m hi tka dark. Ikq To than thai 1 look marh llk« • | political plot to art tko faca of tka treaty fa£nra. To of party l«adar» in tkoir tko adoption of a tow of Cob* gnoo will not aeeonpliak aaytkkf worth whilo n to M thto country'* ^ Wtion, ad ayi ka only front kaaraay what tko rapobii-1 cans karo boon Miif. Mr. Flood la not antknaiaatic for tko reoolution if it ia anytkin* Uko to tko Knox raaolation, which ko think* ia unworkable. So far aa aoeurtag a gurantea from Gorman y ia concarnod, Mr. Flood point* oat tkat tko matter ia now oat of tko kanda of Gcnaanj and in tko kanda of tka allioa. Tko treaty. ko Mid, into cffact whoa rmttftad bp of tko eUiea aa tkat tka United *r tka prapoaad act af Ha Mid tkat it weald ko I far Tko rapokikaaa hare (track dtffl in tkoir affarta to draft a One of tka act tka Carman piuputj kaU to Anorfcan kanda A repeal of tka alien piupoitj act would not bo faaa Mo at thia »•! GLENN YOUNG AND HI9 DOG VWT IN CATAWBA \Jwm, A in l mult of Waters, i lirrtktr, John at Camp Jachson next Linney cam* to Hickory to sar tha and agrsed to hold oat to his brother. Whan this pair tarns ap, they will maka 894 da. ■artors arreeted by tha officer. Mr. TaMf saw • good daal of ac tion in tha two short days ha spent bars. In enmtpmny with Chief Lenta snd night officer Popa ha was on Ma way to tha Banry river section of the county whan a horse and a bony bo*s III sight. The affltsia paaaad the hog<> ry and than decided it alight ha well to invsatigate. la the scuffle that en Kued, Mr. Yeung gat Ma sar twisted and tha officers gat CM Lail. Ma Sooth Mountain liquor. Later Tail got 12 montfca em tha ruade. Waters waa In Hickory Thursday in rsspies to the can of Mr. Young on fiim tha day before. Ha described tha rieit. "I saw the dog first and than (Ms man," Waters said, "and I run, I ■topped once and then the bullets (to ped by ma. lto, I didn't get Mt and I iidnt step to meaaare how cloee they auaa. That was tha faateat running I rrer did hi my Ufa." The officers ware seen before they rot near Waters' home in the Henry river section of tha county and the. foung fsllow made a ran tor tha tim tora. Later to He saya Young ■ a good sport and la not nearly so The Belgian police dog, which is >n*-half Russian wolf bound, and tha tther half hitelliffenee. attracted more ittention here than any dog ever at tracted before. He waa worthy of no tice. Lang and elendcr. a combination between thehound and collie, and with the looks of a wolf, M waa good to look apon. He is 28 months old. has Mas wounded in tha war and letalaad treatment at the Camp Jackson boa dog,'* aaid the owner, "will put a bunch to a circle, leave Pal hi Aarge and they wfl ha there whan I return. Or I can leave Mm to a ream with half a doeen mm ami they will itoy there." Pal will go to a hetel office dealt, take a hay handed to Mm, ring tha ■ * - *■ Wjn -* -II, a. *- ' ■ TM— •wviior mi! ana not to nil room. *»• srfB tern sa tha water and wollow in the tub. Ha is fsad of bathing. Whan Mr. Taong waalaavtog Hick jry for Aahharo hs Uft the dog to rharge of his baggage, including a rifle, which were placed on a truck. Persona who approached too doaa were warned by the dog which never •loaed an eye. "If I had that dog." observed s local officer, "I could do a big busineae raid ing btockadcrs. All he wants is a look and he does the rest. Ill say he is iomc dog." Forward Movement Coafer Hm Friend* of North Carolina mat in confereuca at High Point last week preparatory to their Forward Move ment drive the last of April. Ten w—lisi i of the Mount A try -hurrk war* la attendance. A team of Ave warfcei ■ trvm various section « of tha United States ware in char** in -lading Prae. Levi T. Pennington of Neabtrf, Oregon, director of Following thie Ike ars of the team sopersUd Sunday Quarterly misting eonfsr ■neea in various cantors of the state. Mount Airy P Heads ware a hie to ee rure ona of Delegates wars in rariaas nearhy meetings. The worker* ror Mount Atry were Rassuel L. Hayworth of High Paint, Elrhy V. Bowen of Uraan shore and Ida l« Autia* of Deep Riser. The Missions vera interesting, instructor* and in ipiratimsl throughout. The Forward Movement of Friends In America Is affiliated with the Intorrhurch World Mrnmastof Noth America, aa agency consisting of mm thirty co-operating evangelical i,v. . SENATE BROKE FAITH WITH COD Monro* Hank »—"! baiiave it to ■ terrible thing to Ife I* the LaM Ood of tke local pMt of tlto Mt He ii<Mnd to the fact that two y«am ago this nation mM dawn oa tto to tka toak of i la poaea. "11m mm who want bdlaeod. The 26 fraai this od. Bat in failing to ratify tho treaty tka United States aerate broke faith with tka men who diad and hroha faith with God." On Friday tka lttk of tkia month, fowver W ha known aa Black Friday to tka annala of tkia nation, mid tho governor, the United Atatea Senate, in an orgy of pereenal mm! political hatred, itrangM to death the IJealli of the nation. Tka epeaker declared tkat bat far hie belief la tka naarraetiaa of tka of bald in tka i from every part of tka eooaty. EifbyJmi EarthqwOw m um Though the |«n«nl public may not be twin of the fact, the United 9tat m usually experience* frotn 1M to 200 earthquakes each year. This ia ^ ^tTT^T* 5rf* r~^T Agriculture, from the large mnabar af stations which it maintain! in various part* of tha country and from Ma vol untary eo-oparatora who aand In notic aa of earthqoakee uhaai »ed in their reepertive loalitiu. Tha number af disturbances last year wan 47, ami tha number reported tha previous year waa 127. A vary tarjr* r^oportion of thaaa, of course. are «o livnt aa to he entirely unnoticed by tho public. On tha hcifk roast slight earth tremors are af sufficient frequency to eauaa no eommant whatever. The -najority of earthquake* ispuitad are from that regian. One surprising fact, however,ahown for 1919, which haa recently been pre pared, ia that mora than a tare af Miaaiaaippi Valley, the regies com diana, waatarn Ken tacky and waatotn while ana waa recorded hi smthiasl era Miaaciuii. two iamaBataiy sooth of Wichita. Kaaa^ and eae hi Waah the total number rsportod weald hare wholly eacaped attention bat far the seismographs, which are ao delicata that they usually will detect a violent ■hock, no aiattcr in what part of tha worM it occam. r« A Bom* Of $1.50 A Dmy Washington, March 22.—It* exec utive committee at the American le gion tonight pot ay to Congi ess the pi np«ml to pay adjusted com pense tion to fifir Mrrfce MB and MM at the rate of $1-50 far every day sf TUi action iiriiwi vote token by t)M committee which re corded 17 (tote npieeentatNei ia fav or of the legislative committee'* plan for cash relief at fla day, which -was adopted aa a substitute for the origin al prop seal of >50 a month. The cena aiittee's determination to booet relief followed a general review of • com posite bill which th af training. AD Provisions af the bffl, the award of cash based on the Hod of service were adopted unani mously. Strong oppoeition developed to sight, however, to the ISO a month plan, and by a veto of SS to 14, the de mand was fixed at $1.80 a day* Are Tan Happy? Ta be happy yon moat be wall. If yon are frequently troubled with cons tipation nn<1 indigestion yon cannot be altogether happy. Take Chamber others. They i MA VWard pLIES CLEAN ovew mountain cm ^w - Aiming For A«lwnTWH> l.wA la Mor (a at on mm4 Wiraa fMvlii W. Maynard, wit* Ml Kims villa, Tom, at Z:W p. m„ for AriM villa, InM lately at Morgaatoa nhortly after I p. a. Orti 10,009 paopto wmlud throatf. oat th* afternoon, la a fteid on th Biltmor* ratate to put tha "flylni paraon" achadulad to appear bora ■ 4 o'clock, only to ha diaaapotatod, what Uaotenant Maynard wind back fm M o nra n ton that ha hadovarahot A aba rill*. Tba aviator atatod that ha waa fly in* high to avoid th* moantaina an. unintentionally flaw over Aahavilk landing In a fWd naar Momantoa, « tailaa from ban. Ha will fly to A aha villa Sunday morning. A bmqwt for th* aviator by th local alumni aaaodatlon of Waha Far •at cottage, including daaamatoa a th* fliar, baa baaa arranged. A Thrill Of Morganton, March 27.—T Iwt. M rta W. Mmjmard landed this afternoon, and the arrival at th famooa flying parson haa given Mar Kan ton a thrill of excitement am The machine tn which the record h reeking flight acroaa the continen waa mad*, haa been secured for tlft night and Lieutenant Maynard la thi gnoat of superintendent and Mra. I Goodwin at the North Carotin) fo Ashevflie la tin* to keep Ma ing appointment thara. ^ ^ Pilot Mountain Kawa. The teacher* who have been takinf tha Reading Circle work at Pilot Moon tain had thair laat meeting Saturday morning, March 20, at 10:S0 o'clock Tha following tome hem were praaant Miaaaa Luna Wagoner, Roxie Sanu a la, Carria Marion, Louisa Hiatt Flora Hutchina, Elisabeth Hutchins Efcaa 3ollivan, Mania Redman, Bab] Stevena, Cornelia Wright and E L An examination waa given hy Prof R. A. Sullivan on The Work of th. Teachers" by Davie After the did joatiee to a picnic by the by the Civic High School. Thia group of lag the year. At ana at the Mra. T. E. Johneon of the I of Examiners aad H. Allan wet* praesnt at which tfam Mra. Johnaon conducted the daa The taachera have not only gaine< information from the study at th. book, bat having cone together time to tiaw have learned to each other better, and the profa spirit haa been improved. The Reading Circle mark for th< year waa brought to a cloee by ia from Principal R. A. SolHvai of the coarea, hi which re of the nine interest manifested by tha teach era. Aad that ha hayed each one weak retail to hie or her reepetUse comma nity with a greater enthmriaam for th< field of education. JJ u Doa't W>|Ud T* Phat Popcorn h Farm Cmtdmm Doat fMfd to hrhfc a phi d popcorn hi yaw gardaa. BmUm lb ■Mk food rahM. On Many fama wHara it la act do •M to grow pope of aa a atHw crap, a fow ram ara pltaM in Dm lardM far boma una. Thi« uodb to tor^oto tka chiMrai and H la a*B U lot Um« do Ilia planting. If It la doatrad to «r«w popeora m a Add trap, tho aarptaa Rock that I not araatod far 11 in mm eaa a—all] ba add to Waal aodaatt at a fail patea, or a profitable iaaai trado aaq bo MM ap br illHim II <*■« * ELEVEN STATU HAVE DAYLIGHT SAVING LAW Of w«t Win Ofcnm It New York, M.rrh 27.—Daylight j xaving will go into affect at 2 o'clock J Not* York—New York City, Buffa lo. Collin. Trey. Utiea, Syihiw,| Yonkern, Clwwi»i)fa; New Cwiiw, PWifkM, (tow HoMm. Jersey City; —Clinton. Lynn, Wo | Penneylrania — Philadelphia, Pltte-I burgh, Corry, A lion town, Harrioburg., I nam; Maine Portland, Sooth 1 land; Now Hampahtre— Manchai Michigan Detroit. St. Joooph; Coto-j *1 "Wo da not anticipate aay em iea," Mid Mama M. Mark*, praei or tho organisation which hao fighting for daylight. "Tho adopted by Now York city, fortnot win bo aatomatlcaHy oboorrwl by all dtiaa aad town* within a radio* at 50| r j miloa or Mora of tho mstiopslis. Tito! i i nai can ba Mid of Philadelphia and, ,i Pittsburgh. Tho Now York Contra].1 Now York, Now Haven aad Hartford, l' Maine aad Maine Central railroad.' are preparing to operate their local t| train* w ao to take care of i muter* in the territory ■iMii of I *■ which io now b< lo ' to have been Indorsed by iimiIj 9001 municipalitio* and ia also said to have | the approval of tho city j era of Newark, Pater son and Eliza-1 : both. New York state already ; os a law ordering the docks turned I ' ahead tomorrow, but strong efforts | . are being made to obtain ita repeal. Tho Massachusetts house recently I • pasaad the state-wide measure to third! , reading by a rota of 186 to to bat , attitude of tho senate la said to ba| ' problematical. The chamber of . merca of Pimklsaia, E. L recently| HAS WINTER WORN YOU . DOWN? i! Tktl A <* prafHbr U*aa ap and ta*tia« and aaa* Ma*aajr«« faai battar. Taw wwa druggist baa It rand? for I r*f fall, and In both liqtUI and taMat i farm. Jul aa jm prafar. "I mb Just from I hm llstanad to tfca Boat «ahn4 rmbfeat in tfca klitory at tfca wirld H. I do not to wm dant to do. is in • to stand at of notions at in flka tho hand at a i ad to our boy* at ktaa and ki hi «o,bo* m and wo hmwm dona notfctn*. So tar aa willing to go bock to 1914 bafora it aB WMt Ihm Bra "The long-winded argument! in ■mitt were like fiddling ma burned, talking with a world in i Do yon blame me for saytng that I would rather be a dog and boy at tk« moon than to spand one minute in tfea HMtt after the expiration of my term of office? The grant conspiracy coalmenemt the Preaidawt want to Varanfllaa tram Ver They are t< I call them « i that ia what tWy are, no ■ ' high their station, ►tor Lodge la the head ef

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