mt ptoimt > 10L. XL M0UJT1 AIRY, JYORTN CAROLINA, THUR3DA T. JULY 11, 1918. MO. 62 THE RE CAN BE NO COM PROMISE SETTLEMENT A«Mrtu T«IU the Poop lea . of lit* World That Amcrica Will Not SI»mUm the Sword Until Thero b Settled One* •nd For «ll for the World What waa Settled for Ameri ca in 1776. Waahinrtxn July 4— From the »ha eoples" who are fighting against autocracy, stressing thereby the unity of purposes which actuates the allied nations. On the other hand, he differentiated between the people of Germanymid their rulers as he always has done, speaking of the , isolated, friendless group of govern ments wh".-e peoples are fuel in their hands. A single reference to Russia gav* notice to the wurld that the United States still accounts the people of the youngest democracy as allies. President Wilson enumerated the op pnnants of fi• rmsny as puplw at many rtni, "ths paopla of itnrksn Russia still amair tha rant, thnurh thay ara for tha mnmant unorganisad and halplass." Kapsrial intaraat at tarhad lo h.n words particularly to tils statamant that Russia's distraaa la only temporary, harausa of plans now Iwinff formula tad for riving assis tant* to tha country. Boris Bahk | mstaff, who was sant hsrs as Rus ! «ian amhasKador during ths Karon «ky rafims. was in ths audianra. I'rarading tha Prasidant's addraas I Kails Mtrayrhmans nf Chwacn, a na , liv» Hainan and chairman of tha i m mittas of foreign natlnnahtlas, mada puhllr rmffMlmi nf ths dsvotion of | ths forairn horn to the hums uf thair i adoption. I "With the spipK of Washington Iaid ing, Amcrira entered the battle tin* i unit wr entered with her," he declared. I 'The casualty li«U of the morrow, 1 bringing sorrow to some homes and rmolution to all. will he filled with I strange named derived from foreign | blood. We will never ceane to strag gle until freedom is secured for oh and for our American sons and daugh ters." During *he trip to and from Mount Vernon on the Mayflower, President Wilson had many intimate personal talks with the representatives of people who have left their native land to And homes in America. Testing out sentiment, seeking opinions, he asked many questions, interjecting now and then n sharp phrase or two, then passing down the dark to another group—Czechi-Slovaks, Chinese, Hun-1 garian, even German, for the natives of countries whose governments are' America's enemies, were among thei visitors to the shrine of freedom they have found in th« new world. London, July 4.—King George saw , the AmAican army defeated in a hard fought baseball game today. The opponent of the army team was one picked from the American navy which won by a score of 2 to 1. Every one of the nine inning« had it* thrills for, the more than 18,000 spectators. Few sporting events sine* the war began have aroused so much interest and discussion in London as today's1 game. Certainly not since the excit ing days of the flrst weeks of the war I has London seen such a wave of en-] thusiasm a* today. Independence day1 was on everybody's lips; people talk ed about it in the street cars, busses : and subways. The newspapers were] full of it. news from the fighting front i taking second place. All talk was of [ the Americans and their baseball j game. For several days the n<-»>paper» had been explaining baseball, and the people of London have been poring | over the mysteries of the American! national game. Roller Mills Halted By Food Administrator North Wilkesboru, June 29.—As a result from a report made by the federal inspector representing the southeastern division with headquar ters at Ashcville, the North Wilkes boro Roller mills at this place, and Dougliten Milliner company, six miles north of here, have been ordered closed by the food administration un til a test run is made and submitted to the administration. Mr. A. O. Bray, manager of the mills here, says that he had only *t>out one hour's tun when he re-' reived the telegraphic notice from] the government, and at the present time he does not have enough wheat <>n hand to make a test run. It ap pears that the only reason for which j tliexe mill* were ordered closed tem porarily, was the fact that proper ex tractions, probably, had not been made at afiy rate It appears that there has been no willful violation of the government regulations controlling I same. SOLDIERS GOING ACROSS KEEP CANTEEN BUSY. American am British Trans port* Lay Many Sweats. London, June I,—"Next for candy," eria* the keepei of the ahip'a ranlaan. In front of hi* booth to ■ long queue nf Amtrlran aoMirrn, patiently a watt ing their turn to buy the aweati and wiuvenlra dtop'aye! on the rou liter and in the nhowraaee. It )• an inci dent of life of Amariran aoldtor* on a tranaport hound for France. The ranteen-Keeper ia tired. Never in hia experience on a Britiah veaaei haa he encountered aurh a ruah of buaineaa. He haa an Id hi.: warea in all the aeven *eaa to people of many nationalitiea, and If he watt award ins priiex to the beat ruatotner it would ha beatnwed promptly on the American aoldier. "I aay," he exclaimed to the chief ateward after he had rloaad "hop the flrat day out, "what a aweat tooth they have! At the rata they're buy ing me out, there wont be a bum drop left hy the time we get halfway acroea." On aome of the British transport.* that am taking Uncle Sam'* troop* to France there are an many an five can teen*. The demand for chocolate* i« *o great that the supply, large though it may have bsen ,i* quickly exhaust*.]. American chewing ifiim i* next in popularity. After the home variety of confection* have been *oM out, the soldiers begin to experiment with British irweeU, of which toff* win* perhaps the moat favor. If American "pop" could be had, it would be con sumed in large quantities. Failing that the troops drink Spanish tpn gw sis. * One soldier is known to have spent |15 for candy and ginger als. He pro bably would have ipent more before the *hip reached port, but one day, greatly to his s*toni»hment, he be came ssaaick. The canteen curios, *uch aa shell* on which are painted the American flag, attract many buyer*, and before the trip i* ended one or more of these treasure*. On the Briti*h transports the bar ber shop i* advertised on the door a* "Hairdresser." A* a rule thi* sign is not understood by the Americsn looking for a haircut or a shave. He think* it i* a place for women to have their hair draped, and he passes it by. When he confesses to hi* comrades that he can't And the barber shop, he is made the victim of a good deal of joshing from those who have fath omed the secret. The soldier who pnrrnriie"tTuTt'Tir dresser find the experience rather novel.- It seems queer to be shaved in an immovable upright chair, and queerer still, but extremely satisfac tory, to be charged aiioul half the price one pays in a first class Ameri can .shop. It is on the .-hip that many Amer icans become acquainted for the first time with English money. Aside from a stray Canadian dime, they usually have never seen British coins, and when in exrhange for an Ameri can bill they are given strange look ing pieces of silver and big disks of copper, they register, in the language of the movies, wide-eyed interest. "What are these stove lids for?" asked an lowan of a Texan, puzzled and showing come disdain for the bin English pennies. "You put 'em in a sock to bean a Him with. I reckon," replied the sou therner, hefting the coins. "Or may be." he adds, "we can use 'em to throw at a submarines." A icrgcant steps up with infermn-' tion "You use tnose things for tips," he volunteer*, ""they're worth two rents n-piece. That's a good sized tip in London." "You fellow*," the sergeant goes on, reaching for the Iowan'i coins, better gwt wtaa to thla Engtiak dough.' He hold* up ■ *Uver coin. "You know what that la?" A crowd ha a gathered to Soar ike lecture. •• "That"* a *hilling," eayr. a voice. "Stalling your grandmother,Jhat'a a half crown. It equal to two ahil linga and a sixpence. You want to ho careful not to set it mixed up with >ino of than* two-Jlilling piaraa that'* nearly the iama »ixa." "How much ta a (hilling?" qtierie/i the Texan. "About two hit*," aaya the *erge»nt w!io haila 'from ralifornia. "It'« to two of theae aixpencoa." Ha |l«i* ideal* of freedom and turtle*, enforced by thai willingne** to wnfri of _'1 nation*, »r« «tron(f«r than all the batUrrie* of Krupp, all tha airrraft of Zeppelin, all tha atrategy of Himl»nlnir|, and mora invtnrthle than all tha under*** an «a»»tn« of von Tlrpiti, Secretary Dan lei* declared here tonight in an inde pendence day addr*** at tha rtty rol lege utadium. It *» tha naval narratary'a Mrnml flpeerh of tha day In connection with New York'* celebration of tha fourth nf July. In tha morning at Tiimmany hall ha tolii a great audien<-« that American *hipbuild*r»< ara doing in building marrhant rrsft and men of war to meet German'* rhallenge. "On thia annlvarmry" *ai innocents," of which Prussianism has I not been guilty in this war, the naval, secretary said there remains now no conclusion but that the German nation has lost its soul. Keason and justice, he said, are mocked and there remains now no! forum but the battlefield and no argu ment but the argument of superior force. "Our boys hasten to this arena with i right and harked by the unlimited re source of this great nation," Mr. Dan iels said. "It may take weeks, it may take months, it mny take years. But America has never taken up arms except for liberty and has never j sheathed its sword except in victory, and the boys will come back home— j and most of them will come back— conquerors in a war which will give' the same independence to all nations that the Fourth of July, 1776 insured j for America." Want* Husband Sent to War Danville, V»„ June 29.—A woman who re*idea in Media, Pa., and whose htifthand it here, has aent to the local exemption hoard an affidavit and an appeal. She Rwcarn that her t*ttcr half ha* contributed nothing to the itupport of her child or hcmelf for the pant year and -he a»ks that he be re rlaaaiflad A-l and taken nut of the fourth claw, believing that militaiy experience would benefit him. LAUNCHING MORE TODAY THAN LOST DURING THfc WAR. Stcnrtary Daniel* Emphasize* Record «# U. 3. in Ship Ton nage. New York. July 4,- The Initad .State* is launching today a rraeter tonnage in alitpn than «he ha* lost during thr whole war. Herretary Dan iel* »*i • part of tha Imledend «nr« Hay celebrat'on while tha total American tonnage ,|e*troyed by «ub marlne* ia e*-. imatad at 3A2.223 tona •Including