Mm It CarWUta, lurry i u—1|. la ^nifci iWn, Hmmn Airy town Irtlw of Hummm aad warrant -cr*?cu puuu>. m.. t ImMb, MMaai 11m lefendant above naatd will MM entitled arttoa waa laaaadl agautei aatd tiefeadaal oa tfca If dap r' ' I»l". hv' A. K. TllWy. Judge at M Haeiwdara Coat of Mount Airy Township, for the aum of Hive Uua t dollar*. due »ai<l plaintiff by raa an of a wilful, malicioae and violent It and battery upea Ma peril en Sunday, the 2 day of June 191*., la eduefc aariowa daiaaga waa da«a alainliff** person which Has resulted r "' at dam ice to hie health, ahich L>na<*a ib returnable on the 101 h uf July 191N before A. K. Tallay. Bp of the Recorder* Court of .t Alrv Townahlp. The defen dant will aleo take notice that a war rant of attachment waa issued by aatd I iiiilga of the Heronlera court on the Imh <lay of June IUIH against the pro perty of «ai<! defendant, which war rant ia returnable liefore the aatd J ".life of the K.m orders I'ourt on the |i»h day «»f July 1UIN. when and where the defendant la required tn ap pear and answer or demur to the com plun.t. <>r the relief demanded will l>e g •hiiImI. Thm the 10th day of Julie 1918. A. k. TILLEY, Judge of Recorder* Court, Mt. Airy Townahip. NOTICE. Stat* of Ninth Carolim Depart ment nf State. Tn all to wlmm these presents may eom« greetings: Whereas, it up [mart to my satis faction, by duly authenticated rerord •f the proceedings for the voluntary Absolution thereof hy the unanimous con rut of all the stockholders, ile fiNitad in my office, that Haynea, mwn and Company, a cn-poration of thini State, whose principal office la attuated at Oak >treat, in the town ef Mount Airy. County of Surry State •f North Carolina IW. T. Hayne* he fetf the agent therein and in charge tfurof upon whom process may be ha i complied with the re f -ementH of Chapter 21, Revinal of Ivoo, entitled "Corporations," preli minary to the in.uing of thm Certifi cate of Dissolution: Now, Therefore, 1, J. Bryan Crime*. Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the JHth duv of June li»lH, tilo in my office a duly executed and nttested consent in Writing to the dissolution of said eor I fit ion, executed hy all the stock holders thereof, which xaid connent ami the record of the proceeding* a enaid nre now on tile in my said •dice an provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have here to et my hand rnd utflxed my official •eal at Raleigh. thu JHth day of June A. D. 1918. J. Bryan Grime*, Sec. of State. Real Letter*. The Red Cross Magazine for July it printing extracts from personal let - ters received from men and women in War service. They are filled with it hneHH and vividness of impres sion and human interest. This is part of one of the letters. It was written by an American wo *<in who is serving her second year fci a hospital u> Paris. She writes: 1 have heard French soldiers com k-a out of the iiinuetice of chloroform •>1.1 I love them, but to hear under 1 e conditions our own dear American ■tang made me realize that after all ft cannot but be one's own country 4 <t—He kept crying—*h, I've got |h;it one. Don't tell mother I've kill ed him—don't. Oh don't- Damn this •i nl—after them boy*—fix bayonets — that's a boy.' And with clenched t''tii and shaking his tine young head V-»an the Hulls the dirty Buches— i >h! (a «ouml of horror) they arei c ".inic waves on waves of tht'm! Ircy can't lick »n American;' and I knew then that they couldn't—notj fossibly. Twenty-two German Planes Shot Down by the Allies. London, July I.—Twenty-two Ger S. a airplan* were -h it down 10 were driven down out of control and two G> man balloons were destroyed dur fc y the air fighting Sunday, according in official tatcment on aerial oper ation* iitnued by the war office tonight. Dr.H. R. Hege Dentist Office corner Main and Moore Sta.. Opposite Hawks-Kothrock Druf Co. OFFICE HOURS: 8 a. m. to 12 m. 1 p. m. to 6 p. m. Ka(> of Oh!f>. <~lty of To!«00. Lucm Cuunt v <-* Vr ink J ^ r ry maV- ■ rwifh that h« *«nior furtr.r of thr Arm of K J len^ir it C" doing bualnfUi In tht* ♦ v ..f Tol.- »<• Count) :»nd fttata afora •wid. and »h-«t Mid firm will pay th* , •urn of ONr fflTNDRKD DOLLAR* f«r 4» u and ♦• rjr « <»f Catarrh that ennnt |w> . ur»d bv lh« u»c af HALL'S i CATAKiaf CL'RH FIIANK J. CHKNjBT , d»«r« to Wfr r • rr# and aubacrlbad ! tmy i»r«a< u*-*. Ittla tlh dayof Uecm* r A. D. ltff A W Of»VAIION. Ulval) Notary Public Haifa Catarrh Cur* la takaa latara al f «nd acta tbroufh th« Blood M tha W'f'vm durfacA or th« 0r«ttn. laid Jur Uitiacnhli, frae. r 4 CHiNKf * CO Toledo, a told by all irMgiau. .m. gkUa Family Fill* for c*Mtlp»tl«b GERMANY, THE SUPER-ANARCHIST & Ix MB# C* itnbwt«« fey Mr. to th» National fUcurtty LllBMI'l Cmnpil#* «J PtUIMlMi Through ItfuMllMi .. NATION-WIDE FIGHT AGAINST GERMAN PAPERS National Security League Starts Crusade for Their Elimination, Together With the Teach ing of German. ▲ rlgoroua campaign to bring about the elimination of the lunching of Car man In tha public achooli of tha coun try and tn obtain tha diacontlnuance of tha publication of newapapar* print ad In I'Mrnuj baa bean launcbad by tha National Secnrlty League. Ta or ganise Ita effort for thaaa an da tha League baa form ad a Committee on Pareigu Language and Foreign Preaa, which will carry tha fight Into «»arj nook and corner of tha United Dtatea. Tba '"omailttae la fompoaad of Col. Chart m I. Lydecker, mam bar af tha Board of Truataaa af tha Cailaca of the City of Naw Turk and Chairman af tha National Security Leagna'a Board af Directors; Edward H. Clark, Traaeurer af tha Security Laagua; Krneat C. Brown, well known New Tork editor and publlabar, and Dr. Robvrt M. McElroy, Educational direc tor of tha National iiecurlty Laagua umVr l«-a»e of abarnca from Princeton l-'nlrernlty, where he la head of tha Department of Hlatucy and Poll Oca. • top Advertising. The principal haul* of the Commit tee's c*mpn!gn against ii>rman new*, papers will be the obtaining of tho iU» continuance of advertising la thorn. Col. Lydeckdrt committee has laid the following plan of campaign before the Chairmen and Secretarle* of alt the 281 brancliee of the Security League: "There la do lmuiedlata need to haw lava enacted to (uppresa the foreign language dallies. In town* where there la a strong patriotic senti ment s hostile minority should b« per suaded by a clear and forceful expres sion of the views of the majority that ours must he, from thla time forward, a one language nation. "tee Our Mistake." "If a community will not aupport • news'!' uler who handles the dally pa per* printed In foreign tonguea It can thereby fore* him to deal only In Eng llah langunge papers. "Recognizing a general wllllrtgneaa to bo patriotic and the rapid acqui escence from many quarters to compel the use of English dallies, we org* raaaonably active measures on the part of the branches of the 1/eague. Jus tice requires this, for the fault doea not lie wholly with the alien. We havo (ailed hitherto to provide tbe machin ery of education which the welding process required. We have counte nanced and even encouraged the Id. a of preserving linguistic and racial groups In our nililM. At laat We seo our mistake, and we must correct It as speedily as Justice will allow. "But we must Dot forget,'and we must tint allow alien enemies to for get, that this Is a time of war. Quick pro. es*es of producing unity are Justi fied liy the peril of those Instltutloua wlili h w* bold In trust for all huinaa Ity. Newsdealers, "We therefore suggest: "(a) Meetings of rltlsena to eiprera a owe language sentiment "(k) IMacontlnuanco of all advertla Ing la paper* printed la the tonguea of eaemy nation* "(c) Procuring co-opora'toa of now#, (toalara. AN APPEAL TO ALL PATRIOTIC WOMEN Mrs. Thorn at J. Preston, Jr, (Formerly Mrs. Grover Cleve land) Urges Women of Nation to Stand Firm. **W« ran win If Amprli-a run In- lipid ■tradfaai and uiiawamng, and thr wo man at ▲omrli's can hold bar »(>•«(!• ram. Agumai nil trmpfatlnua lo mm prumlM tli* women Of AUHtrtLU sliuuiii • t a n <1 firm uuil united,** H)i Mrs. 1'tMiiuaa J. frcatoo, Jr. (Xuromrljr Mr*. Urovtr Cleveland), In a maaaagi to tha arouivu of America, mailt public through the Na uonai Security league. Mrs. Prraton la She »u tba first tumu to become a nwmbtr »f the Lnfiw'i National Ex ecutive Committee, and ia -. retary of tbe League a Committee uti »'«'noUaia Through Kducutloa. Mra. Preaton'a mcaaaca to (ha wo mm of the country reads La full; "Proclaim Liberty." " 'Proclaim Libert; throughout ALL THE LAND unto all the Inhabitant# tii ereof." "Theae worila were written about Hl« years before Christ, aa part of tiie Law of Hollneaa In tba Hook of LevlUcua Our fatbera luacrlbed tbem upon tbe Libert; Bell which called our might; nation la to life. "Today "all the Inhabitants' enjoy liberty, th« Jew and the (jeutila, the rich and tbe poor, the native and the alien born, the weak and the strung. The old Liberty Bell la allent, for its voice haa becu beard 'throughout all rhe land.' "Hut Liberty la not aafe. It la men aced along the battle fronts of many nations, our own among tbem, and America reqnlrea a new motto for her old Hell: 'Proclaim liberty through out ALL l-ANI»ils"Unto all Ihe luliab- i itanra thereof.' Cntll liberty la aafa In ali lands. It can not be aafe In oar own. lience the tasli ta wblch Amer ica I,as reverently and unselfishly ded icated herself. "Make Motto Real." The Father! of thla RtfoMIr, DM1 •f tpany racea, with • common love of liberty, wrought Into law our ancient , niotto, thua giving liberty a chance to enlighten the wurltl "Today we, their deacendenta, are railed upon to make real the Dew ] motto «nd thua to flee liberty the . nmlUputed right to bleaa the world. I "Thla can be done but only after heroic »truggle and aelf aacrlflce. A 1 premature peace would mean fuller*. I It would be only leaa dlaaatroua than complete defeat. Agalnat all tempta tion* to corn promlae the women of America ahould atand firm and united. : "Peace and Safety." "Victory mean* peace and aafety for oar children; defeat means hu miliation and practical aarrltmle for them; while ■ negotiated peace, with the military machine of Pruaaia un broken. meana that everything la their Iteea man he eabordlnated to the taak of preparing for another war with Oerutauy We can win now If Amer ica can be held ateadfaat and nn awervtng. and the women af America CM bold her aUadtM." Pmt AMM Air IUi4.j Gmeva »»ll»»ln>J. July l.-SaauJ Garmaa ncwapapan, 10 order to rtw sura tha mttmw aad tn|*nd papula-1 latlnn* <4 town* alnag the BHm at teapt to explain away a* uatepartaat the aartaJ t>o«bardment of Mannheim on Saturday momln* It waa r»nlly tHa moat terrlhle raid un a Otman ' town daring tha war. The Germans! oArtally announced that five peraona wara killed and 14 wound ad, but tha ftffnn* ctuid U quadrupled 8ev»ral virtIfn< wnitt, unfurl nately. allied officer", who, disdaining helter, rheer* I ed tha allied aviator*. 1 he residents ut Mannheim alao wara chagrined in witneasing Ive o lis dermaii machinea running a ay (rum tha Hritiak. Throe of the for mer were brought down in (lame* near tha town. Tha Itadishe Amine and Hod* factory upon which liomha fall, biased for many hour*. On* of tho largest bank* waa wracked, ita office furniture being blown into tha principal street of the city. The population already nervous liefure the raid, now is panic stricken. The raid on Kurlsrube, according to German reports, caused only matei iai damage. In the meantime, the exodua from Rhine towns continue* and house rents have depreciated 36 per cent. Men Beg For Jobs That Will Save Them From Jail. New oYrk, July I.~ Spurred by the rounding up of nearly HOC) suspected idler* early today, when the state "anti-loaling" law and federal "work or ftltht" edict went into effect. thous and* of men, engaged at the bent in non-eiiaential Industrie*, stormed fed ural and state employment hureaiin in thm city and begged for job* which would »uve them from prison. At the bureau, where more than a thousand men lined up on the street, lion job* were distributed. District Attorney Swtnn declared tonight that he considered ticket spe culators, coat checkers, footmen and \aleU were engaged in "paranoic" oc cupations hut that although waiter* were bit by Provost Marshal General Prowdei^s order, they were not af fected by the state law. Sydnor & Sparger Insurance Agents HOUNT AIRY, A. C. Office in Merritt Building. Um AUadin Wurm OA -Alweys.iwUbU.lw pMllvi) Iauddw] *\»/ - Why Tolerate a Hot Kitchen? Use a New Perfection Oil Cook Stove. It will do your cook ing perfectly, give you a cool kitchen—and free you from the dirt, work ana discomfort, from coal, wood, ashes and smut. The long blue chimney gets every atom of heat out of the kerosene and concentrates it directly on the cooking utensil or oven. The New Perfection light* like fas and can be instantly and accu rately regulated for any cooking need, It bake*, broils, roatfa boils o* toaita to perfection—with no smoke, atnell or dirt. And it keep* the kitchea cool. Made in 1-2-3-4 burner aizea, with or without cabinet top sad ova. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NEW JERSEY) Waah'nfton, IX C Nwfclk. V*. Baltimore, Md. RieKmowL V«. CWlo«^HC OuWV.Vt. s. c NEW PERFECTION OIL COQ^ STOVES BlACKBfRRIES WANTED! I will ba in tba market *gnu\ far Blackbarriae thia ■»■■■ •ad will pay 91 J# par buahal of 90 pound* or Sc par pauid far them. Cn«h will ha paid. Do not get etirk*, laavaa or wetar in than. I »ra tmyinc them atrictly for preearvaa and Jam. therefore they muat not have any tranh in them. 1 My place to rrraiva and- boil t'.em will ba >■ tike Mc laaf tobacco factory want of Planlera Warehouae opposite 8. A. Heriitie A Co. Pick tha barrios on* day and dalivar them Uta next, they will not do if ihay aro aour. Will begin buying Wr.lncuday, July 19, ltl(. 1 rill furnlah barrel" to haul tha barrtee in. .Ilia J una 10th. 101*. 7-HMH. J. R. PATTERSON YOU SHOULD NAME THE SURRY COUNTY LOAN & TRUST (0. AS YOUR EXECUTOR FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: The busings of this Company is to act as Executor of Wills, to administer estates, to nerve as guardian of minors and trustee of property under wills. A board of careful business men direct the affairs of the Company. The Trust Company never dies and is always found at its place of business ever ready to give proper attention to the affairs of your estate. The Trust Company will see that your will Is drawn cor rectly and, when named as Executor, makes no charge for properly drawing up the will or keeping it under seal in its vault. DIRECTORS W. W. Burke, A. G. Bowman, W. F. Carter, E. H. Wrenn, F. S. Eldridge, W. A. York, G. D. Fawcett, W. W. Hampton, W. G. Sydnor, J. D. Smith. OFFICERS W. F. CARTER, President E. H. WRENN, Vice-President. GEO. D. FAWCETT. Sec. * Treai.

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