situation today in dicate* they have in mind. The Amer ican* say thnt no matter where the enemy Jt.rikcs ho»i« hound to pay dearly for hi* effort and that the big ger the target jhe better the Ameri can force* will like it. the east of Chateau Thierry along the river Marne, except for con stantly increasing long range shelling on both sides comparative quiet reigns There has been no patrolling because the bright moonlight on the water prevent* a crossing but the American sniper* have been to active in the laat four days that the Germans rare ly ever make an appearance. Notice to Thrashers. Owing to the faot that th« wheat crop hat b«—n haixtjted earlier ihn j-ear than unual and the further fst-t that tha supply of flour is almost ex hausted, after consultation with the c mmittee slid the Food Administra tin at Ra'fizh, it is derided that the thi-a«heri can hegin on the l'Kh of the month instead of the lfith. Thrashwrs rill pleas* govern themselves arcard n*»y. This Joljr 2nd. l»t>. W F CARTER, Co. Food Admr. SENSATION IN HUNGARY LOSSES ARE ANNOUNCED "No Lack of Ammunition" Premier; "Lack of Pood," Declaree Deputy. AnnlfiUm, fun* SO.—Dr.Alexan der Wrkerle, the Hungarian premier, rauaed a nenmatiun in parliament Sat urday when a declaration regarding (he A uatro-Hungarian loaaaa in the laat Italian >iffen*ive, according to a Ilu German* within .10 to 60 day*, if1 we start now." After announcing that he had ac-l quainted the war department and the! aircraft board with thi* proposition, Mr. Workman raid he believed none) of the 10,000 plane* would be lo»t in! trans-Atlantic flights, and that, with a Hritiah and an American aviator; he would be willing to make the first flight, proceeding from Newfound-' land to Krnnce, via the Azores and! Portugal. Asserting that he consilient this route the best, he explained that a 7,000-foot volcano in the Azores would ■frfc on* guide and suj? Rested that "at least ten destroyer* in a Mtate of obeolesdence could be stretch-' ed out to act as lightships," so that i "pilots of the airplanes would never' be out of sight of a destroyer, togath- j "One* this is started," he said, "there will be a continuous chain ofj airplanes connecting the United j States with the continent of Europe, I from early morning untii late at night one machine leaving every ten minu-' tes, every day." Mr. Workman said that Mr. Page could bring here a staff of expert de signer* and turn out the machines in factories in Cleveland, Buffalo, De troit and Grand Rapids, deliveres to, start December 1, 1918. He added tlat in three days these' planes could be flawn from the mid-i die went to France, saving many tons i of shipping. These 10,000 airplanes, he de-' .•lared, could drop 38.000 tons of ex-1 plosives on and behind the German lines each rruht, or the equivalent of 38,000 shells from the "biggest guns yet constructed." General Carleton Grants Clemency to Two Soldiers Spartanburjj, S. C., June 29.—Clem ency was shown two private* st Camp Wadsworth convicted by general court-martial when Brig. Gen. Guy Carleton, conmmanding the corps and army troops, reviewed the cases. One sentence was reduced by half snd the other sentence entirely aside. Charged with being absent without leave from May 10 to May 23, Pr.vate Anthony Folevillano of*j»t»parry T., of the Second Pioneer infantry, has been sentenced to serve a year at hard labor by a general court-mar tial. Felevillano win have to serve but hulf thut time as General Carle ton, the reviewing offlccr in the case, reduced the sentence to nix months. Private Leo R. Pickles of company' B, Third Pioneer infantry, who was convicted by a general court-martial on a charge of assaulting Private Cal vin R. A. McKenzie, of the same or irnrtiation, and who was sentenced to serve three years* imprisonment at hard labor, han been restored to duty.' General Coleton m reviewing the case decided the evidence submitted wa;' not »u®cient to establish the guilt of Pickles, beyond a reasons Me doubt, and for that reason ordered him r stored to duty. A TAR HEEL LAD ENJOYS FIGHTING. I* a 3oldi*r of Fortun* u Well aa a SoldUr of Unci* Sam, And « SpUndid On* too. By H. K. Bryant In Otrlottt Obnar v«r. Washington. June 29.—Alexander Taylor, ion of Dr. and Mr*. I. M. Tay-1 lor, of Mnrgantnn la wmewhere In Kranra, hunting 'I'rmanr Ha la *ix feat, two inche*, in hia stocking*, »n! head, a warm heart and a keen sense of humor. Not long ago, t rama upon I.ieut enant Taylor. atanding on F utreet rubbering at th* girl* who promenade! on that faahioi.ahla throughfare, and I thought what a formidable opponent' he would ha, armed with a gun, bayonet and a butcher knife. He aaid j he wni on the way to the front, and hia aonrtant prayer waa that the I/ord should give iiim more power and an early opportunity to confrort a Hun.. I.ieutenant Taylor i« ■'well known! in North Carolina and Tenneaaee,1 where he went to vhool and worked. | He haa the reputation of being clever, daring and a hit reckles*. At col lege he ahunned hooka, and took to the outdoor*. For that reason he spent a while at Davidson and anoth er while at the uni\'er*ity. hut did not graduate. He took hia education where he found it, and he is well equipped. No 100ner had the United States entered the war than did Alexander Taylor enlist for the war. He quit the work of an array engineer. In a recent lettw; to his mother. Lieutenant Taylor sized up the situa tion in France as far as she is con-1 remed in the folowing sentence: "I like it very much nwer here, and you need not worry ahout me." Lieutenant Taylor is a soldier of fortune, with a love for his native; land. "The French people are ahout a* I expected to And them." wrote Lieu-1 tenant Taylor. "One sees only the' very old and the very young here; that, suppose is on account of the war. "Men here scramble for pennies, juat *a children do back home. While1 on the boat, before disembarking we amused ourselves throwing pennies to a scow full of them. All the chil dren beg for money and when they riee any one coming they hold out their hands. Nearly all the time children are running out to give us flowers. "Over near the port where we land ed the children wear wooden shoes— so do the frown people—and when they start down street they sound like runaway horses. "The American troops over here are in the finest sprite, and those who have been'to the front say that they like it a lot.. They like it so much that they have counted up how many hours it will be before they go back, just as we school boys used to count the beforejjjre .were to start home for Christmas. "There aren't* many of the hoy* who jfet hurt at tha front. 1 figure there isnl much more danger there than there is anywhere else. If one get* hurt it is an accident, just like being struck by lightning." Lieutenant Taylor had a jolly time on the way over; he had charge of »ome North Carolinia neyro draftees. "The trip orer," said he, "was very ^ pleasant. Two days of rough weather made quite a number sick. Durir.g the rest of the journey the ocean was nothing to do hut go to life-boat drill' and to stand watch once for four | hour*. The rest of the time I was either reading or sleeping. "It was mightly uncomfortable aboard for everybody. There were four (Ceeri In a»y state r»»as. which was about ouekalf the sin* of the^ ■•win* room at horn* It had to ho •hut «o aa to keep lifht f-om roHi| out. Rathinf* facilitisa wera poor; we had only alt water ah o wera. Tito nou waa rood. "The laat three daya we had to atajr fully ilraaaad at all timea, and to wear our Ufa praaarvara, wh»rh waa not vary comfortable. If the ahip had )>e«n run k tt would have boon my duty to go overboard on a raft with a hunch nf negrnee. "On tha taet nlfht out the «ubraa rine -Iran a'nrtad up about !! o'clock and we could tall the >hip w» mak ing emergencf «peed We got to our placea, ready Hi (jo over the «ide, and stayed there for houra. "Ut»r we !i>arn«l that una of the •hip* in our rnnvoy aighted a aub 25 feet off it* ile. The ileatroyer took care of it. while we Iwat it ahead. "I don't believe thnt the «nba have a chance in tha world of getting a tranaport except by Kacriftfing them • 've* and thoae Huna like to live Joet aa much ac anybody elaa. So I don't think tha United Htatea will lose many tranaporta. TVry do not take a chance. "There were quite a number of negroea on t*e ahip- aomc of them from Morvanton. Moat of thero were from the country, ami ignorant of tha waya of the outride world. I certain ly did feel "orry for them, because, you know, tome of them had never been away from home before, and lota of them were eaiick. A negro prea cher anim; tl.etn held prayer meet ing;- every i.ight. it w»u an old time prayer meeting, and it interested everybody on boanl. Tlie preacher »aid hia preaching saved the ahip." The next sentence shows tbe heart of Lieutenant Taylor. "Shmld you taaar any of thaDegrnaa speaking of their boy* who ware drafted and *ent to Camp Grant, you might *ay to them that they are all aafe in France now." he wrote. "They are non -combatants." In writing hi* mother Lieutenant Taylor gave a great wealth of detail about what he aaw in France after landing. He agreed with Lieutanant May Murphy that France ia a beauti- ^ ful country, with elegant people and pretty flower*. American Casualties Has , Thus Far Total 10,383. Washington, June 30— Ca.«ualties in the American expeditionary forces thus far reported total 10.3S3, sum maries issued today t>y the war de partment and marine corps how., Of this number 9,131 were in the army and 1,252 in the marine corps. Army casualties including those reported today, were summarized a* follows: Killed in action (including 291 lost at sea), 1,491. Died of wounds, 479. Died of diseases, 1,287. Died of accidents and other causes, 466. Wounded in action, 5,024. Missing in action (including prison ers). 385. The summary of casualties among the marines, which also included to day's list, follows: $ Deaths, 407. Wounded, 842. In hands of the enemy, 1. Missing, 2. Four hundred and ninety-eeran . atualtiee in the army were reported durinff the week, including I7f Wilted in art ion, 47 died of wound*. 19 (Had of diaeaaa, 19 died of acr'dent and other caumw, 21.1 wounded in action and 20 miaeing is action, mcludia* pH.wner*. The week before 54t ea» ualtiee were reported. The marine corps nummary did not .how how many rJ tae death* report