jl m. mmm* Airy. M. C. CAM n 9l PORTIK CHAVES A Uwrw. at tfcia rfiatrwt m it ia to aae that all nUun »f the tawi are pr—m nr. 8. to bla Now there mrm inn facto about the work of a Sol xi toe that '.( My ba well to remind the xxan of, baeraaa there M no mora important oAra than that of Solicitor. Wham a man ia irdtct ad ia tha court* for —me vialatiaa of the law ha aerwrea tha beat lags! tal ent ha ran to fraa himaelf. Ha laaaa eight of tha fact that t>« welfare of nrittr ami tha liifnit? of tha Stat* demand that ha ha pur tailed, rather than aet fraa. hut tfcu feature of tka caae moat ba looked after by tha So licitor who appears for tha Stat*. Now thara ara aa many aeahundred able lawyer* in this 'tictriet, ami to place a man in tha nSce of Solicitor who ia not able to maat thaaa able lawyer* in iVtatc and la.nl contest* on point* of law ia a grrjat taharmia m<-n: to every citizen who want* to .see the dignity of tha State upheld. In the time pant men have been alerted -ji the office of rrorritor in thia State who could not properly uphold the State* interest*. and thia should nev'.r nap Ten rgain. The repot (.on Mr. Orcvea has a* a lawyer, both in developing » caae before a jury and in presenting tha argument before judge ard jury, ia aucb ti at no man question* hia ability to properly uphold tha iutereeta of tha people. And thara ia another feature that it ia well to remember. In every criminal action -o«e goer! citizen ha* been injured and want* to aee that the guiity party ia properly prosecut ed. Now if tha State ha* aa it* So licitor a man af questionable ability thi* injured ntizen feel* that it ia hi* duty to employ additional aid that the o« may he properly diapo ed at. No man in thi* diatrict can come nearer meeting the geneml approval of the public thar. Sir. G'avea, and no man could be secured who will come aeaiei aaaJntr a strong and fair ond impartial presentation of the facta before a Court. Thia being the caae it ia not oft-a that citizen* feel that it ia their duty to go to tha anneces aary expenae of employing additional aid to the Solicitor. In the light of theae facta it ia the duty of all citizen* who want the law enforced to aee that Mr. Grave* ia re-elected to thia important poeition. Every citizen who ia not registered bum register before sundown. Sat urday of thi* week, or he will not be allowed to vote in the coming elec tion. NT AIRY HIT HARD BY SICKNESS. This good town cot hit good and hard by the Spanish Influenza. Bus iness ha" been on the bom, to use the language of the street, for some Hays, and it will not improve for some time yet. Our people were not able to take the situation seriously for a few days after the disease began to spread, and business moved along as usual until the people were down in great numbers in all parts of the city. To undertake to narie the sick folks is out of the 'juestior. but all class#* have had it. As many as a dozen of the t*st knwn bjsiress men of the city have been sick and some of them very sick. In many homes every one in the family were down at the same time and absolutely at the merry of the neighbors, and sad to say in tome instances the neighbors were afraid or unwilling for some cause to go to the rescue. The result was that a distressing state of affairs developed in many homes. To meet this condition a number of the ladies have played the part of the good samaritan and have gone from home to home and made up beds, cleaned up the house and prepared food, thus making the family a* com f -table as possible. The doctors hate beer, on the rash day and night and we hear that some doctors have made as many as a hundred calls a day. so urgent has been the demand for their services. By the flrst of this week the situa tion became so had that prominent citizens undertook to establish an emergency hospital. The rooms in *ve poet office building used for years b, 'he Commercial Club were secured a d beds have been brought from the h* mea of the people who donated (hem. and arrangements have thus been mad'- to rare for fifty patients. If that many should come Citiaane of the city subscribed as mart, as a at the faetanaa. The i«haal« i haulm and ail >«Mli ptmemm in rleaad and. win net ha opeaed tmtU the rtmii turn of the pM>yl« ia impravarf. At tMa Mm, Thur»day morning. opart* fraw ahout m«r lawn indi cate that cendtttaaa ere giaatly im pmai yet there are • number of vary ack faik. Many fajailiea kava entirety ran»»aied and tha paMie mind ia laaa agitated and diepneed to itafmU report*. And thui hae been One ia forred to tha riaiclmma that tha public aiind ia vary much diapoe ad to magnify a condition that affert* tha health of tha people. While eea dition* hera have been had and narar al hava diad aa tha reaolt, many of tha atoriee that hava font oat ara far from tha whole truth. Tn illuatrate: It rot noratad thia week that frve hnilw runt to thia nty from Win« t«n Monday at noon. Tha troth ia that two hodiea > am«, »n>l atone with them in tha same (nprn» rar. were lira empty raaketa shipped hara froai a factory to an undertaker, tat the puhlir jumped at tha cmdaniM that •vary raj Icet ia the rar had the re main* of wine person in it. Every citizen who ia interested in the country ami a rule of the people should le of the ','nited fltatei are •tandin* mlidly behind the President, the taak if peace roarauaeianeni will ha «aey >ut if there ia a break in the rank*— f the Damorratu war* a telling wit-' ory, it Democratic Consraaeman Sen itorm, and Governor* are eierted 4pain will *ae in it a irleam of hope; he will take frnk hope and a renew U of hnetilitiax. mora. war. may he leraseary to wure to ua what we ■ara already won. If theaa urfWMMtii were valid in l*W. they muat ha a thousand times r*lid m I»1H whan tha fata of the! aorld re*te upon the tTnitnd ftates ind ita government. Neither Mr. Har •vnti nor Mr. Roosevelt in IW7 raided lay r|ue*tion xm to 'he patriotism of a 'Vmocratic CongTa**. That wax not in isaoa. It ia not an ieme now. ahat they ware concerned ahout wax :ha effect in Europe of a repudiation it the poll* of the McKinley Admin •titration—for that ia what tha aiar mn of a Democratic Conrraaa in 1AM would have meant, juat aa tha election of • Republican Congreaa in 1918 will ha interpreted a* a repudiation of J»e Wilson Administration. Tim Republican praa of tb« man Cry editorially took tkt mum position. Throughout the conyi aaaional nm paign of 1MH they made the con certed appeal to the people to rapport Che President, that defeat of hia par ty at the poll* should not be misin terpreted in the capital* of Europe, and particularly m Madrid. "We are at war with Spain,'' aaid the New York Sua at the time, "peace miraiaoinna and peace jubi lees to the contrary notwithstnnrflne L'pon President Mr Kin Icy and hia ad ministration are yet the burdens and responsibilities V a •fstc nf war not yet terminated- • nd upwr alt patrio tic citizens of «-er> political party | rests the duty of supporting the ad ministration sol sustaining the Ns Lion's cause »r»irst all foreign ene-1 laies, both by voice and by vote." Said the Philadelphia North Amer ican on the aorninj of the election, tfoveaaber •. 189ff "The voters will deride today j arhether the administration of Presi dent Mc Kin Icy is to be condemned and the conduct of the war vetoed." When the Republicans scored a vic tory at the polls, the North American iccepted the result as a vindication of J>e national honor, and added: "It is a great triumph and must be > source of rfeep satisfaction and pro found relief to our much-tried, much (nduring President. His policies and ibe policies of the party which he rep •*-.tent.» have been approved. He can low proceed, encouraged and unhui lered, with their execution." The Topeka (Kan.) Daily Capital, n an edit oriel. on November 3, IMS, :ook this view: The Resfublican party puts it to the rood sense of the country whether or io« the election of a Con grees in sy» Wthy with a President who has ihown himself equal to every test rould be for the best interests of the ■omtry at this tiaae. • • • In inch a campaign no American worthy >f the franchise should neglect hi* mv.lege to vote, and every man who leiieves in stalwart agfieealie Amer can ism should hold up the hands of he stahrart American in the White Souse, and see that his friends and leighbors do the same." The Chicago Tribune, on election noming in Ittft. called on the voters o elect only Republican Coocres.«»cn n this lancm**: "Whatever voters clesewhere may lo, ihooe in Chicago ahouM show their ippruciation of all the President ha* lone and will do. H not hindered, by ♦electing the seven Republican Con greasmen. They will support the •resident's policy." The Kansas City Star'a editorial of soveaaber S, 1898. Mid: "Tile people have s'ood together, eg&rdless of politics, in supporting he Government in praeecuting the rar. and there is sound logic in the o»itent ion of the Republicans that here should be no rhanifa to the con rol of CmfTMi unto the issues arii ng out of the war are settled." Out on the Pacific Coast a lihe sen "A CNfNH hoatile t* tha nw rre »wM multiply the liArnlUaej i—illfty aa4 itMprm-ly* If het», »h, not row" Haw Tm S«n« TW The (nMMl loan ever floelad haa uit haan arrompliahed by tha Aatert ■an people. ft means that oar bayi mil ha tha haat aqaippid nuldiwi in Jut war, and that they will ha iMa to to tha aunt Wfartive fighting with tha aaat laaa of lifa. Tha greatest -ampaign aver con torted will take place n tha L'mtad Hatee during the week beginning ?•» 'amiw Uth. It ta ta ha known aa| ha Imtad War Work 1 aapatf". ud llaa aa ita chief aim tha giving of tha ra arruit tha boya at tha front. Th«y ara tha Y«ui« Man- '"hnstian Aworhttimi. Yumj Woman; fhrta ■ian Aaaoriation. Knight* of Colum bia Jawinh Welfare Boaril War Camp Community Servira, American Li-j Srary Association ami tha ttalration Army. These 7 organization* have unit ed in ale great '-ampairn. Of this (rent sum of money the Y. SI. C. A. ia to receive flOO.OOO.OOO ami tha re maining t70.500.000 ia to ha divided between tha other 111 organizations. The value of thia cooperation among tha religious and moral fotrea of rhe Country ran not be folly appreciate!. The appeal ia fmnf to he vary de finite. Sorry County* quota ia IS.200 Each townahip haa ita quota whirh will ahortly be announced. The rounty organisation ia being formed aa rapully aa possible. Owing to the present epidemic public gatherings will be unwise. and it ia therefore of great importance? that the people of the County not only read carefully the arbdaa that will appear in tha County paper*, but alao tha literature received by them throuvrh the mails. J. H. CARTER. Chairman for Surry County. Does your House laugh A house poorly parted is at the mercy of Xtw weather. The gales of Spr#ig and Fall drive the beatmj rain into bare or flaked nfaces,soak ing the wood safd leading to unsightly warp and decay. The house that can laugh at rain, at mow, wind, froat, or brahng son la the coe protected by food paint. Ghre your house a few coats of Dutch Boy ! * • m m m White-Lead mi awl with par* linawd otl and h wiO mast all lands of weather. You may have any color. your nwwta. balers the next storm doaa ita damage. Wa carry nationally advtttaed brands of Lewis Brand Drop in nd lot as take of W. E. Merritt Co. 1 First National Bank Mmmnt Airy. ML C. ReaourcsM over One Million Dollar* a nffly o# ery to than who wish to boy for (or the Fourth Liberty ids making wcl» dote* for payments as may hast suit f he buyers GEO. D. FAWCETT. Pres. C. L. HANKS, Viae-Pres. T. G. FAWCETT, Cashier. Shoes! Shoes! Don't forget we can fit the whole family at the right prices of course you know how shoes have advanced, but we have a large stock on hand. We bought a good while ago and we are going to give our customers the advantage of it. Be sure and give us a chance before you buy we can save you money. Steele Shoe Co. S«coad Door cornar Franklin mod Main Mount Airy, North Carolina Auction Sale or THE 1SOM SIMMONS HOME PLACE I Will Offer For Sale SATURDAY NOVEMBER 2nd 1918, at 10:30 AT !•:» O'CLOCK A. M. The lama farm. tnUimnf about *5 «ctm aad aitnfari thrr* mint mmutk of Mount Airy and onr-ftwirth mil* wnt W the OH Hoik* rood, adjoining th< land* of Sid Siinmoiw, Mr* Hannah Krdman and other*. On thi* farm is a *aiw time nnr rood milk and a quantity of feed will W arid. TERMS OF SALE EASY. DO^T rOBGET THE DATE MISK' BY BAND —SALE BAIN OB SHINE MOUNT AIRY REALTY & AUCTION COMPANY J. A. ATKINS. MiMfn. SHIELD BRAND Ft r > CLOTHING * r