Spent Most of Last Three Years in Bed ChfM up Hap* of Imt B« mrn W.U Aaain—Gaina ^ Pound* bf Takmg Tube ud Health ia Now SpUndid "I will always praix- Tanlac for it built me up to good health after nearly «*ery apark of hop* of *vrr rotting well had laft a*." *aid Mr*. D. C. Lane. 3115 2«th St.. North. Bir mingham. Ala. "WH*n 1 btna taking thi* grand modicin* my (toauurh wax no weak and upaet that everything I at* dia HMiil with ma. To make bad mat tan won* I had an awful attack of that polled ma down ataaoat to a skeleton. I had a general break down and my health waa >o broken that for throe year* I spent mora tee hi had than I did oat of it. Too add to my mi**ry I had rheumatism in my arm* ao bad 1 couldn't raiaa my ha ad* to comb my hair. "Taalac ha* ]u*t chaagod every thing for m*. I oat anything I want, •loop like a child, have gainad twalv* poo ad* in weight and go about my work with a happy h*art for I am a wall woman and life i* a pleasure to Tanlac ia aold in Mount Airy by all leadtag druggist*. PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS' North Carolina, Surry County—In the Superior Court. Jonah Bowman vs. Lula Bowman. To Laia Bowman, defendant: Take notice that an action entitled aa above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Surry County, and that said action U brought by the plaintiff, Jonah Bowman, againat de fendant for absolute divorce, and the defendant is notified to appear at the office of the undrmigned Clerk of the Superior Court on the 10th day of April, 19*22, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff. And let the defend ant take notice that if she fail to ap pear and answer the complaint within the time required by law, plaintiff wiU^apply to the court for the relief Given under my hand, this March 10, 1922 J. A. JACKSON. Clerk Superior Court. PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS. North Carolina, Surry County—In the Superior Court. Eartine Camming* Harrison vs. Percy Harrison. To Percy Harrison, defendant: Take notice th*J an action entitled aa above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Surry County, the complaint in which action is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court, and you are notified to appear before the said Clerk of the Superior Court at his office in Dobson, N. C.. on the 6th day of March, 1922, and answer the said com plaint or demur to the tame, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. You are further notified that this is an action brought by the plaintiff against the said defendant for abso lute divorce. Given under my hand, this February 2, 1922. J. A. JACKSON, Clerk Superior Court. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND By virtue of a power contained in • certain deed of trust, executed the Srd day of Dei-ember 1919 by Paul Allred, to W. J. Byerly trustee for Mr*. S. B Hadley to secure certain note* in the turn of $600.00 of even data therewith, said deed of trout be ing recorded in the Regiater of Deeda office of Surry county in deeda of trait book 66 page 150, default hav ing been made in the payment of MM. and at the request of the holder I will ael! at public auction, to the highest bidder, for caah, in front of the Bank of Mount Airy, Mount Airy, N. C, on Batorday, April 15th. 1822 at 1 o'clock p. n. the following deacribed real eatate; Beginning at a point on the north west aide of church street in the town of Mount Airy, the aame being the northeast comer of O. C. Welch'* garden lot, and runs with Welch'a line Mrth H degree* Weat 816 feet to a M feet alley; thence with the alley north 43 degrees Eaat 244 1-8 feet to Banner Brannock's corner; thsrirs with Brenmvk'a line and Mn Hadley's line of other lota a point In Geo. Crits's line, aoutb 87 dsgriss E. 1H faat, 8 inches; thence with Crita'a Una Bora 46 degreea Weat 88 faat to Grits'* corner; thence continuing with Crits'* line 8. 88 degrees EL 150 faat 8 inches to the north wast aide of Church street; thence with Church — l» it, sooth 46 1-8 Jigisi* Weat faat 4 in etna to the beginning. Bala made to *atiafy an Tndebud ■ea* of 1600.00 principal, internet and eoet of sale to add. Tbia the 14th day of March, 1912 W. J. Byerly. Trustee YIHH5SHS— VIS«J! Otarf/MBbajUUWKe.fr i chool •:4i a. m. worship. 11:0* • m lnUnn«liear. In response to the appeal made several weeks ago seven cititens have agreed to support a child each for ine year, and others have contributed smaller amounts. Some others forgot or neglected to give what they could. Contributions may be sent direct to Mr. Robert A. Hruwn, 901 Citizen* Bank, Raleigh, I N. C. or to Rev. Z. V. Roberson this i i-ity or handed to your 'ocal pastor j who will forward any am pacial llcanaa taxaa .88.60 K. V. Dayarla, fur T. J. Hmlthwick, at Imp fl8.66 R. V. Dayarla, for Oao. Bailry, at. imp 80.08 K. V. Dayarla, fur A. lioldamith. at. imp,, 218.66 R V. Dayarla, for O. T. Manny, at. imp #7.19 K. V. Dayarla, for N. P Short, at. In, 100.00 R. V. Dayarla. for K. D. Holcomb, at. imp 17.80 R. V. Dayarla for K. K. Simmona, at. imp 8044 R V. Dayarla for H. Schafar. at imp 1.000.00 K. V. Dayarla for 0. P. Gravaa, at. imp 429.38 R. V. Dayarl. for Mt. Airy gradari iH'huol 449.47 R V. Dayarla, for W. F. Carter 8r 2M.W K M. Koora, on old pay roll, . ,...34.02 M .817.80 EapandRaraa First National Bank interest on borrowed monay 31.98 W. F. Uvlton, wood SJM Bank of Mount Airy, balance on note 506.60 Arnold Queainherry. for cament 612.66 W. J. Hank*, hauling trash, If.60 F. M Poor*, trvaa. pay street hands 31.00 R E. Lawrenre, chief of police 126.00 . T. W. Morris, salary 11.00 R. L. Jonas, salary 86.00 T. D. Hatcher, salary,. 86.00 A. M. Short, salary 8I>.(H) W. H. Brannock, fireman 86.00 R. V. Deyerlc, tax col 180.00 R V. Deyerl*. 17.41 R. E. Lawrence. chief of police, expense U.26 Farmers cafe, board of prisoners, 41.60 A. V. West, expense to Raleigh 18.81 C. A. Shelton. chief of fire dept.. insurance for firmen 11.00 C. A. Shelton. salary. . 10.00 J. S. Helton, fireman 13.00 O. T. Maaacy, fireman 7.00 B. R. Williamson, fireman 7.00 C. M. Ball, fireman *.00 J. S. Maye», fireman 7.00 E. T. Beasley. fireman. 4.00 H. G. Jarrell, fireman 6.00 M. W. Bel ton,' fireman 7\ 6.00 Ora Roberta, fireman 9.00 S. H. Warren, fireman 9.00 Wade Moody, fireman, . .4.00 M. F. Patterson, fireman, 9.00 Benton Moody, fireman, 6.00 Joe Jones, fireman 10.00 F. M. BraniKKk, fireman, 9.00 D. G. Witt, fireman .* 9.00 Jim Brannock, fireman. 12.00 B. B. Brannock 8.00 Ed Brannock, fireman 3.00 A. Goldsmith, part on note, 200.00 A. Goldsmith, interest on note 84.00 Carter-Walker furniture CO., supplies 31.00 F. M. Poo re, supplies, 8.01 The West Hill Co., feed, 91.09 J. C. Hill, register birth and deaths .67.00 G. C. Lovill co.. feed 96.60 J. F. Martin, smith account 18.16 Allred Bros., oil and ate 141 Jackson Bros., rubber boots 21.00 Juliua Eld ridge, drug account 4.76 Creed Book store, stationery. 7.26 The Texas to., oil 6.10 E. F. Craven, gear .30.00 Mt. Airy Buggy 00., supplies 9.10 American Engine co 50.69 Mt. Airy Plumbing A Heating co 121.20 Mt. Airy Wood A Coal co., coal 28.60 Mt. Airy News, printing bill 44.37 O. B. Webb, supplied 141.96 Massey Motor co.. supplies 97.19 C. E. Cox A Co., oil A etc 1.10 Tesh A Short, lumber 32.40 A. G. Bowman A Son, supplies 9.00 T. J. Smithwick. supplies 84.10 Jackson Bros., supplies 3.00 Mt. Airy Telephone cd„ messages, 2.10 The West Hill Co., rat poison, *>8.04 W. J. Hanks, hauling trash, 15.00 W. 1. Bolton, wood 3.76 F. M. Poo re, treas. pay street handa. 30.00 F. D. Holcomb, hardware 82.08 R I. Tilley, special police lti.98 M. A. Pendleton, art freight on sacks 40 C. A. Shelton, coal, 59.60 North Carolii a Granite Corporation, stone 1,000.00 W. E. Merritt Co., on cement account 1.000.00 W. J. Hanks, hauling trash .10.00 F. M. Poore, trvas. pay street hands 37.00 W. F. Belton, wood 6.25 First National Bank, interest on note 30.00 E. H. Hennis, hay 60.48 W. J. Hanks, hauling trash 16.50 F. M. Poore, treaa. to pay street hands 67.60 Hannah A Moody, burial of Ruby May Cody 10.00 Balance cash in bank, 670.64 t Statement Mount Airy Graded Schoof 86.617.60, Balance canh in Bank - 1,181.8J B. V. Deyerle, tax col 1,288.03 Manchett Bonding Co., for bonds, 40,093.83 S. F. Eldridge, county treas 2,500.00 Accrued interest on bonds, - 1,200.00 J. C. Hill, **c. tuition 58.34 J. C. Hill, tuition 76.64 *46,898.16 Weat * Bolton, wood 36.00 L. M. Et>pa, supt. salary 260.00 Arthur Belton, janitor, salary 81.00 Lewis Johnson, Janitor, salary 54.00 H. B. Craven, expense of bonds, 2300.00 Mount Airy Teleebon Co., not, 8.00 L. R. Casey, teaciar,' salary, 188.88 J. H. Allrt-d, salary ...166.66 Miss Iran* Thompson, aalary 100 00 Miss Aune Fulton, salary ,f 76.00 Miss Donie Counts, aalary 100.00 Miss Alius Hadrick, salary 82.60 Miss Mabel Bacon, aalary. 100.00 Misa Annie Lock, aalary, 71.26 Mtaa Grace Fay, salary, 100 00 Miaa Besa Merritt, salary 100.00 Misa Mary tpaugh, salary, 67.M) Mrs. L. R. Casey, aalary 76.(K) Miaa Dora Valentine, aalary, 8160 Slaa Haasie Wall, aalary 76.00 iss Oran* Stone, salary T6 00 Isa Mary Haynaa, salary 78.71 Miaa Bather Bain, aalary, 100.00 Miaa Alica Hatcher, aalary 71.26 Miaa Ljrda Tyson, 76.00 Mrs. John Foy, salary 78.76 Miaa Blanche Kddiaon, aalary ! ,«T.50 Miaa Cravac, aalary. UN Miaa Margaret Aahbv, salary Miaa HatM* fort, aalary. 71JB Miaa Mary Clat*, aalary 100.00 Miaa Naal Roaeman. aalary, M 00 Si* APT ISP* »1«*7 7M0 Miaa Gladys Warren, aalary TLOQ J. Jonea, aalary. MB n. J. J. Jones. aiUn. .87 JO M « figA-£ *fig J. C H„ll|n«,»„rth. ta-fc-. J27JP ^ L ,»rn»: , ig-w p Holcutnb Hardware maUvM, I....!..,!.'!!",'.. l2Jt Iwnr Mfg. Ca , 17.W Arnold ttwaifaibarry. material t«f (IT Arnold Qttaalnharry, material 24.78 WTr. Cartar, attorney f«... . MO.Ot W I. Herri tt, MtMHl 414.14 W. R. Merrltt, malarial, MJfl Mt. Airv Famitiw Co , foal, 12.00 C. A. shflUm, cmL SS.1S Mt Airy Coal I Wool Co., caal, 1J1M Carolina School Supply Co.. iImM, WftJS J. F Yoklay, iumber TTT! 1JM0.M J. F. Yokiay, iuaiwr, ..." 1wn of Mount Airy, rtrwt work, Taah 4 Short, 77 »» 04 Waal * Balton, wood. ....... iiJ I? Mm. Lula Aahby, r»ai aetata -**35 L>r. M. S. Mnrtin. (ml eatata. ,05?S M. A. Pendleton. freight ...-JM Balance caah In Bank ...HOS.03 I4IJN.M Statement Water LI|lH and Pawar Plant Balance i-aab in Bank ...36MM> I. W Barbar, nac. light and power ranta 2.079.W I. W. Barber, mk. watar ranta 778.04 I. W. Barbar, miacellanooua collection* 182.7D L W Barbar, light and powar ranta, loo ihi I. W. Barbar, ^ec. light and powar ranta 000.00 tSjMS.M (tegular monthly pay roll 200M Stampa A iitnvy 1JS SeMi Monthly pay roll 126.10 SlM 18.26 Telegrams. ftM Chaatnut poles 47.00 Express 46 Semi Monthly pay roll 126.26 Freight, 1.62 Express 66 Regular pay roll .160.00 *» C. W- Davis, Regular monthly pay roll HO.0G Envelopes and stamps 2*2.72 Pirat National Bank, interest on not* 100.00 C. M. Whitlock. supt, salary 200.00 Bank of Mount Airy, interest on note, . tll.uo Lynchburg Motor Co. .2.76 The Red C. OU Mfg. Co 10.66 Smith Courtney Co.. iuppli«s 13.06 Ptttaburg Motor Co MM Lux Mfg. Co., aapMies 78.06 Va. Camlina Supply Co , .61.66 General Electric Co 118.96 Tower* Bingford Electric 6 Supply Co., 40.76 Piedmont Electric Co., supplies 75.88 J. W. Fraiier Co 88.76 L. S. Martin, account, 2.82 C. A. Sbelton, coal 11.00 O. B. Webb, supplies, 3.86 T. G. Samuel*, livery bill 8.00 W. E. Merritt Co., supplies, 421.42 Pint National Bank, interest on note 40.00 Pirat National Bank, part payment on note, 2.000.00 Bank of Mount Airy, part payment on note '>00.00 Bank of Mount Airy, intereat on note 00.00 Balance caah in Bniut . K9.87 Statement Beaded Debt Intereat Fuad *5.042.68 Balance caah in Bank uPnuy inWwat on improvement Balance raah in Bank to pay intereat on Khool bomta 8,106.91 R. V. Deyerle, taxea to pay intereat oh improvement bond* foo.no R. V. Deyerle. tax col., to pay intereat on vfioo) bond* 48811 *8308.72 Eiprn4iturt> Hy check to pay intereat on ncktool bond* 1.200.00 Hali.no> ci*®*. in Bonk to pay intere*t on improvement bond* 4.700.70 Balance caah in Bank to pay intereat on •chool bonds 2.304.02 $M .303.72 F. M. Poore, Trvaaurcr A. V Went. Mayor Finance Committee: W I. Monday. W F. Carter, Jr.. T. C. Bxrber. NOTICE By virtu* of a Deed of Tru»l nl to me by J. K. < oblei and vriff to wcurf a debt of four hundred nineteen and 50-100 l»41».50» dollar* duo R K Simmon*, evidenced by a not* matur ing December 1, 1»20. default having been made in the payment of said debt at maturity, on application of the holder of the note, I will aell for caah, to the higheiit bidder, in front of Firat National Bank, on the 14th day of April at 1:00 o'clock p. m., the fol lowing tract or parcel of land; lying and being in Surry County, Nortn Carolina, in Mount Airy townahlp, and more particularly deacribed and defined an followa. Adjoining the land* of J. K. Cobler, J. C. Komer and others and beginning in the center of the McBride road at Reaaley'* comer in or near Korner't line, runa North 9 degree* Eaat 460 feet with *aid road; thence North 58 - i - - degree* Kant 200 feet with H*id road; t h<-nci' North 81 degree* Ea*t 200 feet with the road; thence South 88 de cree* Ea*t 50 feet to a *take in Cob bler'* corner; thence with C«bbler"» line South 13 degree* Weat 687 feet to Cobbler'* corner in Korner'a line; thence North 77 decree* We*t 500 feet to the beginning. Containing 5 and 60-100 acre* more or le»*. (For further reference *ee deed from W. Y. Cobbler and wife. Laura A. Cobbler to J. K. Cobbler and wife Blanche Cobbler, under date of February 14, 191!), and recorded in Surry County Record* in Book of Deed No. 80 page H80 Sale made to *ati*fy *aid debt, in u-re*t and coat. Tbi* March 18th. 1922. J. H. Kolger, Tru*tee I To UTe Public Stop! Look! and Read! Since the price* of coal at the mine* are gradual ly coming down we hare decided to gfre oar > the benefit of tame: We are now telling Karen Red Aah hunp at, . .$11.00 Dixie Gem splint lump, 10.00 Egg size, 0.00 R.O.M. 7 JO we handle nothing hot the Satisfnrtinn guaranteed of pour nooey hach. Office phone, 340. Residence phone, 3SS. Booker Cctal Yard F««rtr Mom Akr Cml * W—4 C*. : — I