MOUNT AIRY, NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY. ARLI.M1ED 1 • > 0 NCW VIRGINIA WHISKEY LAW A*L > i-l U aRMftf vniwr r r oviitona 11 Pw»ll««i MomUmn WW WUmmlmttmn fmUum iMXIb, Vh, June IT.—Virginia's IMM liquor law will tniwi op «Urt tomorrow. TIm Mi law I* far WD •tni>r»nt than the oU Mapp **t which has been materially rwllil Om of it* Moat Important provi aieae la that law officers wban they have raaaon la •□■pact a vehicle eMtaining liquor, can March it wtth «lt the formality af a warrant. This ealy applies la tha transportation of apfcrite and dwellings cannot be aatar aJ without a March warrant. After tomorrow Judgea of tha aasrta will ba prohibited from •»< paiding jail Mntaace* Ik ,m« of eeavtction unlaw tha amount of liquor involved 1* leas than ona ration. An athar ptwiaion la that pfaon* con victed of violations of tha law and who 4a not pay thair finea must work out saptecrim on the state convict force. Tha law also provide* that wfrerever a deadly weapon is found on prrsonr accused of making or transporting liquor or wherever a weapon is found in proximity to him, this shall ronsti tut* a felony punishable upon convic tion by a term in the penitentiary of #doi 1 to 8 years. This feature Is designed to curb tha habit of pistol carrying on liquor cars and therefore a constant menace to law »nforce meat officers. New requirement* arc set forth for druggists before they shall Mil liquor on prescription. It la made aa offense to manufacture a still without registering It and any person found to hare manufactured at aald liquor containing poisonous elaasrnta •hail ba amenable for attornptferg murder with a penalty ranging from I to 10 years. Prohibition officers alao aa* requir ed to be the new with the liquor to the klgtier anttorl tt*a. Failure to do thia win mean 'prosecution of the officer for a mis demeanor with * penalty which in* Ma botk fine and imprin—sm giving llqupr to * minor la puaishabl* •ad tha haHtue i* under tha new law, raquired to toll whan he got hi* whiakey from wh*n tried. Law enforcement ofTkwn am given the opportunity of changing tha venae «f trial In ruM vkm shootings have Ukn plar* aid la which tha •Mean an charge* with wotredin* or killing persona. At preaent It la tha Judge who ihtoiuilnw where the trial ahall take place. Under tha new law if the officer* state* to the court that ha ia ef tha opinion that he cannot fat a fair trial at tha point of the commiaaion of crime, the judge most change It. Ooauoonwealth's attorneys under' the new law will be allowed to prove tha general reputation of persona charged with violating the law, this hi jay considered a radical <iep«rturc froan the present law. Sff aits That Bryan Go to Summer School Morgan ton, W. Vs., June IS.—Dr. E. C. Spangler, profaaaor of botany a* Watt Virginia University, has sent 41 letter to William Jennings Bryan, •jQgoating that both of them go to UN University of Chicago summer aAool and take a coona hi evolution modem Christianity. The letter la one of an exchange batwstn tha professor and Mr. Bryan, gnfiag oat of the latter1! offer of 91M to the men who could harmonise evolution and tha Bible. Profeeaor Spangler -Uiroed the 9100 and Mr. Br^an awarded It "under protest," asking a seriea of aew queationa. ia his letter today, the profaaaor aaid: "Ton should take tha trouble to in IMp yourself on some of the oorasaon fMh tha* prove evolution to be tha trafe as wall as to learn how to te nant the Bible, according to modem views af Christianity and tha natnral law* of tha untveraa." Bo Patiaak Tan cannot harry If poa am tatdh -teg children, especially tf thay be Mda rtapM chfldrsa. Tea must UNCLE RUFE GETS NOMINATION Stat* Board Daclaraa Mr. Hay ■mm to k Wlmir Ow Mr. M«|dn At • Mitlni of tha State b*ri o4 Election* told in Raleigh laat Ttora day, R. L. lUyin vm <wiiw< Um Bspahlt-fin nnmtass for Ik* Stat* lauU from Hurry aad Matoe eeaa tiee. On tto (•« of tto wteiw Mr. Hajmon ha* a majority of U mt Ma opponent 8. A. Mafitn, tot Mr. Mafilrt carried tto matter trfiri tha State Board contending that certain irregularities gava him tto nomina tion. After aeveral hoof* of datola on both (idea tto Board certified Mr. Hajrmora aa tto candidate of tha Republican party by a majority of els votaa in Surry and Btotoa. Tto following from tha Newa and Otoerver, Raleigh, tells how tto con teat want off: Five ho on of mora or leea impae aionad oratory failed to more tha North Carolina Stata Board of Klec tiona whan it met yesterday to can vaaa the rcturna from tto June Srd primary and the Board adjourned with Its record for not going behind tto return* abaolutely intact. On tto faoa of tto retmaa in toad it wan written that Bate Haymora ia tto nominee of tto Republieaaa in tha Twenty-third aenatorial district and ha waa ao declared. All tto morning waa required to threah out the tangle brought down by tto venerable Rufe Haymora aad young 8. A. Magain from tto Twen ty-Tbird diatrict, broken only once when tto Board retired for consulta tion on potato railed by tto Hay more lawyer*. He waa repraaentod by Pou, Bailey and Pou, W. 0. Brigg* and McCargo. Magulre waa repra aentod by W. f. Carter, of Mount Airy. county. Maguira uentended that Stoke* had no bus knee* in tto prV mary whataoever, that ttor* la aa agreement whereby Barry eounty get* tha Senator thia year, and that to tod woo by a large laajerity in Surry. Haymorr got rery few vetaa la hi* own county, tot mopped up In Stakea. Direct fraud waa not charged open* ly, but a raat array of hrregularitiaa, culminating In the falhna of tto Judge* In IS precinct* to attoet tto return mad* to tto county board. Record of this neglect waa nantalned in the return made to tto State Board, but Haymors had affidavits from them all that tto return* reflected tto reaulta. ' ' 'A mf nrvi issue was arawn mround the contention that an i|miimit on rotation of the senators hip was in effect for a long time, and that In year* when Surry had the Senator, Stoke* kept out of the field. Haymore contended that tha Stats Board h»d no evidence of an agree ment, and that it reeogniaed the ab sence of an agreement by sending hallota into the district. Both candi date* recognized the abeence of an agreement when both filed their no tices with the State Beard instead of the county board, aa it the case when an agreement is made. After an hour's speech by W. F. Carter, in which it waa charged that Maguire had been doable tn—sJ b* Chartee Jones, former Senator and present revenue officer, 3. W. Bailey ■abed the Board to rale on the matter of whether an agreement existed. The Board retired, and after ten minutes returned with the decision that no agreement exiated, and that a primary waa in order. On the second iaaue of irregulari ties, backed by allegations that the re turn* were not attested, and that many of the townahlpa mailed them to the county hoard, or sent th*M by anyone paaaing, Mr. Bailey contended that none of theee things wore ef major Importance. T%e irregularities Wrs smoothed out by attaata mads by election judges subsequently Returning to the fray Mr. Carter declared that the Board had ruled on a technical Interpretation of the law In declaring that no agrsieait existed, and he now deosandsd that a technical taterpwtfttfon b% nadt of the irregular!tiae alleged and aMt tod. This the board declined to 4a, consultation, declared Hayssore ths Debate waa at tfcnaa near boil ing paint, and at one J—Itoi I M> Bajam ge to Ma feat wttfc Weed M Us sga,^Uel«H^thrt^hs^wejU Carter. Hi* lawyr* pa* had hiai haak into hi* Mat «rvd Mr. Carter u ■and kw that ka mmi no mOecttea Mr Bailey pwawtej ikr mt for Mr. lUymaw. Mr. Brtgga spoke »ary briefly. CUM Falls fa Wall Ami ta HourW. Jm ,17.—Margie. the 1S ssonth* old daaftMtr of Mr. and Mra. H. W Pljrlar, af tka Prospect com munity af MM townahlp, fall hi • It foot wall Wadneaday aftarnoon about I a'eack and was either killed by tha fall or diuwued bafora it could ba r«Kcn*d. Tka fathar and mother of tka eklld together wHh hired kanda war* at work in a naarbjr flaM and several children had baaa laft at homa with Mr*. Jackson Plylar, a neighbor, who want to tka flak1 to carry water to tka hand* at work. Tha baby with two other small children warr laft at tha house for tka faw minutes it took Mr*. Plylar to carry tka watar and v hen aha returned tha baby wsa mlss inp. Tha fattlMt and utotker af tka child war* summoned and a *aareh wan Inxtitutad and it wai toon appre h. rtd«-d that tha child muat have failan in tha wall. Ranca 8 tame*, ona of Mr. Plyar'a hand*, rnada an attempt to go down in tha well by (tapping on rockf with which tha wall wai walled, but thay ware loos* and ha couid not go down without irraatly endangaring hi* own Ufa. It waa naeaasary to *and to Monro* for a rope bafora tka body could ba axtricatad from tha daap well, when Starne* want down on tha ropa and fastened it around the body o!T the child, took It tn hli arms and XI drawn to the top. Tha child I bean In tha wall for an hoar or mora and tha tody had risen to the top of tha water whan It was reached. Kfllt Negro Who Throotena Her his way Into the hOMe of Milliken. a white fanner, n»»r Os borne, five I8a<h of Hamlet,! William MeGh4fip«9t|i *» •hoc. dead by Mr*. DidNftiiTWilllkan, Son-] day morning. The negro, it U Hid. forced wajr into the houae carrying a brick ia each hand and threaten his the Me of the white woman, who waa at home alone, except for her email children. It ia alleged that the negro entered the house (wearing, saying h<- would get her then and Mr. MHliken later. Then it wm that Mrs. Milliken grabbed shotgun, which Was nearby, and fired upon the negro at close range, killing him instantly. It ia said the negro waa considered a bad character in the neighborhood, and that he had threatened both Mr. Milliken and hit wife, Mr. Millikeh at that time ordering him to stay off the premiaes. Democrat Lands Job for Post mastership lumber ton. June 17.—Ira Leon Mc Gill was appointed postmaster of! Lumberton for a period ef four year*. Monday by President H.irding. Mc Gill waa named as acting postmaster here on June 1, eoccedVtag D. D. French, who resigned. He waa one of the three whose names appeared on the eligible list for the local post age. Mr. McGill wan given military preference, having served the Post office Department of the United States army both at Camp Jackaoo and in Prance during the World War. He had the endorsement of the Ameri can Legion, being an officer of the local poat of that organisation. | Mr. McGill's appointment came somewhat as s surprise to many, however, he being a Democrat, while the other two eligible* are Republi cans. W. H. K inlaw and ft. O. 8d 1 munds, local Republicans, ware also 1 candidates tor the local poatmaste ship, hot neither made the eHgMe list. I Hickory to Pop $50,000 For Hickory, Jane IS.—City 1 elected Tuesday and four «or> to ha ; eleatod within a few days will no , the eoat of paying | Hickory youth to IMjOOO a year, ttj waa estimated by Sopt. ft. W. Ca hi submitting his Hat to etty val. The total oaot of *o schools wUI am mart to ' PREACHERS WANT FEWER CHURCHES C—l«riMii Urga4 Durkaa, J mm 14— Confirm*** of th* MatMW church ta North Caro lina it tMr mm masting will b* urged u> mMk th* ImMn of consolidation of cowrtry church** to P*— id by minister* ta itftow it Trinity College la sssslo* km. TIm motion* w*r* pas*sd by t b* m ini*t*n white meeting u • committee of the whole to consider (|0*etl0n* relative to country church work to North Caro lina. Attendance at tk* icfcool for minister*. provided hy tk* Nortk Carolina conference*, at Trinity ka« numbered 290. « Plan* war* explained at tk* meeting whereby training schools for Sunday | school and church worker* will b* established in places hlttprto out uf tk* reach of this work. This broad ening of work dealing with religious, training cornea through action of tk* committee superintending tk* Sunday school activities of tk* church Under tk* system worked out by tk* oom mitto* SO minister* wars gieen special training at th* summer school at Trinity on condition that they should establiah tralniag schools to run from on* we«k to ten day* in their locali ties. At th* morning ****ion of th* ministers Dr. W. p. Few, president of Trinity, outlined plan* for the enlarg ing nf th* work of th* dspartaaent of Biblical litoratur* and religious training *t Trinity to a full school of religious training. In an abto appeal Or. Few calted upon th* ministers to lend their snpf m* to the plan* and to carry th* massage of th* plaas back to their people. "If we eould iiliafc properly any one generattea of chM rja, we could change th* «tta* faee of tke world," was oae of the striking statement* mad* by Dr. Few. Operation J una U,—Two recent| inventions, en surgical and the other •lectrical enabled a girl at Sam art Un hoapital to undergo two uang - eroua operations, and remain uniting | thraout. Om waa a spinal anaeetheeia, | which numbed the girl's body fr her ahanldera downward, making tier oblivious to physical agony The other waa the radiophone, through which ■he heard Mcfomick, Paderewski adn other artlata execute their maittr pieeea. The experiment waa conducted by Dr. John Howard Frick, in an effort to alleviate the mental torture which hia patient, naturally a nervous ton would have had to endure the! knife. During the firat operation, for ap pendicitia, the girl remained oblivioua of the surgeons. The radio receiver •trapped over her eara, her only com ment waa that ahe could "hear perfect ly" the (trains of music coming through apaee. The second operation waa for the removal of gall stones. Through it the patient entertained the nursea with laughing comment on the 'good execntion'of the artist who waa I mltttog Cbapte far bar. 8foe offered occasional criticism when, ahe | said, the pedalling waa at fault. She waa on the operating table 46 minutes. Her pulae remained con stant through tout. Dr. Prick asserted at the end of the experiment $200,000 of Stroot Work for| Raids ville ReidsviUe, Jane 17.—The letting of | the paving contracts by the town com missioners attracted a large number of repreaentattvea of contracting firms from four or five atatea, and keen Interest waa aha am in the read ing af the aealed bids Elliott and eons, ot Spartanburg, 8. C„ were awarded the ooatraot for the pavement. Their Md waa fl.« par square yard. The Atlantic Bitalithic company, af ! the eootract The total amount of TARIFF FUT ON PEOPLE'S SACK Start Uryki 1»<im ■ KikkM, Stjri iwMH Wash., Jan* 14.—Tha itilillHl tton tariff Mil in suhjoaIsd to m other general attach today in tin cral, North Carolina, «kt Mm Um i—IWii duty of M par casK, ai kImmk oa raad ud willow furoitnr —which inhao<|Ui ntljr vu tppwifid was illustrative at tha plan of th Majority aa outlined to tha whole Mil "You a tart '■ tk* kttchaa, Wrytoi heavy dultaa on kitchen uwmiN am war*." aaid Dm senator. Nut yw impoM a heavy tax on tableware an then you go after tha furniture to Ui bona, levying • duty of <0 par can on furniture to common aaa through out the country. "If you can tall ma anything of can sequence entering into tha househol or the building of tha homa or tha gwra on tha hacks of tha people ot which you have not increased th, I don't know what it to. I this tax is for ret anus, than I say t you do not go into tha hoi as of th people to tax tha necessities to raia a revenue." Senator Simmons arguad that ■ * per cent, duty coo Id not ha Justifies from a pro tact tonal standpoint, ho this was disputed by Chairman Mc Cumber, of tha finance committee,'aiv Senator Townsend, Republican, Mich I gan, who prsaantsd figures to shot that this duty was not sufficient t< equalise the difference batween tk. coat of production to this country in in China and Japan. Attacking what ha described as tin "furniture trust," Senator King Democrat, Utah, said this "trust had cbarfed moraous prion, Mptdtl ly during tha war, and that If then was anything that could ha dona b force tha lowering of prices, it shook Senator Uadsemead, of Alabama the Democratic leader, gave aotlei when the wood schedala waa taken u| that at the proper time he would mort to res tors logs of fir, sprues, eadai and western hemlock to tha free list 128,000 MEN I* LIMIT FIXED FOR THE ARMY Houte and SmwU CoaftfMt Finally A|Tm « That Num ber for Noxt Yaar Wash., June 17.—Boom and senaU conferees on the army appropriate bill reached a compromise lata todaj on an army of 125,000 enlisted met for the next It month*. * This represents a reduction of 8,00< from tha senate figure and an in creaaa of 10,000 ovar the size of Um army fixed by tha house Decision as to tha conference ra ports on the enlisted strength leave* only two important sections of thi annual supply bill to be considered cxcluaive of the Muscle Shoals amend mant approving $7,600,000 for a con tinuatfon of work on the federal powei project in tha Tennaaaaa river. It already has been agreed by th< conference committee that the qoea tion should be submitted direct to th< house because of the controvaraia character of the subject involved Chairman Wadaworth, of the sanati military committee, said that on!) tho fteea dealing with the office) strength and the national guard pro visions remain to be determined. It is expected that a reduction fron the number of officer* fixed by th< senate would follow the compromiw aa to enlisted personnel. The hon*« fixed a maximum of 11,000 a* Um number of officer* while the sanati amendment put the officer strengt) at an average of 12.M0 for the com ing year. Diaputa Ovar Liquor Start* Riot on Skip Washington, June II—Diapuu over a quart of whiskey was laid fc have started the riot ao a steamei plying between Washington and i Potomac river Mart last eight hi i 80,000 DAMAGE SUIT FOR DEATH OF STUDENT Railway fey RaUbrws «ff J Cm. T. f«arlM Durham. Jane I«.--««it for damag* M the m »f t6C,000 has grown eat of the utMwt at the Raleigh eiwh| at the Virginia-Carolina Chamisat (X. plant February U, IMS, wkm s Southern gsilmsd witch engMs aa4 an auSosaobil* filled w*». Ual I Ml . of Carol ma studmts sullided. NNk tng the of throe s«»Wn aM the driver irf tkf MhmUI< i TH* nit is brought strains* Um I floothsm its I way et al, la tha sans at the estate of George T. Peoples, one mt tha University students instanUy UM in Um craah, for tha wan of wo**. The complaint, filed in Um office mt Um dark of Um sup*nor court Wed uasdsy .morn lag, decarae that on Um no nunc o{ February 17, fw|lw, la c ompany with other students wu M tuminf to Chapal Hill from Raleigh, in a hired car ovnad by J. T. Durham and drivan by T. B. Bryant. It to •tatad that tha crossing ia particularly dangerous bacauaa tha view of ap p roach ing train* from tha sooth ia art off by tha chaasieal plant buildings. a fact which, it ia claimed, tha Southern railroad and th* engineer in chart* wen a war*. Tha complaint also claims that tha driver of tha autoauhile iiuwed daw before attempting tha croeeing and that the engine waa dnvea north acroaa th* tracks at a rata of apaad dangerous and unlawful under tha circumstances. Tha eompUUnt fur ther alleges there waa no light on tha rear of tha engine or tender, that th* engine was moving backward and that tha whistle was not blown nor was Um bell rung. The complaint stataa that Puplm was killed instaaUy whsa Um car was strash with such Isms ss M demolish * entirely and that the ear was dragged for about sas hidrsd feet before the angina stopped. Paoplee is duarftid as a yooag msn of shout tl years of age, a gra duate of the textile department, Nsrth Carolina A. and E. Collsgo, s graduate student st the University of North Carolina. Whether or not the suit will hs brought in the case of the other two students killed In the sccident It Is not known. The case will come up fes September. ! Shriners Opm Their Meeting in FrUco San Francisco, Jan* 14.—The Im perial Council of the Ancient Rabic Order. Noble, of the Mystic Shrine, was welcomed to California and 8m Francisco here by Governor Stephen* and Mayor Rolph, both members of the Shriaa. The growth of the organisation from 67,000 members when it mat ta San Francisco 20 years ago to aa en rollment of mors than 600,000 at tW present times was described by Ernest Ailea Cutts, of Savannah, Ga., Im perial Potentate. "The Shrine always has stood far aa open Bible, aa open church and aa open school," he said. "If we ha^ not been a God-fearing body of MM could we thus have prospered?" After the addresses ef council which will Thursday. choosing of imperial coming year, the admisaion of new templee and the selection of Us next meeting place.

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