b Nat Oft. 2©.—The aptdeauc of , haa »prnd to all portion* at North Carolina and ha* involved a tare* par rentaca at thu population ot' the otato ia a vary short tine. Tha ■ana thine ia traa ot "ther statoe. Thu haa mad* it altogether impeeai bie to taka eara at tha aick with aithar tha dowestk supply at doctors and nuraaa or with doctor i and nurses auppliad from eleewhere. At a canfaranaa Sunday attondad by Gov. Btekatt. State Supertnten dont ot Publir instruction James Y.! Jojrnar. Stale Health (XBrer W. S.! Rankin and Col. Chaa. W. Stile*. ra presenting tha United States public haaltli aarvira. tha following fart* were agreed upon: People Muat Depend on Themselves. 1.—The extensive ilemaiul* that the army »nd navy have mmle upon the ■amber< of the medical und nuramt profesi inn* together with the fart that so many of them are already vie tima of influenza haa so depleted the| rank* of civil practitioner* that it i* Impossible to romply with tha numer-! out) requests for aid in tha present apidemic. 2.—The point haa Iwen reached when it i* clear that communities and people must depend upon themaalve* > more than ever before, inc* they can expect little or no aid from elsewhere. The sooner tha publir realize* this fart the sooner will the people he able to .help themselves. 3.—It i* strongly advised that all, communities in the state should adopt the following measures, or other equ-. ally Hafe precaution*, to control the epidemic. Communitit* are warned that they mu«t act at once regardless of whether or not infljenza i* pres ent. whether there lie a few or many parnons nick. These measure* are in, amplification of the >'lan of '" gam-1 zation act out in letters from the1 state board of health to .ill chairmen of board* of county commissioner*, mayor* of towns and cities and other leading citizen*: How Diseaae ia Spread. • (A) Mother* and daughter* in all families, rich and poor, white or black should immediately learn how to nurse case* of influenza. (H) All communities should provide at the public school* free instruction on influenza nursing. This imtruction can best be given by a graduate nur*e or by a physician and the more im portant point* can be taught in twt, hour*. In caae a graduate nurse or physician is not available for thi* teaching the important point* may he obtained from directions whirh will be sent upon request to the state board of health. <C) Each person in each community should immediately be taugh that the disease is sp en,I by coughing and sneezing. This •■ •hing can best he done by prominei citizens and minin ters who .should make a house to house visit, and should teach each family the precaution* that should be taken to prevent the spread of thi* di»oa.se. Literature will be furnished upon request to the 'state board of health. fD) All persons with cough* and cold* should be warned to remain at home in bed, with good ventilation, preferably on the porch and in the sunshine. Early cases that are pro perly taken care of are not likely to have the pneumonia. Ban on Congregation*. t (E) Person* hould avoid «>ngre I- gating unnecessarily in huun««, on the k .streets and elsewhere, There is lit tie danger. h< v>'\trr. in visiting and ; waiting on the sick if properly pre cautions are taken. These Consist of ( wearing gause masks over the mouth and nose, the masks to he made of at [ least four thicknesses „f tine mesh *' gause; in gargling the throat and i washing out the nose three times a | day with a solution made i>y adding a > level teaspoonful of salt to a pint of| ! warm water anil by disinfec■ ing the hand* after attending each patient, t (F) People are warned not to at tempt to engage private nurses, and | not to monopolize the time of a doc tor with an individual ■««. Nurses and doctors are needed fir cummuni- j f tirs and not for individual cases. Eme ency hospital:* sb »u'd he pro- i ; *Wed where needed. 4.—Counties township* and towns j Wh eh have l ot already organized ac ! ■ t' 'he ( 'an er • to local of . tjciiii . h"ul«: dp si> at once. Respon | aibility for this wrganization rests 1 upon the 'hairman 'if the board of I aou'ity com mir sinner* for tho county, •nd with the mayor for t.h<- ti wn These are the highest, responsible 1» • eal official*, and if thev have failed > take definite and attenuate ection ' 1 v should *'e held strictly aecoun<a l kl- whatever result* may follow. L C— The public in warned that this C ti a time for calm »i;ergvii. work, and Kit for a thoughtW*« uaelest ami hy [ torital panic. There i» ImfW 'or * pare- ».•■> •11 pei . r. must be willing to woik haul under tmm it tlM baat mriJiN U b« ok Whan pupil u« ill or recovering from illneea the imiwl car* >kouid be taken M kava their food nourlek Inf and ittnctim. ?lw it the food in •mail <|Uantitiee in pretty dtahea and hare everything very clean ud neatly in«n(«l. Al.vaya salt th« dorter before ft*-, in* a patient feed. After aeeere ill neee a patient takee only liquid* U- i quid diet may inelada milk, meat broth. fru t and baaf juice«, teaa. «f| hoif, aoupa and gruela- <-ereala very, thin in >-onaiatenry but vary thor-j ouffhly cooked. I.iicht diet, which followa liquid diet j may include »«fl cooked egffx. oya ter stew, >ieef Hulls made from meat wrap* from the fibre, milk too::t, and, i-uatarda. Beef Juice. Meat the meat very slightly (do not cook it) Preaa the juice from it with a lemon qtieezrr or fru't preea. Heef juice ia oft^n given to tuberru-, loaia patient*. Serve in a cup o that tha patient cannot nee it plrinly. IWrf Tea. Put 'hcS-rf into very -mall piecea. Put it into a fruit jar, over with cold water, an<L ~tand the jar on a cloth in the kettle of cold \eatrc. Heat the wnter very slowly until it begina to hubble. Do not boil. Keep at thia temperature I hour nr more. Strain, seaaon with ."«lt and pepcr, and serve hot. Beef llroth. Cut meat and Iwne into small piecea Cover with cold water and allow to i-taml 1 hour, (look slowly, 3 to <r> hours. Strain, cool, remove the fat, iind heat very hot liefore crvinir. Eggnog. 1 ''irtr. I cup milk, I tableap ion su irar, aperk salt, S drops vanilla. Sep arate the ege yolk and white, lieat the yolk and add the other ingredient* Strain onto the beaten whit? and nerve. Egg-white. Iieaten stiff may be add ed to lemonade, urancikle, or milk to; incrorae the food value. Corn Meal (iruel. t tableapoon corn meal. H cup cold wnter. 1 tnbieapoun flour, I, pint rich milk. Moiaten the meal a d flour with cold water ni:d atir out all of the Iutnpe. Gradually pour it into 1 pt. of boiling water. Place in a double boiler and cook (by stc im) 3 hours. Add 1 pt. of rich milk ai d acald. Salt to the taate ar.d serve hot Captured German Document Praise* American Soldier*. With the Br/.sh Array in France, Oct. 20.—Just what tiie Germane think of American soldiers with a few side remarks regarding the St. Mi hiel operation* is disclosed in a confi dential document signed by the chief intelligence officer of the 19th German army which has been capture.! by Americans fighting on the British front. The document prefaces a dircus-ion u< the St. Mihicl attack by admitting that the number of Americans in re serve* on that occasion was unknown. It then takes up the divisions which carried out the assault. The document discusses the details of the operations admitting that when the Americans reached Thiaucourt the entire St. Mihiel salient was ren dered untenable and therefore its eva cuation was ordered and the retreat carried out according to plan. A little futher on the order has this to say of the American oldier: "He obviously is very much afraid of being taken prisoners. He defends himnelf violently to the laht igninst this (.'anger, and does rot siirrerder. This seems to be the result of propo gunda picturing cruel treatment if he falls into German hands. "The American is expert in handl ing machine guns, is firm m the de fensive an.l develops a strong power of resistance from his very numerous m.ichme guns. The bearing of the infantry - indicates slight military training. The artillery was at its best as long as it remained at its ori ginal position* during preparation for »n attack. The methods of fire were good. It was very quick in getting' on opportune targets this apparent ly living due to the lavish employment of technical devices. Within a mini-' mum period the Americans were able to furnish * well-directed fire. "I.iaison between the infantry and artillery was perfect. When infan try ran into machine gun nests it im mediately fell back and a new artil-' lery preparation from accompanying hat to-tew followed very promptly." A sentence in the document says: "In general it should be noted the" American is tju;te honorable-- he does not not fire on stretcher bearers.1* Sydnor & Sparger Insurance Agents MOUNT AIRY. N. C. Office in Merritt Building. Tour*. CmmI Fnua, Sept. SO.— ! Timber -lUing far 'Im km of the Awrku •nay ia prwxilim on * nat icala in mom at *he »r»»t fsraals rtftom of France, M w«U u In i Hwttaerland ud Spain. The c titling1 of a tree in Franca in p~aca timea, in little short of a felony, aad no (tea could ha removed until another vig orous sapling wan ready to take it ptaca. Graat aa the sacrifice is, I* haa hear' recognized aa war measure. >inra the hnt fine near ficm Aemrica <>t the vast amount nf lun.l>er required for construction pu irsi- #oultl ha prac tically impos/'We or if undertaken t»«'t'l<* stop th.' tianiiport i f troops. So the forest- are ifoing, tint* fcr the first time aolid ••tone construction ia giving place to lighter and more -apid wood construction. Bami'm '.ha itstbenng of '.hi« huge -lock of malarial, -enuiring tho ■ and* of foresters there i* the work of building tl.a hospitals d< clu, Itarracks etc. The vaatness of thesa build in* operntione can ha judged from the one item of building hospitals. Hospital* are huilt on tha basis of liadi for 10 |ier cent, of the strength of troupe, so thnt with .vi army of a millio.i men Jul hospital provision mu*>. ha for 100,000 bods; a;nd with a prorpective my of 2.000.000 mc:i in siglu the actual estimnU. for hosp Lata ia 200,000 l>eds. As there are as many attendanta nc wounded occupying beds, this makes requirements for 400,000 or the »ize of a Treat metro polis, in tha one item of hospitals.' Several 10.000 had hospitals are un der way, and two 20,000 bed hospitals are heing provided. One of these 20, 000 had estahllshmentii, with ita 20, 000 attendants, make:, a large town of itself, of 40,000 people, with their own electric light, water and sewer sys tems. and all the organization of a large municipality. The building of warehouses, ducks, etc., is on the same gigantic ^cale as hospitals. At three different points there is ah average construction of three warehouses put up each day, and each 5050 hy 50 ftot in dimen sions. Ten miles of docks is about keeping pace now with tha require ments of an army of 1,000,000 man, hut with a prospective army much greater than 1,000,000, 30 miles of docks ia tha minimum requirement. Much of tha barracks and trench con struction ia rush work which will hava to be completed before winter. These arc some of the outatznding features of this huge work of army construction carried on hy the engi neers, far exceeding the work on the Panama canal or any other engineer ing operation the Unitod State* haa ever before undertaken. Eight Carman Dmtiou Flung Back in Confusion British headquarter* in France Oct. 15.—< Reuter's—Since Sunday morn ing eight of the German front line di vision* in Flanders have been Hung back broken and confused, while pro bably all or most of the divisions held in reserve behind them received a heavy gruelling. Thin apparently has not lieen a battle of limited objectives hut rather a drive where towns resis ted at all strongly the line has push ed on, clearing up parties to finish the work. The fighting has been obstinate in places, but apparently nowhere des perate. It in believed there will be large additions to the number of pris oners and guns already announced as captured. Routers was found to be almost un ilumaged. Many mines were discov ered by French rappers and the wires to them cut thus neutralizing the dan gor. Between Lens and Armentiers 't in reported there are signs of an enemy withdrawal from the front line. In fact, from all along the whole of the western front the news is good. German Newspapers Aaaert The HafcenxoUerns Must Go. Geneva, Oct. 22.- -Peace must not be delayed a single day on account of of the Hohenzollerns if they are an obstacle to it, declares the Volks Frieund of Karlsruhe which also is permitted to speak of the disappear ance of the superstitious belief that the emperor was chosen to rule by divine right. The Cchwabische Tugwacht says that everybody is now convinced that the allied will not accord Germany a cheap peace, "but if ti.e glory and power of imperial Germany is the price, the German people are ready to pay." In permitting such items to leave Germany, the German censorship ap parently is aperprcipoyh rah mhhm | parentlv is preparing public opinion I for coining evvnts. WANTED TO BUY a fresh cow, want an extra good one. Come and see me. C. C. Lundy. Q»wi— HmU im IWkbU tor* « BciUim Thai OMiarb ucm ml Gl*«* mM» Arc. l"Nw» TmMmm. Thar* ia rum to baUava that dla lurbancaa of a ir»w nature tri at rurinf in dwMny. Reported out break. in Eum *>><1 throughout Bk varia am l>elieved to lia truo. Allan, lion al*o ta liaiai given to the peaai bility of tha «pread of BoUboviua ami it ia considered thai tha apparent par tial raiainc of tha ronaorahip con stitute* a markad indication of the, commencement of indiacipline and a general upheaven in Germany. Kor noma lima pant, it haa oeeni iloar to thoaa who have followed tha, internal situation in Germany with, rare that condition* of unreal there, were lapidly paa*ing out of the "tare where, kept well in hand by the au-( thoritiea. they rould be turned to rood account timongsl the Alllea. The uim ple method was. of courne. to create an impreaiiion rf a really nerioua con dition that did not in fact exist, and' ho bring about a slackening of war effort by inducing the )>ellef that Ger many waa near an internal unheaval and that, aa a consequence, the end of the war rould not be Ionic delayed. A couple of months afro, howevei, wlicn the Kr.iner made a special jour ney to Kruen for the purpose of a<i-, dressing a great meeting of Krupps' employees. after the mint far-reach ing strike* and other outbreak* at, the irr«at munition work* had only been suppre *ed with the greateet dif ficulty, it l>«came apparent that it wan no longer subterfuge hut that some thing really "erioun waa the matter. The Kaiaer'l speech on that occa sion wait a remarkable tour <le force. lie spoke, of rourae. not only to Kruppx' employees, hut to million* of other artisan* and workmen through out Germany who had -hown unmi* takablc signs of a tendency toward revolt. The meeting waa carefully i orgi .nized, and when the Kai.tor, in a final exhortation, urged all those who, had their heart* in the .right place, and were determined to keep faith, with the Katherlr.nd to stand up there could in Germany, even two month* ago, be only one result. The whole I meeting rose obediently to its feet.' The concluding word* of the Kaiser's.; specch will ha r%meml>ere<l. They wore significant. "Now promi*e me,"! he raid, "on behalf of li.e entire Ger- j man labor, "We intend to fight and i hold out to the last, so help us God.' | Whoever *o intends let him answer 'Yer.!'** Once again, the whole meet ing obeyed, hut hardly had the Kai ser's motor car left the great works, when the murmuring broke out afresh and. evidently, within a few days be came so serious that all news of it was suddenly lost in the silence of the | censorship. As to the spread of Bolshevism, it has, of course, been the nightmare of Berlin ever since the onset of that im i« Ite Ht o< uurniMlm. TW, , jaet te a part*) of "ynftralina and ' rii<«iatua" Man tbay could ba 1 f trualad at large ta Uaresey vara . I iwllllag ntara than rumura, and for ' Huma tuna, it ha. been apparent ta theae acqMuud with lha situation that tbara aat mora than a likelihood. J tn Eaat Pruaaia, aa par tally of Gar. many baui| "hoiat with hia own pater." Nothing, howavar, showa tha •*- I tant ta which tha country ta getting 1 out of tha hand than tha eitraoHi riary relaxation of lha i-anaorahip ' whirh haa obviously taken place qui:a I recently. Aa waa pointed out, a few 'lay* ago, una of tha moat •ifnihii! I' things ia to see papara Ilka tha Munt hanar Poet und writara like Knedri. Naumann uaing lang-iige in tha "pan, i lifrht pi print about the Kaiser which, a month ago, woul1 hava consigned them to priaon oil the charge of lese majeate or on xma charge "till if rav er Thus when a paper like tha Voika /.eitung of Leipmg, under il.o cry -hadow of tha Vnlkerachlachtdenkmal and on the eve of the unnt"er>:ary of the "Battle of the can call openly for the fcKi*er'si alidii-ation. it ia seen that much more nrkma things are probably happening in C-etmany than are allowed to appear. "W.« ee in William II." .'edared the I.eipxig paper, "the In.st German military mon^jch. Me munt feel that he ran no longer be whut he h»* thought himself since the flrat day of his reign, an instrument sent by G d, and, ahovti^m, the chief of the moat brilliant and beat-organized army. "In 1MW# the Emperor «aid he would sacrifice IS army corpa nnd 41,000,000 inhabitant*. rather than irivo tip a sin gle rtone conquered by hi* father. Two million ilead are m ire than 18 army corpa. "Tile Krnperor always haa asked great patriotism and sacrifice* from hi* subjects. It ia now for him to show hia spirit of racritice and to w.thdrnw." Such statements and, above all, the fact that they can, apparently, no longer be prevented, are aa remarka We Aa they are significant. Flica ta Warrenlon, N. C„ ta Take Lunch With hia Parenta Warrenton, Oct. 20.—Lieut Samuel M. Connell, stationed at Langley field Newport New*, Va.. aa instructor in aviation, flew here in an airplane at noo i today for tha purpose of taking lunch with hia parents. The flight was made in little over an hour. This ia the ft rat time that a North Carolin ian has visited his home by airplane. Lieutenant Connell left at 2 o'clock on hia return trip. u. s. * AflMM bt ikm I tK# WftrlJ," • " iid yoUA« Ml Ai tW I *»<t it *>— us pal t« kw >*4 road* Nt« 'king* iwl tl v tlm, ih« tnbvu paid by Dr. -•« ». of ' h>ca«u, uU DM of tha MX .'.Nt-nguUhad lurfMM of , en. Dr. f-aaris was om of the urgmms of the Presbyteriaa haapi •I. \\w York, bafore mini. 1* «rt«w director <>f Evacuation hospt (#. 5. ttartor ujri Tl»a Now (r:k ThIwm, "hu analysed the sai iiar hi..'or (ho trial of excruciating mm when the fabric of mnaraaet hart ■ ior is revealed. Ho wrttaa: " 'The Amorican soldiar u wonder il. No "im can understand him un osa lit ha* ean him when wounded. 4o . i>mplaint in evor heard. I havo :amlli 'l .my nuratwr of nevere run hot w unds ot tbo thigh and havo tovot heard n complaint With MK> severely wounded in tho hwptlal hem in leu groaning hoard than ii» he Prci.y tcnan. " 'Tho other day I »|>oratad upon a roung t.ny from Michigan for on ab lomii.ai wound. He looked very young ■mi I s-loi him hi* age. Ho »aid: 'My n.litary aire is -0. hut roally I im ■ v IN." Ho hnd volunteered. The text morning thin young fellow *a> ullirv on edga of the hod helping lake i .ire of himself. I told him ha I u'.l tay in bed and tie taken cara >". I. •' he didn't want to make any rouble for anyone. " 'Pnwpla should know the stuff hi h hoy* are made of. They are tha ■est Idiers in tho world.' " OUR CITIZEN'S DEMAND. Fully Complied With—A Mt. Airy Risident Furnished it. Th- i-e are few items which appear in l'ii (taper more important to Mt. Airy I'eople than the statement pub fished helow. In the first place, it ia From A citizen of Mount Airy and can he th. ughly relied ypon. In the se cond place, it indisputably proves that Donn' Kidney Pills do C.eir work thoroughly and not temporarily. Jlaa4f Lhi. carefully: pv Mrs P. C. Brafinock, S. Mnin St.. •ays: "About twp years ago I was down with my back I had catches in the -mall of my hack nil the time. I couldn't rest propel nights. My kidneys didn*. act right and my hsad itched constantly. I was terribly ner vous at times Hixf was awfully dixsy. Hearing a whole lot of Doan's Kid ney Pills, I got a supply and they cer tain! y made mo feel a whole lot hotter from the first. When I had finished one hox, I was entirely cured." Pricf fiOc, at all dealers. Don't siply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan'* Kidney Pills—the :wne that Mrs. Brar.nock had. Fo-ter-Milbum Co.. Mfgrv., Buffalo, N. Y. I PERFECTION I OIL HEATERS A Trwufle'TraJt Mark ALADDIN B stnmrnon Emergency Heating In freezing weather the jx>rtable Perfection Oil Heater radiates comfort ami cheer — brings re lief to scantily heated offices. Inexpensive to buy and use—easy to clean ami fill—smokeless, odorless. Aladdin Security Oil gives best results. Buy your Perfection Heater uow. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NlW JtrMf ' D.C. Baltimore, Md. < k»> !«<••. M. C 5 ?. Notfoih. V», KickaMd, V», ^ V*. ClMfiMiM, <

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