iftj ffrtas. UTA BUSHED lit# MOUNT AIKT. NOBTH CABOUNA, THUBSDAY. MAY 2Mb, lMt 91.•• YEAB IN ADVANCE, NEGROES CAUSING REPUBLICANS TROUBLE Big Stick Owr Hiii o# S»—t«w «ad TWmIn (MmI of Soma Viik., Mijr SO.—TW a*giu** an •fur Republican UnM HUU> B«m tan to p«N Ump Dyer antl-lynching MU that mm time ago >mid the Hmw with tha threat that If Uh bkU ta not paaaad that tha negro a* will knife at tha polla thoaa who do not fat boay and put tha MU acroaa. According ta tha itoif that ia an tha rounds hara today tha Aaaoaiatton for tha Advancement of Coloead Paopla ta an tha rampage and threaten* tha entire Republican Senatorahip ta tha mat'ar of tha antl-lynching MU, (ay tag that aa there an atxty Republican Senator*. a margin with a Mg major! ty that can control, tha Republican party moat act or tha nagroaa will gat them If they don't watch out. So now the country muat expect coon ta aae a "negro bloc" In tha Senate If the threata of political re prlaal by the negroea la enough of a big (tick to get Republican Sena tor* Into action. Report ha* It that representative* from the negro aaao rlatlon called on Senator Lodge to •tart up the firework*, Boaton being the "home town" of tha aaaoclation, and the Maaiachuaett* Senator, there fore, being called upon to act t/» piaaae the negroee. There are t* t of theee anti-lynchlng Mil* now bafoia tha Senate judicial committee, one tha T>yer Houae bill, tha other a Senate bill Introduced by Senator McCor mlck, of nilnoia, and either of thee* i* *ald to rait the negroea. It la *ald a man negro delegation praaaad upon Senator Tx>dge that tha legislature of Maaaarhuiett* had paaaad a reao lotion endorilng the Dyer anti-lynch ing bill, calling upon the Maaiachua ett* delegation to preaa It and Sana tar Lodge I* the Ma**achu*etta dele gation In the Senate. i nr ncjfm ucie^iiKin i» aaia ui nave paaaed the word to lUpuhMcan Sena te r* that they had better get buey, that it *<■ the negro vote in Pitta burg and Philadelphia that proved the undoing of the Republican machine candidate for governor, Attorney General Alter, that Glfford Pinchot had endorsed the anti-lynchlng bill, while Alter had not anawered the letter aent him aaking hia poiitlon. Pinchot'* letter of endoraement of anti-lynrhing legislation la aald to have been watte red among the ne groea of Pennaylvania, that the 70,000 negro voter* had been circulariaed by the negro aaeoriation and Pinchot en dorsed, that the negro vote aided him ia turning the trick. And likewiae the negroe* aay the negroea' vote had .a big part in the victory of Beveridge over New in Indiana, that Beveridge came oat strongly for the anti-lynch tng bill, while Senatot New waa not apaciflc ia what he aaid. The negroea ware long on claims of what the negro vote did, and Senator Lodge ia aaid to have paid a call upn Senator Borah, a member of Senate Judiciary com mittee, following the vialt of the na gro delegation to him and to have urged a committee to report out favorably an anti-lynching bill, for lodge ia after vote* of all and any kind Joat now. on mere n a pipf Tine ltory urn the Senate Judiciary is going to be claw about reporting out either the Dyer or McCormiek billa, that there ii enough trouble on hand right now for the Republican party to wreetle with and that it ia beat that the snti-lynch tog billa b« permitted to alumber for a while longer. Rumor indeed goes even further than that, the report be in* that the Senate judiciary commit tee, if it is forced to report out an snti-lynching bill, will fire an un favorable report, taking the position that all there is in the matter la that thee i billa are merely matters of politics aM that at this time favorable action of an anti-lynehlng bill will be worse for the Republican party than Wing whipped into action by the ; Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Representative Dyer and Senator McCormiek both have large negro vetas to encounter and each want* to have an aati-lynching >111 paaeed. Representative Dyer is from the St. Loots District, with a big I<eg iu vote, and Senator McCormiek runs up against a big negro vote Hi TTHnols, sepecislly in Chlcaro They want to placate the than are Republican | hold that the matter brought forward prove a boomerang tor the tketognea will not bolt the Iter he i as to FORMER KAISER HAS MANIA FOR RELIGION in Fr»yr AiMiMdM, May n.—fomw Em peror William'* devotion to religion has piugtaaa *d to Ik* H*t of sun la, AtaM Von Tirpita, former minister of tha Ofnun navy, is reported to have toM a friend recently. The German ssKslser la deecribed •a spending tha greater part of each dap In reading tha Scripture*, com mentaries, wnaoni and atli*r rsli gious booka and in prajrar. Hia physical health appears to ba good, but tha members of hta antouraga at Dfeorn regard h|a mantel ateto with ■omr ssxlety. It la observed that hia lataraat in European affair* haa greatly di minished, Man German politic* find ing him somewhat unlntareated. Hia mind sppear* to live rather In tha paat than In tha pressnt, and he la on politic* and *ome on* speak* of the injustice of the world, to alluda with rfTtain melancholy and indiffer ence to what he term* tha falaa accu sal ion, of hia having "willed tha war." During hi* reign as emperor of the German empire. William waa primate of the I.utharan State Churrh of Prussia, and as such he always studi ed theology and cultivated expertness in defenss of Lutheran doctrine* and their application, Hia mind wa* often divtded in thoae day* between the study of military and rsllftous que*. Hons, but now hs I* said to bs sn thralled in religion* question* alone, to the exclusion of alt problem* of state-craft. Hi* mental outlook ■•ems to hare narrowed, and hi* rare visitor* find his mind shot In snd closed to present German affair* and the relation* between Gammy and the rest of tha European countries. Interesting ComaMat on Meteoric Display Wlngate, May *>.—Afaw 4*7* ago the papers carried a report of a ten ton metaor falling in Virginia. If this report is true this is th« Urgeat meteor that ha* fallen to the sarth In sevral year*, so far a* ha* bean re order. Meteor* are sometimes called •hoot ing stars. They are formed a bore the atmosphere and on entering the atmosphere around the earth they Iwcome very hot by the friction, and sometime* the meteors are consumed by the heat before reaching the earth. The meteors travl in an orbit around the sun, and a* soon as the atmos phere is reachad (he temperature is raiaed to 600,000 degree*. Sometimes the meteors vanish in ashes and dust about forty or fifty miles above the earth. They some times burst in five or tan milaa of the earth. The noiae is heard for aome distance. On Nover.ibar IS, 18SS, ona of the most brilliant meteoric ahowers re corded occurred, which has given November the name of beinf the month for meteoric diaplays. It is said that thee* diaplays arc periodic, becoming very brilliant every thirty three year*. Among the meteor* that have fallen to the earth are thirty-six and one half ton meteor brought from Green land by Peary, the discoverer of the north pole. Also one weighing thrre and one-half tons, now in the British museum, London. In Mexico there ia a large man* six feet wide and five feet thick weighing fifty tone. In Hungary in IBM a meteor fell mak ing a hole in the earth eleven feet deep. Llewellyn of Carolina Will Join the Yankee* Chape! Hill. May 1»— HumI Llewellyn, iter captain of Carolina'* State championship baseball club, participated in his last Stat* collegi ate came today, and will report to the New York Yankees Monday. Llew ellyn has mad* a remarkable record at Carolina. This season he tuu pitched his team to eleven victories, fire of which war* shoneots. Ho allowed a total of only four earned rons in these eleven frames. ' In the past three years he has not lost a single geese, and his four year's record at Carolina la In tt victories oat of 17 starts while not on the mound he has played a number of game* In the ooCMd and his hard hitting has figured In many victories. Llewellyn la from Do be on. He signed with the Yankees April tt ja Chariot teevflle. He secured his law ltceese last jeer, bet has dstldid la take a shot In the prefeaalonal ball field fee awMle. ROCKINGHAM BEATS now That CMnijf Goto MUUmi mmI • Half Mkn for H*rrf 5«r ImlUdi Danbury K<port*r Within the ant ftfktM montha lb# Htate Highway Coma 1mton will ■pond Marly or q»IU a million and • half dollara for hard rarfaca roada in our neighboring county—Rocking - Tho roada to bo built in that county art nil hard aurfaco and in between tho points mentioned below: Roidavilla to Wentworth, eight miles, coat about MM,000, work now •tartod on tba road. Loakavilla to Gunn's store. nino mllaa, coat about 1310,000, Hurray completed, contract to bo lat thia ■OHM, Madiaon to Msyodan, two allaa, ■urvey finished, coat about 160,000. Roidavilla to Guilford lino, aight miles; Roady Fork to Rockingham lino; Roidavilla to Virginia ltae, these three projocta of ID mtlra era estimated to coat about 9646,000, and contract for tbalr conatruction will bo lot aa aoon aa thoy are aurvayod. Tho above program will giva Rock Ingham county a total of thirty-seven mllaa of hard surface highway at • coat of one and a half million dol lars, whila Stokes la unable to induce the highway commas Ion so far to give us one hard surface road to the county erst. Several of thoee roada to be built in Rockingham will not have one-half the traffic ca them that goes over the road between Danbury and Walnut Cove. ' Dmipmt Still Hunting Sow body to Fight Him t New York, May It Jack Dempaey, and hli manager. Jack Kaami, w(U rvtum to the United State* on the Acquitania after a brief trip to Paria, tandon and Berlin. 1 an arrmMMnr a miirn match with Georges Carpenttor aome time within the next year. Boxing expert* pro fea* little faith in the polling power of the Carpentier match. Harry Will* negro heavyweight, looms aa the moit formidable of Dompeey'* rival*, and report* of an offer for a content between the.n In Montreal July 1 are coupled with statement* that Tex Rickard and Frank Floarnoy. Madinon Square Garden promoter*, will make them a proportion. M'Laaa Sign* up With Co operator* Raleigh, May 18.—One of the first acta of A. W. McLean upon expiration of hia t«r>r aa a member of the War Finance Corporation, waa to sign the five-year contract of the Tobacco Growers' Co-operative Association. Mr. McLean's contract covering M acres of tobacco on hia Robeson county farm near Lumberton, reached Ra leigh headquarters of the aaaoeiation yeaterday. As a North Carolina member of the War Finance Corporation, which has loaned millions of dollars to co operative marketing association* in the south, Mr. McLean has rendered distinguished service. Hi* connection with the 70,000 to baco growers who are aaaociated for co-operative marketing of this year's nop If the Carolina* and Virginia la welcomed by the leaden, of the move ment. Will hm Tried for Murder 29 Year. Ago North Wilkeeboro, May 12.—Vu. Wingler, of Union county townahip, who «u arreeted Tuesday by Deputy Sheriff Charlie Daney and brought to Wilkeeboro and placed in Jail, aa a result of a charge made hy John Shepherd that he murdered hia wife 29 yean ago, and will be given a pre liminary hearing at the Dancy school houae Monday, May If. The trial will begin at 10 a. m. and Solicitor I. J. Hayes will be present. David Roten, a justice of the paaee. and "Squire J. L. Turner, of tkk place, will hear the evtdenea in the ease. The charge which haf been Made against Wingler has attracted «n uaual attention thruout the aounty, and the onteoaas of the bearing Mon day will be waited with interest. B. Frank Mebane'a Liberal Offer Beidaville, May It—CoL B. Frank Mebane will pay the mend trip fare to Btehwanl in Jane «i the CenMar ate reunion for all Buhtaghaw county utarana who wfll attend. 9IDNA ALLEN AND THE EDWARDS Virginia fmpmr T«Ua Sim tht»a mt TUr Daily Li#« N«w — All Hipi to W Prat 9mm Day Dlacueeing Um probability of tha A lima Mid Edward* boy*, of Carroll county, # Vs., getting iMr priaon terma reduced, the Pwfflh b|M*r •ays: Incidentally an InteroeUag *lda light la *hed on tha (oar ckarwtm Skin* Allen, tha oldeat of Um mm aerving tanaa, Frial Allan, Sidney i and Wdelay Edwarda, tha laat three yoaiper men. Dee pit* their keog term* there la not a had mark againat tha record* of any. AN of them cling to the hope that one day thay may be free, hut tha confinement of the moun tain men who roamed the everlaating hill* of Carroll la laaa palling now than It waa when tha men need to freedom In Ita fullest terra felt keenly their raatiictlon*. Sidna Allan la daarribed by one maq who aaaa him every weak aa a apiritual man altho hi* view* on religion are peculiarly ad vanced. He holda to the belief that once a Christian no aia can be com mitted. Allan, in hia early day* a carpenter, ha* for aoma year* bean foreman of the ahop in the penitenti ary. He etand* little chance of out living hia long term of penal aervi tude. Down in hia heart ha fee la that he ha* suffered enough for hi* parti cipation In tha shooting. In hi* prim* he waa one of the Hchaat men In Carroll county and hia realdence la said to have been the second flneat in that county. Now, all of the fruit* of hi* labor* haa been diaaipated. Tha houae and all of hi* farming effect* were long *ince sold to satisfy ver dict* for damagea instituted by rela tives af the victims. \ Friel Allen and the two Edwarda tk»s have won piacaa aa truatiea in tie penitentiary. AtMMWrtbi wlnsome figure feeding tha aquirrel*. He ia or waa the private chauffeur of Major Jamea B. Wooda, superintend ent of the penitentiary who ha* re signed. While Major Woods attends meetings, Allen is allowed to roam about unmolested Ky the parked car. Elephant Com on Extwuiv* Rampage Wall®, Walla. Wash. May If— Tuiko described a* the largest ele phant in captivity is reported in a special dispatch to the Ledger today as peacefully consuming his fodder with • circus at Bellingham, Wash., after an afternoon, night and morn ing of a rampage that stretched for 80 miles from Sedro Woosley, Wash. Tusko hurled his keeper, H. Hand rickson, 30 feet in the air. Several of Hendrickaon's rib# wars broken. Tusko proceeded through the streets of Sedro Woo ley, capaising throe au tomobiles and turning a dance Into a riot. Then he headed for the hill*. Flattened fence* and orchards and calls from excited farmers and log gers betrayed Tusko's line of flight to several hundred men and boys In pursuit. At one logging camp Tusko uprooted three telephone poles. A farmer looking out of an upper story window, gased von the elephant's mighty back hunched in an unauccess ful effort to overturn the house. after breaking in Tusko ate hia fill and then proceeded onward. At dark Monday the several pur suers made camp in the woods, taking up tlie trail at daybreak yesterday. It was in a valley known as "the garden of Eden" that Tusko appar ently returned to normalcy as calmly and as suddenly as the spirit of ramp age had pose send him. Sauntering up to two other elephants that had been included among his pursuers, Tusko meekly permitted his recapture. No Flowon for Durhon Final. Durham, May 11,—For the first time in the history of the institution Southern Conssrrstory of Mask pupils in their annual concerts which began last night will be without flowers resulted from an order issued by Director Gflmor* Ward Bryant, who is of the opinion that while the bouquet* add flavor to the o neasia n for those so fortunate as to isoslis them, there Is danger of other stu dents feeling imbsrusMil. With this to rtew Mr. Bryant mads pufctts ao aktee the uuaaanatary opened that no flea ma are to bs allowed for cnmnnasaaaot. LIVELY CORPSE AGAIN IN JAIL Lm JMkMa. WW «HppH Bmmd, b Vary Math Alhw, DwpH» Affidavit* aa to Hie DmIk OimmM Patriot, May I* Lm Jackaoa. Guilford county aaa, Whoa. death tod been attoetod to to affldavita taoni to Mm • aaffta trato, «h hHogto to 1*11 ton Menday night to Dto«ty Sheriff Mike Caff ay from Dobson, county Mtt of 9uwff county. Ha aroat faca trial an a charge of operating • diatlUery. It la a atrange atory, wttk wmhw on tto part of borw probable hecauae of tto "daad" returning trf Ufa, atao eonaiderablo nJoMif to a dm a. Jackaon. of Oak Ridge townahip, was arrratad In thia county In March, I Ml. A Jonee want on Ma band, tot Jackaon dlaappaarad, latrlnf kla bondaman $600 to tto tod. A ffIda vita three In number, were fllad with Clerk of Court Maaon Gant, to tto affact that Jackaon waa dead, Jonaa trying to fat hla bond monay hack. One of tha affldarlta waa aworn to by a "Jamea Galllmora" and another to a "Manual Lone." Anottor purport ed to coma from Mm. It* Jackaoa, Jackaon** wlfa, all thraa of tto tffl davlta affirming that tto man diad In Greenville, S. C., one apecifying that ha waa a victim of typhoid fever. It waa alao atatod that tto man had workad for tha Sooth Atlantic Lumbar company. When Guilford officer* and tto aa tlcltor, John C. Bower, lnvaatigatod they found that no auch peraon tod worked for tto Sooth Atlantic Lumber company. Ona day Sheriff Aahbum. of Surry, waa here and waa told of the "death." He went back home, quietly inveetigated 'and aent word for the Guilford officer* to coma get their man. Tha affldavita aa to Jactooa'a death war* Bwuin to haiaia M*|Wnto V. W. Auburn, it i> aald. tt to ato within a mile of Amhurn for the paat year, further, it ia aaaerted that Manuel Long haa been using water out of the name spring aa tto "dead own." When diligent inquiry failed to re veal the location of Jackaon'* grave the Guilford authoritlea determined to get at the bottom of the matter, and they refuaed to return Jonaa tha bond he had put op. It 1* expected that a thorough in veatigation will be made into all the circumstances aurmunding the affi davit*. European Crop Proepocta Now Lom Encouraging Wuh., May 18.—European crop prospecta arc laaa encouraging than last month, with particularly unfavor able report* from Franca and Ger many. T1m only change for the bat tar is in the winter wheat area of Rumania, placed at 4,971,000 acrea, compared with an earlier eatimate of 3.697,000 acrea. The European winter grain acreage, omitting Auatria, Eng land and Ireland, shows a decline from laat year of at leaat 2,000,000 acrea in wheat aaadinga. Larger rye Bow ing* amount to 2,000,000 acrea, ahnoat entirely in Poland. The pros pee ti are that even under more favorable conditions from now on, the wheat harveat will fall considerably short of laat seaaon. Despite currency derangement, Eu rope baa imported, since Aug. 1, 1921, 40,000,000 bwhala of whaat mm than in previous year. Of total im ports of 174,000,000 bushels, the United Kingdom imported 112,000,000 buahels direct, and 82,000,000 in order. Expectations of a greatly increaaed European sugar crop will probably not be realixed, owing to had weather, labor shortage, and diaplacement by more profitable crope. It aoems im probable that production will mere than cover domestic needa. Farm labor ie plentiful in Franee, Italy and Poland, bat an an usual atartHy exiata in Germany. Montreal, May 1.—-Sevan Haw machine* with a total rated capacity of Stt ton* of newsprint dally *m brought into operation in Canada dur ing Ml, bringing the maxfams daily production of newsprint up to SMS ton#, or \mm too. a . year. Two additional Mills are now In the course of eoNtfwetlon, and are ex pected to be In operation shortly. These will bring Canada's ■ml— NEGRO YOUTH If BURNED AT STAKE Mr*. William carrier af thia - ttjr, i Atktna, It yoar old M|N boy, *m burned at the atake at tlx o'clock t» The lynching occurred it tkm of tka mordoc. mm* Am tM | mm from aararaJ aowtW or taking put, ucoHlnf to 1 After being tortured witk • alow (In fur ftlMM mnutee, tke mob lot* an ad tka trace chain* tkat Wi At ktn« to • pirn traa and plaaad Ua •eared body ill tka middle of tka Mil highway. Ha waa eonacioua, in pain. Tba mob damanded to If tkerv vara other* eonnoetad wKk tba murder. Atkina, it waa aaid. namad Jobs Henry Travrra. an»thar young i boy, whom ha aaid waa tka only i paraon eonnoetad with it. Ha Ipd previoualy connected hia brother with Mara bar* of tba mob raiaad hia body again, faatanad It to the pine traa, hi an upright poaition, r*-kindled tka fir* at tka baae of the traa and tkan atood off, giving thoae in tba crowd opportunity to fire akota into tka body. Undertaken who obtained the body following the lynching »ay that mora than 200 ahota entered hi the efeairad body. Immediataly after completing tka lynching tke mob eat oat to find Tnr ver, determined on lynching him tf he can be found. The road* in this taction were thronged with automobilea, mora than 300 can being at the acaae of tka lynching. ■kwtff 8andenville for aafa keeping. Tka mob made no effort to harm thaae negroea, howerer. During the aftarnoon the mob that waa determined to catch the negro who did the killing, whipped tka At kina negro aevefely tevenl tiraaa, demanding the namci of thoae who were implicated in tke caae. Ha aaid hi* brother. Slim, and Tarver with him. i nc neg|o sala tnat he snot Mia. Kitchens, a bride of a month, with a »hot-gun, determined to get possct sion of the woman'* automobile and make a dream of the night bafora come true. He shot her aa the stop ped at a mail box at the roadside. The dream, ha said, waa that ha »W going to train poaaeaaion of a ear. Although the negro boy waa large for hia age, officer* of Washington county believe that he had aaaiatanea, for the body of Mrs. KiteMa waa dragged fifty yards from the aeana of the killing. The Mall sack was a hundred yards away, the contacts having been removed. The cash waa kept in a cigar box, which the nagrs boy said be took home. It waa foand there. After disposing of the body and the mail sack. Atkins said ha drove straight home. He said he told hte father that hia draam had come true, and then after changing his clothing he invited members of his family ta ride with Mm. In the maaiiHma ha had saaaared mod over the Mood stains on the outowoMle. Sid Lewis, a fanner passing the scene of thf crime, found the body of Mrs. Kitchens after she had bean shot. He had heard the shooting, bat had difficulty In locating the body. Lewis telephoned thia information to Sheriff English at SaadanvOla and poaaee ware qaiekly on the trail af the 1 layers. They soon fooad the automobile, Charlie Atkine being at the wheel. Aatomobilaa filled with excited Man who went to the steal af the eriase bristled with rite and aha*

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