CAROLINA. THUB8DAY. FBB&UABY 28. IMS. ADVANCE. Tin FIRST STIf TOWARDS SUCCESSFUL MARKET ING r«-*pmtln Association trmm Um ^ — -* ' ' • - * i » 1 Dtractora .lactad by Mm lolhwt Wtn contlnu* Um official Rattan an4 Um Uiraa DtnclM ap paMMJ bf Um Qtwwon af Um Can itaaa and Virftnia, ara liaOag M baakara af Um Una States. WM1« ant of the Directors in diatingulahed for aucciss hi farm la* and business in the districts whish tbay npmiit. they ara never-the leee the popular c ho lea of a maja«tty with whom they have been Mbw workers la organising hr fait io ta raa hy moans of hotter marksting. Bat sven with leaders who an triad, ao ara now sssarsd to tha Tobacco Marketing Aaaoeiatioa, tha folly or dtateyalty af many iiaihw may bWck th# but pliM, la thia eoaaacttea tha ftnt meooage ad tha lobaaoo crowing Erectors af tha Co spseatlve Marketing Associa wha alactad than, la worth ksidiag at thia Uato "Prodace aeoaoaiically, aad wa wfll auritat profitably," say tU diracton to tha growers. following a year whoa only oaa ftfth af tha farm product* aold hy American farmers war* mada with aufflcient economy to brine a fair atrfin of profit for tha farmar, ard at a tima when tbouaanda of tobaeeo frowara ara impoverished from two disastrous years of apeculathrs markatinr. the first neceaaity of aacooaa for every member of the As aociation la economis production of I food aad foad upon hia farm. In order that ha may be sufficiently aalf sus taining to make a profit from tobacco. Whoa the cash returns from tha baat of tobacco cropa are spent for ———•» goods balod hay and ators feed tha tobacco grower la fsiling to make hia 11 vine becauae he falit abort of ^ aeanomic production. Next to thair teaaoa under tha oat wan ays tarn of apeculative markets to whkk they have aubmitted for ao loag, most tobacco farmers will afree that tha folly of the one crop aystom haa beso their worst enemy. To avoid tha error of staking their year's labor upoa one money crop again, the orgaaised tobacco farmere ara urged to so meet the present hard timee with economic production of home suppiiee of food aad fead staff an the farm that evan a small crop of tobacco will bring a profit when thousands who sre now forced to buy thair food aad food will raise the grain aad hay at home. Economic production, as the first stop towards successful marketing ahould be the aim of every member of the Marketing Aaeociation. The Big Steal at Brim Brim, N. C., Feb. 16. 1922. | Mr. J. E. Johnson. Editor ML Airy News. Mount Airy. N. C. Dwr Sir: \ Perhaps you and others in Mount Airy and in other parts of the country ova Id be interested to know of the b% sleet that is now on the timber in this country. Last night it began to rain and fimi to the timber and by this a. m. it -was the heaviest sleet we have had far years, if ever before. I have been a Rural Mail Carrier fear the past seventeen winters and 1 ngvor aaw so much timber of all kinds otk, pin*, peach and apple trees breaking all around. The road tall of I large enough for small barn logs lapped acroas the road. It will • long time to get the phone sy in shape agate as ssoat *1) the po| ^ aid wires art broken down. I made my wholo rsaad on book, would love to boor from some of] OMo lam's mall boys who tried it J today In boggy. Will O. Lewis. NOTICE All otfUo eoptarod by the gheriff a*d his dspotte* will be Mld at pOb)t< ogottaa Csc eoah la fiwit of the Jail at Doboaa oo Monday. March «. iHi. at It o'clock noon. Ey oHw of the Eeord. Wolfe, Clerk FOUR MEN ARB JAILED FOR ATTEMPT TO ROR K.ERN ERSVILLE RANK Hmjt u» tl Fwr WImIm Mm ud Tw» of Hum Haw Ktrrwmllki M. 19.—Kerneraville wm viaited bjr robber* «arly 1Mb mora tag, bttmi 1 and t o'etoek. But by Lb* quiek kUob of Mr. and Mm. Dewey MItalia the rebbara want away ampty-handad and wan taken by of ficer* bafora they war* tan ailee away. Tha Bask of Karnanvilla waa tha objaet of their burglary and dl ractly over tha bank h tha central of fice of tha town talaphona ayataa, with tha apartaent of Mr. and Mra. Mum in adjoining. Mra. Mnetin had baaa an*waring a tdaphona call and waa returning to bar bedroca whan a car atoppad in front of tha bank. Two man want to tha baak window aad two up tha atapa to tha living quartan of Mr. Maatln, aad tha car •uppoaadly driven by tha fifth au p roc aad ad down tha atraat far half a block. Mrs. Muatln *aw tha bmm ap proaching bar door bringing haple maata of warfare aad a ropa evldent ly to tie herself and bar huiband. ine men inwi|n a say wbjob mua In th« lock bat on account pi an Inside fastening wtn unable to secure an •ntranc*. to while they won work in* with the door and Um two Mow were prising open the window to Um honk, Mr. Mwttn, having boon awak ened by hii wife, made several tele phone connections tut help from the I 'eighborhood. Than Juat aa ha baud the window of tha bank open ho raag the telephone bell of tha bank vigor "u»ly which did tha work. The bur rlara fled, evidently thinking they id set off an alarm. They were tracked through the snow to where 'Soy entered their car and went in the direction of Winston-8alem. The of ficers there were immediately notified sad they responded by faceting the! far before it reached Winston. Plenty i »f nitroglycerine and other imple- i menu of atf* breaking were found in 1 •he ear. The men evidently are pro-' feeslonals as one or two of the party ire now under bonds waiting hear ings for similar offenses. ARMFIELD JAILED Former Banker Brought to Lsiiagtoa From Mexico City Lexington, Fab. 16.—Jesse L. Arm field, former prsaidaat of the Bank of Thomasvills which was closed by the state examiner on August 22, was placed in jail at Lexington last night following his failurs to raise bond of I17M00, required by the sheriff of Davidson county. Armfisld, who fled the country shortly after (he bank was cloaed, was arrested in Mexico City, brought to Laredo. Texas, and turned over to Chief of Police George Wimberley last Sunday night. Wimberley reach ed Lexington with his prisoner a little after noon .Wednesday and spent the afternoon in the office of Shsriff Sink. It is expected that a strong effort will be msds to provide the bond. Armfirld wept in describing hia ex-1 perience u a fugitive, declaring that he haa "been through Hall." Ha aald! that no warrant waa read to him by .the Mexicans who arraatad him and thai he heard no warrant until he Una turned over to the sheriff of HWebb county. Tax., who turned him I \ver to Chief Wimberley. I Only a few peraana from Thomaa- < •lie were present to maet Armfield. Among them waa hia father-in-iaw, C. M. Griffith, former sheriff of Dav idson county. The two burat into keara when they mat 1 Arm field is charged with Aatract pitt and misapplying funde of tha lloaed bank to the amount of over I $160,000. He ia a former resident of Qrsana boro, where hia wife now Uvea. Arm field was still ia Jail at Lex ington this morning It Is under stood that some ,»f hia re'athrea hel.l • conference at High Point thia morn ing and that Z. I. Waiaher, Ma attor jney, would appear before Judge B F. 'Long, at Qreeaaboro, thia afternoon to aak far a habeaa corpus hearing, tha object being to gat the |17i,0M bond STAT* LtGiOft TO TABOO POLITICS Cmmmmmiw Tmm Byr4 Styi tha end Ik! M Mwta MM ha gWao pufirim lit mikrtawu to poat o'ficaa, He., othar things batng eqwU, but aiao npltlH it would ba Im pomlblc fey tlM Legion to intir poli* tka and fight far tha aoMination mt a mi rtpraaantiag mm particular party. Praaidaat Harding haa rapliad to I talag— from tha Stoto cowiadar, ovar to PaatoMatar C-irtl Hay*, who adviaad tha aattra Matter would ha mraatigatod. Tha tolagraM aant by CaMMaadar Byrd eat lad tha chiaf (xacotlva'a alftha to n parte that political favafitoa waa batog axart ad to tha da U Mi it of ax-aarrica Man who had racaivad highar civil aarvtea ratings. Tha atateMaat by CoMMaadar Byrd in fall: "Recently the North Carolina De partment Commander ku on savaral occasions received nqunts that Um il«p*itotnt officials throw th«nhi« into local postmsstership fights, lin ing up vigorously in support of sa ex-service nan, who it Is clniased had received the highest civil rating under properly conducted examinations by that agenay of the government. This much is known by every one, that the present Harding national ad ministration at Washington has an nounced to the world that ex-service men would in all such instances re ceive preference. The third nation al convention of the AmHwtieflea held at Kansas City. October SI, ta November S, 19X1, passed a reeohition calling on the administration to give such preference to our ex-service men without reference to the political af filiations of the applicant. "It will be readily apparent to all Legionnaires, who reflect a moment on this p rob leas, that the Legion, which is non-sectarian and non-politf cal, cannot take any hand in individual politics without eventually impairing the use fullness and influence of thla great organisation, therefore the de partment will continue to act only on matters of policy approved by the na tional organiiatioa, whose policies were outlined and directed by ths na tional convention In response to re quests for actions in the cases of postmastership contests at Morehaad City, Luaberton, BakersviUe, ate., where ex-service men are said to have received highest ratings, and it It charged ths Republican organisa tion is attempting to thwart their appointment, the Department Com mander on January 27, sent to Pre sident Warren G. Harding and Post master General Will H. Hays the fol lowing telegram: "Reports have come to North Caro lina Department American Legion that in a few instancaa in North Carolina political influences ars endeavoring to secure appointments to postmastership of political favor ites when ex-service msn have recjiv ed higher civil service ratings. In view of lsgislation giving preference to ex-service man and your faimaaa to and intoreat In sx-service men I respectifully urge you investigate these allegations and correct sams if they exist." ""me President acknowledged the telegram, saying he wu calling the matter to the attention of the Poet master General, and Poet master 0«n. eral Hay* adriaed he would inruaU gate the matter thoroughly. "It la the belief of the North Caro lina Department that, if the ad ministration is honeet end sincere in announcing, preference would be ac corded the ex-eervice men, no effort of partieans within the ranks of the party will be able to aeeeesplieh aa Injustice to an ex-eervice man. V partiaanahip is to central rather than petrlotiem, no appeal from thia de partment would avalL of the north Carolina Department wtl be to« keep ecmetantiy before the administration the pa Ho tea for wMdh we stand. We have stnWuued in Waahtaften the peraonnl i ipssesnta tWe of national Commander Mae Ntrier, aa eel aa the Nnttenoi Legia 'ntlva CnwIUm, who ara MMflflr and eloaaly following all MMk mHm arialng trsa tin* to lima. A full im port aa all Mich Mttni w01 ha anda to tha fourth nallaaal aanvantlon af tha Lagion to ha haM to Nw Oriaana *a to North Carolina fully and toipartially adviaa hlmaalf a* all anaaa, whara dto c rim illation oocura, and ha at tha aaa vantlon to viva It tha Invito af tha raal facto, whan ha w01 Mat tha ■Mat rtrila organlaatian af fmmg mm on aarth, anmioaa to half Uatr "Bnd fluanca of our liaat republic aad Mn« paaea and blaaatoga to all ■» kind." ' RapaUlauu CiaHwn to Raw Ovwr Foat (MUm I. B. Britton in Nawa and Obaarva*. Waahington. Fab. 8.—Tha way tha Poatofflca Dapartmant la "kicking around" avan tha ahrad af Civil Bar vlaa laft by tha flim-flam "attgMa I lat of thraa" axacvtiva ordar af aidant Harding la not alona axel ting tha joat indignation af Sana ton and laprraantatlvaa from Daaaocratic oobllcana In Congraaa who hava haaa hit hy tha practical and poMtknl work ing (4 tha ordar aa Intarpratad by Poatmaatrr Ganarnl Kaya ara an tha kicking liat, for hy tha "aUglhla Haf u-hama nan who* thay hava wanted to pall down joba aa paalmaataw hava Had to'taka a hack aaat, whlla othar RapuhJIcana mada goad at tha ax aminationa and hacanM annanad to tha payroll. Thora ara aoma Ra public ana who art hankaring aftar a rvturn to tha apolla lyatam, ao that thay auiy Ha anablad to paaa out part of tha political awag. A caae now arlaee in a democratic >Uta 1b which the Republicana, who have tha say ao, in reported hare aa ''-in* disgruntled over tha reault. Th(a la a> to the pootmaaterahip at Charlotte, the eligible Hat of which waa made public today. Received by Congreanmnn Bui winkle, it ahowa two name* an tha eligible liat, both Ka T-'rttairr fathrr and aan. First to J. D. Albright, with a ratine of SIM, adn aecond hia aon, A. L. Albright, with a rating of 80. And ao it hap nena that there waa another member ■f the family who took tha examina tion to get on the liat, M. J. Jairett, son-in-law of J. D. Albright. But Mr. Jarrett failed to make a rating 'a win a place on the eligible liat, and a out of It. So, aa aaattara stand, Charlotte will have aa Ha next poet -naatar either father J. D. Albright >w simp' • In order to get in their local Republican pet whom nobody wanta, ao far aa anyone knowa. and who la aald to he the only white fc publican at Battleboro, the ' ^atofflce Department haa ordered another examination to be held February 11 In order to work In Oils 'one white Republican aa tha poet naatar in place of Met. Fie Her. Bill for BmmI Iuim hilre4weed in VirgtaU Richmond T%b. It—A muni preYktef for • |lt,aOO.noO bond Sana for kltbwty o»—itwtion tot Vir ginla during tha na*t two jnwi, an Jonwd by Um Vtr*ln.» Good Bo«* Aiaoeiation, *u Introduced in Um itoU iwti today. Oanarml C. C. Vaughn. Jr., of franklin, Va„ a 'Ma bar of tba aaacutiva eomaitlaa of tba »■»■»■■■ farty Indiana pelia, fab. 11—The Dmm enut* nmiMlml >■>«%■ b it. by Chairman Hull of the mllnl ha toliw< "ilaliiwm and Inac tion" to be tka continuing policy •( the Repnbticaa ijwtolatraHin. Speaking before tlM Indiana Pan man Hall aaa«M tk-' HiplKiaa leaden "with all their falaeheoda ax posed and all tMr promisee heehaw," while the people continue to try oat for relief." Ha athat -in the moantiaM tka Mm th* Newberry'i and tboaa of their Uk tat control of 'he Republican party are baring their frequent political lilikawart feaata In tka natien'a capital. Tka Democratic ckalrataa alluded ta tka am conference at aereral pointa, at ana tkM declaring Ito "yro reodinga and acUewii* to hare bean "grimly exaggerated" and at another maktag tka charge tkat tka Republican sdmlnletretlon tbiengb tka confctnnce kad "anMcndsssd note af oar national aoreratgnty than kaa been prtviouty surrendered hi nin than a kandred yea re." Partlcalar itreaa waa laid ky Mr. Hull en wknt ka declared waa tka inability af the Republican adminis tration to eope with disturbed eco nomic conditiona and In that connec tion he charged tkat Republican 'eadert In 1M0 deoeivad tka people by falling to point ont the Imminent depreealon. "la ay judgment," he told the In diana Democratic edJtfrs, "cattle war* never mora deliberately lad to slaugh tar nor sheep to the ahamblaa than wara tha American paopla Sad over the pracipica to funic conditions and terrific business demoralization by the national Republican lsadsrahip from 19IS to mi. • • • No paopla. free or aarf, wara aver mora bucksyad. Americas electorate by tha Republic an political patriota in control of their party prior to tka November election In 1920. Since that election, tha peo ple following tkia same Republican leadership, have waltxed down tha eco nomic decline to the level of Indus trial panic. In this condition of al most unparalleled distraaa. tha Re publican administration while rathe* sheepishly admitting conditions, has no views as to causes or remedies." "Time was," Chairman Hull declar ed, when the American voter* believ ed that Republican administration and business prosperity go hand hi hand," but. ha added, "never again will tha American voter ha duped by the false and hypocritical doctrine that Re publican administration means pros perity." Tha Democratic chairman several times referred to the address recently made by Vice-President Coolldge in Indianapolia and criticised the vie* •'resident for what he described as his "egregious blunder * * * in his claim of congreasional economy and his deadly silence on the New b< rry scandal which took place under his very noee." He then proceeded to call on the vice-president to "give his views on the merits of the New berry case to the American people." Republican claim of savings in gov ernmental expenditures, he continu ed, was not actual but • mere paper saving." uvlutv viiKinn| upvu nil wKutmon <>f the arms conference Mr. Hull paid hi* reepecta to Senator Lodge, declar ing "hli tortuou* course in poHtka it moat retniadful of that of Cataline, the political conapirator is the Rokkao tenata, while hla itatasmanshlp moat nearly reaamblaa that of Aaron Burr." "The people are already conclod n«," ha went oa, "that it would have bl-en far wiaar to hare the affair* of the nation directed by the maiaaan eenae and practical atatoamanthip of a Democratic administration than hy the boA*t®d Rcpttblicin *b#si mimtf which, the public am now viewing aa another tepubikan myth." Their •© oalled beet minds la prsf—st«a have In lMt, intolerant a*4 inflated Ka publicana cried, 'Oh. hr a ftaot or a Lode* at Veraalllaa. they would have mwaiMl through the and ^'jto^Lsdf* and all at tlma Swa, Japan, Italy fad China la the with on* 800th part of th* teak W Versailles, and came out third bast Japan walked eff with the M|bii> I hontw. amA ad Mr. Hull. <% Is iImi that tho noad of tho of | la tlM port to tho wxtont of lattaa: that will to to tha will who It a fraator i tho L W. W., tho bolahovlk or tho aa tho cloanaat, ablaat won far offlaa, to alat on tholr eaodklaey, and aid to tholr nomination and Tho aooond part aaad of tha •a to tha pmlkad bjr tho It liaton atoea IMS. to aad challaoffo tha do Hkawtaa." SMALL CHANCE OP NEW FOSTOrnCE BUILDINGS IN N. C. TkomaavilU," mT Ktrf mad GtnmWo WU1 Ha** •» Wall Lmi Turn., It Smw Waahington, Feb. 17.—John W. Luibtrt, of Thomaaville, *u bar* W*d»**day to aak Coagr*aaman Hw Mr to do what h* cm to have (Ml tonal money appropriated for • now poatoffice building at Thomas villa. Th* but public building* bill oarried an appropriation of $66,000. The tot had already baon purchased. But at the request of the than secretary of they Treasury licAdoo the conatruc tion waa postponed pending an addi tional appropriation of IS6.Q00, lic Adoo believing that the town ahould have a larger building than the original amount appropriated. Since that time m- public building* bill baa been reported by Coagraaa. h ia not known just whan another bill will be passed, certainly not dar ing the preaent session. Therefor* It looks like Thomaavillr, Greanahoro and Mt Airy muat wait a long Mm before they will realise their ho pea of new poatoffice building*. Annually Major Stedman introdocea a bill ap propriating 11.000,000 for Oraaaa boro and a imaller aum for Mount Airy. J oat aa regular th* commlttM pigeon-holaa the meaaurea aad there they remain. Lambert, who ia on* of Thomas villa'a loading business men said that buainea* condition* thruout North Carolina aad Virginia ar* not improv ing. He a pant aavaral day* la Rich mond, but found Richmond merch ant* are not In the market for furni ture, or anything alaa to an Intonat ing degree. The furniture buainea* he *aid I* just aa badly cripplad by hard tima* a* ia the cotton industry. Col. Tom Vandcrford of Saliabury George Penny ami J. Si. Millikin of Greenaboro are her* looking after their real aatate interests. Many Tar Haal-t are gatting th* habit of trading ia Washington real eatata and aoma of the realty big deals pat over during the laat yaar have bean with North Carolina. Officials to Assist in Mak»( Out Tu Return* At Um placet and on the Alt— Mated below, both a United Statas A cut and • United States Deputy Collector will be on band to uaiat tax payer* In making out individual income tax return* as well as cor poration income tax returns, and all others. Lenoir. Ftb. lit* sad 17th. Wed nesday and Thursday. Statesville. Feb. 1«U> sad lTth, Thursday and Fmlny. Mount Airy, March 1st, Wednesday. North Wllkeshoro, March tod, aad Ird, Thursday and PrUay. Winston-Salem, M^rcfc 4th, to IMh inclusive. nruroM notici V -