[ «LM per he. Granite City Mill*. J. B. wtahea to call to the fact that ha kberrtee. and «U1 pay for than. Baa his add to thu I wtah employment to and maa* moating*. •nd tha tricolor ara* to be seen flying beside the atari and *tripe*. Patrio-1 tic addresses were delivered and reso lution» adopted expressing tha senti ment of America'* million* for France Franch officer* assigned to southern' army training camp* were given places of honor while members of the 1 Franch colonies participated in par-j ade* arranged for the occasion. Think Before You Spend. If you raw a girl working on a: Blank and knew that the mask might mve a noldirr'n life, you would not toll that girl to stop the work and make you a new hat. If you «a« a man at n lathe turning! up a shell to be used in France, you ■wouldn't say: "Stop that lathe, take out that shell and repair my auto mobile." Yet, that in what you do when you thoughtlessly spend your money,— you use up freight "pace, take the labor of men. claim products of farm i or mine or factory- «I1 needed hy the Government. Think before you spend. Life Was a Misery 0 Mr*. F. M. J one*, of Miner, Okla., write*: "Fran the time I en tered into womanhood ... I looked with dread from one month to the ■ext I suffered with my back aad beariag-dowa pain, until Ufe to me wan • misery. I would think I could not endure the paia any longer, aad I. gradually got worse. . . Nothing sec tried to help me until, oae day, . . . I decided to TAKE "I took four bottle*," Mr*. Jones go** °* •ay, "and waa not only greatly relieved, but can truthfully uy that I have not a pain. . . " It has now been two years since 1 tookCardul, and 1 am ctiB in good health. . . I would ad vise My woman or girl to us* Cardul who Is a sufferer from any tenuis trouble." I If you suffer pain caused from womanly trouble, or ■ yon feel the need of a good strengthening tonic to bofld up your ran-down system, tats too advice Ol Mrs. Joass. TryCar dsL H helped her. Wo betters it will help yon. AflDriggittt t m ■AMD DOC Dr C. A. Short, State Uhnliry af Ttm l« xnr i day ikM I da Ml tka dli—«i of rabtea, and alwaya the thought ia praaant that all af it la aitaariaiary; far ebb dlaaaaa could ba abaolately exterminated from all tka nviliaad portion of tka ctoha la flva or tan yaar». Thia la not an anntr a lad »tat«a»»nt. for It baa already barn stamped oat In ne tied 'js hir' srcn, ami while I was examining thci wound another child came in a'-oj with a mad store on hi. arm. O.ie white child and one colored—the one' mad stone was a piere of ?halo, tile jther a piece of soap stone. I have1 leen mad stores composed of bits of broken crockery, several time* of pumice stone, and I believe ball stones ire also favorite*. A harmless'ruper •tition is that buzxard* will not eat' the body of a rabid animal. Rabies is an infectious disease—! Lhat is, a diwiw cau-wd by a living irganism, and it in contracted only by inoculation. The infecting material1 must enter thru a break in the skin. The (Term, i* not a bacterium, but a protozoan, similar in size and fhape' to the malaria parasite. After in-1 nculation it travels only by way of the nerve trunks—i.«t by way of the blood. It caur.ec no symptoms until it reaches the nerve cells, which it destroys. The symptoms vary con siderably, depending on the amount and character of the brain injury. There is urually a restlessness, a change of disposition paralysis sooner or later, and invariably death. Not all dogs have inclination to bite—pos sibly only fifty per cent of dogs, and a smaller per cent of horses and cats Cattle and hogs are often very vio lent, but do not bite. Human beings never bite, they are asually conscious thruout, but the symptoms are very distressing and there is great suffer ing. Rabies exlsta in all climates and in all seasons of the year, being slightly more' prevalent in the spring thaw in other seasons. It is important to bear in mind that there ii no such thing as spontaneous rabies. The rabiea germ origirates from the parent just as the dog, the oak tree or man himself originates from hi* parents. As the germ ran only get a foothold when inoculated the sure is simple. It U to prevent rabid animals from biting. There la little danger from horses, cat* and wild animal a, and if It were not for the dog it la evident that the diaeaae MMM mm die owt, TVb U wail ilhu Total Rebut animal* examined by January ... February Marrh April .... May ..... June ..... July Auffurt .... K Srptrmher ....... 92 October ..... ........ 141 November 115 December 121 Rahul animal* examined: Do** Cattle Human Home* Fox Cat* fW Hotfs 7 Sheep 1 Goat* 1 Total i 1344 Thin rl Hostetler calU attention to the fact that it u now almost urpossible to obtain a good grade of shorn or middling* and that tinkage and oil' meal are high in price an ! difficult to j obtain. home wheat products may be eas-, ier to obtain after the present crop is harvested, but it in ^doubtful if they j will become mo. h cheaper in price, j There is a new pro.-ei.i hog fxxl known as fish meal, which is being used to nme extent, but it is yet in■ the experimental stage, and is not recommended by the Office. Soybean meal and peanut meal are very satis factory. but they are very hard to get, also at a reasonable price. This bHng* the question down to the fact that permanent and tempor ary pastures must be supplied. Uyt furnishing a large amount of grazing can l«e grown over the entire State, that produces valuable pork cheaply. Rape, soybeans, velvet beans, vetch, clo* for sale at public auction t« the highest bidder the following: All my farming tooli including sev eral food second hand plows, on* double section steel harrow, one two horse wagon, second hand buggy and other fanning tools. Terms cash. Sala at my home on : WfciU Plains road. W. J. York. 1.1—g— U. ft. TBOOT3 AUtEADY SENT OVDL Waehiogton July 11.—UwtlM b| half at the time it «m originally eeti »»ud it weald take te fat Aairtn'i llrat Held army in fmim wee itii rloaed today with tha formal an nouncement by General March that thraa full army carps had haan organ Had by Ganaral Pinhinf, and that tha numbtr of aoldiern aent overaeaa now numbar mora than 1,100,000. Tha It dtvlatena compoeing tha corpe, coneiatmg of four raguiar. nina national guard and (Wa national army diviaional unita, probably will rom pnaa tha ft rat army, which, with »up piemental army troopa, audi aa heavy artillery, will total a million man. Twa Inataad of Ow. Inataad of ona ftald army on Janu ary 1, 1919 aa originally planned it now appear* probable that two eurh armiea will ha operating in France by that date backed by full American built and maintained supply linen. The great project of extabliahing the American army aa the right flank of the hattlaline will then be within •ight. •Gneral March uid organization of the flrxt fleld army had not yet been completed. The formation of the three corps, however, and hia an nouncement that troop movement* to France were proceeding at the name astonishing rate that ha* been the rule for the last three month*, made the American military program clear. | Each contain* from 225.0(H) to, 250,000 men of the regulars, national' army and national guard. General Liggett in ( manand Major General Hunter Liggett tem po rarly command* the (Vrxt corps: the two other commander* have not been (elected, but when the corp* commander* finally are selected they will have the rank of lieutenant gen eral*. Be "ide* this the chief of staff dis closed important information of the exact troop* which go to make op the corpe. This Information never ha* been given before to the people at home. The rate of transportation of troops 1 for July, General March said, was keeping up with previous months. More than 90,000 troops were trans ported last week alone. Americans Join French in Celebrating French Fete.' With American Force* in Frince, July 14.—O. all the American front* in Franee American soldiers today joined their French comrades in en thuMa-ti<-ally celebtating the French fete. The Americana wore the French national emblem and dec ..rated their bi'Ut-s and motor car* with French flags. The villages in the rear of the line* again were profusely decoratcd with flags of >11 the alliec. Slower* t>u- morning fa '.cd to keep the crowd* indoor* and ti e churches were filled. Soldier* arc civilian* promenaded the througfore and ex changed holiday greetings. In the afternoon while there w<., no set program on the .ariou* fronti the American* entered into the spirit of the day in tVe same w.»y tl.ey cele brate independence day. Tl ose who were able to obtain passes went to helpful self-denial on the part of all in a time like this is most commend able. That this war is more than a con flict bctweei. armies; it i* a contest in which every man, woman and child can.anii should render real assistance. Thrift and economy are not only a patriotic privilege, they are a duty. (TALIAN QUEENS! In the operation of my bee business I conduct a queen rearing yard and at this time I have a few more queens than I need in my own yards. These queens are bred from fine Ita lian stock and are the finest queens that can be had. Satis faction guaranteed. One queen $1.00; aix for $5.00; twelve for $9.00. FRED L. JOHNSON g Mount Air?) N. C. fob m aoim ow jtma. J- I— Binatr Lax ll^-tni * *. -* * •*». : ?52 I D. H*UW *!, ; :}}}}}t «5 . „ „ nmnmiM. »»*rrr • £"•?*• Trea, pmy atraat hand.. J. R. MrKinaia, m T D. Hatcher, < h»/ at police, nalary. 7IUN J. H. Carroll, polu-a nalary Mil J. E. Monday, polwe salary AM* W. H. Brannork, A reman , Mil# J. A. Jarfcaon. houha* garhatfe, M {■ T. Moore, agent, exprenn on coupon*, 27 Mia* Mary ArmAeM. rant town clock 2C.0# A. G. Bowman A Son, «>da Me., 1.4# G. A. .Stark A Co., gasoline ate.,... &JM Tha Want Hill Co., lead lit.l* Mount Airy Newn, printing bill 3A.HA A. G»Ui mith, rant Are houae '&MA K. P. Craven, blade for road machine jM A. G. Webb, < hief Or* department, nalary, UM W. U Steele. Aroaan ultiy, to# H. G. Jarrall, fireman alary 1.00 f>*a Robert.-, Unman «alary tut E. T. Bcaxlay. A reman salary to# Sum Warren, Araman salary. . . I.'4k W. E. Barnard, Araman nalary, IjjO D. B. Witt, Araman nalary I.o# M. P. Patfernon, flreman salary, IM Otia Ma y.e, n reman nalary to# Joa Jorea, Araman nalary IM J. E. Monday, Araman nalary, ,,,,, M# Jamen Barkar. Ar 'man nalary to# W. C. M<>o«ly. fireman -50.00 P. M. Poore, treaa., pay ntreet liandt, ., 30.00 A. ,m.th rent bowling alley 40.00 Emitt Miller, hay, 1M.00 P. M. Poore, Trea-.,, pay ank, 2,210.22 Rec'd at J. L. Banner tax collector d.'W..'W E. H. Kochtituky, tuition 75.50 J. 9. Patterson county trean., 2.000.00 ti ifM iktf nmiHTim Miss Nannie Fulton, teac'..er salary, .. . 50.00 Mi»* Elma Kelly, tuachar salary •"«» '> Miaa B»*s Merritt, teacher salary 60.00 Miss M'^ry Franklii Graves, teeacner. ■-alary 2.50 C. M. Staley, *up'., 141 .ri*% W. J. Hanks, Ja.utor, salary 35.00 ArvhurBelton jan tor salary 50.00 R. G. Deen, janitor salary 5.00 Jim. J hn Fof, te-.chcr salary 50.00 Mia* Halite Stowe, tanther salary 'MM Miss Jatnmie Hadiey, teacher salary, 50.00 ML"* Elena Kelly, tender sal.iry Ml.00 Mum Mary Watson, teacher salary, 50.00 Miss Isahell Grav«j, teacher sala.-y, 50.00 Mia* Kate Kandrck. teacher saUry, 50.60 Miss a.'l ie Carroll, teacher salary 50.00 Mia* Bcn-i- Hi>rr.id»7, teacher salary, 50.60 Mia- Ste'.u Yoder, teacher salary 60.00 Mr*. Sa.iih Spaugh. father salary 50.00 Miss B- • Merrjtt. teacher salary 60.00 Miss Nellie Smoke. tv^«r ;alary 50.00 Miss Kuwf Chapman, teacher salary, 50.00 M il Jem.ie Unrt'M, tcaco. . ,:ala. 59.00 y «s A. i.i.; Lee Clirk, te.w lor a!a <52-50 M's» Dorsky Nims, tcachcr salary 62.50 Miss Nell Kmw, teacher salary 62-50 J. A. W 'ham-*, teacher salary 124.00 John J. Jones, teacher salary. 42JO Mr John J. Jones, teacher salary, 26.50 Ha lane ■ cash in Bank .1387.42 • %Ajn»M STATEMENT WATER LIGHT AND POWER PLANT, June I. Balance cash in hank, 1.7:10.19 Rer ■! of A. V. West sec'y I.isrht and Power rents 1JJMJ2 A. V. West, sec. Water rents. Ml).71 A. V. West, sec. supplies and rent . 32.98 A. V. West, sac. Light & Power 1,177.09 A. V. West, sec. Wat*r rents MMI A. V. West sec. Supplies b house rent 11.63 4,985.93 EXPENDITURES. I. W. Barber, Supt, salary 150.00 W. G. Sydnor. Barbers bond 10.00 Sanders Broa. Co, supplies, 6.40 Charlotte Sui.ply Co., supplies 7-28 Baltimore Electric Supply Co, Supplies 39.88 Pittsburgh Mtter Co., supplies, l'-JJ J. D. .Sargent Granite Co, supplies, 2->2 Smith Courtney Co, supplies 37JJO Na;ional Carbon Co.. supplies, 1000 Genera! Electric Co, supplies 675.01 Western Electn- Co., supplies, 13.40 W. E. Merritt Co, supplies. 41-32 Sanitary Plumbing Co, supplies,' 10.05 Jackson Bros. Co, supplies JL50 Donated to General Town Fund, 550.00 Rase Johnson, witness fee. .. i -50 Miss Pearl llomidy, witness fe«^ ^^rCT.... JO Freight and vashers and brmckeB, . 2.48 Freight on cordage ...I .^T. 2.22 T. G. Samuels, livery bill f 8.50 Telegraph message I .....jS.. SO Special Latwr, i . .. *}-Jj Regular pay roll, yj*"' •/• 285.00 iwjr'Jiar |»«*/ »v«i, -- C. F. Gwyn, hauling sand,, ■ ■-Jf- •/ 9 00 Mrs. R. B. Honeytord, rebate i#*er rent, Ji. 50 Special labor, /. 167.10 T. J. Lowry, printing bjlr ... J 1.50 Ezprusf on solder, ^T. . / 51 Express on brush**, M Express on Varni-h ..../. J4 T. G. Samuels, livery bill, 1.50 Frcnitkt on grease ■•>■/■ 62 Freight on Meters, l/. 1.14 Special Labor '. 11.46 Car hir», witness fees and board Casidy case 128.70 Regular Payroll for May; 285.00 Albert Flin interest in Pipe line 10.00 Norman Perry Drug Co, alumn 8.00 Freight on Pipe 1.14 Special labor 40.60 Balance cash in Bank, 2.404J$ I4.985.9t STATEMENT BONDED DEBT INTEREST FUND* June 1. Balance cash in hanks to pay interest on improvement bonds, 2,112.97 Balance Cash in bank to pay interest on school bonds, R49.24 Rec'd of J. L. Banner tax collector pay interest on improvement bonds 600.00 J. L. Banner, tax collector pay interest on school bonds, 181.R2 S,744.03 EXPENDITURES. Bank of Mount Airy for draft to Harris Forbes 4 Cos pay interest on improvement ImhmIs &00.00 First National Bank fur draft to Harris Fobes A Cft, pay Interest on improvement bonds 500.06 Bank of Mount Airy for draft National Exchange of Baltimore pay inUrest on improvement bonds,. 111-50 First National Bank for draft Nations (Exchange Bank of Baltimore pay intaraat on improvement htm is ULM Balance cash in Banks to pay interest on tmpiuismant bond.. M87 »T Balance cask In Bank to pay intaraat on school bonds MUM P. M. POO EI, Treas, Approved: E. C. BIYEtU, I i J. K. Jofcasoa, 8. M. Hate. . .