SwintitiM I ^i^nn Hinftuif, China. Jan. 2S.—Km yhanu epidemic in tkia district baa ■inl so many deaths that than is a shortogs at caskets and tbair prica has risen 400 per cent- in recent Bsrsuss of this many b-vitas have haw buried in shrouds only, a prac eat Chinese. Another depaituis that has been forced upon the people by the existing situation is that Pane Shui, or the p>ai the r.f geomancy in connection with funerals by which (rave sites and time* of burial and other details are determined, is being ignored for the first time, for no long er can notice he taken of IncVy or un lucky days for holding funerals. Whole households are being wiped out by the epidemic. Rear Admiral Tmmry Left Trophiee To Son Washington, D. C.—The will of Bear Admiral Robert E. Peary, N. 8. N., retired, filed yesterday for pro bate, directs that all medals, trophies and books, and Eagle bland, aear Sooth Harps well, Blaine, be given to his sen, Kobert E. Peary Jr. The island which the will'asserts was purchased by the discoverer of tfc* North Me with money earned while a high school student, h to remain perman ently in the Peary family. Mrs. Psary receives for herself and dfrrisioe among the children the residue ef the aetata, including securities rained at mjm and a group ef Ulaadi in CnecoBay. First, be careful to year iilictim. De aot eheoee one who is toe yeuag, end take only «uch varieties as here Patrick County Oftnr Am* Dan villa, Vs., March 14th.—J. W. Staphs, formerly sheriff of MM county waa indicted by the federal (rand Jury bare rooter day far violat ing ona at tba acta born at tlia aw. Tba violation tranayi s—sa that law paaaed to protect urives at otbar de pandanta at «aldt*ra from tahf mulct out of their allotments. Staplaa today waa a dominant Ifira in tba Bopublt can diatrict convention at Bocky Mount and is not in cuatody. Hia eaaa will ba iwaand to Boa no Ira whtra hia conta, Judre Walter Staptaa will rep resent him. Tba atory aa told In tba lengthy tn dietmant la th'a: Whan Aba Nuna, a Patrick county youth, waa called to tba colora ba nadr over a monthly allotment to hi* wife Leia Nann. Through aome error or overcight, ha failed to pot ,tba pro per addreaa of the woman with tba re sult that tba funds accumulated in Washington until |440 ware to her credit. Staplaa, it la aliased, learned of this. approached toe woman and told her that by virtue of hia office ha aod l '*e alone could secure tba moomj, and would do so provided always, aba vould five him half. Mrs. Nuna anx ious for the food, agreed and within few weeks ahe iacel»ad check for toft. Ska lived ay to bar word and •rava the sheriff. It to aliened, $280. Tba affair leaked cat aad Staplaa be gan makine rest ' /ion. Ha has re paid all azcept i Tba act featured the campaign A Patrick coonty aad it waa largety4n the issue that Frank Maya defeated him and ia now riteriff. b Oa Vtaw at Mtnk M-WMkoat < of My kiad, • rnuabar of U. boy* who participated in th* raptor* of Um 77 m. m. Gorman cannta, by tha Mi of C. I. MUt infantry. Slat tho Hi roatkig ptaco in U>« at a ataM. wrf plated It M Mammy Far Pm Saada Cat Of Washington, D. C.-Acttng on tfca recommends tion of the iww Secretary of ArkoHart, the Senate Afrkd turml Committee haa Mid to elimi -aato from the annual agricultural bffl the $240,000 voted by the Bow* t* tontinao die nitNl at distributing fro* Mod* to their constitutenta by DIDN'T HAVE WELL DAY FOR 28 TEAKS Sta FnociMo Wmm Hh Cmimmi Thirty Poemda By "I had not Men a wall day in twen ty-five year* until I started takinc Teniae," said Mrs. Virginia Stapp, of IW Valencia St, San Francisco, CaL "I «U beginning to think," the Con tinued. "that I would have to hew my wretched health as lea* as 1 lived. 1 had no appetite, and when I managed to sat a few bttso 1 conM sot digest it and as I could get no strength or . nourishment I fell eff twenty fln pounds in weight. I hardly knew what I it waa to he without a headache. All ; my life I hare been so constipated ■ that every day for years 1 had to tafca a laxative. My teagaa waa always | coated aad I had a bad taste ia my , mouth ail the time. My eoodltiea was so bad that I could gut little sleep, hut would roll sad toss about all night "But all that Is changed now, for sines taking Ttetiac I am aUs to sat anything I pisass without any had ' after sffcets sad I have actually gain | sd tkhrty pounds. I haven t had a hsad i ache la sa km* I have almost forget ' ten about them My constipated con dition has keen relieved aad I never [ have that had taste or coated tongue any mars. 1 sleep nine te tea hours •very night, «aa do my asm houss werk with ease and havu sa much MW life aad energy that I last feel ftee all the thus" , Tanlac is aoM la Meuat Airy kf L W. Weet Drug (X, to Mat MsaaV ate by Pilot Drug Ofc, te Mkki by Dkta Drug Oa. Zetmlaa W«w, in mating Hi* fer noatination again, atjn: 1 mow have served aa the uprMsntaHts fraa this I Ii»m beea mM upon ha*a bw ilultei ae I ban felt the people whom I raproeo nt woo Id wteh tkmi to be ma*. I feel that I era ■; with sbss lot* tonwiousnoe* of it* truth that f have fat no ease considsred ether than the f«Mt( welfare end the pahMe honor. I run to aak for naaiiMk tkm at the hands of my party, and U renominated I (hall aak the people of thin district to re-elect me to Congress hoping that I hare, at leaat la mm* Tinfuit, itiifl'TfiKl those duties and met those question* to their satisfac tion." Bryan Says DraMcrats Should Ratify Treaty. Asherilie, March 16—"It ought la j be as easy to end a war as to fascia a war," according to a statement fay j William J. Bryan made hare today ad {v orating a change la the constitution permitting a majority of the seaati ! to ratify a treaty. His statsmsat fallow*: "The rote yesterday ea article 10 would seam to taenia ratification with •ut further May. I aseoaae that the Democrat* in the senate wfl] join ia I atiflcation now that the Majority ha* -learly expressed Haalf. "Oar campaign wW fa* a fare* a* well aa a failure If. aftor the senate has so emphatically exprseesd Ke*if In favor of ratiicatioa with I mrtaiirai, oar party Joins th* lrreceneOablee la oppuehif ratification la srdw to aabi the treaty a partltta km "Th* **aat*% action la <mWi> with thie treaty ha* shown tha aaed of aa ting a msjsity h ratify a treaty. It oagfct to b* as saay to and a wt* a* to haafe a Mr » to tell at rath pritM u woo! J on to d«ilw a profit of to 1<4 onto a poro* •ri h«r» dotltrt that the of the order wiB not remit in riao of prieoo. for tho coloroj vii told it MalUtkra Tfliplt M. 1. church March U, at 8 o'clock P. M. Tho porpooe at the mcecinff waa to hare a face to fant talk with tho par ent* hi Mftrd to tho iiimln of keep ing their children to achool oeery day la ordor that thejr may bo ahto to

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