Mount Airy News. J. B. JOMOMON * SON. tILBHCKIPTION BATH I Ok r«f t Ili( M* miiki, 71 CASH IN ADVANCE. THAT CARD LAST WEEK. It maybe ti nt a few people in thu county -hould know thai, without intending it, they placed themaelvaa in • vary i>ml>arraaaing poaition la«t weak whan tliay cava raaaoiu for nxt pl«tink' for war waving -lamp*. One man that wa have heard nf refuted to pledge anything ami gave no reaaon only to aak what tW" government ia doing with all the mini ay it ia col lecting. Now that »tand» u« « rarnxt on the card that contain* hia i»M( Juat what will lie dona with it we dft not know. The an»wur ha made would lie all right in time* of peace, and it may be now, but again, it may later nmbarraaa him to l>e placed in po*ition to have »o answer for a charge of dialoyalty, when may lie, he did not intend to tie dialoyal. New there in plenty of time, and right now is a good time, for thoM persons who failed to give good and ■uffii'ient reason for not pledging, to get bu*y and change that record. Get thu into your head: Bill Some body who liven on a good farm up in South Fork and own* a good farm, well stocked and money in the bank and mortgages on hi* neighbors ia not going to sit idle and keep his money and let other people finance this war. There will be some way found to reach him, count 011 that. These many fathers who have son* in France—and there are plenty of them now-right here in Surry, these fathers are taking this war mighty seriously, and they should, and they are going to have mighty little sym pathy with the fellow who is not in some way doing his duty. The man comes pretty near playing the part of a simpleton who allows himself now to lie placed in the list of ■lacker* all because of a fcv dollar*. TTie young men are going to the camps as they ure called, and the men back here at home who own land and homes and have allowed themselves to be placed on the card* as refusing to pny anything Tn the drive Mst week, should get busy and see that tho-e cards an not embarrassing to them. Every man who owns a home in thiu county, .even if he i* in debt, is supposed to buy some saving stamps. As an act of loyalty, if nothing more, every citizen should buy, and certainly ev*ry citizen should avoid being embarrassed by giving reasons for not buying that are not *ati..factory. And so if your bard is such as to plarc you in the slacker list uuh ad vice i* to get busy and have it chang ed to show otherwise. ABOUT DEMOCRATS. The esteemed Times-Leader last week delivered a column about the way Democrats have acted down' in the Third District. The words thief, rascal, steel and other epithets ap plied to democrats in general by the editor of the Times-Leader remind us of the story told about Sam Jones. A fellow went up to Mr. Jones on one occasion and delivered himself of some opinions to the effect that he had lost confidence in everybody. He had no «ood opinion of any man. Af ter hearing the fellow through, Mr. Jones remarked, "All ! have to uy is, the neighbors had better watch you." It may not be generally known that the law sets apart a day on which __ jwrsons can have a hearing whoaa lands are aaaessad too high, or their property of any kind. The day is the ««co i I Monday in July and the county commissioners will be In session that day at Dobson to hoar complaints. Value of Property Increaied. ^he recent listing of poperty shows nn increase in Mount Airy township, ©u tide the town, to be 1360,000.00. It has not yet been estimated how much the increase is inside the town, but tt is a much larger sum than was listed a year ago TNOHWHO HAVE MFUflBO TO PLSOGC. UN feUewia. letter mt mt Iku waafc by Mr. A. V. Weet, Ca—ty Chains**. eaptauw Itoatf uW *mu4 be of apaatei iatore»t to iImm pupil wlie mIi n* plarijaa far Wmi tmt laga HUapa laat weak. Tha following Wire Juat i.. eivad fnw.i Stole Di'actor Krtea, via: "Hunaat you appoint immediately • penal Coauafttoea .o taa b« July math all abla c.tfietia rafualng to pl»l«e or pi.. rn>« too littla to give them ai.other rhane* U- pledge ade quate!/ before flnal rap >rt nn lham made. (Sitped) KRIIES, Director. Wa Kava r.o word to add to tha above. otktr than to Inaiat thai you make it a puiri immediately to aaa or Mrlact j »pacial Committee to aaa each ritiaen in your towuahip who haa not dona hia or hat duty la tha purchaaa at Win- Saving xlampa or otho- ?ov_, .:n.ert aaruru •>. It la vary ii-iportnnt that thia ba ■lu.ia imnuMl ai*<y and bafora your cjrda lava b.w »eparafe I or raport la made aho-vir g thoie who hava ra fuaed to pledge or pledged inadequata ly. Hear in mil d that wa cannot make Hil divtaion. In fact tVa duty haa w7PS«^m-.ptacol on ua. Tha townahip < hn i man ai. hia workarr. know tlieir ri.iaena bat:j- than wa can poanibly know lham. and ara therefore in bat tor poaitton than any othar person can p<*ei>ily ba to maka thia division. We know of no law to force any one buy War Savmga Stamp*. But it i« cloar that oi'r Government (a deter mina»' to draw tha Una and placa on •ma rule t!ioae who ara true and and loyal and dolr» t'.eir duty to tha limit, wncraaa on the other thoaj who refuae to do ao will ba placed. • Ou- Government and the entire cit ixenahip of every county in the United State* shall know who la loy al and true in the uae oi hia or her money. And why not? Our boyi have answered and will continue to anawer the call of our Government and go to the front where they will die if neceaaarv for the spe ciul benefit of thoae of ua who are permitted to remain at home. We are glad to he able to ray that a great majority of the citizena of Surry ure a* true and loyal an any people on earth. But thoae who are not fV-all he known. W. want every Townahip Chairman and Vice Chairman mec' u* in the lobby of the Poat Office in Mount Airy at 4 o'clock Thursday July 4th. Don t for* this. Youra truly. A. V. WEST. County Chm. J. B. SPARGER. V. Chra. J. H. CARTER, Sec. Asked For Higher Telephone Rate*. The stuck'.olilers of the local Tele phone system last spring nuked for a higher rate for services. They are lioinK business under a charter issued to t hem by the Town, and a provis ion in the charter Axes the rate* to be charged. The town commissioners fixed a date for a (leering on the mutter, but before the hearing the request for higher rates was withdrawn, and th( was supposed to be at an er.d for the presert at least. This week the Mayor received a notice from the Clerk of the Coi'pora tion Commi.sion at Raleigh that the Mount Airy Telephone Company hrs asked the Commission to increase the rates here to t'1.00 for business houses and $2.00 for residences. The 10th of July is the date fixed for the hear ing and the attorney for the Town and the Mayor will go to Raleigh and ask that theTelcphone Comptny show ila books and disclose all facts that the Coipuration Commission may be able to reach an equitable adjustment of the rates to lie charged. Notice to Teacher*. I will hold a public examination at Dubson on Tuesday, July 9th, 1918, beginning at 10 olTock A. M. All first grades will be renewed by taking a satisfactory examination on Kendall & Miruk's "How to Teach the Fun damental Subjects" and Leiper's "Language Work in Elementary Schools." I hope all who expect to teach this year will take this eximination. J. H. Allen Co. Supt. With the Colon. The following letter is from Mr. Ernest Jones to his mother, Mrs. M. A. Jones who lives in Mount Airy. Somewhere in France. June 6-18. Dear Mother: Have been looking for a letter this week, guess it is on the road some where. Well we are way back in France, somewhere in rear of the front line*. , 1 saw an air fight today a few miles 1 away, some sight, believe me. Have ypu heard from Albert laterly. Say, did Luther join the NavyL he was talking about it. You would hardly know me now, I am tanned up good aad brown and never felt better in my life. Havent much to tell you this time, m write me as often as you ran and tell the sisters to write me alao, and 1 will write as often to yoo all as 1 tan. Love to all of you. ERNEST. Jm Hmwmmm *• TnmkU. to-J I.lLT- »• WW*W* » -- ekty or « th. Wl»M«i —^ W*" Jo.\. * tnH*U. 11 — —^ «.V of hu oM toWt a# >»<"«« "• irf. rw iU tlu yaw* «< hU Uf* jo. Hay»or. hu baan a man o< and k« al—ya ^ • lukk>'1 °' "T* funny thine that w.r. ofUa rldkl. luu.. but *MV* i«und* u b. pU~ ant. WbiU hu joto w.r. rough • «l coar~ hi. frunda under »tood him, for ha l» man of kt'~ h^rt .ml numbtn hU frtond. by th. hundred. ,, Jo. to «*» m*ny unr P manury thin*. about .inc. ,t went to w.r u to b. th. .harg. ^taH him. No on. paid -uch £ i«ntion to hi. wild »y'»« »buut Pra.tdant and th. war until w. actual ,y got into w.r, but .van *•" Jo. kept «ying thing. that w.r. a right, may b., aom. V" »"V" wrung now. In th. courn of urn. p^ple got to noticing that hu joto «unO«i v.ry much Ilk. tm->. .ft.r a tim. • -rv,c' m'n found hi. way to Jo.1, horn, Pilot Mountain. H. r.p»rt.d mmm w..ks ago that Jo. had gon. far enough to ell a halt, and «• th. Diatrict Attorney w.nt and drew up th. propr papr. and ptacd th.m in th. hand, of a Marshall. U.t w~k th. papr. w.r. aarvad and Mr H.y mor. wa. brought b-for. Unit •d "tatoa Commuaioner S. G. Pac.. H. wa. not raady for trial and wa. allowed to giv. bond for a futur. hiring. A numbr of th. tot citi of hi. town were here a. wit n.a«a. for th. government .gamut him. One of the charge- him may I throW noma light on the nature of the ra.e. He i. «id to have plowed up hu wheat a. a way of showing hu con tempt for Mm war. At the time h. plowed under the wheat he i. said to have mad. remark, about the wheat that, if taken seriously, would be dU loyal and ponsibly treason. They say that the truth ia that he plowed un I d.r the wheat there wa, so poor a stand on a small plot of ground 1 a. to make it appear to b. good bum I mm to plow th. land and plant it in ' something el ». but hi, dUpo.ition to I have hi. joke alway. and about .v I erything .a* ed him to make th. r. maik. he did about the wh«at. Now if a court can b. made to think that Mr. Ha,mor. ha. »uch a habit of joking « to plac. thU con struction on hi. war talk he to claar sailing, otherwise h. appear, to b. in a way to Mriou. embarra»»mant. Germans Find American A Hard Lot to Deal With. With the American Force* in Alsa ce, Saturday, June 29.—American troops on the Alsatian front are learning what might be called the spe cialities of inactive days while await ing work of a wider scope. The Ger mans have found the overseas men facing them at so many places that they are pushing out patrols some what nervously here an there with the object of trying to fix the exact limits of the American sectors. The Germans have not a monopoly on these expeditions. The Americans also are out every night studying the difficult lay of. No Man's land in the mountainous region. Clashes na turally are frequent, and the Germans are finding that the Americans are not as easy to deal with as they would wish, even when outnumbered. Sergt. Dewey F. Slocum and Corp. John G. Phillips, botn of Grand Ra pids, Mich., at d Private Newton, Bell of Muses Millf, Ky., were cut off from the rest of their pfatoon in one of these little fights at an advance in the advanced post and refused to stir render. They could not run, but they showed that they could shoot. Pri vate Bell accounted for four of the enemy and the other Americans did nearly as well. Hie' Germans then signaled for help and their artillery laid down • bar rage to hold the Americans until the Germans could reinforce their patrol, but the patrol was driven away before help came and the Americans crawled hack through a curtain of fire and r*> joined their platoon. A daughter was bom to Mr. snd Mr*. John Banner at Martin hospital laat Friday. ROBBED THE BUS. A Surry CititM to Trow tola mmd tha Road toe Trtwlid to g*t The u' i >uying that it waa a draw that broke the camela hack mi|kt And application in the atory that foilowa, for tt waa tha robbing of a atand at beee that provad to ba tha laat itraw to tha tittia community back up on tha head watora of Mitchal'e rivar, in thia county. Ilia a lory goee that una W. T. Bau-1 guaa la now iwtltorinf in an iron cage i ovar at tha llttla town of Dobaon, and tha char if• againat him ia blockading. Thay tail how Mr. Bauguaa Maw in from aomewhara—no ona aaama Jn know or to care aa for that, and quiet ly aat up a atUl in tha ruged moun taina of tha Blua Ridia back up on tha haad watora of tha rivar. Tha aup poaitiun ia tbat ha mna from over In Wilkaa—not meaning to reflect on Wilkaa for wa hava Vm down hara too. Ha ta i uppoaa<l to hava had along with him aiuoctated in tha bunl naaa tha wall known Krank Brook* who ia badly war.tod hy tha Federal Court, charged with reaiating officer* noma yaara ago, and wall known aa a ilangaroua and long tima hlorkader. And ao thane two jfentlemen were in buainaaa operating their diatillery, and they aay it waa a good one and of xufllcient caprcity to turn out liquor in paying quantitiea. The day* went by and in the course of weeki the neighbor* got to minn ing milk and butter from their spring houres and chicken* from the hen roosts. .Suspicion pointed to the camp l>ack up in the mountains, for it wax well known that the boy* were keep ing bachelor., hall under a rough shed. It was bad enough to lose the but ter milk and the sweet milk too, a>ld the big cake of hard but'.er, but the limit was ranched when the guilty parties—whoever they were, began to rob bees in the neighborhood. Then tho neighbors called a halt and looked up the shot guns. It was carrying the thing u bit too far to go to rob bing the bee .stands. Officer* here at Mount Airy were notified and a raid was made last weak by the Sheriff and other persons and Bauguss waa found there at the place of business cooking a meal or making preparation to cook it. Prank Brooks is supposed to have made hi.< escape, for a man ra.'i away a:-d < taped into the moun tains. The -tilling outfit was cap tured and tie liter rea'iy to still al lowed to run down the mountain "'tie. Mr. Buuguss will now stay with the jailer over at Dobson until next October to :.w»it his hearing at the next criminrl term of our county I Court, at v.+.ich term he will have ample opportunity to show that he i is in no way connected either with the distillery or the robbing of the spring houses or the bee stands. Lame Shoulder. This uilment is usually caused by rheumatism of the muscles. Ali that is needed is absolute rest and a few applications of Chamberlain's Lini ment. Try it. Middle Aged Womeiv, Are Here Told the Best Remedy for Their Troubles. >r Freemont, O.—'l 1 waa pusiaff through the critical period of life, being forty-»i* year* of age and had all Ike symptoms incident to that change — beat flashes, / nervousness, and was in a general rundown condition,£ ao it waa hard for me to do my work. Lydia E. Pink-\ ham's Vegetable Compound waa recommended to ma aa the beat remedy for my trouble*, which it surely proved to be. I feel better and stronger In every way since taking It, and the annoying symptoms have disap pear*!"—Mrs. H, Oooou, HJ Napoleon St., Fremont, North Raven, Conn.—"Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegeta- . ble Compound restored my health after everrthliur else had tailed when paaaing through change of Ufe. There la nothing like It to overooate the trying symptoms." —Mn Flohucb ls»i is. Boa 197, North Haven. Conn In Such Cases LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND lias tk* qrtatMt record for tk» fftctxt good] orwA rmmHAW wcxcmc CO., EVENTS IN RUSSIA AM Or AMOftMNC INTEREST C—.i.rt— ia irowkf m Wuh kmgtmm TW rfcwiM Am V«rjr H*r. Wukiiftui Jaiy I—Not only in tha far north of Ritaaia but ta .Siberia and in tha Ukrauia the tvcnu of Um past few days are of abaorbing intaraet ta the official* la WaikiniUM including tha diplomatic body, and till con vention la growing that they foraboda great and important rhmngea la the political a* wall aa tha military >ta taa of tha who la of Kuaaia. Though without lata di-ect adviree ofllriala generally accepted the praaa report! aa conveying in rough outline ■OKI! idea of the rapid da> elopment among the Ruaaian paopla of a utrong daaira to reorganixe (hair country on a Kound constitutional basin and to throw olT the (lerman Influences. The movamant in tha Ukraine undar General AlexiefT haa taken the nhapa | of prsctiral revolt against tha dicta tor-hip rraatad by the nermann. The voluntaar army ia understood to ha in tended primarily to mint further in vanion and exploitation by the Teu tona, but alao la likely to h« uaed to overthrow the government of the new state. Ait auch a movement, to 7be ■ucceuful, probably would require as sistance from outaide, the outcome may he a renewal of the old political imnda between the Ukraine and old Ruaaia. The manisfesto, through which Grand Duke Michael ha* addressed himself to the RuMian people, leaves in some doubt his ultimate designs. The fact that he bases his opposition to the Bolaheviki on their disregard of the constitutional rights of constituent assembly, however, encourages the of ficials in hope that this is not such 1 a reactionary movement as would in ! volve the restoration of an absolute monarchy but rather aims at the erec tion either of a republic, or of a limited monarchy with a governing cabinet responsible to the parliament. | The situation in Siberia is more puzzling. It ia assumed that the Bo , labaviki control in Vladivostok has been still farther reduced by the ar j rival in the port and vicinity of thous ands of the Czecho-Slovak contingent* from Russia proper. In well inform ed quarters it still is said that there has l>«eo no change in the internation al situation, and that Japan continues quietly awaiting some sign of an un animous request from her allies and particularly from America, to take such military measures as her gen-' eral staff has planned to remove the German menace in that quarter. Meanwhile the agitation for joint military intervention in Siberia ap pears to center in Paris When Alexan der Kerensky former fcu- "iar. dictator ' arrived Saturday and where it ia re garded at a significant fact that the socialist*, who have been regarded as not entirely unfrindly to the existing government of Russia, have begun to toy rate* u> • tehmlw by the ae -t*lM party ikM c*it«ta » •taliolo r«pr4 intorvonUea to Rat» >ia aa mnnTtly c«wur-i mlilti »ry. The deputy llmily >Mad thia. D^Ugr Outrey at Indo-Oiuia M plilnad the raaaan for inlorvaaUoa. He declared that not only did the Jb |mn<M« cabin*'. favor it but that pvblir .pinion in Japan approved at inter vention aa a political ao wail aa econo mic necaeaaity. Ha believed tho Rua ■lan poopio a loo to bo favored and eon -I tided that intervention wai tho only maana by which tho rlomonta of or ier and patriotiam in Ruaaia could ronatitute thomaolvoa and tho mom int aoomod to have come to act quickly and effectively. WhenMbui House Stretches Heat and cold cause the wood in buildings to expand and con tract. Paint that ia not elastic cracks and scales, allowing the weather to reach the wood fi bre* it is supposed to protect. Paint expands and contracts with the surface it covers — when it is made of Dutch Boy Lewis Brand White-Lead mixed with pure linseed oiL Such paint is ilsstifs^nd ex pands and emmaett with the wood. It will not crack and sea! 9 when subjected to the most trying weather changes. Our stock of paint and paint ma terials is large. We recommend Dutch Boy white-lead be cause it is used and endorsee, by people who know paint. We can serve you as satisfac torily as we are serving your neighbors. W. E. Merritt Co.

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