A Noble By£~W. i« • *n*1a day that marked tha I point la bla whole llf*; ha mat and inventor, rieltlraMi It young lady be had Man*. worn kaeuumt young Pmrcall waa a ia«rhaat«Bl milnwr, aoinerhlng at a* Inwninf Himself and a awfnher af a city fi ehalral ( Into, that It* her* ma ac quainted with tba old man. Tba la( lar Invited bin ta hi* Iwima, a quaint, hamhla cottage. bat aurrounded by a tartan that compel eed • reritabla ■oral pandlaa. Ia tba faldat of It. aoggeatlng a fairy 40ren of rnaaa. and perfumee, and aweetaeaa, at«od tba Inealy Jnnlca, framad In a background at bewildering color. Parr all for a moment atood riv al ad, aa one Id a trance. Than ha wa* ennaciona that Ma boat bad proraadad anma dlataiwa In adeanre and rejoined Mm. "Thla la my worfcahop," aald Marah, aa thay antarad a llttla aqtiara many bnlldlng at tha raar of iba "And thla la tha machine I told yea about." and proudly iba old Inaantor daalfnatad a huge, Intricate maw at apringa, levera, roda and piping aat apon a haavy platform. "Tha modal will bo aaatar to anderatand." and ha moved towarda a banrb on which waa a duplicate la mlalatnra of tba larga If I can perfect thla Inrentoo." cam Buaad Marah with tha glowing ayaa of a dreamer and enthuataat, "I ahall ba rich, famona and content, ft la a ma china that will do away with baJf a dozen machlnea now oaed In the roana far-ture at print paper" , Pnrcall ottered a quickly «nppraaaad ajamlatlon. Bla faea had paled, a JayeCfylng expreaeion came Into Ma aya. Ha ataadied Mmaatf with aa at fort. working aa thla laawitlea barer ba aaked In a hanky tone of t»ico. "Bight yearn," replied Mr. Marah. "Oh. I moat aot fall now, aa amcb ta ta vol aad. A larga papar mill baa at I aa flfty thonaand dollara ta pro -aim ritl is tne iMachina. the macliln« I have thought oat fend nearly worked out. A clr.se friend ha* inv.-st^d several thousand dollar* In financ ing me through ibe years. It •would grieve me to death If I could not repay him the geoerou* louu. Oh perve," Mr. Marsh added, "when I turn this wheel the mechanism works per fectly." "Tea, I Bee." nodded Verne Id an ab stracted way. "But I mlaa aotna connection to keep up the power. I know 1 shall jret flud It Then r— HIa eyea sparkled with ^opa. A doll misery now haunted *hos«» of Verne. Be was glad to be lalooe. to think, to recover from a ■bock, whan his host aald. "You'll bars Ma with ns and I will go and tell IIibIn to have It la the girden." Verve leaned heavily on the work biach when the Inveotor had gone. 'He viewed the model with gloomy eyea. The glance waa not unfriendly, rather ■ppolnted. tboogh Intense. The nth waa that he had been working along the same line for the pnst two ira. He had to admit to himself thnt arah had precedence as to the ortgl al Idea and that be hnd worked oat 1 mechanical problem far In advance ! hla own conception. Tet It was hard surrender oat of bis own fond ■ ma of sorcesa. "He lacks the aee element I bava |fot " murmured Varne. Then he added So a more gentle toae: It would break pla heart |A fall* He fi;got the battle of his emotiona h*aa be waa Introduced to the inven |tar*a dao^btar. Xba labia ba4 _ _ «»l by Mawelf. rtflce won is glo be bns working no nlMB of the lareatoe*B «•»* apofee nf || to Hank aor to Jan- \ Ire, for be daelgnod • rm*t i the former, aad ae to Ja la • rnna«sat daae of delight whoa la fear rniflpanr. Ho found bar alone la the g»rrt»n mo afternoon whan bo nlM Thar* »»r» tnirra nf taora la bar »jm anwfal in) anxtnn« rvfrty ha rtraw from Jenlra I bat aba waa wnrrlort about bar fatbar. "Ha la growing thla ami rttatractart •ear bla tmubloa," aba ioallf arknnwl rd*»rt fa Varaa. "Ha oftaa rlaoo at day bran It nnrt •bnl» Minarlf Into bla worhabnp ami iwarraljr raeto to oat uatll nightfall, faibor aaya there la nam llttla plara nf marbaalMO that will put tbo Atilahlng tmirh to tbo ma ehlna." "And bo cannot And ItT" eaggfetort ▼erne. "Ha Inaleta ba rtramma It. bat than whan ha wnrta ba cannot rrprodnca It. Ha kaap* tha blueprint on tba worfc ahop tabla all tba tlroa. hoping tha mlaalng link will miw to bin mind. Oh. I bnpa ba wlU not fall to eavplete tha machlna r "Ha ahall complote ItT erdently braathad Varna to hlrnaalf, and bo waa ao attentive and aympathetlc all that evening that whoa ho loft and Janice returned to bar rnntn, aba aat at It* open window la tha dark, thinking nf Mm. aad fall Into alambar anawaraa. Janice awoka with a at art aa aha no ticed a light In tha workifcop. Strain lag bar rasa, aba rorngnlsod anmaona banding orar the work tabla whara tha blaaprlnt lay. ftbo garo a gnat gaap. It waa Vera* Purcell. Tba light waa rxtlngulabad aad ▼orna atoie acroee tha gardaa aad dla appeared. Tha baart of Janice aank. Why thla clandaatlne and myatertoua elattT Waa Terne PnreeU not what bo aeareodT Waa be bant on ataallog bar father* Invention? Tbo flrat Uapoiae of Janlr* waa to amoae bar fatbar aad tell him of the Incident. Thea bar faith la Taraooramimo bar anaplelona. ■be waa preparing braakfaat the next morning when bar father ram* rnablag Into the room la • frantic auto of i "lontar ha abontad. "Oh. Janlra, my child ( I have aucc»ded. I bar* bMB half mad with despair ud 41a eamrvgameat. Now I am lifted to tha twry heigbta. I bar* found tba etm neetlng link—Chink of It—am tha blue print! I moat have drawn It when half dainl. tba who of my draam r Ha and hia modal laft tba booaa aa hour la tar. Janice vialt.,1 tba woat ahnp. A deep thooghtfulneaa aattlad dawn aver bar aa ah# rxandnrd tha blueprint and picked ap a pencil from tha floor. flh<- received a brief nota from Tarfn that afternooo. Tlaaae tall Mr. Mar* that I am called away from tha elty for a day or two." It ran, and tha day following there came a telegram to Janice from her father: "Model ae •■epted. Money paid and royalties dur ing Ufa of potent." The heart of Janice flattered etrange ly ■* Verne Pnrrell put In an appear ance two evenlnga later. She handed him the telegram aha had receive^ from ber father. "Grand! Olorloua'" exuberated Verne, and allghtly atarted. "What la this?" be Inquired. "The pencil y« u dropped In my fa ther'a workshop the night you placed on the hlneprlnt the connecting eug geatlon of the machine. Why thla great sacrifice?" "Yon aak V at Id Verne, with emo tion, "wbeo It n eana the lifelong bale plneaa of your dear father? Mlaa M»t>l>—Janice, you abur*- tuy secret— be muat never know. It would crush hla pride, hi* ambition. HI a waa tha Invention Drat. It la Juat that I aboold atcp aalde." "It la nobl-r cried Janice, with ahinlng eye*. "Oh, my friend!—'' She placed her trembling banda with in hla own. and Verne Parcel I knew that there waa a reward In at ore for him, ber undying love, for the ««Hng Thought "Lieutenant" Firat Name. When Geo era I Slbert. now la Prance with General Pershing, waa grodaatad from Weat Point aa a eee» oad lieutenant many yeara ago, ha want back to hla boyhood home la Keatucky aal for a vacation took a anting trip etth an old fellow known aa ooe of tba beat hnntera In the state. Teara paaaed and Lieutenant Albert waa promoted through Interme diate ranka until ha reached tha grada of major general. Again be went to his !•<>]> tiooO home nnd humeri up hla old friend who had hantod with him /vara before, The two bad a flue time, bat Geo ernl Albert noticed that the hunter per Med In calling him lieutenant.' It Anally got on the general'a nervaa, aad be blurted out: "Say. I like yog a whole lot bat why do yoa keep on calling roe llentenantf The old fellow wan abashed, bat ha didn't loo- hla nerve. "Why, ain't that f«w tmt nataaP I. W. WEST DRUIt CO. MAIN STREET MOUNT AIRY. N. C. America* Indian Aidmd Muck. In Winning War. Waahington, Dee. 14*—'The Ameri can. Indian, by eninUing in the army •nil navy, l>y atibmcrihing liberally to the liberty loan*, by increaaing til* production* of foodstuff* on Indian lamia, and by contribution* to relief agnnrlet, greatly a«M the United .State* and the alliei m winning the war, 'tar la red f'ato Helta, commi--.toner of Indian affair*, today In hta annual report*. Mr. Hell* naid that out nf XI/hhi eligible for military duty, more than Indian* entered the army, 1,000 enliated in the navy, <"ommi*»ioner HelU said that Indiana now hold the equivalent of one $W) liberty bond for every man, woman and child of their rare in the nation. » Through it all, ''ommi»«ioner Hell* declared, a new view of life and re «pon«ihilitie» ia coming to the Tndian. "In the midat of the moat decisive and ex pen live achievement* of history", aaid the report, "he ia learner of the eternal principle* involved. He ia a student of the right* of individual*, of nation* and of international ethic*. It i« *omething to challenge attention whan eight or ten thouaand of a race, which within the memory of living men knew little beyond the restraint* of barbarism, croa* the' ocean a* crn sader* of democracy and civilization." The policy 'adopted in 1917 of giv ing control of their jwn affair* to aa many of the Indiana aa ponaible haa proven aucceaaful and fully juatfled the report derlared. Many Berlin WorWi [Wid Higher WtfM. Berlin, Dec. 13.—The Zeitung Am Mittag and the afternoon edition* of the Taglebatt and Vonmchie Zeitung were not published today because of a strike a riling from wage demands made by the men in the composing room. Skilled workerr receive good wage*. The fact that the members of the sol diem' and workmen's councils are drawing pay on the time .vale has stimulated employes in many branches to accept that figure as the standard of pay. The Weerthuim department store shut down t«.day as the result of the firm's refusal to meet the demand of the women employes for an extra war allowance rar.gmg from 1 to 1,000 marks each. The amount involved would total 1/.GO,000 marl %. That the labor situation in many of the big industrial plants in Berlin is rapidly becoming acute is evidenced MOUNT AIRY MANS LUCKY FIND. 'Vill Interest Readers of the New*. Those having the misfortune to suf fer from backache, urinary disorders, gravel, dropsical swellings, rheumatic pains or other kidney and bladder di.-orfers, will read with gratifica tion phis encouraging statement by a Mount Airy man. Dick Roberts, prop. ef furniture store, 148 Haymore street, says: "I have used Doan's Kidney Pills and am glad to recommend tkem. Doan's en tirely cured me in a short time of an attack of backache and kidney trou ble. I had been having pain in the small of my back'for several weeks and on hearing of fl>»an'* I got a sup ply. I took less than one box and I have had no trouble from my kidneys since." (Statement given Itecemlier 2S. 11)07). Oh July I&, 11*1 Mr. Roberts said: "I haven't uwd Doan's Kidney Pills for some time. I believe the cure they gave n> is permanent and glad ly give this endorsement." Price 00c. at all dualvrs. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy—get l*oan*s iKdnry Pitla—the sum* that Mr. Roberta had. Koeter-Milbum Co., Mfgr*„ Buffalo, N. Y. 1!-1» by iht peremptory demand* nudt by the workman and clerical forcea in iIm I Siamawa and Haltke! electrical work* ' and the allied fliemens-Vhutkart plant i •t Hpandau. The wurt <-h».tnl«« with 1 which the iMnifmr'.l in con fronted by rail for increase* amount- ' inn to 124,000.000 mark* annually. HO MR WOt'NDKD HMCJTD WKKKM IN HATH TLM.H fsmdon, Nov. H0 A miring pw t'lre audlnirt in hath tnh* through which warm water flow* ia the enter tainment utirfity provided in film showa by the American Y M. C. A. at the boaptial under tha thalow* of King's college riml.ridge, where Wounded Mn from Kram-e are treated. In. one ward rartian of tie patient* who hava hail vary aariouii, septic wound* ara having tha watar treatment. To look at these men you might think the ywera lying cunfoi tabiy in bad. propped up with pillow*. They are really sitting in l.aUl tuba in wa tar to their wai*t*. A constant stream of water with a temperature uf9H ia kept running through the tub, purify- < ing and cleaning the wound*, whirh have no other draining. A kind of magnified lap-board 'own »he top of tha tub. and i* In turn covered by a long bright patch quilt. And there the men ait on air cushion*, leaning against air pilow*, day and night, (ometime for weak* at a time. Only the moot *eriou* caaes are put into these bath*, men who otherwise have little chance* of recovery and none without the amputation of a limb. But never yet ha* a case *o treated j been (net. "It'a beastly uncomfortable the first week," said the record caee of the ward, a Britiah ".ummy who wan for 11 week* in the bath. "Your leg* ache, and you have the water ra*h. But in a week, jf. moot, you get over that and, then it ia more comfortable than being in lied. In fact after they pot. you in bed you can't sleep for a while, it'* *o hard. The American Y. M. C. A. ha* been ■ending these men "movie*" twice a week. A screen ha* been arranged at one end of the hut and there all the screen favorite* play their parts while the men ait comfortable in their warm tubs. And when the show is over all they have to do i* turn out the lighta and go to sleep. Stomach Trouble. "Before I uaad Chamberlain'* Tab let* f doctored n preat deal for *tom i»i-h '.rouble and felt nervour ami tireil all the time. These tablets helped me from the ftr*t. and inside of a week', t'p^e I had improved in every way." writes Mr«. L. A. Drinkard, Jenemon City, Mo. ———————————— Dr. J. E. Banner r>rv mt Ai.y, Rt C orru-K win*, t «• n—i m i M*r> fnr rrW a# wint»r Dr.HR. Dentin ifyICX HOOKS: •&».rol*a 1 P. m. k> i JitJtou rc€M over One Million Dollar» First National Bank Mount Airy. If. C. Has given satisfactory service to its customers (or more than twenty-five yeais. What can we do for you? GEO. D. FAWCETT, Pres. C. L. HANKS. Vicc-Pre*. T. G. FAWCETT, Cashier YOU SHOULD NAME THE SURRY COUNTY LOAN & TRUST CO. AS YOUR EXECUTOR FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: The business of this Company is to act u Executor >t Wills, to administer estates. to serve as guardian of minors and trustee of property under wills. A board of careful business men direct the affairs of lb* Company. The Trust Company never dies and is always found it its place of business ever ready to give proper attention to the affairs of your Mtate. The Trust Company will see that your will ia drawn cor rectly and, when named as Executor, makes no charge for properly drawing up the will or keeping it under seal in its vault DIRECTORS W. W. Burke, A. G. Bowman, W. F. Carter, E. H. Wrenn, F. S. Eldridge, W. A. York, G. D. Fawcett, W. W. Hampton, W. G. Sydnor, J. D. Smith. OFFICERS— W. F. CAPTER, President. E. H. WRENN, Vice-President. • GEO. D. FAWCETT, Sec. & Tress. That's What You Call Real Eating If you want to give the family a rare treat, get a bag of OCCO-NEE-CHEE Self-Rising Flour and bake them some hot biscuits, waffles or muffins—crisp and delicious with that double-good taste. That's what you call real eating. OCCO-NEE-CHEE Self-Rising Flour makes baking enjoyable because it takes out the guess and worry. It has mixed with it, in the exact proportions, the very best baking powder, soda and salt You couldn't mix these ingredients with flour as correctly or as inexpensively as tfyey are in OCCO-NEE-CHEE Self-Rising Flour lakes the Guess out of Bakinf and Saves you Monoy Surf today to use this economical flour. Look for the Indian Head on the bag. At all dealer*. When you prefer tn bake with plain flour tuy P—rUt* the has* of lu kind. AUSTIN-HEATON CO., Durham, N. C.