Mount Airy Nvws. J. K. JOaOHON * BOW. Airy, X. C, OMn l*tk. ltl*. liUaMKIKri. V BATEfc Om T—r HM Ms month*. It CAMS IN ADVANCE. CAN WE GIVE A REASON. HiU Is an >'f jwiilHU and whan • man ta in 'i-oubta ha i iurillv turnr to a uparialiat in whutevar lina ha i» intarmtad. H*>a *a ara in the mulat >•< a.i ant dam*- that aurpai.*** an-rtl- th» rouittiv hat kn>wn '>»<• •». Tha una rialt :t» at Wa«.hi»" ' .>■ and "Ir.laiifh ■daica that nubil* inaatmi;*. adlaola, thaatara, eta.. ha rloaad. Othar '.nana ara takintf the a i 'Ice. Tliia T< ' n i» m.» I arira nitmbara of tha riturna ara rafuainir •" m»»I • ■ 'h* I'hool m.<l ara acpin* ihoir i-hildran at b« ma. Ona larira factory ia a third of ita l.clp liir*u>p of tha apidamic. N<w in tl c >f 'l.ene facta it apjwara to u« t« ha in tha I'na if h mi» | i jrf« to take Ilia arfvica of »ha pa riali I* wh< rro ■ upp< ail to km ;/, arul i!n ih«- thing ma if", niy to ch':ck tha rpraud f tf-1 rf « .7* thnl ih "O i' ."'atimr j»- 1'ilili in i I. TUE |NP' UEN7* "PPF The gpanirh Influenza ha* h t thin town anil section along with all other parts of the country. Some families have lieen in sore d'tress !>»• nuf of the malady, ami in a few instances pneumonia has develops. Two joint meeting* of the town Commissioner* ami the School Board have been helil anil prominent citizen* and Doctor* js! t »ek r>0*t in the meeting*. The remit wan that it seemed to he the g«inial opinion that the condition* here were not inch as to justify any action on the part of either Board, further than to warn all persons to he rereful and take all necessary precau tion; about exposing themselvus un necessarily. The Health officer, Dr. C. A. Haird, recommended tVat the advice of the Federal and .State authorities about closing all public meeting places he adopted, hut the Board;; ilfeilincil to ■ rr -commendation. WORKERS FOR THE RED CROSS NEEDED Some weeks ago the local leaders for the Keti Croaa work started a movement to raise funds by solicit ing «mall amount- of tobacco from each farmer who comes to market. To do this i wai< the plan to have lwro ladies to be at ea. h warehouse dur ing the morning hours and collect tlie tobacco. The plain has ~woi ked to perfection and the fatmers have re sponded in a most liberal manner, so liberal that the total daily colli- Lion i am'unt to a nice sum well worth the time and trouble it is taking to se cure it. » But a hitch has come in the plains. The ladies " ho volunteer**! to aid in this work, and there were about twen ty of them, nre not taking the intcr e t in the work that they a-» -upp- s ed to. Many fail to respond and ser ve their time at the warehouses when they are called. Now the result is that the farmers are often not soli cited because the ladies who were ap p- inted to be r.*■ that particular wan - house are off duty, for reasons best known to them- elves. And so the worV is lagrinr, and all because of the failure to respond when called. Now tv"" ladies who volunteered and nre not doing the work may have good and sufficient reasons for not coming. It appears to us that the leaders in tho work should call for ailditional worker*. Surely the wom en of this good town will not allow this opportunity to go by and be neg lected when such large funds can be( raised with such little effort. The call to duty in the front where thf boy* arj serving must be obayed, and surely no woman will allow her part of thi* work to go neglected without a good reason. It appear* to u* that additional volunteer* to this good work is the solution to the pro blem. Tangle in Transportation. The new rules recently made about train* moving on time has caused no little confusion here. As an example last Sunday morning the train crew went on duty at eight. To go on duty earlier wouli' be against orders and for the extra time they would get no pay. 80011 'titer going tn duty the express car was placed hnd the agent began to load a whole car of expiess convicting uf ISO crates of cabbage, 27 barrels of apple*, SO coops cl.tck •n* ami -mill packages by the score. ' '■?* hour for the train to m>ve on the ninute soon came and off it went U iving on the riding 22 coops of «V< '(ens, a .hrle wagon load of »m;JI packages end enourh of one and UciVit to make fcalf a car, all of which could ave Ixcn loaded in a few abuttal, but tie rew ortlorr «. 4 w »au, .«(M w ■» M'1 . ti'-trng to tha naw mias •wily • h*T Imt to allows hat* at lL<a low* U bad tka itorninf as praas. And ottm than la w much u, a -~Jid rar It i. Nm tka aAciala •v.iWntlv ■ -ant |o i>a raasonaWa, and la ba raasonsbla mm rhangaa Ml prasant rulntfi must ba ma/to. Mr*. Jaa. York, of tha R» .<• Nat taction was badly tnjarad la- 11 iisy afternoon by an sut sasohils. t* vat r^'irn'ng from rhurrh walking: along tharoau wfcan an aulomobiia■ Irivan by Mr. Jaaaa Meter' r-»a •long, sal for knm ca> *>• fd to ere*i tha read Ju«t aa tha ma r1 ina was |aaalr~. "i waa knrck ■■<1 d"wn twl >tatain«d cavaral bruis . . ought at ft rat to ba •riously injured. Ska is improving n'ld will rnct var. Why You Cannot Afford Nol to buy Liberty Bond*. 'Vi h tka American Army, H*pt. 29 lain. 3mi. h has lx>rn written a'out I'll- 'l>*iti*'nl»urg "left-Hues, but una{ must •!« tham t<< rr-alixe what thaj Ainorirnuii hail to it" through. Ik A W»lder«ri«i it Wire. I ijav .pent the day exploring a I it t of wh it t>«y<irid doubt is the! Ifrentet.i [iwe of military defense w<.rk 'he world «ver sow. There is ii' ''lint' to compare to it because there] w»< i-lything like it. For in-<'>, hi i/mine Forest the Ameri-| ran- had t<> f> their way through a /one of barbed wire two nnd a half mile*, through wire nailed to trees throii-rh the forest and reaching sometimes ten feet hi«h. Thin re ran in every direction arid often h» hidden in the underbruuh. Other un derbrush held hidden entrapment!) •i I ordinary trench wire. In thia two nnd a Half mile xnne there were innumi'ralile trenches, forming thrr«, system* and between them and over them nd everywhere there was barbed v/ire. TT»e communica tion trenches ran beneath thin wire. Faring Terrifying Obstacle*. Turn your attention to the all-night fighting in the Argonne Forest and realize what our men are going thru. It in raining and there is inky dark ne s, the Boch* is shelling heavily and pouring pas into all the valley*. Our mm rniint travel on the hill*. Thou# hill are Wing raked by thous ands of German 77*. The Americnns in the advance hit the barbed wire. Rifles are s'ung across shoulder# and pliers are pulled f lit. Bttailv our men eut wire after wire. The noise they make brings the nasty rat-a-tat of a Hun machine irun from a tree on the other side of the wire. Then another and nnother, ai 1 twenty machine guns are going. Their aim i poor, and their flashes give our rifle* a chance. Our dough s'" pi! through that wire feme and thronr'h the underbrush arid stack up against another fence ten feet further Tin- .ili|'« h:i- l»een telephoned back to the borhc, batteries and shell* begin to fall all around. Task for Men With Stout Hearta. It take, stout hearts, it takes real men to stand this. But it was thru two and a half miles of this sort of terrain that one American division tore its way through the Argonne Forre^ f. Surry County Ha» a Million Dollar Bank. The steady growth and develop ment of hurries-, in the County is hmvn bv the fact thnt the resources • f the Fii t National Hank of Mount ' >ry hesv reached one million dol lar". The bark was e tjibli-hed twen ty-five years ago and has stood be hind 'lie beif>>iniriV of mu>l of the leading enterprises of Mount Airy. It i of interest to know that this bank has taken its hundred and fif teen thou and d liar allotment of Fourth Liberty Loan Bonds, that pur chase hringing the total amount of Liberty Loan Bonds bought by this Bank for its customers nnd on it* own account up to a quarter of a million dollars. In addition to the bonds, this bank has loaned one hundred and fifteen dollars to the Federal Govern-, ment on treasury certificates of in-; dehtedness, and by purchase of Brit ish Treasury bills had made up a to tal war fund of half a million dol- j lars furnished by this bank and ita patrons to the United States and her' British Allies. Aeroplane hu Influenza. A few people looked for the aero-1 jrlnno in thin city totlay, but not many, for an aeroplane has no reputation in thin neck o* the wood* for filling. And now the report ha» it that the thing ia hung up becaure of the in fluenza. \ Thai rliow down at Greenx horo that they c *11 a county Fair wan railed off her a u re of the malady, anil so the aeroplane did not come to CSreenxboro and to did not come to Surr>. The •. . uth i* mighty few pco- ^ pie ever expected it to come. The future of the country aftor the war will be determined more by the teacher* than by any other profea »ion.— Wake County School Newt. | SoidieiV setters. • — Lm.jmr trmm f«J of l*M M|klMk )«i «M *atdtar* n lining at tke Mala fMtjr. I -,A HU!. N ~ <V«. ' l»U. Mount Airy Naw*. i;»mii«n; Kncl—»d pita* And ■ubarription to roar pa par for • month*. Hand it •o LitUaPrad K>4(w u ha will pro '• ha hare when tka Kaiaar not • »rr P. O. bo* 4M rara U. Mi • Ta lot To. thirg* nn down lt» ' every thing i. -it, .. », ,'a gat up Ji 6:4* e»er» ownan.. have "maaa" at during thai ./• min ulaa wa Kara ta i'r»*_, mak- up uui bunk* iwaap our harrark* and be in fixioati jn. W * hava gc<id ha I' day* work ft.iiah d bafnra you fallow* gat u»>, uut ita tl>- life ft. ua. Por braakfr <t wa hava 'bully haaf" grit* ii.mI "»pud»," fur dlnnar grita, "«pud«" and "hull* wf" and for «up par "•pud*" "bully haaf" and grita, »ut ita the Ufa 'or ua. And tho *<**! pert pud*" wa all ha-, it pi***. ra of ptaiing than. Wc hava 200 <a»e» of Hpamah flu. down hara. It to 1* part af tha army mi it* the lif* for u»? Thi* ia a little *ong wa *ing a tha moon go* down over thx meaa hull: "K-k-kk, P. N Horrible It. P. You're the only J-j-job That I abhor. And wh<n the m in-mixm .Shiner over the Mm* Hall !1I he wrubbmif ai The kitrhen flooi.-' That n nil over, Mt. John on, but it# th» lif«t for u*. It look* rv w like i.ur < orporal w going to rommi:*ion u> all n» "Major floncrnli," It* a pn-at life if you don't weaken, l»ut if you do you «r« iu»t S. O. I.., that'* us all over Mr Johncon. We are in quarantine now for 3 weekf and cannot leave the ramp at all Wo have been on two nice little h kes «> far r.nd have the proniiac of one each day until we pack our ;'rit ' el* and "Br 11 tJia Jfk " that* ui: all over. Them'* our **ntim«ntr Mr. Jnhnaon *o please publish tame in your next issue Yours truly. D. C. Rector, Fred Polger, T. n. Asbtiy, Jr., J. D. Hogan. The Staff. letter* from Sam and Fred Pruitt, now in France to their motherMrs. William Pruitt, of Mount Airy. September 9th, 1918. Dear Mother: Just a line from your boy. all in well and having a very (food time. I have been moving rome since f wrote you la*t. I am hark in France again nfter being away two month* anil one day. I g>ii-« yon think that f have been in France all the while but I haven't I didn't get very far away from France. But I went far enough to learn what real war wa". Here are a few points that will b• of interest to tile people who have relative* and friend* in this Regi ment. In the sector we Just left thia Regiment ha* the honor of lieing the first Americnn troop on that front to take a prisoner, the first American troops to "go over the top" anil the flr«t American froop: to take a town. That doe* pretty well to begin with, does it not* Our casualtie* were Hght. 1 havent heard from S*m in about a week, Cue** he is O. K. I saw in the paper last night from the States when* the 30th Division took part in the capture of Kommd Hill, in "Flander I happen.*! to lx> pretty close around »♦ that time. 1 think "Fritz" or "Jerry" a< "you may call him met hi* match wher. he met these "Hickory \'ut»" from "Old Hickory." I saw Erneat. Wilkinson, Graely Jone*. Claude Hooker, Tom Httjmes, and »me few other* of the old bunch a few days ago. All the boys seem to be qpjoying the best of health. Your Loving Son. FRKD C. PRUITT. Sent 7th. 1918. Dear Mother and Father: Just a few line* to let you know; I am in the beat of health, being a (food boy, and having a tine time, I think all of the boys are enjoying themselves. We have plenty to eat and lots of nice placet to go, so why should we worry. I am leaving all the worries for the other fellow, ha. We stay busy alomst all the time,; and when we do get off, we are al ways so carried away with going some place, we don't take time to write. Pleare don't think hard of me becuuse you dont hear from me more often. I will write as often as I can. 1 received your letter of July 22 all 0. K. I have only received two letters rfom you sine* my arrived overseas. We boys sure do appreciate our mail for it is so seldom we ever get any, some of the boys havent received any since they sailed. A real cheerful letter from deal old U. S. A. with good news and rheer makes the days reem brighter and home poming near. Mother dear, I hope you have not been worried because I have not written for some time. It has almost been impossible, and I ran't hardly explain how I feel about it. But you know I will write every i time I get a chance, ami when we Bniah this little war problem, your, littli: son "Samie" will have Iota more' to talk about. Well I said little aon. Mow I don't feel to very small for ij ikia* : ha . |i hJ about pau'rf a lace my arrival I dea'*. aee way -nyoae n«U Mv bjf t—i rood in a r >f ry Itha (Ma ofc--e. mrjrMjr la *a 'W and friendly and it to ■urh a beautiful country, lab . ntbr lhw>' ■«, I i»a» ■r aaw ao aiaajr pretty flj»e- • ta all m/ Ufa, and you art. ao food of (low. at J, rome «n over and taha a at. oil with ma I knjw yaw would enjoy It. I |»u I had better rut aut t' > for faar you take il for (ranted thia let •er !r isaant for umm girt and not for you, mother. Wr I y«a It la trie I am ovar now but I wont l<a ovar tr» lor.r. for I Juat rama ovar to (H "Hill" and that la a vr» mall job. I will ba back in a fc* day . ha! Juat iftva my, baat rapardi to ail tMa homa town poople and tell tham to buy f.'bvrty, Mopila and War Kevinga Htampi and lhay ran rait aaa rad Out Htara and .'ripea will ro»,n flying In Berlin. I ne/er !«ar any of the boy* >ay' thay are b n « »l A rr apeak of hi>— >ay w >unl "V« in ha bark hom», bu' tlicy often ::ay, Wka" tha bun haa paid wall for what he iiaa don;, we will h n » underfill atory '<> tell the home fclka. I nt /ar iwalized what thia war r* nnt until I left the State,' t.ut now I • ve taken ti to heat tnil ' nm K«ii 2 ae the flniah, und t,' (be help of flu..' and Mothrra pmyera1 ' will r«*t'irn t'r-a ; me true boy I when I laft. You m'mt write oiu-n for I rm n'v/ay* ifloii to iieai from you. I mitil eloae, I a ,1 tend-1 in.f love i« b.i. i 'Mir levinir . on, 8*1. SmMUKL K. I'KUITT. . — v J New Coil For" Mc-». Call N<>. A H V.i 0. i -r 17 whiU men >|ua>iAed for (fpneral military r^rvice to entrain fo- Foit Caswell, N. of thefWe <lay period I eginning October 21 lit to October 2'>th. Rr'u* «. " ly. Mt Airy, i Henry l.ewellvn, {! <und Peak. Mar .hull Overliy, Mt. A.ry. Albert I.. Kingman, White I'lain*. 0 rar J. Johnson, pilot Mtn. Kphriam Ott'a Hamby, Rusk. Samuel K. Call inn, Klkin. Oiiborn K. Drauirhn, White Plain*. John B. Jolincoti, Mt. Airy. Enrlv Do:*, Rockford. I.onzo E. Maker, Klkin. Hani on Col-ton, Klkin. Willie E. Cummings, Ararat. Ti.oma* O. Ki(fer, Shoal*. EITii! C. Jone:, Pinnacle. Joel J>. Went, SJ«te Road. Knifl I.. Fowler, Datuon. 1 ;iy Boiisw, Dn*r. Thurmond. Benjamin P. Hill. Siloam. Randall B. Denny, Pinnacle. Brady Badirett, Dob von. Cornell K. Key, Rockford. Boyd J. Lawsuit, White Plain*. Sidney W. Atkin ion. Round Peak. Thomas McK. Golden, State Road. J ease D. fiwyn, Mt. Airy. Rural School News. The Inftitutc for Primary tea cher* hetran at Dohion Wednesday, October 2 with an enrollment of forty exclusive of visitor*. The majority of these are ju-t entering the profe*-' »Jon and had no opportunity to at-t tend the Institute fall. The work is going f^^ard unhe itatingly and an unusur.l degree of interest and enthu lasm is being manifested by those m attendance. The Institute will continue thru Wednesday of tins week. The Rural Teachers conference will be held Thur tdny and Friday of thin week. A detailed program for the two day* ha- been printed liefore. It in expected that every teacher in the county attend. On Friday the com mitteemen will join us in round table discussion. Mr. L. Brogdcn, Miss Eliialieth Keely and Mis.- Maud Bar nard. all of Kaleixh, will be with us for the two days. School .i in the county will often Monday, October 14. Every where we hear al^oul the shortage I.t" teach ers but we believe none of Surry'* schools will remain closed on account of any such difficulties. Let us make thU the best school year in the his tory of the county. Mr*. R. F. Pike ami child of Orangeburg, S. C. are guests of Mm. J. K. Tilley in this city. m MAKES (MDREN STRONG And Invigorate* Old People Any doctor will tell 70a that the ingredient* of Vinol at printed below contain the element* needed to im prove the health of delicate children and restore strength to old people. T> M IMf u4 BmI Iraa ' ulliu|riu htuuw Iim u4 Amnonlte Cltrat* Llm* u4 SaSe Ihim. teillk. Those who hare puny, ailing or run-down children or (ged parents mar pro** this at our eipenss. Betides the good it does children and the sged there is nothing like Vinol to restors strength and vitality to weak, nervous worsen and over worked. run-down men Tit it. If you sre rot entirely aat l»fie<t we will letutn your money without question; (hat provee our fairness and your 'protection. Mil lions of people k*»e been coawocsd this wsy. L W. WEST DRUG CO, and Drug gist* Everywhere. First National Bank Mount t\i»y. N. C. * He huhtce» over One Million hollar* We hove in bund m supply of Fourth Liberty l^»an Iiond* ready <*»r deliv ery to those who n *o t>u, n»r cjih. We a c xitc reviving tub* scriplionk for ti.e "ourth Liberty Loon KonJi making ouch date* for payment* m may be»i suit iLi. hu>vr» I t ■ t O. I). I AWC. TT. Pre*. L. HAXnS, Vict-Prci. T. G. FAWCETT, <1»bier. Shoes! We Need Vour SVioe Tr.ide! Shoes! Don't forget we can fit the whole family at the right pric; s of course you know how shoes have advanced, but we have a large stock on hand. We bought a jjood while ago and we are going to give our customers the advantage of it. Be sure and give us a chance before you buy we can save you money. Steele Shoe Co. Second Door corner Franklin and Main Mount Airy, •North Carolina Auction Sale CHARLIE TATE HOME PLACE On Wards Gap Road This plat e is attractively located for nice homes, two miles north of .Mount Airy, on the sand clay road, and contains about 1 u acres, all under fence with lots of wood On the land are two good houses, one good tobacco barn, good feed bam and other buildings. VVt W watered with hprinjfs and branches, also two jro#d w</ils. This place will be divided into 1 <>ts and sold t« si/it the purchaser. TERMS OF SALE EASY—SALE RAIN OR SHINE Date of Sale Saturday, October 19th At 10:30 O'clock, A. M. MOUNT AIRY REALTY & AUCTION COMPANY Auction Sale OF LARGE FARM AND ROLLER MILL W» Will 8*11. at Public Auction. o«i tk« Prrmhic*. on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, at 2 O'clock, P. M. Th« farm known an the old Bohanon farm, n«W owned by J. R. Sizemore and situated in Yadkin county, on the Yadkin River, one mile from Rockford. The farm contain* 320 acrevfwiih 2S acres of GOOl» bottom on river and Fall Creek. On the far* if a food eight room dwelling, four tenant house*, three tobacco barm, feed ham with capacity for 25 head of stock, and other outbuildings. Of this furm 150 acres are under fence. There are two orchards on the farm. From 50 to 75 acres in rood forest timber within one-half mile of railroad siding. This farm will he divided and sold in small tracts to suit purachasers. This land is the very finest for the growing of corn, wneat, tobacco and grass. The roller mill is known as Fall Creek Roller Mill and is only one mile from Rockford; the mill has a capacity of 25 Karrells per day. This mill can be bought with the farm or separate from the farm. TERMS OF SALE EASY. DON'T FORGET THE DATE THURSDAY. (XTOREK 24. at 2 O'CLOCK. Mt'SIC BY BAND —SALE RAIN OR SHINE MOUNT AIRY REALTY * AUCTION COMPANY J. A. ATKINS. Manager

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