Have One? ti >.« i , sparkling bottle of Chero-Cola Refreshing to BUSHtSS BUILDERS I r»— Imm M Taylor tM, prin W. Tarn easy. I km many other ■ for Mia, J. A. Atkins, Mt. Airy, t, LOOK! HATCHING EGOS! J-V those barred recka. DM ther wtoT # | say the* did. lot. cock. fad. and tod. MM, M secoad hoe In the whole Aow. IMi <■ flr* jrttn in rnrnMnn thor liwww. There's mm batUrmnd J* tiwi oid ^borrod blood h Awta. If Ms mm wsat tfcey are ttM flr*t ponT7lio second If yw want birds ass w. Ora Mt Airy. rKICT MANAGERS and Agents. for Old Lino ^DISTRICT MANAGES whols or part tins, ^ Stock Accident and He with archisive territory. Excellent op portunity to get into basinesefor your self. We bare liberal policies giving ce»pl»>» coverage to all wage-earners. "Write today. National Casualty Co. Detroit, Midi. 3-26-p. FOR SALE—One • room house, one t-roen hones, doss in, electric ttghta and water. For farther informs Smmo Joe Davie, Mt Airy, N. C. 4>J8-p. LOST—Between Mt. Airy and Albion ctarAm tlnudria from Dodge to AIM Motor Co. and get reward. W. D. ~ 9t vary reasonable prices. L. 8. Ludwick 1(2 Taylor St., lit. Airy. 4-S0p. WANT TO SUB-DIVIDE your land in lots or small farms" Years cf ex •>erience ha" 0rm er th° i • ■» f» • th- most logical mc'hod of turning Ian.I into cash. Efficient service in every branch of the business guaranteed. Address National Realty A Auction Co., Box 516, Southern Pines. 4-2-p FOUND—A ladies pocket book con taining small* change. Owner get same by describing and paying for this ad. Hale's Store. LOST—Brisco spare tire on rim, b tween Mt. Airy and Weatfteld. R tarn to The Motor Co. Franklin St. or Mrs. Mary E. Norman, WeetfleM, N. C. Reward. It, p. FOR SALE—Nice S-reom house on | Taylor street in sight of Main, & me at once if you want to boy. P. C. Allred. tfc. | MAPLE GROVE DAIRY has lidded three frash cows to Ma herd. If yea want sweat milk call early, flret call, serred. Phone M. 4-) A »n dwdJ grew am baautl M u riH grew* oU«r and ska win wttk da* nnrd to batk^ dial and •* I'Hm, and ay kcipinv bar Itw and bowata la gaad woririna ordar. If you £Lr&**ij£l &ZL£?L3r Wnllnf intlr lUIXTv lira wi?Ilf "ffOra lac yallowtah romr fl«*h flabby, it mav ba da* t» Indiaaattan ar to »hif H'k Itrar. Owiatwrlain'* TaWata ear —t th^at dto-"itara. * fC" s» in such m to mate ecwnt. During tha put week the follow ing deals wsrr matte, C. C. Hutch tna ind N. C. Marion bought tha lat oa tha coimt ol Franklin aad Mate •treeta from J. H. Fulton tha price paid being >30,000. Mr. Fultaa had begua tha erection at a thrw story nuildteg on tha earner which ha as l>actad to connect with tha sdjoteteg property, building two a&ittiooal ator es over tha preasat stora roan earned ty him. Ha had a >nwt d«| aad foundation laid and about thraa faat rt wall built and mm building ma larial on tha lot which haa a frontaca if 24 faat on Mate atraat with poaaib y 100 faat on tha Franklin atraat aida. rha daal included thia cornar lot with ho work aa it atanda and tha material >n hand. Maaara. Marion and Hutch ina Mdfht for (peculation and it te ba ng talkad that tharo la a probability hat either the Bank of Mount Airy tr the new bank being organised will sake thia corner their beam. The director! at the Bank of Mount liry met to diacuaa the matter and iecided aot to buy, however we learn hat parties have takea a thirty day* >ptten on the property. W. E. Jackson baa purchased the ■tore building he oesuptes on Mate itreet from Mrs. Jeha L. A ah by the price paid being 116,000, Thia aacuias Kr. Jackson a two story buflding 100 Toot long in the heart at the i stall fiction and ascursa him a fine busi ness stand. We are told that Mr. Jack ion intends to put te an electric dm tor, modern show windows etc. aad isc the second flo* for his ladies •Mtdy to waar department, next falL R. M. Smith sold his borne on Wil ton atfeet to J. 8. Bray. Mr. Bray expects to move his roller mill to a lot adjoining the Smith lorae and bought this property te >rder to aecure additional property Tor the mill. After cutting off a part >f the lot Mr. Bray re-sold the house ind small lot to Pat Allred. Mr. Bray loee hot intend to build hia mill thia pear. T. W. Haynee bought the old race track property from Thoa. Fawcett, this property is on Sooth street and covers about 9 acres the consideration was something over $6,000. It is con aidered a fine location for a factory, convenient to the railroad etc. Trinity Episcopal Churck Spacial nMm faring Holy «wk u (ollom: Mamdy Thuraday, dnoUontl aar rlN hi emoHittte of Um inattte tion of Tka Holy Cw—fcui TsN P. U. Good Friday, Morning prayar • A. H. Tfcraa kova aerrica, rrimw oratine Cfcriat'a agony upon tha croaa, 1M P. M. Saturday (Eaatar arming) Bapttai • P.M. Eaater Day, MM mMMm at Holy CoMiaanion with hymna aM Mr mon, 7 A. M. No otkor wilt*. STEEL SAFES—Wa rpraaant Harr Inj Pall Marvin "mft Co. and fcara ia atnrV a Wwi" •!»#« af atari fira. p»wf •»' « a» Than kin in the heme, flv« at wheal are able to be op. the hmm M Ml K E IN ifUnMoa by En. W. B. Weat i ed by Bar. J. W. fmk, psaiioM te| taking the train far bar aid ft will be held of tea days igo by tba illnaaa of bar aunt, accompanied the remains to Pennsylvania. At bar reqoeet there vara no flea en, aha ahraya Mid if people loved her well anoogb to boy flowara for bar grave aha would rather thajr would make an offering for Mlaefaii instead Aa offering of thirty dollars or A few daya before the and rime aha laft a meeaage of tore and bar for all tha frill li fa Airy wh# the laid ltd dm «a M(k for bar. A Mai Mr. mad Mrs. W. D. family moved back to High ft latUr part of but week from Bluff. Mr. Bartw ha LaaraO Bluff Alia recently fa Mr. U7°'CM^ v ' Crilli IMIu A vary pretty waddinc waa nImm tsed on Sunday, March 14, at (ft* Church of St. Illy Elaia Leo SUnlay brVJe of Mr. Cyraa Edwin Crabba, Jr. The bride la the daughter at Hbam Staaiay, formerly «f Ma. Airy, M. C. Tha tpmm la tha aw Mr. aad Mra. C. E. Crabba. of Mr. and Mra. Crabba left far Maw York aad other pofcrta ta tha Saab Af tar March 28 they ardl "be at kaaw" at thair apartment, lOtO St. Paul St. Dr. W. N. IMagswwtb DENTIST Weak Links in A Strong Chain That'* juat what imitation parts are when they become a part of your Ford car. They look strong enough, but the metal ian't there—the strong, durable Vanadium steel that goes into the Ford chassis and every Ford part Ford parts are specially cast and heat-treated, each according to its use. Some require a hard, flint-like wearing surface, others need resiliency, and some need just "toughness." Ford metallurgists have been studying these problems for sixteen years and know just how each unit should be made to endure a maxi mum of wear and tear. They know that best results can be obtained by the use of special formulas for different parts, and that honeet Ford pacts wear from thirty-five to one hundred per,cent longer than coun terfeits. We carry complete assortments of guanine Ford parti fur both pas senger cam and trucks. And our garage to equipped to give careful, prompt Ford service—from minor adjustments to complete overhauls. Drive in, it's better to be safe than sorry. Come to the Authorised Ford dealer for service. tsi