Mount Airy New*. Mt Airy. H. C, Mtr. It, A mm i nd Mrs. _ A. Bailey to a pending th» in IIm north on boatoeaa. Mr*. IbM K»j M the mlofi to toae a Am cow last Friday. Mn. Juliua EMrMp and daughter Ktlw apent tkt past «d with reiattvaa to Mr*. Will Cook ha* returned Imm at Brto tflrr a auec •peratioa for appendtcitia at Martin Mm D S. Uodge from an attack of pleunay m/1u«nxa i» nroffiM Toy .'ullnaiJ ir a hnatotA .L «I_A -J W. M. McCaltoy mad* trip to WiMM-lalrai the flmt of th* week. ^ Mlaa Moselle Owen, atudent of N. C. C. W. GiMMtarv, iprnt the pa»t walk end wltk hrr parrnta in thin ntyy William Bydnor Wft Tuesday tor Richmond Va. aftor apendtng a few day* with bto father W G. Sydnor. A. R Strayborn of Durham ww h«r» on boatoaaa Monday. Mr*. C. C. Haymore, who haa been a patient at Martin huapital for a number of weeks la now Improving ataadily but slowly. a Or. and Mrs. J. L. Wolts left Sun day morning for Marion, S. C. whm they go to apend wrenl day* ri>it| to( their daughter Mr*. Elhott. Mlaa Julia ManhaU Little of Vhtf gan, atudent of Greaaaboro Coll age for Women speot the paat weak end hare the goaat of Mlaa May Went. . Mrs. W. E. Barnard la recuperating nicely at her home un Ix-banon atiaat after aubmitting to a recant aariou* operation in Martin hospital. Canto have been received from Washington, D. C. aa follow*: Mr. and Mrs. Roland T. Booth anaoonor the birth of a son, Roland Jankbis Booth, on March 8, 1922. V, At 8 p. m. Sunday Rev. Haynes officiated at the marriaire of Mies T helms lfidkiff to Cnuly F. Sutphia, the marriage taking place at tbe km of the bride's mother Mra. E. A. Midkiff of Flat Rock. The happy couple will make their home at Flat Rock. / The reaidence of J. C. Hall of Weatfield R. T. D., «u the icane of • pretty marriage at 2 p. m. Sunday whan his daughter Miaa Flora B. Hall became the bride of John Curtia Cole •f Pinnacle, the Rev. J. H. Haynes officiating. They will reside at Pinnacle. / Study Class The Mission Study class of the Presbyterian church met in the hume af Mrs. J. G. Powell. Monday after noon at 3 o'clock with a full attend ance, continuing the study of the text "Tbe Triumphs of the Gospel in the Congo" under the leadership of Mrs. W. M Lewis. After the discussion of the lesson the hostess served sandwiches, coffee and cheese straws followed by candy Joint Hot teases Mesdames D. E. Hoffman and B. T. Graves were joint hostesses at a delightful little party Saturday even ing in the home of tli» former. Hook was played at five tables, Mra. J. D. Mc Collum receiving the prize a bud vase for making the highest score and Mr*. J. H. Carter receiving the consolation. A delicious chicken salad course with coffee was followed by an ice course. New Building and Loan Asso ciation A meeting of stock-holders was held Friday night, March 10th, in the office of the Mt. Airy Insurance A Realty Co. and an organisation per fected to be known aa the Home Building A Loan Association of Mt Airy. The following representative Ben were elected as directors of the Bpany. E. H. Kochtitzky, C. A. Sheiton, C. W. Andrew, J. A. Tesh, D. H. Cook, N. W. Dobbin*, W. E. Lindsay. A. G. Bowman, W. I. Monday, J. B. Jeffries, and C. M. Whitlock. The director* then elected officer* as follows: W. E. Lindsay, pres., J. A. Tesh, vice-pre*., Geo. W. Sparser, Jr., secy., A treas., and E. C. Bivens, attorney. There was quite a good attendance of the stock-holders at the meeting y. and much interest manifested in the new company. Thar is already one Buildlnc A Lorn Association hers which has done ■rack for the op^sildtac of 1ft. Airy and about fifteen hundred shares have already been pledged in the newly organised association. There la already one Building A the wage earner or capitalist and there la no organization that doea aa meh for the ssutaal hstp to the «n—ill; or the ap-halliWwg rf a The fin* aeries will open April lat hi the sfflae at the Mt Airy tmm aaae A RaaKy Os. Km Mwtfcl rftf town for fuwa , nmfat Ve town TMi Willi >II|I» who MM •ton north of Mount Airy, ami tAay '>tj they haw ts tiuabls iiiyh liv ing alone tlx road or >Im make ■ 1 In*! trip without watering their hunw> King-Greee weed Oi, W.-dn. -Uy Marrh 1. nl 7:M I-"* k. p m Mum Mattie King ud J<>* GrrHiwuxi wer* united In marri attr at the hum* of Rev. and Mra. J. H llaynm. Rrv Hajmtt parfarming thr c*rvm«>ny Only a f«w intimate fnenda bring present. Mr. awl Mra. Greenwood have many frienda who wiah them many year* of ha pp trees. Contributed. Columbus Hedges Columbia Hodges waa born Janu ary 12, ImM, (Vparted from this life March H, IV22 thua making his stay on aarth 41 ymra 1 month and 14 day*. Hr waa ma mad to tik Jarria I Warn b«r 31. 1HW, unto this union war* bom 6 child ran. 2 boy* and S girl*, all of whom survive A* a man ha waa true in all the [walks of life. He waa a devoted Ihusband, a loving father and a good IritiMO. He joined the Baptist church about nine years ago and Ihrrd a consecrated christian life until death. The funeral wnkri were conduct ed by Hers. J H. Uaynes and M. B. [Phillips after which the y»rra laid to rest In New Hope tery. The bereaved family have the heartfelt sympathy of a host of friends Contributed. The Flower Shop A play mtitM "Thf Flo»er nhvp" will be ~jv n at the h igh school audi jtorium Tuesday evening March 21 irt t 8:80 o'clock under the auspice* of e Woman'a club. Charles Milliard, the author ia •orking every afternoon and evening /hipping into shape the local rut f altnoat one hundred people. Char acter* have Keen choaen with car* and a real treat la promiaed. Thi* popular play ha* met with much *ucc«as in other place* in the State. Adraiaaion adult* 76c children 90c. No rewired scats. Rev. C. C. Ilaymon- ia able to be out after an illne** lasting a week or mp0*. A Mrs Brock, chairman of the Memorial committee ia glad to an nounce that part of the King property on Moon- avenue ha* been purchaaed for the Memorial building. The lot la 40 feet wide and 198 feet deep. The *um of three thouaand, five hundred dollar* was paid—one half down and the raat in #0 day*. y Statement of Condition of The FIRST NATIONAL BANK. at Mount Airy, in the itnte of North 'Jarolina, at the close of busineaa on March 10. 1S22. KKSOURCES Ixutn* and discount* 716,609.88 Overdraft*. 836.32 U. S. Bond* to secure cir, 50,000.00 Other U. S. securities, 80,100.00 Other boadn, stocks, se curities, etc 8,760.00 Hanking house, furniture and fixtures 24,099.66 Lawful reserve with Fed eral Reserve Rank 60,614 21 Cash in vault and amount due from national bank*, 106,169.18 Due from Slate banka, bankers and trust companies 290.65 Check* on banka located outside of city of raport hank and other eaah items 1,527.00 Redemption fund with U. 8. Traaaurer and due from U. S. Treasurer.. 2,600.00 ToUl 81,086,886.89 I.(ABILITIES Capital stock paid in $ 76,000.00 Surrlua fund 60,(XXV00 Undivided crofiui 18,167.00 Reserved for intereat and taxes, 8,618.46 Reaerved for un earm-d diact. 16,649.69 Total, ... 43.226.81 Leaa current e* pensea, etc. pd. 4,292.18 . mjmM Circulating notea 60,000.00 Amount due to State hank*, banker*, and truwt companiea 12,811.82 CaaKier'a check* oot aUndinc 6,187.47 Depoaita aubject to check, 826,418.77 Certificate* of depoilt, M1.HI.H Other time depoalto 1M.400.10 Total $1,086,886*9 State of North Carolina, County of S«rr, *a: I, E. G Smith. Caahiar of the above named bank do aolwnly win that the above (tatement la tine to the beat of my knowledge and belief. E. O. SMITH, r aai wna to the 16_da^of Mar, IMS. W*W Barka, M. 18 different measurments are used thus insuring A PERFECT FIT IN *Buster Brown* For Girl* For Boy* Shoes 2 to 16 Sec Our NEW HATS and DRESSES Sccond Floor A Full Line New Oxfords For the Grown ups I ami 01 r - Vin son I S Urn Sua Prices Right Special Price $2.75 Hale's Department Store Watch our Windows Butter and Tigc Students VUit Nations Capital L Mm Mary Herring of this city left Vith a irroup of students, who arr studying government at the North Carolina college for Women, Tuesday for a trip to Washington, D. C.. where they will »pend two days visiting points of interest at the capital and will see both house* of Congress in j session. It is the present plan that while they are in Washington the class will stop at the recently eomplet ! alad was served after the £ames. Trinity Episcopal Church l.«-ntrn »«rvtce with sermon Mon day night, March 20th. 1922 at 7:S0 p. m. Twice Hottw Minx Mary Hannah wu twice ho» tess last wwk. the members of the Young Ladies book club being her guests Thursday afternoon, and the married Indie* Friday afternoon. Yellow jonquils, harbinger* of xpring, in green bowls and vases were effectively used in the decorations. St Patrick's Day place cards marked the places at six tables of cards. Mias Manon Prather securing the prise, two Maderia handkerchiefs, on "Inarm day, and Mrs. E. C. Bivens receiving a blue bowl filled with jonquils for making the highest score, Friday. A delicious salad course with coffee was served. Those assisting in serv ing being Misses Marion Prather, Mary Thompson, Anna Rector, Irene Thompson and Mrs. Jesse F. Prather. To Meet Mr*. McKimmon One of the mwi thoroly delightful leathering* of the week, was the cum ing together of the members of the council, of the Woman's club, last Knday evening in the home of Mr* W. K Jack-ton. in a charmingly is formal way. to become better ac ouaint.'d with Mrs. Jane H. McKim mill) of Raleigh who addressed the club at the City Hall in the after noon. The evening wu- spent in conversa tion, aiul much information wu gleaned from the honor gue«t regard ing club work thruout the state. Dainty refreshment* were served during the evening. Birthday Party Carroll Weaver celebrated his ISth birthday Saturday aftemooA by en tertaining hi* friend* at a very en joyable partv. (tames wen- played after which homemade candy an<" fruit were served SELLERS Sella* Mamrcnfr * A Gub Nearly Filled! Only three more SELLERS cabinets not taken! You will have to Act Quickly! They won't last Long! 00 Delivers Your SELLERS Now Carter-Walier furniture Co.