The word at am wfcaaa hom la tmr •way inrttw yamr doubt*. >»ri'i a Mount Airy mm'* atata Ami it'a for Mount Airy peopte'a heaefit. Suck in convlwriim. That'a ihe kind of proof that barka Daan'a Kidney Pllla. W. L. fitaala, prop, of Jewelry atora. Oak SC. aa/a: "I hava found Daan'a KMney PtUa to ha a valuable kidnay I aw i<y. Orel at wially I heeea nagting pain in tka amall of my back and My kktnaya daat act proparly. When I faa) tMa way, I always (a* a has at Daan'a Kidnay Ptlla from th» Waat Drue Co., and tbay aoon bring railat. I think Dnan'a a wonderful medirine." Price dOe, at all daalara. Donl amp ly aak for a kidney remedy—fat Daan'a Kidnay PUla—the aaaae that Mr. Htaele had. Poeter Milboni Co., Mfra., Buffalo, N. Y. Notice By virtu* of a <l»e<l of trust uarilt •4 to m<* by John Thorn** and wife M. E. Thome*, on the ISth day of Marrh, l!MW, to *eeurr two <ertain notea of S200.00 each, payable to J. M. Pulton and W. Meltinney, maturing Dor. lat, 1909 and Dae. lit, 1910, nub iaet to credit* of 130.00 paid March Sth, 1009 and*l 10.00 Dae. 8th. 1911, tha ha la net with accumulated interest rw lining unpaid, and on application of tha holder of Mid notea. I will Mil for eaah to tha highest biddar in front of tha W. H. Marion Muaic Houaa in Mount Ainr, N. C„ on the l.tTH DAY Or A PHIL, 1920, at ONE O'CLOCK P. M., tha following raal eatate, to wit: Lying and hoinf in Surry Coast v. North Carolina, Beginning in t*ie eon tar of the Hatcher road in Ed Davia' line rum South 7fi <ieg. Ea*t with Ed Davi«, tin* 37H feet to P. A. Peather age'n comer; thenea North 52 dep. nut with Mid Deatherage'* line 5159 foot to Ed. Darin' earner; thence North 1 dog Eaat with raid David' line 428 feet to a stake in Steven*, line; thanca North 7S d»sr Went about 729 feet to Mid Hatcher road; South 5 deg. West with said road 8S9 feat to the oaginn Ni( Containing I2.M acraa. more or laaa. Sale made to Minify the ha'ance due on Mid debt and route. This March nth. 1920. J. H. Polffer, Truatae. Executor'* Notice Having qualified aa Executor of Amitia Flinch am, deceased. I hereby notify all person* holding elalmii 1 a gamut tha eatate to cream t them to me for payment within 12 month* from date of thi* notice or thil notice will be plead in bar of recover}- there on. All peraona indebted to the eatate will pica** make immediate payment. Thi* March 18th, 1910 F. M. Dodaon. Executor. J:. l£. lod! 1Mb. mm Mm d5r recorded in Hook M, pa«e 4, rfflw of RmMw of IW«i of lii| f wiH a*H at public nwttaw ca •uml Saturday April 17th. II • wo o'rjon k P. m. lo the hitha • h, tils IHlowtef < He«ianiaf «a a chaatnut, J. pi Drawahna, corner, Want .13 p Rnrkford road, Ifcrnn Booth 4 i b4 with nM road SVt fork of ruad, than with the 17 imgrim tat J chain.. < *> Eaet 1M rhaina to a mcky ford cm 1 ('audio* Creak; than with *td croak I South 48 dy wa Eaat IS chat»»; Laat 1 rhama; than South a de*reea Rut S ehaina: than Mouth U dafraaa Eaat tJt ehaina: than North M dmgrmm Eaat 3 rhaina; South IT daoraaa Eaat 4.10 chain to tha Mouth at fad branch at • — »ti than Mouth M dag. Eaat It rhaina ta a larva rad oak; than North 11 da«. Eaat UH rhain» ta a itaka, than North 2S*t rhaina to a wMte >ak; than Wart II rkaiaa to a atahe; than Mouth 11 rha n« ta tha beginning, con taining U'* arraa, mora or laaa. .Said aala ia mada to aatiafy halanra i of )64fl.M and intarrat due on tha bond aerurad haraumtor. Thia March 17, 1920. S. P. Grave*, Traataa. Notice Having qualified aa Executrix upon 1 tha aatata of Jmmun Golding, thia ia j to notify all prraana indebted to tha aatata to make attlamrnt at onca and alao all peraona having rlaima eg* i nut tha aatata muat fila aame with the undaraigned within ona yaar from •lata or thia notie.i will be plead In bar nf recovery. Mra. Bet tie Gold in*. E. C. Bivana, Atty. Executrix.' 4-ao-p. COMMISSIONER'S SALE. By virtu* of the power conferred an order made In the case of Robert R. Callaway and other. Ex Parte*, pending before the CWk of the Super ior Court, I will sell to the higteet bidder at public auction on the prem ise* on Wednesday the T <th day of April, I #20. at one o'clock, P. M. the fallowing real estate, to-wit: A tract of land lying on the West side of Ward's Cap road, and oa the Rant aide of Lovill's creek, adjoining the Isnde of T. W. Davis, W7t «W lor and others, containing about Art acres. Same lieing the land devised to the children of R. J. Cellnwav by R. R. Callaway in his last will and testament. Terms of sale: 1-4 cash, balance iw one, two and three years. Notes with approved security required for defer red payments, bearing interest from date. About twenty acres of good bottom land on Lovill's creek. M acres well timbered. The land will be cut up into lots to suit purrh seers. The land fronts several hundred feet on Wards (rap read. W. r. CARTER, Com. At the same time and on die same terms we will sell the balance of the Callaway heirs' land, lytne en the Weet side of Lovill's creek, on the Fancy Cap road, adjoining the lands of C. W. Taylor ana othera, contain ing about 12 acres. This tract will also be cut up into lets. March Bth. 1920. J. H. Eolger and W. F. Carter, Co—iseioners. The White Star Garage LoBAS A BOWLES, Proprietor. AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING * ACCESSORIES VULCANIZING * RETREADING NORTH MOUNT AIRY Pkm: Raral lMt ASHBY SCHAUB'S OLD STAND Get In NOW! ITS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO GET IN AT THE OLD PRICE The Subscription Rate* of The WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL Now published seven days in the week, will advance March 27th. The following rates are good until mid night, Satruday, March 27th. EVERY DAY AND SUNDAY. 30 Months, $15.00 24 Mentha, 12.00 - 15 Months, 7.50 12 Months, 6.00 6 Months, 3.00 3 Months, 1.50 a If:' No subscription accepted for longer than 80 months. All subscriptions payable in advance. Get yours in at once and save the Increase in price. If possible pay your subscription to some member of the Journal Contest and help them win an automobile. B« Sure to Got it To Tho Journal Office Before March 27th. rule tha guilty were v«tcad by Piw( ilrnt Ebort today. "I M optimiatk enough la Chink that the damage haa ant beea eat*, rtrophai, and that la aiao tha opinion of tha rabinet," Pi ealdent Ebert wid. "I am worry tha avante of tha laat flaw days have proved than ere atill rtrrtee in Germany that thtnh tha dlatieae ti tha loet war not great atoiifk. They ara tha aama if roup* that always da mred war; thay ar« tha iaritoin of tha militarist* and tha raaattanaiiaa." Regarding punishment of tha Kapp Isadars and tha exportation by mom that tha itata of siege would maka necessary tha eaeratiee of all tha guilty, tha president iVclarad: "Thoee guilty a hail faai tha full weight of tha, law. Ail officer* of r» ponaibla position and ail leadingrivil* tans who Joined wilfully will ha re garded as guilty, be rharied with high treason, and might ha ponUbed with penal servitude." Regarding execution* under martial law, Harr Chart said: "The lawyer* will determine. Par* hap* Mima will ba executed besides the confiscation of thair property. We want to puniab tha leader*, but to ■pare theaa forced into the movement or acted through ignor »» ®nr®t The praaidant aaid is would take tima to raatora complete qoiat, but de clared he waa confident all would be wail. Ha expreaaad hi* thank* to tha foreign govarnmanta for thair attitude during tha criai*. especially to Praaca and Austria, which countries sent diplomatic representatives to Stutt gart, and to England, whose represen tative from tha beginning dealt with the old government. Farm* For Sal* Or Rant ^ Near Mount Airy, between two •and-ciay roada, well watered, 2 out-buildings. Land especially suitable to tobacco, wheat and corn. Good pas ture with new fence. Farm containa 176 acres and ia located aaar White Sulphur Spring. Also one containing tl acres with 5-room house, tobacco barns, ate. 4 miles frim town. Small orchard. If interested in buying or raating sae, A. E. Tilley or A. Kyle 8vdnor, In Merritt'i building. t-f-c Ha* Had Stomach TroaMe far Seven Years Theadore Sa.iforti of Fenmora, Mich, has had stomach trouble for aeven years and could not eat vegetables or fruit without pain m the stomach and restless nights. By taking Chamber lain's Tablets he is now able to eat vegetables or fruit without causing pain or sleepless ~.esa. If troubled with indigestion or constipation give these tablet* a trial. They are ccrtain to prove beneficial. Notice Having ifOalified as the administra tor of Robert E. McCraw. deceased, all person* are hereby notified to present ary claims account or other evidence of drbt axainst die said estate, to tha undersigned for sattl-ment, within twelve months from date hereof, or tbia notice will be plead in bar or re covery. Also as administrator, I will sell, on the 3rd day of April, 1920. at one P. M . on the premises of 0. T. Jones, in Eldora Township, one good cow. a lot of meat, soma com. fodder and . bucks, hoasahcld and kitchen furni ture. and athor artirlce of personal property too tedious to mention. (A/me and ret a bargain. Joe Stimley. W. A. McCraw, Auctioneer. Administrator. 1-23-p. Ararat, N. C. GET READY FOR "FLU" bap Tour Lhrwr Active, Your >|»l— MM and fm From Golds bj Taking OaloUta, TablaU, that art Da lig htfal, Mi and HiwMih aad Druggiata art adrta f tkair frlaada to kaap tkalr ayatoma ntM ul thai* arfua la parfatt ark la* ardar aa a protortioa what tkat • warktat ardar aa a protortioa anlut a* WKfi W iafhiaaxa. Tbay tow • alaggad ap avateal aad a Uay faror eoUa, laflnaaaa aad aarioaa Ta aai akart a aold ova _ aravaat aariaaa ravplleatioaa taka oma Oalotab at badtlau witk a awallnw af wator—<kat '• alL No aalta. aa aaaaaa, aa griptag, aa aickaalag aftor <((kU Mali aMralag toil aold kaa vaaiahad, Cr U»ar ta arttra, yaar ayataia I* part aad rafr*«h#d aad y>u ara foMin* •aa witk a fcaarty apprtita far break taat. Kat what 70a plaaao ao daagar Oalotaha ara aold oalr ta urific aaalad pankagea, prtaa tklrtjr-llve <*at« Mrtry araggiat ta avtkariaad to m yaw «aaa»r if ran ara nat pnrf-»tl> I AaUgfctad wtU CaJ*aha.~(Adr.) jU Rising Prices On Gasoline and Oil Only Emphasizes the Wisdom of Buying the Car that is Economical of Both. Chevrolet 20 to 30 miles per gallon of gas. 5,000 to 10,000 miles and more on tires. Touring Cars, Roadsters, Coupes, Sedans— there's a Chevrolet to suit every taste, at a price that is fair and square. Let your dealer demon strate this car for you. Universal Aiito Co. Distributors Winston-Salem, N. C. WAS UNABLE TO WALK UP THE STAIRS Lot A>|«Im Woomb Suffered Six Y«n From Rfcaninahs... —Sooti lUlimd By TmIic "I had rheumatism ao bad that life was (imply miaerable for me, bat Tanlac has entirely overtone my trouble," said Mrs. Martha Asbach, of 2224 H Duane 8t_, Loa Angeles, C«L "For the past six yean I was in «ueh a wretched condition I can haro ly understand bow 1 held oat as Ion* aa I did." aha continued. "I bad rheu matic pains in my so bad that it was impoesible for ma to step up or down the stairs, and my hands were so swollen and stiff it was an I could ifc> to hold the broom or dishes. At night I simply ached all ever so bad I could not sleep, and, in fact, I suf fered all the time night and day. I became very nervous and worried so much over my condition that I became very despondent "I tried all the medicines I could hear of but none of them did me any Rood until I got Tan lac. I waa overjoy ed to find that H more than met my expectations. AU signs of the rheum atism has left me and I am back do ing my housework for the first time in several yean. My nerves are as steady as they can be and I sleep all night long and never wake up till morning. I haven't felt so fine la years and H certainly is a pleasure for me to tell everybody a boat Tanlae." Tanlac is sold in Mount Airy by I. W. West Drug Co., in Pilot Mmat sin by Pilot Drag Co, in KUda by Elkin Drag Co. A Timely Soggeatiaa The next time you have a cough or cold try Chamberlain's Cough Bsaae dy. It (a pleasant to take Mrtaan sure to be pleased with the relief which it affords. Thia remedy has a wide reputation for Ha cars df coughs sad rnUW. Sydnor & Sparger Insurance Agent* 40UKT AIRY. N. C DR. H. G. HEGE Dentist He* ever P. D. Helcemb Hdw Kton> MOUNT AIRY. N. C United States Grain Corporation Standard Pure Wheat FLOUR JT May be had at the following stores At i priec not to umd \ $1.65 per 24Va-lh. Cotton Sack Snow A Dowel! R. M. Smith C. & Need ham Smith A Bmhy Snow A WettmonkiMl W. F. Midkiff Beltoa Feed Star* H. G. JarreII R. E. Hinea F. M. Poor* David Smith 1 a Marshall J. W. F«lk D. R Crawford This flour contains bo substitutes. It in mad* from clean, sound wheat and makes bread and pastry of super ior quality and texture. The Government is offering this Floor in order that those who would practice thrift and •comotaj may have the opportunity- ^ Retail Grocers who have not laid la a stock of fids floor, may get It from Granite Mercantile Co. THE UNITKO STATES GJtAIN CORPORATION 9 ST. LOUIS, MO.

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