ion. Sir Fronelo Mojrd replying to U«it Sue... to tho AUiod Form' | "Thar* -on bo no p—r» by nogotio ■m and notning but poaeo by 'bo Now that wo hivo on Indo m>. which hoa com# o»or tbo woatorn wavu at a i wo moot i.ood It wo roroly aho'tld eorry through and altain tho dot)rod General Biddle, raplyini to the toast, **Our Guests," said: "(ireat an tihvt been Um sympathies and friendship between tha Franch and American nations they navar have reached a climax until today whan, feapily, both nations are fighting ,-ide by sida." General Riddle read a ir.essage sent by Marshal Joffre to General Persh ing, the American commander in France, in which, referring to thef Fourth if July and 14th of July eel;»j brations, he said: l "On these two artemn days Ameri can and French hearts beat in unison. All feel that the moment approaches when, thanks to their common efforts Hie defeat of Germany will allow all | free nations to calehrate at last the | independence of the warld." What Saving Samuel Says. I Saving .Samuel says, hearken to me. ton: When it comes to makin' a flash the butterfly has got a whole lot on the bee. but no man ever saw a but terfly with honey saved up. Moreover, son, don't get the idea that what you could .save "wouldn't amount to enough to wad a shotgun." Every cent makes a sound nowadays. And, remember, son, that the feller who blows the piccolo nevpf leads the art-he ft ra, and four dollars and eigh teen cents ain't much, but it will buy a heap of persuasion for Kaiser Bill. Notice, Sale of School Houw Rendu. Pursuant to the laws of North Car-! nlina, the County Board of Kdnra-I tion at Surry County will sail at pub-. lie auction for rash, at the Court1 House door in Dobson on Monday the 6th day of July 1918 at one o clock P. M., $5,000.00 in bonds, in denom ination* of $1*00.00 each, bearing date the 1st day of June 1918, due and pay able in 20 year* from data with in terest coupons attached at six per eent. payable semi-annually. - Said bon'd* wi-re issued by the County Board of Commissioners of Surry County for the purpose of building repairing and eouiping a school build-1 frig in Dobson Graded School District, I •s expres«ed by the will of the people h» said District under an election held , for that purpose. This the 1st day of July, 1918. E. H. WRENS'. Chm. Co. Board Education. i. H. AU EN. Clerk to Board; NOTICE. State of North Carolina, Depart ■lent of State. To all to whom these presents may come—greetings: Whereas, it appears to my satia tertion. by duly authenticated record m the preceding* for the voluntary Assolution thereof by the unanimous afensent of all the stockholders, de Cited in my office, that Haynes, wn and Company, a corporation of Ais State, whose principal office la Boated at Oak street, in the town of Mount Airy. County of Surry State a North Carolina (W. T. Haynes be ■l the agent therein and in charge flberof upon whom process may be ■erved). has complied with the re quirements of Chapter 21, Kevisal of W06, entitled "Corporations," preli minary to the issuing of thu Certifi cate of Dissolution: Now, Therefore, 1, J. Bryan Grimes, ■ocretary of State of the State of ■orth Carolina, do hereby certify that •k said corporation did, on the 26th Ajr of June 1918, Ale in my office a Aly executed and attested consent in Writing to the (liasolution of said cor Kration, executed by all the stock lders thereof, which aaid consent ■d the record of the proceedings ■foresaid are now on file in my said tflre as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have here to act my hand r.nd affixed my official Mai at Raleigh, this 26th day of June A. D. 1918. J. Bryan Griases, Sac. of State. Dr.H.R.Hege Dentist Mm earaar Mala and Moor* SU, •ppooite Hawka-iUtkrork Drag C*. wmcx HO UBS: » a. m. to 11 m. , 1 p. m. to I p. m. THE PATRIOT THRIFT STAMPS nr TMK WINIM. IwHlliim try lu#ana zwmtrnni ta ID* National •acurity I.aagua*a Campaign a# Patriollam Through education. "IMPERIAL GERMANY" WHAT IT IS ■y DR. TALCOTT WILLIAM*, Director ef the Columbia Unlvaralty Sohoel of Jaumallam. Baaed on tha principle. Immoral In ethlra tyrannical In operation, an<1 perlloua to all liberty, that certain men are born te rule, the imperial < iorman ment" baa for a generation In™ tha foe of liberty and the enemy af free dom. Ita whole In fluence haa been thrown to auppraaa freedom la the four Balkan atatea. It haa prevented their peaceful de velopment, refnaed to enforce tha Trea Talcott Williams, ty of Berlin, which would have brought peace, and la responsible for four Bal kan wars. A arere of years ago It supported the bloodthirsty Saltan of Turkey In Armenian maaascrea, and tha officers af tha "Imperial German Government" bare aided and abattad these maaaarraa now bacauac tha Ar menians worked and planned tor Ilk arty wben other races in Turkey were qule».eoL It la tha "Imperial Herman Government" which la responsible for WW.OOO Armenians, starved to death aa Germans themselves testify. "•ecrst Enemy."' In 190*. *hm the revolutionary Turkish government win fur freedom, Germiny opposed It; when It became tyrannical (iermany tnd'le (hia govern ment Its ally. Tbe Herman govern ment harassed France not merely be rauw It waa Ita annent enemy, bat because Ita success aa a republic made the Trench people perilous tc princes. The Oerniaa govfrnmeni plotl -d to re store the Msn*ration by point ing out errors that hare boon made. There la no doubt whatever that the groat safeguards la tha conduct of the war are almoat unlimited publicity and the right of criticism. We aro told that constructive crit icism is always welcome, bat who Is to decide what la constructive? Why not criticism without the adjective? Most dtlsaoa believe that Ualvarsal Military Training as a corrective of our unpreperedness would have been constructive, snd yet It waa not adopt ed. Who can tell. If It had boon ac cepted when first propooed. what tho reault would have been on thla war I If we had had more publicity upon tho production of aeroplanes. shipping and erdnsace, tho suggestlona of think ing men would unquestionably have stimulated tho rapidity with which theoe articles wero being produced, snd tho delays that have occurred might have boon avoided. There are thlnga tho Government cannot make public, and theoe the peo ple do not aak to know. But In tha mala full information concerning the progroao of preparation can safely bo given to tho people. It Is tho people's war; It la a war supported by tha peo ple, financially aad phyaically, and suggestions by them MiouM be sought and iiisMdarad. *1 la aarflaataaataty Mat aol mm ia ilwtrri and mm tha I of a ■!■■■'« induatrtal urgently d—aad* la par lrater tranapart to the tut y abataclea daring tha Mr, and mi aM« to gain ground buy a lowly The nataa—ry aranaahip mant arrangement* naie lacking, and tt waa only a laat yaar that regular iu— ualiatlow could ba developed, although It la at 111 vary limited. Tha low efficiency hitharto may ba at tributed partly to tha fact that tha traaaahipaient arrangamanta ara atill imperfect, and that many aaall piar aa of work ramain to ba dona. Ula pravailing condition* ara however, ap parant alao in tha low efficiency of tha Rhine-Herne Canal and Ita arranga manta. Tha lock* ara too inadequate in rapacity and numbar to copa with tha atill scanty traffic. Too many atoppagc and dalaya occur in the journaya, and a eloacr cooperation of railway* and waterway* is needed, at laaat in war time The defective development of the ran*I system make* it necessary for coal to be transferred to the railway for further tram port at the trans shipment stations of the upper Rhine and the Dortmund-Ems and Ems Weser canals. Here the necessary means of transport are usually lack ing, as the wagon supply is not punc tual. The coal lies at the place rff debarkation and has to be twice load ed and unloaded, instead of being transferred direct from ship to rail way. Increased efficiency of the wat er way system can alone bring the transport question of ore and coal nearer a solution. The Joy of Living. To enjoy life we mu-t have good health. No one can reaconably nope to get much real pleasure out of life when hia howeln are clogged a good •bare of the time and the poi*on«Wi far ■hrttarriw Hua wmmmm and will pay II JtO par bfcakai at M paiaaii ark par paarf far tfaMk Caak will ba paid. Do not fat aticka, laavaa or Wfrtar la tkaaa. I Mi buying tka* rtrtetljr far praaanraa and jaat, tkarafara tkay moat Bat kava aay traah In lliaaa. My plnea to rarahra and ball than will ba la tka bi» laaf tohacco factory waat of Plantar* Warakauaa oppoaita S. A. Haatjaia A Co. Pick tka barrtaa ona day and dalivar tham tka naxt, tkay will not do if tkay ara *oar. Will bafin buying Wadnaaday, July It, 1914. I will forniak barrala to haul tka barriaa in. Tkia Jane llXk, 1918. 7-19-4C J. R. PATTERSON YOU SHOULD NAME THE SURRY COUNTY LOAN & TRUST CO. AS YOUR EXECUTOR FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: The business of thia Company is to act as Executor of Wills, to administer estates, to serve as guardian of minors and trustee of property under wills. A board of careful business men direct the affairs of the Company. The Trust Company never dies and is always found at its place of business ever ready to give proper attention to the affairs of your estate. The Trust Company will see that your will is drawn cor rectly and, when named as Executor, makes no charge for properly drawing up the will or keeping R under seal in its vault DIRECTORS W. W. Burke, A. G. Bowman, W. F. Carter, E. H. Wrenn, F. S. Eldridge, W. A. York. G. D. Fawcett, W. W. Hampton, W. G. Sydnor, J. D. Smith. OFFICERS W. F. CARTER, President. E. H. WRENN, Vice-President GEO. D. FAWCETT, Sec. A Treta.