"We hi faught a greet war for a { Ml ami and we have had a I "On that eommittee of 171," he aa-! sorted, "they have reactionaries and progTsaaiifts. they have Tafttte* and Kooseveltians, they have sconoasista. and appropriationists, they have re servstiomtta of all kinds, mild reaer vationists and wild reservatlooiaU, they have bitttr —darn. they have capitalist* and pacifists and militar ists, and former chairmen of the Re publican national eeauaittee. and sev en women, all to go on a voyage of dbroriry for the purpoee of aaeer tainin? what Republican principle* are." Referring to the presence of a num ber of women at the dinner, Mr. Cam Mings said the Democratic party "pos sessed an appeal to the "women of Aweriea because of the social aspects of the program which has been out by its mt leader, and which teen t ai I led to sach a succsasfol ■biation." By HUTCH. «*TT af tfc* f>i1rre*i;rrli World lutoanl American miaaion t~.ar.1a an (ha naiy ortaatsnttona which h»r» 1a a yractl. ai. comprabaiulra. Imlualva program tor aolvtac tba ■•-(.'tm prnhlar., The Mitian proklnn la sot I «U"Mlou of a r 'volutins Mn| »r uric lied, but aa evolution to ba ti.i'M. board* ara plan disk to k«lp Maxlco *oIt« bar laud problama by aaubltahtng •srlrul toral M-hoola: bar aortal problama by arttlnf ap ai>cl*l cantara la •vary tow* of orar 15,M6 popula tion: bar adacatioaal problama by aatabllahlas a aatvarafty In Maatoo City aad anlargtac aad multiply Lawia, Irma Stanley, Lucy Shelton. Batty Wert, Florence MaUkwi, Leah Worth, IWi Uak, Arvie Stewart, Leonard Steele, Julia Lundy, LUa Linakack, Dfaba May Collins. Second Grade: Ulna Whitaker, Edith Walkar, Baolah Simmons, Mao rice Ill—an, Maria Jackson, Jaa Grif fin, Prat Wrikaa, Charlie Busick. Lawrence Westmjreland, Bertha Btnf man, William Taylor, Endora Lowry, Nora McNight, George Pariah, Joe Teah, Frank Trent, Mary Elisabeth Partridge, Roth Johnson, Valeria Jackson, Nina Hoffman, Edna Ellis, Mary Sparser Abahar. Third Grada: Nina Owens, Verdi* Griffith, Ceaphus Bannatt, Harvey TUlay, Arther York. John Hollmga worth, Carrie Badgett, Iris Belton, Virginia Marshall, Mary Taylor, Lil lie Hennia, Joaie Walton, Willie Tay lor Burke, Lenora Goard, Myrtle l.inaback, Frances Faweett, Leslie Rothrock. Mamie Swift, Rhoda Bow man, Velma Webb, Emma Db.Paoline Barber, Robert Foy, John T. Moore, William Patterson. Fourth Grade: Arlie Stewart, Wal lace She!ton. Carrie Taylor, LiUia May Swift, Annie Faweett. Fifth Grade: Grady Frank. Christo pher Binder. Thamar Eiger, Clarice Bowman, Virginia Martin, Naomi Owens, Virginia Burke. Sixth Grade: Georgia Stewart, Verona Henais, Rachel Marshall, Esther ino Ellis, Walter Martin. Stella Brinkley, Maria Baird, Bertha Byrd, James Strachen. Elbert Partridge, Stewart Lowry, May Vaughn. Eighth Grade: Darthy Creveliag. Claude Jamaa, Beatrice Martin. Ethet Brias. Ninth Grade: Louisa Eochtitsky, France* Fay, Annie D—Jy. Robert Smith, John Frank, Lather Byrd. Tenth Grade: Kasap Raaca, Elfra RmMfc. Eleventk Grade: Elisabeth Bald ridge. we ihi saie in nyinr tnai tnere Is not a mora law-abiding. liberty loving, debt paying body to bo found anywhere. Let a* M whether the ehurchea that compeee the FUMr** tUver Aa unciation tolerate any soeh conduct *k above referred to. AmoHhOoi, pa«« M, «• find that in the year MM, in their deliberation* they aMaad "all the diarehaa to deal strictly with aay and ail ■—ben that Mwln in riohttai the Imi, We note that daring thia period Elder Cain wae present on many oe eaaiona, and waa held in high esteem by hia fallow laborer*. Further, let ua nee bow ear ministry stands relative to education. Cider A. M. Denny for several years taught in th < public schools. Elder C. B. Denny at one time lepiaaaulad Surry coonty in the State Legialatara and waa a county teacher of public schools. Elder J. A. Ash bam repre sented Stokes and Surry counties in the State Senate and taught public school for years, and most likely did a« much for the cause of education aa any man In the county at that time. In addition, Elder W. H. Atkinson, pre sent moderator of the Association. EMer » » 9*c*n, fltrk. Elder O. Den ny, Elder George Denny. Elder G. O. Key and others whose lives are above reproach, teaching and preaching the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ adhere to the Bible rule of faith and nractier. we do not object to the modem Sabbath school for all who want them, any more than we would object to the 'fforta at any other religious order, but we think them unnecessary, since Christ and the apostles established none. Wt want Christ as our leader, the tloiy Spirit as oar teacher, and Bia railed and qualified servant*, and look for bo greater influence for good 'Kan the church that the Saviour es tablished nearly two thousand years ago. We. believe in the support of all oar State Institutions that guarantees to everybody within its border* its fall nn of benefits, with fresdsm ef cow science to worship God In what ever way seems beat to them. Frew the above statement made Vy Mr. Pelftr and the offlceis who at tended the execution, they would have yoe bsBavs K they had only been rear ed ia Sunday school they would aot have violated the laws rf oar country. Let ae eee if this wffi prove true as "We noticed recently in a paper, thai • correspondent of the Journal ef la ds otrtai Education says that ia the Joliet TVieia ha found 14*4 convicts; and ef thaaa 10CT had a fair education. IS* being college graduatea. N per Now what I want to say throngh the column* of your paper la that tain •tatement ta afiaolutely false, aa far a» It appiiae to the Primitive Baatiat churrh in Una aertion. Having been reared In a Prtmitiva Baptist home, and boarding in a Primitive Baptiat rr. .mater"* hone for thraa years, and •inee than identified lioth socially and caMMa re tally with Primitive Baptiat people far about 26 yaara, I faal that I Java a fair knowledge of what the Primitive Baptiat preach and teach, and standa tar in this *ection. They are among our vary beat eftisana, and stand for nigh moral* and the bairt at everything pertaining to tha advance men' of their i mmunity. Aa Individ iiala they supported the prohibition movement, and all other movement* tfcat ha* for it* purpose tha better thing" of life. It ia time they have ne denominational school. However they 1 hailava in state and county schools, and upport local nrhooi tax. They do not believe in Sunday schools, but have no quarrel* with the ether fel low. Aa ta tha best of my knowledge it in the onlv denomination that wtff ex Jnde their members for not paying their honest debt*, or endeavoring to make the best satisfactory arrange menta. If Elders Gold or Boawall, whom I so wall know, should say a member wan in good standing with the ehurrh, we would extend him a liberal line of credit w+thonot further investigation. Yours vary truly, (sign ed) L. S. Tomlinson, President of Wilson Chamber of Commerce." Of this "worthieee slaw wit in bu tton a high ratter hi either Dunn's said: "The Primitive Baptiat ia act am at the largest denumlnaM—a at Own la. bat they are an sarn— aad devrmt people. They are, so for aa we ' awaibaii fer not paying their dahta. They tbua make «f their religion a p—cHral everyday affair, which reach es directly at tha Uvea at mam. Tha world need* mora of a debt-paying ' » ! ■ ~iin ion. And in tone has ion wa wiah to my to tha men making the above statements that God will not leave Himaaif with out aliases aa, and there ia yet to he found a remnant who like Moaea "Cfcoeee rather to suffer affliction with tha people of God than to enjoy the pleasure of sin for a seaaon, aa teemintr tha reproarhea of Christ Christ greater riches than tha treas ures of Egypt." Treaty Taken Back To The President Washington, March 20.—After • troubled tight months' sojourn In the tenate, the treaty with Germany was back in the keeping of President Wil son tonjght with a note appended say ing that ratification had been refueed. What the President's next more would be remained conjectural. Tl«e White Houee officials declined to cam mmn. The (funeral fec'ir.g of officials elsewhere about the capital however, was t*«at Mr. Wilson would let the treat7 lie on his desk while the bitter controversy It he* raised la fought out in the political campaign- The treaty was taken back to the White Rous* early i.» the day by m bevy of officials and messengers from the senate, in penraance of an order adopt ed last night after a fourth vote on ratification had failed to muster the neceaaary two-thirds. It was delivered to Secretary Tumulty who receipted for H In the miss of the P»—Idsnt. Scarcely had the bulky document, the hone at senate confmMia through weeks of stormy debate aad aegoUa 1 annoyed or inconvenienced by the apart. The children are happy, therefore good naturrd and quirk to five pa— era by the right at way, and we can lianfly imagine any one being aa far removed from their own happy care free childhood aa to raaant other peo ple'* children fitting all the happineae they can out of life. We would ■; to our Elk in frienda let the childrr.i skate, if noceeaary aet apart a whole (trip of walk on a quite (treat for the children'* (hating ground, they will be and women la the coming' the healthful eaerciae. Play la in the development of the ; fa North Carolina twelve With one or two exceptions, whooping cough ia the moat rontifioua dtn«M that we have to deal with. The general and wrong idea of peo ple it that the younger a person ia the better for them to have whooping cough. As to its danger. Dr. Oiler says, "Whooping cough ia a very fatal affection, ranking on* of the first among the acute infections aa a cauae of death in children under five yaan of age. It exceeds diphtheria and scar let fever in groan mortality." Statis tics show that over half of all deaths that occur from whooping cough occur in children under one y«f»r of age, and that 97 per cent of all deaths from whooping cough occur in children un der five years of age. It ia rare after the fourth year of age for a fatal re sult or a serious complication to occur. Protect the children, they are helpless without jour protection. They cant understand or knew; you do. L. L. Williams, County Health Officer. The Old Ntfro And Hm New A Durham. N. C. firm is showing in • noTfl manner that kindly ran rela tion* may ha carried over fro* tlx old dayi and adapted to up-to-the minute IhiiImm. The Durham Hoeiery Mills has ju»t opened a m factory which ha* bean named after John ODaniela, an old colored man who wniil 4m parents of the mill coaspaay's presi dent in former days with a faithful ness which hfc white friends fesi de nenres Ike ncofnitkn of psepie of hath races. ' The mill will he operated eatirsly by colored labor; and hi maktaf this in dustrial open lag for Negroes the m. pany is prsriiltog heasas far the wsrfc mea of modem type, preserving under prsasnt eswdHiww the tmditfsa ef aa otosr unwBss of hsiMhMsi far fbwwkeM, ■' ;*•>'< '• largely to the fiau Merest of Cot. Our, whs h Hrtay itllns that aa r iiiiUMrthw torse to ItoTTwEj* —! rise tote s grmm sU eg* Ma brother, IS ■ | Frederick Cody, New York, and M H. King, Detroit. ClHria A. Floyd. Detroit, waa i to two yean in tka l bat ka wm fined only half aa M Newberry. The brother won fined $10,000 and wm< ana at tka fonv man who wara not eentonead to Leav enworth. The H-hteet sentence want to Oonre 3. Ltdd. of Starbridga, MM*., and ha wm* fined 11,000. The Jury waa ready with tta verdiat at 11:12 A.M. later they had bean dlachargad by court after freeing 68 of the M i danta. There waa a briaf raapite far luncheon, than the senator and Ma If again. New* of the the city They «tood in even voice, read the of aantance. H. Newberry. In caaa, It la the Judgement of the i that yon be confined in the tiary at Leavenworth for the fall i *nd period at two yaan and be 110,000," mid the judge. No one ftlrred aa the caaght the wank that thawed tka judge had addreaaad against the prin cipal defendant tha heaviest allowed by the law. Each sentence to priaon or heavy fine waa received in stoical silence. ^Too Many Mice On Hm4 New York. Marrh 21. —A Mr slump in the mouse market is reported frota Columbia university where larr* stocks of the tittle rodent* are need •for experimental purpoees. Quotation* far mire have fallen for below pre-war level* and many breeder* have been forced out of the business. according to Dr. Francis Carter Wood. Hoeta of mice ware required daring the war for medical experiment* and hijrh price* offered for them by the arovernment stimulated the breeding of these animal*. When the armiitic* wu signed the breeders were cancht "lone" on mice and they found them selves carrying a heavy overload of a useless commodity. Thi* situation jn the Moot market ia disclosed in Dr. Wood's annual re port aa director of the George Crocker apecial reeaarrh fond, made poMic to day. Thi* fond eras created to con dart scientific cancer investigation and many mice not used far experi ments at ColtHnbia university are shipped to other laboratories. As one means to reduce the surplus, the Air actors of the isssaiuh fund Wee at tempted to drip sow of the mice to the Pathological institute at Aa Im perial university of ToMo.