itWST DRUG I B. ImOUNT Alft v, c. fioyrfDUBBELBILTdofas Guatrrtoed Sat 6Mand»5acvki nrHERE an 20 reams why Dubhelbdt Clothe* 1 wear ao well. Special reinforcement at every point of wear or strain—double stitching—long-wear fabric*—are a few of the 20 special Dnbbelhilr fearur s that assure more wear—and no mending for six montl Every Dubbclbilt suit ia guaranteed for sLt momluj' wear, wilkout rip, koU, Uar; or juit ftfairnl frrt. Good style, too. Smart, dean-cut line-., that all real boys prefer. 114.75—816.75—^18.75—<20.75—ar.u up-*_-ds . >36.75. j. D. SMITH Tobacco Averages $123.40 Per 100 Lbs. January 7, 1920. The American Agricultural Chemical Co., Graesiabaro, N. C. Dear Mr. Norrell: (lease book me for fi»e thouaand (600*- bars of Zall's Bright Tobacco Grower 8-3-3 and Zell'a Special Compound 8-2-2. I will prt you shipping date* and points to be shipped Just a* soon as I can see my tenants. I bad excallant results from Zall's last rear, and wish to make sure that I will nt it agaia this spring. We had the worst season Ian year that we hare had far many years, doe to excessive rata fail. My crop did not nffar from burning where Zall's waa uaad, and sold for nearly a quarter of a million dollars. Please confirm this order by latter, and oblige, Tom wry truly, (8i«»ad> ». M. OALLAWAT. Vanma Hll. BaMu Co, Va, i nt it, int. The Amarieaa Agrfcaltoral Chemlaal Co, OrasMhara, M. C. The beet way I aaa tail yuu what I thtak at jma tail s Fwtlttaar tor Tebaeeo la to aoeloaa a copy of account salaa made at Bdmoadaoa's Warehouse. Booth Bsalaa, Vlnrtaia, Norembor f 1,1*19. Twa eaitaga, \jm pouada, brought $1^71.64. This la about «ltB.40 aroruge >ar bund. «1 pounds. I ha»e triad nearly all standard fertiliaora, bat Zall's always givaa tobacco hatter color aad weight than anything elaa. I think roa will iad that this is about thebeet sale made h this section of Virginia. Tours traly, (Sigaad) TUN* BROS, By Add Tana. The News, $ 1.50 per Year. . -r " ' " •" if Tm re at (wty, ftfty or «tat> —lie* Yoa don't iknw safety. Tm «mwh it te he i —•ad It i* aft. In ttu feeling If, million* of people every day pay • tribute of earfMnn to railroad mm never lilwl upon any a(her rlaae i Man line* tlto mrU tofU—the trV .mU at tmtlm Ufa to tfceir keeptag and doing it aa a Mtlr of cavraa wtthrm a thought of riafc. Tat iipm »Hat a multitude of ctr i-utntMrw. conditions and comldna tione tha rafotr of a train depaada. TV*, raila. bridges. nabankmenU, grades ami curve*. far all of which waa fl nt selected tha rough material reapplying hi kind and quality with minute apcrification* determined by tha moat patient observation* and a> hauuative te-ito and tha vrhala *saem hled and constructed with malhrmnti ral am racy Million* of botta. hare, beania. link*. lever., staplaa and spik es, a flaw in even one of which a»y rauaa.a wrack. Myriad* of visible and audible signal* aach with a distinct m««*ag* to ha received and rightly In terpreted. A thousand man, with indi vidual duties requiring performance in a particular manner, at a particular time and piaca, separated perhaps by hundred* of mile*, yat in fact all working together, may he concerned in tha aafety of dm train. It'* aaay to make a mtatake, even whan oila la trying to do hia beat—to m i sunder - •tend, to forget, to neglect some little detail, to. use poor judgement—and vet a ■ ingle error on the part of one man--just one in a thooaand—may remit ia a train accident. You and f do thing* every day, la the rnndwet of •ur own affair*. which, if dona by railroad men, would ranaa an accident. Now, multiply your own personal lia ibility to err by that of 1,000 and that by 00 by 24 and by 306. Tet, in spite of thia multitude of . poeeihilitiea- - anyone of which may eaaae a collision, a derailment, or other aerious mishap -late official reporta show that KS •nm panics. operating approximately 10? 000 mile* of road, in one yaar car ried in round number* 486,000.000 people—more than four time* our country's population—without killing a single on* in a train accident, that i* in a collision or derailment. If we had railroad* from the time of Adam and one had been traveling con tinuooaly from that day to tUa. ac cording to the law of chancaa, he prob ably would not yet have been in a train accident. —- - Mark Twain one* said that it ia safer to travel than stay at home, I cause so many more people die their own bed* than on train*. —Pete Marquette Service. kr LOCAL,"^RTLJCVTrO*^"V*1' (bay ■not r—rfi rba ml of th> i«mi CUwtt >a <• local diaMM. pMib laflw aac«rf bv C ATARI.i< .4'I('INK «IU rwa nurrh H H lafce.i • .Ally and KU IWMk! h A1.1. H CATA&SHMXO&» la c»»pc«ad of aoBM of U» baat tonlca kMin, comhtr»a<1 with torn# of tbc base blood puri/Vra Tha ptrfNt combhMuta of tha tocradtants fn HAlX'l CATARRH MEDICINE Is what pro&mrm web darful mmuIui In catarrhal conditions. Dr.yrflata Tie. Taatlm wniala fraa. F. X Chasay A Co., Props.. Tslsdo, (X NOTICE TO CONTBACTOBfl Hlat* Highway Coaatroctjoa N. C. Federal AM Project No. M Scaled bid* for the constructiasi of • concrete bridge* on the State High way in Sorry County, N. C. will be re ceived by tlie North Carolina State Highway Communion at the Division office in Greensboro, N. C. until 12 o'clock on the 6th. day of April 1920 when they will be opened and read. No bid* will be received after the hour find. The work will consist approximate ly aa follows: Bridges and Culverts S7S Co. yds. Class "A" Concrete. >7 Ca. yds. Class "B" Concrete. U1.M0 Lbs. Reinforcing Steel. 2 >00 Lbs. Plates and Bolts. 4 Mane Plates. No bids will be considered unless accompanied by a property certified check fir Two Thousand (|2 000.00) Dolter* mad* payable to Prank Page, Chairman. A corporate sent? bond, or other satisfactory security will be uuaiiod far the coasplsts fulfilment of the Contract. Plans, specifications, forms of con tract proposal blanks, ete^ can be ob tained from the State Highway Cwn mieaiea, tolrigh' 97 C. am the pay ment of five dollars to defray eeat, wtirh mm win be returned to aBpart iee. submitting bids on the work, on rotarn of plans within five days aftar the date advertised for lettia*, to the Stato Highway Commission, Raleigh, Any increase in freight ratee made jwUUt aftar data of letting, and paid by Contractor will be allowed If prop er vouchers are submitted at the time of pavjrent of each increased rataa. The right ia reserved to reject anv or all bids or to arr >pt an? bid deemed be.-t for the State and tbv County. By order of the North Carolina State Hlghwav C-mmiasi m. W ft Pallht, niSHM Kntrinee This tilth da 'f V.r^. |»«0 ■ mmi'i —arfpniitt tw Mrj af tJ». ■KM span Wnan ■. oM Mm i*l rMt <lr. i» ud WW1U Stan a» Mary af bar aara taprlw«i ■xni by rb> 0»r maaa, bar aanip* and raraptarr. »tv lUialljr haw riM rnina ta the t'alir Ntataa of whl« h ahr la a «fcJa> n. at Itnagh at tlw (>»*l<intn* nf lha wai ha hftrt n^vrr »wan »i < TM-rlr* &r MARIE ROSE LAULER. • COM not sp. "k Kurflsh. Ilhe tells her la*y In a am bmilr iretnre vlitcb be»r» tlx- appropriate Title of 0s<- Spirit «f tli»- H»men of France." Mm ion* aa (iwt nrniwtry of ttw wort' idares profile wilt honor the he-<>i< «»nm of frunri imd Rrtgtoai. Tlx Ultra*" vt»it<<l ti:«n them li; the rat •:I"I Han. their aptri w of i.v«arwhelming woe ■e» br forgotten. Miam Marie Roee Lauler will appear at tlx High School a .ditorram TW riay night March 90th. PEPTO-MANGAN FOR •♦SPRING FEVER" S,2m Dm'I Diaappaar with Cold Wonthor And Blood I* ShffWk And WMk Don't Take Ouett If Yon Fool Bad. Enrich Your Blood With Popte-Mancu TVrt ia a great dnl of serious sick ncaa in the Spring. And it ia amay to see why. Long weeks pent up in doora, too little a irrine and freah air, winter sickness not entirely over with, a generally lower ad vitality. Blood weak and alug gish. Then cone ffaia Spring day*— that are not aa warm aa they ai or audden changes in the weather, and yoa haven't taken proper precautions. Vigorous, red-blooded people dani often gat aick. If yoaVe not feeling your best, get Fepto-Mangan of your druggist and take it to bafld up yoa* blood. His effective and agreeable tonic has bean t set ad for over thirty years, and physicians, everywhere rec ommend it for i un-down, pale, and The whole family shoe Id takePepto Man gen—it ia good health insurance. Beaidee, what a joy it ia to fad fit and fine—randy for anything I He have an abundance of eaergy and enthuaiaaa.1 Pepto- Mangan ia far sale at year druggiet's, and in both liquid and tab let fans. There la ae difference In medicinal value. Take wiieh ever yoa prefer. Bat to make sore yon got the genuine, ask far -Godot Pepto-Man gan" and aoa that the hum "OadeV W oa the package.—Adv. Ha vine h— ^ppnwfad by tbaBoaid of Commiiaionara of Barry Caanty, mi ipfcial Agent to eolkct Um» itmtln dor of the County Spactal School tax, I taka this laatSadafnottfyin* tha r pi' that tha hooka a/a in my hand*. and anyon' wishing to pay hia tax ma -r m ma at any Am ami pay It * - rt>« c trrnlance of tha Jpaopla I <* II ■f at D Hrna >n /ii*t Monday* »r ! m it of rouit. ' « It al«o mart tha paopla in neh * •• ■ > p Tor I he purpona of eollm-ting i« lima, and place, to b« vartfutly your*. J. H. faweka. Pnii EBdeii Scrnet _ Mi*/ky Rnty & Mm Ci. J. A. ATKINS, MOUNT AIRY, OFFICE UPSTAIRS OVER HODGE'S BICYCLE SHOP—JUST BELOW P. O YOU SHOULD NAME THt SURRY COWmnOAN & TRUST CO. AS YOUR EXECUTOR FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS. The busineee of this Company it to act as Executor of Wills, to administer estates, to aervs as fusr „:as of minora sad trustee of property under wills. A board of careful business men direct the affair* of the Company. The Trust Company never dies and is always found at n place of batata ever ready to five proper attention to the affairs of your estate. Tfco Trast Company will see that yoor win is drawn cor rectly and, whan named as Executor, makes no barge for properly drawing sp the win or keoptnt it onder seal in its vault. W. W. Burke. A. G. Bowman, W. F. Carter. E. H. W reaa, P. S. Eldridge. W. A. York. G. D. Fawcett W W. Hampton, W. G. Sydnor, J. D. Smith. W. F. CARTER. President E. H. WRENN. Vice-President GEO. D. PAWCETT. Sec. * Tress ' Takes the duess out of Baking - saves you money You can't buy baking-powder, soda and salt as economically as when you buy them already mixed in Occo-nee-chee Self Rising Flour. And the extra in gredients are added in proportions for perfect baking. Hot-cakes, light, golden bis cuits and tempting waffles can be mixed in a few seconds and baked in a few more. Just mix with water or milk and put in the oven. You'll like Occo-nee-chee be cause it's a real time- and troubl* saver. OCCO-NE Self-RUtinct Anatin-H«at mi C* DihUi* Ml C

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