Washington, July ».—Forecasting Um levy at dlnrt tiw on many lu oriea and Mir luxurtaa, and • distinct departure f ro«n American taxation precendenta, tba treasury department aant to Congreea today radical recom ■endatiatia for incorporation ia the M.000,000,000 war revenue bill. Clothing selling above a certain flg ura, furniture, gasoline, mala and fa Mia Mrvanta, hotol btlla abova itipu latod mm, and household article* ara 1 tha things recommended for tha paying of tributa to tha war naada of tha government. If tha raconmandatiana ara foilow ad—and dndoubtedly Congraee will enact a luxury tax—a man cannot wear a suit coating ovar $800 or a hat coating over >4 without paying tha government for the privilege. Milady'* fura and fane and here auit* coating more than (40 hat* more than 910 and ahoea more than $4 are acheduted for assessment. The treasury recommend* that tha present tax on tobacco, cigarettes and alcoholic beveragea be doubled. It would tax tha wholesale d?al»» in gakoline 10 cento a gallon and alao levy • 10 per cent on wire leaaas. An almoet prohibitory tax of 50 per cent on the retail price of jewelry is propoaed. In an evident desire to sUmp out the "flunkeys," the treasury asks that anybody having an many an four male aervanta shall pay a tax equal to the combined wages of four. A 26 per cent tax on hi* wage* i* recommended even on one male servant. Each family may have one female aervant, an old-fathioned cook or washerwoman, without paying an in ternal revenue tan. The treaaury department'* recom mendation* were received by Senator Simmon* chairman of the finance committee, and Representative Kit chin, chairman of the house way* and means committee. The proponed le vies hit practically every American citizen who wears a pair of socks coating more than 35 cents or ashlrt costing more than $2; pocket brushes ■oft drinks, and mirrors are on the taxable list. A federal license tax ranging from 916 to $60 on all automobiles is re commended by the treasury depart ment. Recommendations of the depart ment are understood to have adminis trative support and to have been 'dis cussed by Secretary McAd>*> and other officials before the recent de parture of Secretary McAdoo from the city. ii in evident uiat it is going to cost * great deal to live after the revenue bill becomes a law, and the average citizen may have to take the advice of Scretary McAdoo to "wear patched trousers" or the suggestion of Ber nard M. Maruch to "turn your trous ers wrongside out and wear them over swain." Here are the taxes which the treas ury hat asked Senator Simmons and Representative Kitrhin to present to their respective committees for in clusion in the big revenue bill: Retail taxes—fifty per cent on the retail price of jewelry, including watches and clocks except those sold to army officers. Twenty per cent on automobiles, trailers and trucks units, motorcycles bicycles automobile* motorcycles and bicycle tires and musical instruments. A tax on all men's suits selling for more than $90; hats over $4, shirts over $2; pajamas over $2; hosiery ov •r 36 cents, shoes over $6, gloves over •2, underwear over $3 and all neck wear and canes. A tax on women's suits over $40; coats over $30; ready made dresses, over $36; skirts, over $16; hat* over $10: shoes over $8; lingerie over $6; corsets over $t; dress goods: silk over $1M • square yard; cotton over 60 cents a square yard, and wool over M par *quare jrari All furs, bow mad Tu on childraa'a auiU tw Ilk. cotton drum war M; linen draaaaa over 16, silk and wool draaaaa ovar H, haU over |i, abaaa ovar 94 and gtovaa ovar 12. On htitiithoid fummhtnffi, al! oma mantal lampa and Axtur**, all table linen, cutlery and ailverware, china and rut flaaa. All furniture in aata for which |6 or mora la paid far each piaca. On curtaina ovar 12 par yard, and on tapeetriaa, roc* and cmrpata over |i par aquare /ard. On all puraaa, pockatbooka, hand bag*. bruahee, comb* and toilet arti cle* and all mirror* ovar 92. Tan par cant on the collection from the *ale* of vending machine*. Tan par cent on all hotal billa amounting to more than %2M par peraon per day. All the preaent tax on cabaret bill* i* made to apply to the entire reataurant of cafe bill (the preaent tax ia 10 per cent.) Taxea on manufacturer* or pro ducera. Ten cants a gallon on all gaaollne to be paid by the wholesale Healer. Ten per cant on wire lease*. The following tax on on soft drink* are suggested: Those now paying fi cent* a gallon to pay 20 cants: those paying 8 cents to pay 30 cent*; and those paying 20 cents to pay 80 cents mineral water now taxed 1 cent a gal lon to>pay 16 cants; chewing gum now taxed 2 per cent of the selling price, to pay 1 cent on each !i cent package. Motion pictures shows and Alms: Abolish the foot tax of 1-4 and 1-2 cent a foot and double the tax rate on admissions and substitute of 6 par cant on the rentals received by the producer. Tax on producers and manufac turer* continued. Double the present taxes on alcho lic beverages, viz: distilled spirita, now 98.20 per gallon, proposed $41.40 fermented $3.00 per gallon proposed W. Wine 8 cents per gallon to be 16 cents. Tobacco and cigarette taxes all dou bled. Automobles, license tax on passen ger automobiles graduated according to horsepower: 23 horsepower or less, $16, 24 to 30 horsepower, 125; 31 to 40 horsepower $40; over 40 horespow er $50. Double club membership dues. Household servants: Mai# 25 per cent of the wages of the servant up to 100 per cent of the combined wages of four or more. Female servants. Each family exempted from tax on one servant. All additional servants, (female) from 10 per cent to 100 per cent on all over four. Officers' Courage Save* Live* of Couple Sailor*. Washington, July 14.—Coolness and cou'-age of tvw> American naval offi cers, Lieut. Com. Edward H. Max field, of Norfolk, and Lieut, Frederick P. Culbert, of Orange, N. J- saved the lives of two American sailors when an accident happened to a Frcnrh dirigi ble balloon the Americans were oper ating in the war zone recently. The story was revealed today in an an nouncement that 8«crotary Daniels had commended the officers and re commended Lieutenant Commander MaxAeld for a life saving medal. After the <'irigible had fallen to the surface of t'-e water, the officers went overboard and assisted Chief Gunner's Mate L. E. Aller.by and Quartermas ter H. A. Elliot to ki>«p afloat until a launch from shore could rescue them j When the dirigible pi jnged head down toward the water the two men leaped overboard as they feared the car of the airship wouid be wracked. "Oieir 'heavy flying clothes prevented them from swimming and both were ex hausted when the ffiteri reached them from the dirigible, which was ixHng swept shoreward, preventing j the craw from picking ap the men. V «M sat upon the IkreM of the Torklah Empire, by the Yoanf Turk coup d'etat of April, I BOB which removed Alxiul-Hatntd, brother of Mohammed, from power. He hu exercised little authority under the constitutional form government es tablished by the Young Turin after the fall of the old deapotiam under Abdul, and ha* remained almoet a figurehead since ha wag released from 31 years of confinement, ordered by hia brother, la order to occupy the throne. The Young Turk movement, which arose amid the nationalist agitation in the Balkans during IBM under the control of the Committee of Union and Progress, proclaimed the reetoration of the constitutional government of 1M7A, when Abdul temporarily restor ed the parliamentary government with Kiamil Pasha, a liberal as Grand Vizier. Opponents of the movement subsequently aimed at retaining con trol when the revolutionary war broke out in 1909. Shevt-k Pasha took the capital, deposed Abdul and placet] Mo hammad on the throne. Mohammad was the thirty-fifth sovereign of Turkey in direct descent of the house of Osman. founder of the Empire. Some Hint* on ItMping Cool. In this part of the Uniud States than U no poesihla degree oi hast or humidity that shwild warty • thor ouichly healthy Individual who avoid* over-exposure to the direct rays of the sun and who ia temperate and reasonable in his manner of living. The heat prostrations reported so often in the papers during every spurt of the thermometer are seldom heat prostrations, strictly speaking. The beat merely gives a finishing touch to a body already weakened. Many heat prostration! would more properly be termed "food proetration" or "drink prostration," "nervous prostration" or "fat prostration," ac cording to the particular indulgence or weakness that muxes the body to yield to • few degrees rise in tempera ture or humidity. Here are mime ways to beat the heat: Cot the surplus fat off the body. Keep cool mentally, as well as phy sically. Keep the head protected from the sun. Take little meat, and take no al cohol. Do not overload and distend the stomach with sweet, "flaxy" .drinks that only increase thirst. Slightly acid drinks, such as un sweetened orangeade, lemon juice and water, are more thirst quenching. Get enough slaap. Don't talk about the heat. Don't read about the heat. Ask your newspaper not to publish "heat horrors." Don't look at the thermometer. Try to keep the air moving around your body. Get all the fun out of the hot wea ther that you can, without overdoing, and rentnkw that millions of busy people are not letting the thermom eter worry them. Mr*. Burma' Letter. Here la a letter that Ic carta in to prove to intaraat to people in thia vicinity ai caaae of thia aort occur in almoat every neighborhood, and peo ple ahould know what to do in like circumitancee: Savannah, Ma- 12. 1914. "I used a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy about nine year* age and it cured me of flux (dyeentery) I had another attack of the name complaint aorae three or four year* ago and a few doaea of thia rem edy cured a*. I have recommended ChavhaaMrt Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy to doaana of people ainee I ftrvt uaad it" War New York, July lO^-TTu at allied caaa<in rocking hi* tottenngj throw it meting the £mptror of Ger many • ravine Mniac. la hi* aval houaehold they ara calling hua "the| craay emperor." Thoaa thing! werr told today by | Mra. Lewi* Johnntnna, of Montreal. Canada, who (aid that in London, | thraa waoka ago, aha talkad with Carman who until two meaitha ai waa rloaaly aaaoeiatad with tha work ing staff at tha kakaor'a polar*. "Ha told ma," aha Mid, "that man and woman who had baan In tha kaia er'a houaehold for yaara wara baing ruffed about lika doga, and wara mada to aat r rumba and waada and dry bread by the kaiaar. "The name of America or any Ame rican ia forbidden within tha hearing of the kaiaar, ha told ma, and a few week* after the United Hiatal enter ed the war, when a etoae military con fidant auggeatad tnat tha United Statea aeemed to be preparing to defy Cerrnany'a aubmarinea and aend her troop* acroaa the ocean, the apaaker waa atruck in the face with the *ai aer'a only normal flat and aant reel ing acroaa the floor. " 'Cet out, you cowardly dog,' ha aaid the kaiaar waa quotad by one of the attendant* aa having aaid. 'You talk rotten nonaenae; the Americana will come, eh? To hell with the Amer icana,' whereupon he fell upon hia kneea, curaing the United Statea. War Bread Better for Our General Health. A» a result of a aerie* of carefully conducted experiment* by expert* in the Hygienic Laboratory at the Unif -d State* Public Health Service, it ha* been shown that flour made from the whole wheat or corn grain contain* an abundance of antineari tic vitamine, while the 'Highly milled* product* derived from the cereal* named are deficient in thi* element. The summary of the experiments made conclude* that the "highly mill ed" product* are, without exception, inferior to food* prepared from the whole grain. It i* not claimed, how ever, that it i* advantageous to in clude the bran in food* intended for human nutrition". "On the contrary" it is asserted, "the experiences with war bread' would rather indicate that persons with delicate digestion are subject to temporary eigestive distur bances as a result of a change from 'white' bread to bread containing a considerable percentage of bran (war breed'.) On the other hand, from the standpoint of deitary completeness, a bread which includes all of the grain, with the exception of the superficial cellulose layer, is undoubtedly super ior to the so-called white bread made from highly milled flour, and would not posses* the above Mentioned ob jectionable feature*." It >a also found that the moot signi ficant defect in "white" flour i* ita deficiency in antineuritic and fat so luble vitamin*; it ia also deAcient in ■de<)uate protein and the inorganic Mlta. From the facta cited the con clusion ia drawn that bread made from "whole wheat" flour or old faah loned cornmer.l should be usad in pre ference to "wi.ite" bread and "highly milled" compounds, whenever the diet is restricted to these cereal foods to the more or less complete exclusion of >th*r foods possessing* greater die tary value. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF CO , PARTNERSHIP. \ To Whom it may Concern: Notice it hereby given to the pub lic, that the co-partnerihip couponed of J. E. Stone, J. C. Dodson, Had Joe Klip pin, doinp a milling busineea on Tom* Creek in Pilot Townnhip, Surry County, under the Arm name* of J. E. Stone and Co., and Piedmont Roller MUU, hai been diaaolved. and the Mid •old Mid mill to C. U. let, 1918. 7. K. STONE, J. C. DODSON. JOB KL1PPIN. lee hav< nartlei 1 Bernard Thia J Jul* H*w Big is Tfcs War Sariafi UmmT That tha War Sariaga Cwptifn la a "■'■ job mad not a >art Han aarvica far wwaa and rhiidraa la ona of tka eaurtctiaaa to rn»i to thinking aMti aa a raault of tka racant War kvinp driva. Bafora tha taak of reiatng 11,000,000,000 mi Ukaa aarioualy by tha paopia of tha vanoua atataa and countlaa, it waa aaay tnoufh not to eonaidar it a nun 'a job. Bat tinea naarly avary rad-bioodad A marican citlaan haa triad hla hand aithar by tpaakim, aolteiting, or by purchaaing ttampa himaalf, ha ia eon vincad that tha j»b ia ona for aavaral fuli-aizad man. Somaona who haa atlamptad to aatl mata tha hi* of tha taak of rataing two billion dollara aaka how much ia a billion, and anawara it by laying that thara have baan only ona biliion and alavan minutaa tinea tha birth of Chriat. Anothar paraon haa aaid that if a railroad train ahould ba ona na cond lata for evary dollar that tha War Bavinga (Campaign ia aakad to raiaa that it would ba auty-four yaara bahind Ita aehadula. In addition to this information >■ regard* the >iu of the War Saving! Campaign, a noted public xpaaker ha* xaid that the bigneas of the posaibili tiM of the War Savings idea may be had when it ia considered that the plan contain* the salvation of the na tion. He nay* that the nation'* pre *ent and future safety lie* in the sav ing habit* that will be crerted a* a result of thin campaign. After all i* said a* to the site and poaaibilitie* of the War Saving* idea, it i* the judgement of State Head quarter* that the id«a will be only a* big a* any state or county makes it. and that if it is to be the salvation of the war, that several North Carolina counties and many of her citizens have, at preeent, little hope of salva tion. Habitual um of drn|* deplored Charleston, W. Va.—That there ■re probably 14,000 habitual drug uaers in West Virginia; that legisla tion muat be enacted in the state* to stamp out tr=Ac that ia inimical to the public welfare and the cauae of the waate of millions of dollars an nually in thia State* alone that "a pill for every ill" ia the height of folly, and that "if practically all the drugs in the world were cast into the ocean, mankind would be the gainer," are statement* given out by Dr. Charles A. Roeewater of Newark, N. J., who has completed a survey of the State in connection with the subject of drug addictions, and who conferred with Gov. John J. Cornwell with a view to the paaaage of legialation dealing with the drug evil. Caffeine in combination with cer tain aubstancea derived from the kola nut and decocainiied coco leaves, aromatic spirit* of ammonia, pare goric, and morphine are among the irugs or drug preparation* more com monly uaed, said Dr. Roeewater, and heroin and cocaine are also in use in the State. "In ■ recent survey or Went Vtr rinim." Mid D.r Rosewoter, "I had M difficulty in obtaining mophine prescriptions from physicians. There was not the slightest examination made. While some physicians are act ing in rood faith in preserving for j irug addicts, most of them are act-, ing unscrupulously for profit, and ■rithout and consider*lion for the wel | fare of the public or the addict. "The remedy for the drag evil is I educational and legislative. Mother* nust be taught. The great American i nation must learn to stop drugging | itself. The people must be taught that health is beat mainta^tad by right living. "There will never be any real prag re sa made in checking the illegitimate traffic in drug* until, in addition to rtate control, there is complete federal control of the wiiusctaN, importa tion, sale and use of all narcotic and kabiUfermhw drugs." CfOMM Cm'I W. Mm U| Army lm Frmmmm, AMtnlaa, J uty 11.—Oeaecal ram OMm-ImIhii, alHUry ex part of 1m Bhenuh Wotphalian Qmmti* joins In the ckanii with Lieut. Gm. Baron na Anlmi*, military «apart of the TWfiMtU and other crittea who prafeee to dtahailave tha Ararat) gtr an by Haeretary of War Baker regard Inf tka number of Amarfaan troepa now In franca. "Our information," eayi Canaral Oaten-Sackan, "la that lhara aia no mora than a half million Americana in Europe and not ana third of tin— are at tha front." In a column artMa tha wrHar run* tha whola gamun of familiar ar gument* proving perhaps to tha eatia fartion of tha Teutonic mind, that there ia nothing in Haeretiry Bakar'* utatement. Tha kaynote of German expert opin ion ia that America cannot pat op a really big army equipped and if arm ed and equipped it cannot be trans ported. State Pledges Three-Fourths of it* War Saving* Quota. That three-fourth* of the State'* quota of War Saving* Stamp* ha* b*«n pledged and sold by three-four th* of the counties i* the report of the War Saving* Campaign up to data. State Headquarter* today gave out the following figure* tabulated from the report* made by xeventyfiv* roan tie* up to and including July 9, on which day all countie* had been re quested to report: Sale of Stamp*. S7.643.W0; pledge*. <28,000,000; Despite the fact say* State Head quarters, that North Carolina is being held back and is net allowed te I which she i* entitled for the raaaon that twenty-five of her countie* have failed to report the amount of their aale* and pledges, the State is never theless holding it* place a* one of the fir<t among other itate*, and i* being looked to aa one that will raise its full quota. Oregon is the only State that ha* been reported to have raised it* quot i in full aa a result of the recent drive. The countie* which have not yet reported their result* of the War Savings drive to State Headquarter* are: Alleghany, Ashe, Bladen. Brun swick. Camden, Catawba, Colombo*. Cumberland. Dare, Duplin, Gate*. Hertford. Hyde, Lee, Lincoln, McDo well, Pender, Person. Robeson Ruther ford, Sampsoi, Watauga and Wilkes. Newspapers and the War. Charlotte Observer. "If anyone thinks ehat the newspa per* are fretting off light," said one at the helm of papers in North Caro lina yesterday, "such a one is mistak en. Publishers of newspapers just now face the most serious condition in the history of the business. Fal lowing the steady increase in the coat of white paper, an increase over 100 per cent, came higher prices in ink, type metal and other necessities, to say nothing of the increased coat of labor, and Anally, there has come an increase in postage rates beginning with 25 par cent, running to ISO per cent. Writing along this line The Asheville Times says: 'Facing thee* increased expenses there is alio the demsnd for newspaper space by all departments of the government, a demand which is not accompanied by any provision for remuneration, and there is the added necessity of giving the readers and subscribers the lat est and best news of a world war— news that is naturally more expensive than news of any period In the pre sent age. Newspaper makers are therefore just now feeing problems— and striving to solve them."

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