Cut Flowers i For AH Occasions Quick Service and Satis faction Guaranteed Mount Airy Drug Co. t gM—T W " u -m>- - v • Exchuivo Agoucjr for Sutton'* Superior FloWtri. Phono ua four or dor—128 WANTED 40,000 feet framing Nurses' Home. For bill apply to Martin Memorial hospital or D. H. Cook? architect, Mount, Airy, N. C. Jarrell Produce Co. Wants Chickens, Eggs, Butter B«mwu uid all Kind* Country Produe* SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL BBS IK Z*JD Valentino Dinner Minn Jessie iiM Marl* Woods, Hal Me Hunker end Nell Klmpeon, the ■enter cookery dm of the White Plains hlfk school, servsd ■ tomr ! course ilinnrr at ill o'clock W wines day even in* Kebruary 15,.in tbr , itaiwtk science laboratory under the diruction of their teacher, Miss Ntaa Robertson. Covers wore laid for eight the eontorplecs was red sad white flowera. The place cards were dainty valentines The dinner was servsd to the following peits: Messrs Ssnford Chilton, Perry Taylor, Harry Robertson, Hohart Simpson, and Spar ger Robertson. ! .On Honor Roll N. C. C. W. I We noticed, with pride that the | name of Miss Kate Mitchell of Mount Airy, N. C. appeared among' the names of fifteen seniors making a grade of not less than *0 per osnt on all their studies in the mid-term re port of the North Carolina College for Women./The whole report was gratifying to our Statv pride in that 282 young ladies in the college had no grade laas than a three, but ws are especially gratified to claim one of the flftem seniors who ranked high 'sst. I Miaa Tyson Honor Guost A (harming little party *u given by Mrs. M. Ellis last Thursday even Ini complimentary to Miaa Tyson who was recuperating in the home of Mrs. XIUs, after being confined to the hospital for two weeks with a broken bone in her foot Cards were played at three tablee after which a delicious salad course with coffee and whipped cream was served. NOT HER HONEY A newly married couple stopped at a hotel, and one morning the bride went shopping, leaving her "hubby" in their room. Returning soon, she rapped at what she supposed was their door and said "Honey, let me in." Receiving no response, she knocked louder and demanded, "Honey, oh, honey, you mean thing, won't you let ms in?" And a deep bass voics responded, "Mmlvn, this is no bee hive; this is a buth room." WORN NERVES Nervous troubles, with backache, dixsy spells, queer pains and irregular kidneys, give reason to suspect kidney weakness and to try the remedy that has helped your noighhors. Mrs. C. F. James. 267 8. Main St., says: "1 suffered s good deal with kidney trouble and my back would ache so I could hsrdly stand. Sharp pains would catch me and I nearly collapsed. It seemed as If a knife ware stabbing me In the back. I couldn't straighten for some time aftar an attack of this kind and my kidneys acted too frequently and caus ed me a great deal of misery. My nerves were pretty bad and there were other symptoms of the trouble. A friend recommended Doan's Kidney Pills and 1 began taking them. They gradually rid me of this complaint and I have had no trouble sinee." Three years later, Mrs. James add ed: "I always keep Doan's Kidney Pills on hand, for I know their value. They have brought me quick relief whenever I have had occasion to use them and 1 recommend them now as highly as ever." 80c, at all dealers. Foster-Milbum Co., Mfr*., Buffalo, N. Y. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Arrival iind Departute of Pauenger Train*, Greensboro, N. C. Krom To Leave New O New York 1.87 p. New York Atlanta 12:16 a. H'ham New York 3:60 a. New York Columbia 4:17a. Rich. Va A*he*ille ...'..6:60a. New York Atlanta 6:32a. New York .. .New Orlean*.... 7:32a. Charlotte ....Washington.,.. 7:66a. Sanford Mount Airy 8:00a. Mt. Airy . Sanford-Wilm 12:80p. Goldaboro .... Aaheville ,...12:S0p. Danville ,. Char 12:45p. New O New York 10:62p. A«Heville Goldnboro 4:16p. Sanford ....Mount Airy . ...4:30p Waah New O f>:62p. W'minstrr Danville 7:40p. Mt. Airy Sanford 7:26p. Danville Char 7:60p. Atlanta Richmond 10:86p. Au*u*tu New York 10:28p. Atlanta New York ll:58p. Ar. No Between Greensboro No. Lv 4:00n 11... .Goldaboro ..112 12:40a. A:90a. 2 Winnton-Salem ....7 10:40p. 10:10p. 18 Goldaboro It 7:30a. 10:20*. 16 Raleigh jc 2:16p. al2:20p. N. Wilkeab 3 al:40p. 6:60p. 6 N. Wilkeab 1 8:00a. 7:Wp. 17 Raleigh-Goldiboro. 14 #:20a. The arrival and departure of Paaaen g*r train* at Mt. Airy. 11:86a Sanford 8:80p. H :00p... .. Banford-Wilm 8:80a The arrival and drpartura of Paaaan ger train* at Win«u>n-8al*M. Tl:46a . .Mt. Airy Rural Hall..4.SOp. 8:06p A.herllle I SOp. (a) Daily between Greensboro and Wtnaton-Salem and dally, except Sunday between Winston-Saleaa and North Wllkaaboro. Through Pullman ilepiny ear aer viee to Washington, New York, Rich mond, Norfolk, Atlanta, Btrmiagfcaaa, Mobile, New Orleans, San Frandaoo. 3chtdulci published u Inforaistion and are Mi guaranteed. If A rMuWalnn A ■ml PWama II JUST RECEIVED An Unparalled Advance Spring Collection of dresses fashioned by New colors, new fabrics, new lines! You will find them all in the de lightful advance models Peggy Paige has fashioned for spring. Supple taffe tas, the cashmere that is even newer than crepe—and in the colors—fuchsia, French blue, cactus green and flowing reds and coppers on the ecru ground! Each dress bearing the Peggy Paige label, which guarantees satisfac tion. At unbelievably moderate prices! Ranging from... .$25.00 to $75.00 H A RR I SON'S NOTICE By virtue of authority conferred up on us by ord«r in • Special proceed ng in 8upr«*ior Court, entitled Chas. Mrlver. William Mclver, et al against W. McKinney, W. E. McKinney et al, we will tell to the highest bidder on the premise* on the 2Sth day of Marth, 1822 at 2 o'clock p. m. the following described real estate, to-wit: 1st. tract: In the town of Mount Airy. Beginning on the corner of ■ proposed new street and intersection with Creed's line; runs N. 67 dcgreei 14 minutes West 186 feet; N. 20 de gree* East with lots number 6 f>3.E feet; South 67 degrees 14 minutei Ksst with lot No. 11 188.4 feet to tht edge of new street; thence South 2S degrees 6 minutes West with the saic iew street 62 feet to the beginning See deed from G. A. Satterfield com miss toner, to J. M. Doss in book Si pan 482. 2nd tract. Beginning on a rock Walter I/owry's corner on South aid* oT Worth street, and runs with hii tine 8outh 88 1-2 degrees Eaat 19f feet to a stake, his corner; the no North 61 1-2 degrees East 56 feet U l stake; thence North 88 1-2 degree* West 198 feet to a stake at edge oi said street: thence with the saic street South 61 1-2 degrees Wast 6f feet to the beginning. See deed from Arthur Belton to J. M. Doss, book 81 page 48. 3rd tract. Beginning at a stake in an alley, near a rock corner to L. W. Ashby 4 Son'* old factory lot and run* North 47 degrees West M feet to a stake: thence South 87 degree* Writ 166 feet to a atake at a street, thence South 66 degree* Eaat with ■aid (tract 66 feet to stake: thence North 37 1-2 degrees Eaat 178 feet to the beginning. See deed from W. £. McKinney to J. M. Doss in book 36 pan 626. Terms of sale: One third cash, balance in sis and twelve months, se cured by a deed of trust on the land* sold, or other approved security. The order above referred to appointed L. P. Jones and J. E. Carter commis sioners to sell the above described land. This the 22nd day of Feb 1922 L. P. Jones, J. E. Carter. Commias loners A Judicious Inquiry A well known traveling man wbo vlalta the drug trade, says he has often heard druggists ask a customer who wished to buy • cough medicine, whether It waa for a child or an adult, and If for a child, they almost invari ably recommended Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. The reaaon for this ia that they know there is no dancer from It and that It always euraa. There is not the least danger tn giving it and for oolda, croup and whooping •owk *♦ U ■».»■ Building Material At Lower Prices • , We are offering attractive prices on our stock of building material for the next six weeks. We will move our plant about April 1st to our new factory at Minick's riding near Dry Bridge and will offer what we have on hand at exceedingly low prices to save the expense of moving. We have a big stock of everything needed in the building of a home. Don't fail to see us and get our prices. TESH A SHORT LUMBER CO. Mowrt Airy, N. C Franklin Street. After April 1st Near Dry Bridge North Main Street . • . NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of a ^owur of sale con tained in a certain deed of trust executed on the 31 day of March, 1921, to the undersigned trustee, by J. H. Young and Annie Younr, hia wife, to secure a debt of ((1M0.00) due J C. Hollingsworth, and evideoced by two note* in the sum of 1800.00 each, default having been made In the payment of the aaid debt, and on ap plication uf the *aid J. C. 1 lolling* worth, I will offer for Hale, for caah to the highest bidder, on Thursday March 16th, 1922, in front of the First National Bank in Mount Airy, N. C.. at 1 o'clock p. m. the following described real estate conveyed in the d deed of trust. 1. Being In Mount Airy town •hip, Surry County, adjoining Kemer nd other*, ami be_lnnin« on • plant ed rock on angle in Eerner'» line, and running with ni* line South 84 degree* Eaat, 2121 feet to a rook planted on aaid line for corner between i. H. 'oung and E. 0. Lynch: thence with line between them, Nortn SI decree* Weft, 982 feet to • Dogwood on nch (Diek'i creek) thence down ■aid creek, North 42 1-2 degree* We*t 61 feet to a Poplar; North 4* decree* Weat, down creek, 868 feet to a planted rock on West aide of aaid creek, on Ro*a Everhart's line; thence with itaid Ewrhart line, North 84 degree* Weat M6 feet to North Salt corner of lot owned by Roa* Everhart; thence, with aaid lot. South 8 >-4 de gree* We*t 400 feet to South Eaat corner of said lot, and thence hi* oourae aero** a Voad 180 feet to South Eaat corner of another lot owned b* Roa* Kverhar*; thence with Soutn line of said lot. North 84 degree* Weat 287 feet to the Kerner line; thence with aaid line South 8 S-4 de gree* We't feet to the beginning. Containing 38J® acrra, more or laaa. See deed from R . E. Motainger and wife to J. H. Yaung. rvorded m Book 74 page 649, and dated Jan. lat, 1918. 8. Al»o another tract of land Wi Mount Ainr townahlp, Surry County, be (finning in the Hampton road, the South Ea*t corner of lot number 18. and running, with the Hampton road North 1 degree We*t 164 feet to a granite »tone; thence North 49 de grade Eaat to another road. 261 feat to a granite atone in the Mark Twain road; thence with aatd road. South 74 1-4 degree* Eaat 688 feat to th* or chard line; thence South 6 1-2 ib-green Waat, with *aid orchard Una 484 feet to a stone; thenca North 70 1-2 dagnu Waat, croaaing the branch and following the ridge line, 776 faat. Mora or laaa, to the beginning. Baa Kof 1. C. Earner land, filed in the i of the Register of Daada of Barry County in Bonk M page I**, tor full daacription aaa Book 79 a< daada of traat. page tit. Sale nuda to aatiafy aaid nota* and TMa E*b. 18th. 1HL