■M of HiUsrille, Va. are i Allan'a brother, Bawley Mr*. Henry Wolfa of Dobeon ii rmat of har parent., Mr. and April 1st, Wallace, a ma at ■ P. M to the Hi*h inelnd Little Miaa Nina har fifth birthday Monday by entertaining tfl little friends at a birthday party. Gamaa were enjoyed which cream and cake Mr. and Mr*. Will Prather, Mra. J. H. Prather and Mrs. Jane* Brown left Toanday by aot/xnobile for Greensboro. Mra. J. H. Prather and Mra. Brown took th<- train in Creen* boro for their home in Snartanbunr, 8. C. Mr*. Emma Shmrart, who in known te many people of thia nertion. ia now living w'th her dnuirhter Mr*. N. A. Melton, at HandcrHonrill ' N. C, ha* been very «ick recently and her life wma almoat despaired of for a time. She H some better snd hone* are now entertained fbr her recovery. Mr. A. E. Tilley. Recorder, hai born confined to hi* home for aeyeral weeks with Influenza, and a* a reault • large docket baa accumulated. At many aa forty or fifty case* are to bo heard when he can a train hold eoort. Ha ia abb now to be up and it ia expected that he will bewel? enourb to hold a aaaaion of court next Mon day. We are glad to report that Mr*. 8. E. Marmhall seema to be ncwviai from the tajuriee auatained laat week ear ia which aha and her ware riding, waa etrock at the dry bridge by the Standard OO track driven by Mr. Webb. The ear waa badly liaaiagail and Mra. Mar ahaU'a ahouldsr waa Jammed and her atta badly brmiead bat aha ia now able to ha op ia bar roam. Mr. K. A. Freeman of Dobaoa, county of the Near Eaat Belief arritae oa that the recant at Ceatral Methodiat y aebool ia thia city 18 arahaaa. If of bar qooto of Mra. J. C. Laughridga and three left Friday far Dram! to I the marriage of her eiator. Mra. Laughridga will make bar future hame ia Drexal to keep honae far bar Chrietmaa. Mr. UnfhrMri will Jd* hie fiamily aa aaoa aa a man can ha aatnred to toka Ma plaaa ia the fiaiahlag of the Mm Virginia L. Earn at Wlnaton Salam spent the pnat week and with har lister, Mrs. K. L Bobbitt on Rock ford strast. F. D. Haioomb la inatalling in front of Ma hardware store • gaaolina fill ing station of the lataat lyprwad pet tarn. Mr. and Mra. E. L Babbitt .pant Saturday in Graanaboro, while there they bought a heme on Martin street and mart to move there in the near future. Harry A. Brown of Dayton, Ohio, advance agent of the National Caah Regiatar Ce., viaitad the local Cham bar at Caaaree yaetarday. He plana to brtag llluatrated )ettmea here April 2tnd, at intaraat to merrhanta and |ia liana alike. T. L. Brim, of Mm, la agent far the Cletrnc farm tractor—the kind that crawls along oa the ground like a worm, and la finding ready aala Cor the machine. It la one at tko baat farm tractors, in the opinion of many, and ha hae already roaatead ordara for a number. The machine sella for $1445 delivered hare. The Ladiee Auxiliary at the Presby terian church will meet at the church next Monday afternoon at .1 P. M. instead of waiting until the regular rlate in April. All member* are urged to be present aa uians muat ha made to dothe the orphan who ia sup ported by thia auxiliary at the Bairum Swings orphanage. - Mlsaes Beeaie ami Meliie Shelton of Weatfleld arere visitors in thi/f city W<dneadny. Mian Bessie Shelton baa been teaching near Southern Pines, and like manv other teach* -a, • wing to poor hoarding areommndationi, " i-nmhed a room for light housekeep ing. While at arhooi the house burn mi down and her trunk', clothing and furniture were lost. ^ A Birthday Party. Millie Mian Lillian Johnnon, ilaugh ff r of ys editor, gave a birthday party ; Saturday afternoon at her home on Rawley ivmut. About thirty-fivs lit tle folks were present and the little hoateea received quite a number of I dainty and attractive gifts. The birthday cake with Ha lighted candlea '■ was the crowning glory of the refresh ment hour that followed the nwuy time a pent in playing games and hont nnt^ ^ Mr*. R. A. George Entertsuma. Last Friday afternoon Mr*. R. A. George was hostess to the Intra Nous Book club at her home on Franklin I street. Her attractive home was tastefully decorated with blooasing hyacinths. After playing rook Me* damea Clove Hal* aad P. A. George sssisted the hoetees hi serving appe tising refreshments. Triaky Wiy StoW. Cfcampin. "IV Trinity Chronicle" pidilhAsd ! at Durham under dale of March 17th reports the basket hall game played in Raleigh Mar. 11th when the «m» frees Trinity college played the A. A E. college team ta a championship and the score stood tt to 14 la fever of Trinity. The Ckreatde samplinanu the mm who played and the students who stood back of the team and carried a picture of Manager, K. M. Brim, sen of T. L. Brim, of Brim. N. C. who deserve* much credit for hi* ef ficient management which did SO much to make it possible te win the ft* flasrs m hardwoad Md the •ItrtrM Axturaa >ra lr Imping with room aad fitting roam tn fumiiM in walnut with Mo* raga tod upboi • taring. Bmmm the dining roan and liltebaii is a eory breakfast aicovn with built-in aaata, also built-1* cabi net; on the «ams flaor is bright sunny ssnring roan, entrance to tha haaswsnt ard othar rmvsnianeas. Tha stairway aaeanda in tha back Hall and am tha aarowd floor arc four roomm, large clossts, a bath mass with tila dear and wainacoating, a llnan >raaa and bailt-in wardrobe. Per haps tha OMat attractive thing about the hnaaa, to tha pratical mind of tha writar, la tha fnat that tha boots la designed for coatfort, with no waste apace, and lata of windows to 1st la God's sunshine and pars air. / A Dalightful Party. Mw. John Sabotta moat delightfully entertained the Entre Nous book club at her lovely hom* on Pine itmt Wednesday afternoon. In addition to tha club iasmbor« thara war* many nvitad gueeta pnaant. including Mm. V. H. Wright. at Whrtwi-Mi. and XIm Annta Cobb of Durham, house guests at tha hoateaa. Tha honaa waa tastefully decorated with jonquili and farna. The iussH #ere mat at tha door by Mra. E. H. Korhtitsky and tha club ■—ban ra ta vad of thair book. Thay than paaa ml to Mr*. Sabotta, Mra. Wright, and Mina Cobb. Thay wara than shown up staini where Mra. T.J. Smithwickmet. and diraetad them to tha cloak rooea. At tha foot of the stairs thay ware presented with lovely jonquil score cards by Miss Mallia Hadley. Progrseeive rook waa played at IS tables wMh much enthusiasm after which a MWoaa froten salad course with c off re waa served by the hostaas ssetetsd by Mra. Koehtitaky. and Mlseea Flora nos .Smith and Sallie Hadley Revival at Frimds Church. .Sunday, March 2S, is the day set for the beginning of a revival moating st the Mount Airy Prienda church. Although the revival is scheduled to start Sunday morning it la not car tain that the evangelist will roach the city in time far that service. It is assured though that hr will be hare ■for the evening service. 3ci »kss will be held every evening at 7:S0 at the church and in addition day meetings will be arranged at the various shops and schools. The church is exceedingly fortu nate in securing the services of L. W McFarland of High Point and John M. Prrmsr of Graham for this special (•ffort. Rev. McFarland has served during the past twenty years success ive!) and successfully as missionary to the Indians, rural rhureh pastor, la.-ge city church pastor, and Yearly Meeting Evangelistic Superintendent. He come with the very highest recom mendations. in* «nn|tlutK singer, K*v rer mar, is a young man who is remain ing aa pastor of a Friends church at a PMt personal sacrifice. He is ait excellent soloist a goad director, and a man of deep spirituality. He is a pupil of Harper Garcia Smythe, wSo was formerly J. Wilbur Chapman's song director. Mr. Panssr will be unable to reach the city before Men day noon but will be here through out the remainder of the sewicee. Does Advertising Payf Does it pay to advertise? this la a question that people often ask and here ia an answer frem oar mm merchants. We recently carried aa ad for the Carter-Martin farnitara com pany advertising a spe.-tal sale of ruga. This was a timely a-* and aat folks ta thinking aheot sew ruga, created a demand for rags and thmeby helped their csmpstltms. noticed an » usual increase In the rag basineee, aa weO aa Increasing satee for tks Carter-Martin company. A representative of the Marion Piano and Furniture house i—ikild that they would retain the favor tkis week by advertising a carload of cabt aets thiroby stimulating tie hitmael of the public b» kitchen lablmli. R. t. Df wson. a prosperous farmir of Routs >, has been a subecribar ta "1%e Mount Airy News" for M yean and has never mtaeed bat ana copy ia all that time. Ha came ta the office and got that os»e so he has net mtaeed reading a single issue in U yean. 01 Wm hmwm thw mmm addad fta Onldron'i ■—dy f W< i m uny attractio— hi mm i ing. Priu iwdwrioni wan •lagant styles and qnilttio. Wo lion of tk« lint —wm fad mm wo bill for spring. PIECE GOODS A. -£ wonoerTui rinf0 or boat quality gingham*, poreal, Inddy cloth, waist awn'* shirtings. In fact a r«markabU display of tho BEST IN PIECE COOD6. SPRING FOOT-WEAR you; but will appaal to that will pmt Jackson Bros. • k - Work that reaBp tests your overalls "XT THEN you're doing real work—climbing, stoop* W ing and bending— ® That's when you find out what your overalls are good . far—how strong the cloth really is— That's when they bind if they're not made right. ifs hard work like this that really tests your over alls. And it's for just this kind* of hard work that Bkae Buckie Overalls are specially made. # Blue Buckle OvWAHs Biggest selling overall in the world

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